
  1. A word to novice cyclists
  2. What are bicycles
  3. Something about the bike
  4. Brands and firms
  5. Ratings
  6. Tips from seasoned cyclists

Bicycle - affordable transport for everyone and how to meet 10,000 rubles

Bicycle - affordable transport for everyone and how to meet 10,000 rubles

There are no people who do not ride a bike. Though on a small three-wheeled, in childhood, but it was. Because great is a transport for any age, needs, requirements. It is simple and complex: easy to operate, not easy to balance, it is pleasant to relax, you can seriously engage in sports. He has two wheels for all occasions and a lot of advantages. But the main thing is that at any age you can master this type of movement. Having learned in childhood, in 50 years you can safely take the wheel and drive, as if you did it every day. Let's talk about how to choose a bike and the best models priced under 10,000 rubles

A word to novice cyclists

Biking is a favorite entertainment, useful activity, convenient eco-transport. If you don't have this unpretentious "iron horse" yet, it's time to buy it. If this is your first two-wheeled unit, then you have come to the right place - we will help you figure it out. For beginners, there are special reasons. One of them - what if you don’t like it: maybe swimming will be more useful and pleasant for health? Important questions - where to store, where to ride, is there a company? Further, all this will run into finances: you buy a cool bike, but it will turn out to be unnecessary for objective reasons.

There is a solution to this issue - the first bike can be bought from the budget range, inexpensive, without “bells and whistles”, but safe, suitable for a beginner cyclist. Here it is important to know the device of the bike, a few basic rules when choosing. Talk that the minimum price of bicycle equipment cannot be lower than 10 thousand rubles is a trick of branded manufacturers. This statement can be accurate when selected for specific tasks - long-distance travel, mountain biking, and other specifics.

Most of the population needs this type of transport to ride for pleasure, to maintain health. Much more important is not the number of speeds, but the presence of a basket or trunk for transporting products. Good entry-level transport can be purchased for 5-10 thousand rubles.Yes, it will be without many speeds and a reinforced frame, but for walks in the country or in the park, trips to the store, light sports training, it is quite suitable.

The budget price of a solid option is obtained not due to the deterioration of security. To reduce the cost of goods, the manufacturer will save on additional attachments, lightweight materials. Here it is important to find a middle ground between banknotes and quality. In order not to run into a really cheap low-quality fake, you will have to deal with the device, the capabilities of two-wheeled vehicles. For the same amount, you can buy a decent urban one and a beautiful one, which in one season will fall apart without the possibility of repair. So we are very carefully studying useful information on this issue.

What are bicycles

This technique differs in type, style of use, design. It looks simple, in specific cases it is very confused. The average touring bike buyer doesn't need to understand disc mechanics, brake hydraulics, semi-integrated or threadless headsets. But you need to have a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe device in order to understand what speed, comfort, and safety depend on.

By type, bicycles are divided into:

  1. Mountain (Mountain bike): the most popular type in the world. They are easy to roll on the road, behave perfectly on the pavement. They have powerful tires with deep treads. According to the degree of sophistication and the number of speeds, they are initial, amateur, semi-professional, pro. There is a type of MTB - two-suspension (two shock absorbers), it is also divided according to the principle "initial - pro". There are "bicycles-29" among the mountain bikes, where the wheels are enlarged.

  1. Pleasure (comfortable): this type includes road, cruisers, tandems. They are suitable for quiet, calm bike rides on the hard ground of park alleys or asphalt. They are characterized by a comfortable soft saddle, stylish design aesthetics, easy gear shifting, and a specific fit.

  1. Urban: in application it is similar to the comfortable type - driving on asphalt and dirt paths. Easy to operate, increased safety, design on top. Subspecies - fitness, cross. Cycling fitness - a hybrid of mountain and road, rigid fork without front shock absorber, sporty fit, large wheels. Cross-suspension fork, 48 tooth chainring, large wheels, double rims. These modifications are designed for serious activity, stress.

  1. Highway (tourist): the fastest. Racing on asphalt or track. Features - the steering wheel is bent down, the wheels are high narrow, a thinner frame. They have no fenders, position lights, luggage bells and whistles. A subspecies of road bikes is cyclocrosses: tires are wider, the tread is convex, the frame is shorter and lower.

