
  1. What is called "parking"?
  2. Independent procurement of raw materials
  3. The use of bags with herbs in the bath
  4. Varieties of vegetable essential oils
  5. Steaming process and use
  6. Rating of popular steam baths for 2025

Rating of the best steam baths for 2025

Rating of the best steam baths for 2025

What Russian banya can do without a broom and fragrant steam saturated with the smells of herbs? High-quality fragrant zaparka will create a comfortable pastime in a bath or sauna with benefits for the human body.

What is called "parking"?

Since ancient times, our ancestors used medicinal herbs and their preparations for health. Steaming them for a couple, they inhaled it and, along with bathing, received a healing effect.It was not for nothing that all ailments were driven out with the help of a Russian bathhouse with a broom and parkas.

During the warm season, knowledgeable people collected all kinds of herbs, collected them in bouquets, dried them, and then used them as a medicine or a poultice.

At present, those who like to take a steam bath in a sauna or a bath do not have time to look for places, collect the necessary herbs, and then process them and dry them. Therefore, you should contact any store with accessories for the bath and purchase special parkas there. They look like small fabric bags (necessarily made of natural linen) filled with chopped herbs or their mixture, as well as packaged disposable bags (similar to tea bags).

Independent procurement of raw materials

In order to independently harvest medicinal herbs for further use, you must have certain knowledge in this area. To collect plants, you must consider:

  • The area where the required variety of grass grows. A prerequisite is its remoteness from public roads and industrial facilities.
  • Properties of each plant, for which it is used.
  • Botanical features: flowering time, ripening, fruiting.
  • Collection period to achieve maximum effectiveness from the application.

After the grass has been harvested, it must be properly dried. This is done in a well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. Next, the raw material is crushed and stored in glassware. The prepared raw materials retain their useful properties for 2-3 years. Packed in bags should be immediately before use. All prepared zaparkas are used once, but bags made from natural fabrics can be used several times.

The use of bags with herbs in the bath

Depending on the equipment of the bath, the use of steams is different.

So, if the room has a heater, then prepared herbal infusion should be watered in small portions, after wetting it at least twice with clean water. In this case, precautions must be taken due to the possible excess of the concentration of essential oils in the composition of the steam. Their influence on each person is different, therefore, in order to avoid feeling unwell, it is recommended to use the minimum dosage with a consistent increase.

If a steam generator is used in a sauna or bath, then to saturate the steam with an infusion of medicinal herbs, it is sprayed on the walls and shelves.

Many consumers of such products have a natural question, why can't you use herbs without bags or sachets? The answer is pretty simple. When watering with infusion with possible inclusions of Kamenka grass, its remnants can settle on it and subsequently exude the smell of burning. At the same time, the use of a pouch with a parka has some advantages. After preparing the infusion, it is recommended to apply it to parts of the body as a medicine or cosmetic.

Varieties of vegetable essential oils

Each of the plants contains essential oils that act on the human body. Therefore, before visiting steam rooms or saunas using herbal steams, it is necessary to carefully study their composition and effect. The result of the visit will depend on this knowledge, whether you get pleasure or health troubles.

So, the following are the characteristics of some herbs with essential oils.

One of the leading places is occupied by coniferous parks.Their action is to relieve tension and fatigue after a difficult work week. They also partially have an antimicrobial property, which plays an important role in case of weak immunity.

Peppermint is one of the strongest sources of essential oils. It is highly effective in the treatment of colds, facilitates the course of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, has an invigorating and tonic property.

Eucalyptus has an additional and fixing effect on a sore throat, bronchi, cough and similar phenomena. The high content of essential oils in it provides an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Chamomile, familiar to us since childhood, soothes and disinfects the skin well.

Hops help relieve stress after a hard day and stimulate the immune system.

Essential oils of wormwood perfectly cope with headaches, increase the efficiency of the body.

Linden contributes to the active removal of fluid, which contributes to weight loss, has a calming effect, and has effectively shown itself in the fight against insomnia.

The use of meadowsweet helps to relieve inflammation, improve the structure and condition of the hair.

The use of sweet clover has a beneficial effect on high blood pressure, bringing it back to normal, helps to eliminate convulsive reactions, helps to cope with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, has effectively shown itself in the fight against skin inflammation in the form of boils, abscesses, and accelerates the process of maturation of abscesses.