  1. Extreme: for tricks, jumps, not for recreation or travel. Feature - maximum strength.

  1. Electric bikes (bicycle hybrids): have three modes of operation - from the electric motor, on the pedals, pedals + engine. Batteries are removable, charged from the network, like phones.

Each type has modifications: female / male, regular / folding. Folding is convenient for transportation, in urban areas, when you have to use public transport. It easily fits in the trunk of a car, it is easier to store it at home. It is not sports-speed, but it is very convenient for walking. On some folding models, high-speed modes are provided.

There is another gradation. This selection item is the simplest and most obvious, each type of list has its own peculiarities:

  1. Men's/Women's: The difference lies in the design of the frame, which is lowered in women's walking models. In sports, there are no differences between men and women.
  2. Juvenile: similar to adult mountain. Wheels - 24 inches, the design is designed for safe control with a relatively low weight and height of the driver. There are wings, footrest. Special ones are produced - for girls, where there is a special style.
  3. Baby: small, uncomplicated structures equipped with side wheels for stability. Soft overhead parts, trunk, bright colors. Children are considered great in age categories:
  • up to three years (wheel diameter 8-12 inches);
  • 3-5 years (14-15);
  • 5-9 years old (18-20).
  1. The older they are, the more they look like adults, but the controls and equipment are simpler.

Something about the bike

In general, it consists of a frame and attachments. Several knots are of fundamental importance for a quality ride.


We pay close attention to the frame - this is the main element of the bike. They are made of aluminum, carbon, steel, chromoly, titanium. Steel structures are heavy, used in folding models. Aluminum and carbon - lightweight construction, good rigidity. The price of the product depends on the material. Attachments cost 2-3 times more than the base itself.

MaterialThe weightDamage resistanceRepairPrice
Steelheavydurable but susceptible to corrosionEasy to fix yourselfbudgetary
aluminum alloyslightless durable than steel, not afraid of corrosionRepair is possible, but not easyMedium
Carbonvery lightdurable, but afraid of hitting sharp objects and getting moisture inside the frameBroke - throw awayPremium

Frames vary in size according to the height of the person, which is indicated by a sticker on the carriage. Size charts are available at every specialized store.

Frame size, inchesFrame size, cmHeight, cmDesignationMeaning
13″-14.5″33-36145 — 155XS (XSmall)Minimum
15″-16″38-40158 — 172S (Small)Small
17″-18″43-47168 — 182M (Meduim)Average
19″-20″48-52178 — 190L (Large)Big
21″-22″55-58188 — 200XL (XLarge)Very big
23″-24″59-62200 — 210XXL (XLarge)Maximum

Why this indicator is important: a frame large or small for the driver will make the landing incorrect, uncomfortable. Tension, rapid fatigue will not allow you to rest on a walk, exacerbating the problems of a sedentary lifestyle.


How gently the vehicle reacts to bumps in the road depends on the shock absorbers. There are three types of bicycles:

  1. Rigid (rigid): classic, rigid fork, seatpost with shock absorber or saddle with springs (road, road, BMX, cruisers, fat bikes).

  • pedals spin efficiently without buildup;
  • less weight.
  • shaking when driving on rough roads.
  1. Hardtail (hardtail): front fork with a shock absorber, hard tail (any, except for road bikes).
  • comfort on bumps;
  • vibration reduction.
  • pedaling is not easy;
  • increased weight.

  1. Dual suspension: the presence of two shock absorbers: front - like a hardtail, rear - pendulum (mountain, specialized for downhill).
  • comfortable ride;
  • reduced load on the spine.
  • even more weight;
  • maximum effort when pedaling.

Steering column

There are 4 options for the device of this node, the reliability and price depend on it:

  • threaded - classic, light, the most budgetary.But it is difficult to set up, the reliability is low;
  • threadless - it can be cleaned and lubricated without problems, ease of installation, more reliable, reasonable price;
  • semi-integrated - the price is higher, the design is more complicated, but the quality and safety are growing;
  • integrated - the most complex, expensive, lightweight, reliable, but difficult to maintain and repair.

Here you do not need to decide on your own, it is better to consult with experts.


The size of the wheels is determined in inches (1 d \u003d 25.5 mm). Huge number of variations:

  • mountain bikes have three rim diameters - 26; 27.5; 29 inches;
  • highway - 28;
  • urban - 20, 26, 28.

Understanding that a large wheel is the key to a comfortable walk, higher speed, we note that it will take more effort to spin the “large diameter”. The downside is reduced maneuverability.

A separate topic is tires and tread. The bead cord in tires enhances strength, but affects the price of the product. The cheapest option is steel threads, but they have the property of breaking, the result is a punctured chamber. Ideal - nylon, more expensive - Kevlar.

As for the pattern on the tire - the more powerful the tread, the easier the off-road patency, the more confident the ride, the more control. On the other hand, on a good track, pedaling with an aggressive tread is much harder. If there are spikes, this further complicates pedaling, and the spikes are mercilessly erased by asphalt.

Rims put single, double, even triple. Double is as good as possible - the price and reliability are optimal. The material for money-quality is aluminum. Such a rim is light, durable, inexpensive. It can be straightened in case of deformation. The carbon rim is expensive and beyond repair. Steel - only on single rims, the most inexpensive models.


There are also many variations: rim, disc, mechanically driven, hydraulically.

  1. The old way, when the pedals slow down, turning back, they are put on simple bikes without speeds. The design is complex, but reliable.
  2. V-Brake, tongs. Brake levers - on the steering wheel for both wheels. When pressed, the cable is pulled, the brake pads are activated, clamping the rim. Cheap, easy to manage, but do not work well when dirty, in the rain.
  3. Disc mechanical. The principle is tick-borne, but the pads dampen the speed on the brake rotor. Braking reliability increases in bad weather, deformation.
  4. Disc hydraulic - hydraulic lines actuate the brake pads. Excellent performance in all conditions. But they make the structure heavier, increase the cost, it is difficult to repair it yourself.

When choosing a hydraulic brake, pay attention to the diameter of the rotor. The optimal one is 16 cm, the larger the diameter, the more effective the braking, but the weight increases.


They have three types:

  1. Platform - plastic, metal, combined. A traditional axle with bearings is the most budget option.
  2. Contact - special shoes are fastened with a clasp. Expensive sports type.
  3. Combined - the pedal has a clasp, on the other hand it spins from ordinary shoes.

Here are the main points to know when choosing a two-wheeled friend. There are also a lot of small secondary ones - a bottom bracket, a gear shifter, a seatpost, a steering wheel type and stem, sprockets. They affect ride quality, price, stability, but to a lesser extent.

Brands and firms

As for the manufacturers of the two-wheeled miracle, the skeletons of all budget models are made in Asia, the highest quality in Taiwan.A European or American label is a publicity stunt: the head office is quite possibly located there, and the production shops are in Asia. Low-quality bases come to the market from Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia.

Each company has its own price ranges, but the lower threshold is different everywhere. If you have no more than 10 thousand rubles for a purchase, pay attention to the budget brands Stels, Stark, Atom, Haro.


It makes no sense to look for the cheapest bikes, because the miser pays twice. It is more practical to look at the ratings of promoted companies, where, along with expensive ones, economy models will definitely be presented. Here, the Stels brand bikes have the palm.


Stels is a brand of the Russian company Velomotors. A wide range, excellent quality, reasonable cost - this is what distinguishes it in the bicycle product market. A weighty argument in favor of the company is that spare parts and accessories are available, the European level of service is sales and further maintenance. Great for children can be purchased from 3 thousand rubles. Numerous models for adults within the limits of up to 10,000 rubles allow you to choose not only by price, but by another indicator.

TOP-9 for 2025 of the Russian brand "Stels" offers three among the popular models (places from 7 to 9) in the price corridor we need.

7th place: STELS Navigator 210 Gent 26 Z010 (2018)

5 850 - 7 665 rubles.

City bike for beginners. Medium tread on 26-inch wheels make it stable and passable in any weather. The double rim will not allow deformation when meeting with a curb. The frame is steel, increases the weight of the equipment, but dampens vibration when riding on uneven roads. The usual foot brake, the most reliable for the first attempts.Comfortable seat, curved, adjustable steering wheel, good equipment. Cover for fenders and chain included.

STELS Navigator 210 Gent 26 Z010 (2018)


  • urban (rigid - hard);
  • frame - steel, size 19 inches;
  • wheels - 26 inches;
  • brake - rear foot;
  • speed one;
  • weight: 16.55 kg.