A lifeguard for people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system is a saber. It eliminates pain in the joints, intervertebral discs, with arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, osteochondrosis.

Therefore, based on individual needs, one should carefully select the appropriate herb or herb mixture so that it benefits each individual or all members of the company.

Steaming process and use

To get the maximum effect from zaparka, it is necessary to properly prepare and apply it. According to the recommendations of experts, the sequence of the process is as follows:

  1. Pour 5 liters of hot, but not boiling water into a steaming container (it can be a special steamer or a tub).
  2. Place a bag or sachet with zaparka in it for 15-20 minutes.
  3. After that, carefully remove the grass or collection with a bucket and leave it for a while in the room. The remaining phytoncides will fill it with aroma and useful substances.
  4. Pour a ladle of clean hot water over the stove.
  5. When the steam dissipates, after 15-20 seconds, splash a small amount of herbal infusion. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

If anyone present in the bath has contraindications or individual intolerance to the components of the steaming, it is better not to use it in order to avoid complications.

Rating of popular steam baths for 2025

According to many visitors to baths and saunas with zaparkas, the following fees are the most commonly used.


This herb contains vitamins, mineral salts, formic acid and tannins. When using infusion vapors, they enter the human body through the respiratory tract and pores of the skin and contribute to both improving well-being, filling organs with energy, and serving as a prevention of colds.

If such a parka is used regularly, then it will perfectly relieve chronic fatigue, relieve accumulated stress, and stabilize blood pressure.Nettle proved to be very effective when exposed to the skin, which becomes more elastic and elastic. Also, all pustules, small cuts and wounds heal faster.

zaparka for the bath Nettle
  • benefits for internal organs;
  • improves skin quality;
  • has antiseptic, tonic, healing properties;
  • great price (average 75 rubles).
  • in case of individual intolerance, it can cause an allergic reaction.


Remarkably awakens the protective functions of the body this plant. It is able to restore mental strength, relieve chronic fatigue even after severe emotional overload. The benefits of juniper are also justified in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Women note the high effect of the plant on the condition of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté by smoothing it and eliminating wrinkles.

zaparka for a bath Juniper
  • has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, rejuvenating effect;
  • a powerful stimulant of the body's defenses;
  • useful in the treatment of colds;
  • budget cost (about 75 rubles).
  • overdose can lead to allergic reactions.

"Five Herbs"

This collection is made up of five varieties of medicinal herbs, the ratio of which helps to maximize and combine all the beneficial properties. When it is steamed, the room is filled with a bouquet of aromas that bring not only pleasure, but also great benefits. Mint, which is part of the collection, will remove the headache, calm the nervous system, relieve fatigue and tension. It will have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. It is complemented by the wonderful smell of sweet clover. It eliminates insomnia, irritability, hysteria, melancholy, neurasthenia.Helps women during menopause. Good for bronchitis. Thyme contributes to the overall bouquet. As an excellent antidepressant, it will calm aggression and neurasthenia, relieve fatigue. It is of great importance in the fight against severe cough, bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma. Eliminate skin rashes of infectious origin. Strengthening the action of thyme is complemented by sage. It produces a powerful "blow" on coughs, pneumonia and other colds and viral diseases. He will not leave aside skin lesions in the form of purulent wounds, fungal areas, burns, psoriasis. Yarrow has a fixing effect in this collection. By increasing the blood circulation of the skin, it contributes to its speedy recovery and giving a beautiful appearance. It is an anticonvulsant that "provokes" the appearance of a good appetite.

zaparka for a bath Five herbs
  • complex effect on internal organs and skin;
  • high collection efficiency;
  • great quality;
  • wonderful aroma;
  • budget price (within 75 rubles).
  • may cause individual intolerance to one of the components.


This team of parka has become indispensable among people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. All the plants included in it have a strong calming effect. They contribute to the normalization of blood pressure, have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, bring them into excellent condition. One of the components of the collection is mint. Possessing a vasodilating effect, it normalizes heart palpitations and improves blood circulation. Enhances its properties motherwort, which has similar properties. Plus, it's great for lowering blood pressure. The chamomile effect speaks for itself.Its action on blood vessels makes them more elastic and durable. Also, the aroma of this bouquet has a general sedative effect that improves sleep, well-being and creates a cozy and pleasant atmosphere.

zaparka for a bath Heart
  • pleasant relaxing effect;
  • powerful complex action;
  • structuring the work of the entire cardiovascular system;
  • excellent selection of components;
  • optimal cost.
  • in the presence of individual sensitivity to the ingredients must be used with caution.