  • decent design, easy operation;
  • patency is very decent;
  • equipment pleasantly pleases;
  • great price tag — a budget model with a bunch of bonuses.
  • drive system does not inspire confidence.

8th place: STELS Navigator 325 28 Z010 (2018)

6 090 - 7 870 rubles.

Reminiscent of a retro bike, very elegant type, stylish design. Suitable for walking, quiet driving. Buyers appreciated the simple operation, reliability, comfortable riding. The steel frame can handle heavy loads. The traditional brake provides maximum safety in urban areas when heavy braking is required. The saddle and handlebars move in height, which adds comfort when riding.

Large fenders on wheels, mudguards - good protection from mud in bad weather. There is protection for the chain. The trunk is equipped with a clip. The front basket is quite roomy. For good performance, the consumer singled out this model, it is very popular and bought.

STELS Navigator 325 28 Z010 (2018)


  • female urban (rigid);
  • steel frame, size - 20 inches;
  • wheels - 28 inches;
  • brake - rear foot;
  • speed is one;
  • weight - 17.3 kg.

  • soft saddle, very comfortable riding;
  • solid base, protection from dirt, splashes - very impressive;
  • bike "elegant as a piano."
  • when buying online - the rims or basket may not match the color of the frame, this spoils the design.

9th place: STELS Pilot 310 (2013)

3 700 - 4 900 rubles.

A five-year-old car is still a bestseller, this speaks of its quality and functionality. The model is foldable. Suitable for adults, teenagers. Easy to carry, store, folds quickly, fits in the trunk of a car. A steel frame, small wheels roll not only on asphalt, but also on country uneven paths. Tires provide good grip on the surface in any natural disasters.

A comfortable saddle with springs, it can even be washed. The steering wheel is height adjustable. Nice to ride, easy to drive.

STELS Pilot 310 (2013)


  • urban (rigid);
  • steel frame, size - 13 inches;
  • folding;
  • wheels -20 inches;
  • brake - rear foot;
  • speed one;
  • weight - 14.33 kg.

  • folding model in the city is a very cool thing;
  • the presence of a trunk makes the model practical;
  • there is a pump in the kit, a bell is a useful device for beginners;
  • well protects against splashes on rural roads.
  • heavy when carrying;
  • rattles on bumps.


A chain of stores specializing in sporting goods. All bikes with this name are brand exclusive for the Russian buyer.


7 999 - 10 040 rubles.

The teenager's bike is designed for a driver's weight up to 95 g. It is suitable for moving around the city and country walks. Equipped with fenders, reflectors, footrest. There is chain protection.



  • mountain (MTV) two-suspension;
  • steel frame, height 145-160 cm;
  • wheels - 24 inches;
  • speeds - 6;
  • brakes front and rear V-Brake;
  • weight - 15 kg.

There are no reviews yet about the pros and cons. Perhaps this bike is waiting for your run-in, evaluation.


Stark Bikes (Russia, Germany, Taiwan) appeared on the bicycle market in 2002. It produces sports models (extreme, BMX, cross-country sports, fitness). In the arsenal there are women's, children's, teenage, folding bikes.

STARK Bliss 20.1V (2017)

9 490 - 12 970 rubles.

Teenage mountain bike for girls 6-9 years old, size up to 135 cm. Original suspension fork, double rims, footboard make using the bike comfortable. You can ride in the city, in difficult road conditions, transport shows itself from the best side.

STARK Bliss 20.1V (2017)


  • mountain (hard tail);
  • frame - aluminum alloy;
  • wheels - 20 inches;
  • speeds - 7;
  • brake - front and rear V-Brake;
  • weight - 12.5 kg.

  • Russian development in Taiwanese design - super quality, no need to file, cut;
  • everything is calmly regulated;
  • the price is good for such quality, safety of the child.
  • the kit does not include the necessary keys for assembly;
  • no assembly instructions.


The Russian brand "Atom" gained popularity among riders, was developed with the participation of professional cyclists. Goods for aggressive driving. Having expanded the assortment, a line of walking, children's products appeared.

Atom Bomber (2008)

5 090 - 5 254 rubles.

BMX for beginners to ride in the styles of street, dirt. The frame (chrome-molybdenum alloy) and steel fork are reinforced, the rims are more durable. This machine can withstand extreme loads. On the bike, you can perform tricks with a 360-degree steering wheel rotation.

Atom Bomber (2008)


  • BMX - velo-motor extreme;
  • brakes - rim mechanical Tectro UA-907;
  • rims - single Weinman ZACX;
  • wheels are 20 inches.

  • good, high-quality "bam";
  • I liked the frame geometry, it is more convenient to carry;
  • not expensive.
  • somewhat heavy for serious tricks;
  • street tires on loose snow do not cling, skid.


The California mountain bike and BMX brand has been around for 30 years. A wide range, American quality, there is a budget price tag.

Haro Z20 (2015)

RUB 9,990

Models released several years ago do not lose their relevance, quality, and the cost decreases, becoming quite budgetary. This type is not made for comfort, so the saddle is not often sat on, but it is safe, quite soft. A bike for aggressive riding is suitable for active sports teenagers who are ready to go all the way.

Haro Z20 (2015)


  • teenage (rigid);
  • age 6 - 9 years, height - up to 135 cm;
  • steel frame;
  • wheels - 20 inches;
  • speed is one;
  • brake - rear;
  • weight - 11.11 kg.

  • by year of issue, a tangible discount in price, it turns out quite economically;
  • comfortable, easy move, you can learn tricks;
  • during extreme sports, beginners often fall: their knees are bruised, the bike is great - like new.
  • hard to find after the price cut.

Haro Z20 Girls (2015)

9 990 - 11 000 rubles.

An entry-level cycling class, a stylish but aggressive bike for girls. Without gear shifting, stable and pretty. During training, falls are possible, so the individual components of the vehicle are reinforced.

  • teenage for girls 6-9 years old, height - up to 135 cm;
  • frame - steel;
  • wheels - 20 inches;
  • rear brake - V-Brake;
  • depreciation - rigid;
  • speed is one;
  • weight - 11.11 kg.

Haro Z20 Girls (2015)
  • high-quality assembly, light, stable, convenient in the city and in the country;
  • a comfortable saddle, this is important for girls;
  • there are additional wheels for beginners;
  • there are foot and hand brakes, for safety this is a plus;
  • stylish — the wheels are white, but the dirt does not stick.
  • no chain protection.

Tips from seasoned cyclists

Every year, companies release new models, improving something, updating something. They can change the color or put a different type of brake. But a fresh model will always cost more. Therefore, look closely at the product of the early years, they are no worse, sometimes even better, but they will cost less.


The lighter the weight of the "car", the easier it is to manage, more maneuverable on the road, better rolls uphill, easier to carry on floors and stairs. But on the other hand, the lighter the transport, the higher its price.

How to choose by type:

  • mountainous - frequent off-road walks;
  • urban - an alternative to vehicles, smooth asphalt pavement;
  • highway — if you want to become a cycling marathoner and drive 50 km daily;
  • road - the simplest, withstands harsh operating conditions.


When buying equipment, it is important to choose the right size, it is determined by the height of the seat tube (on which the saddle is attached). For each type, there is a table of the relationship between the size of the frame and the height of a person. A simple measurement method looks like this:

  • stand above the frame, touching the back of the saddle;
  • the distance between the upper tube of the frame and the crotch is allowed from 5 to 15 cm.

If the sprockets are large in front and small in the back (on the highway), you can develop more speed in a straight line. Helps and sports landing (tilt on the steering wheel). But this landing is not suitable for everyone - for an amateur. The road bike is recommended for experienced fans, it is not necessary to start with it.


Don't buy bikes that look very cool.High-quality brands do not have cast wheels, rear-view mirrors, or a rear shock absorber. Moreover, such things are not safe. Frame lettering, XTR type, BMW badges are management tricks.


Pay attention to the equivalence of components in terms of quality and price. A budget cassette and an expensive chain are not an indicator of quality, but a publicity stunt. Everything must be balanced.


If you like everything in technology, but one part does not suit you, do not rush to turn away: it can be replaced by upgrading.

By and large, when buying an inexpensive bike, you should not delve into the features of technical variations. Focus on your impressions, feelings: check your height, sit holding the steering wheel, try the softness of the turns. Running in the first "iron horse", you will eventually understand what interests you most - easy walks, trips for groceries, speed, stunts or overcoming off-road. After that, you can say with accuracy whether you need an expensive two-wheeled friend for pleasure and improvement. Perhaps the purchased budget model is enough for your eyes.

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