"Velvet Skin"

This set of medicinal herbs, carefully selected according to their properties, will become an indispensable cosmetic component for skin care during bath procedures. Filling the room with a pleasant menthol aroma of mint and eucalyptus, the essential oils of all components penetrate through the open pores of the skin into its deep layers and produce truly miracles. Mint removes its excessive greasiness, cleanses, eliminates minor inflammation, reduces acne, saturates the color. With an anti-inflammatory effect, eucalyptus enhances the previous herb's fight against inflammation, wounds and irritation, and also gives the body firmness and elasticity. The result of the action is summed up by nettle, which eliminates pigmentation, slows down the aging process and tones the skin.

steam bath Velvet leather
  • high collection efficiency;
  • wonderful aroma;
  • excellent skin care;
  • budget price.
  • manifestation of sensitivity to constituent components is possible.


This parka is especially popular in the autumn-winter period, when colds, infectious and viral diseases are rampant everywhere. It can be used both for preventive purposes and to eliminate existing symptoms.Saturated with the smell of thyme, blackberry, sage, steam penetrates the respiratory tract, eliminating all foci of the disease. It makes breathing free, thins and helps to remove sputum, produces a tonic and tonic effect on the entire body.

zaparka for bath Breath
  • excellent effect in respiratory diseases;
  • high-quality composition;
  • nice smell;
  • budget price.
  • people with high sensitivity use with caution to avoid allergic reactions.


An exclusively male set of medicinal herbs has an excellent effect on the restoration and functioning of the urogenital area. St. John's wort, which is part of the composition, makes the endocrine glands work actively, which directly affect the increase in potency. Also being a powerful aphrodisiac, it can significantly increase intimate passion. The sage included in the collection gives confidence in one's strengths and abilities. Yarrow has a special effect for the elderly. It improves the quality of potency, has a positive effect on the production of testosterone.

steam bath for men
  • excellent stimulating qualities;
  • excellent selection of composition;
  • high efficiency;
  • optimal price.
  • allergic reactions are possible in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the collection.


Very effective and pleasant this zaparka. It always reminds the smell of summer, as it contains strawberry leaves. Filling with its aroma, complemented by a healing effect, the infusion truly immerses the relaxed soul and body in great pleasure.Complemented with the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory action of St. John's wort and the property of nettle, which eliminates chronic fatigue and nervous tension, the collection gives a powerful boost of vigor and vitality.

zaparka for the bath Cheerfulness
  • very pleasant smell;
  • excellent effect;
  • quality composition;
  • budget cost.
  • individual intolerance to the components.


This parka is well suited for people involved in increased mental activity. It is the needles that help relieve stress, severe fatigue and nervous strain by calming the nervous system. A trip to the bathhouse with coniferous infusion will replace a long walk through a similar forest, during which you get a complete emotional rest. At the same time, this collection has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, cleansing it and healing minor injuries. In the presence of colds and a strong cough, the needles will help to better sputum separation.

zaparka for a bath Needles
  • high efficiency;
  • great quality;
  • nice smell;
  • optimal price.
  • individual intolerance to needles.


The composition of this collection includes wormwood, yarrow and motherwort, each of which enhances the action of other components with its properties. So, wormwood is a good diaphoretic and also improves appetite. Therefore, children who do not eat well, such a park will only benefit. In addition, yarrow has a tonic effect, and motherwort helps the nervous system cope with its problems. The collection also provides powerful support to the immune system in the fight against colds, and is also used for preventive purposes.

zaparka for bath Gorkaya
  • excellent combination of components;
  • high health effect;
  • improves children's appetite;
  • optimal price.
  • with increased sensitivity to the components of the collection, allergic manifestations are possible.

Under the “curtain” of a hard work week, tired of stress and stress, do not rush to your favorite sofas and TVs, but gather with your family and go to a good Russian bathhouse, but with a broom! Don’t forget to stop by the accessory store on the way and grab a bag of excellent parkas with you. We hope that our list of the main ones will help you choose exactly what you need!

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