
  1. Cancer treatment in the Russian Federation
  2. The main criteria for choosing a hospital
  3. List of the best cancer centers in Russia

Leading cancer centers in Russia in 2025

Leading cancer centers in Russia in 2025

Today in Russia, a doctor's conclusion that cancer is not a death sentence for a person. Equipped with modern equipment, with a serious staff of professional staff, federal oncology centers can help patients even at the most advanced stages of the disease.

In Russia, 80% of people who receive treatment live more than 5 years after diagnosis. A great merit in achieving this result lies in the use of modern equipment in hospitals, an interdisciplinary approach to treatment and innovative developments in early diagnosis of the disease. A list of high-class cancer centers in the Russian Federation will help you choose a specialized clinic.

Cancer treatment in the Russian Federation

Early warning of cancer and its treatment in our country, and even more so in the capital, meets the best modern standards. Professional doctors and high-quality therapy of the disease puts oncological clinics of the state on a high level and attracts Russians.

In private and public oncology centers, patients can use the system of classical methods of treatment and methods based on innovative, experimental principles.

Methods and programs for the early detection and prevention of the occurrence of malignant tumors determine the incidence of cancer of different localizations.

List of cancer localizations according to the frequency of their formation in the Russian Federation:

  • skin oncology;
  • breast cancer;
  • lung oncology;
  • cancer of the esophagus and intestines;
  • oncology of the lymphatic system and blood;
  • malignant tumors in the reproductive system.

Symptoms of the disease

Early diagnosis of oncological diseases allows achieving stable remission after treatment.

Alarming symptoms signaling an urgent visit to the doctor:

  1. Unreasonable strong weight loss;
  2. Constant loss of strength;
  3. Continuous cough, shortness of breath and expectoration of blood;
  4. Malfunctions of the digestive system (pain after eating, constipation or diarrhea);
  5. The growth of moles, a change in their color, blurry edges, itching, the formation of sores, bleeding.

Detecting cancer at an early stage

Diagnosis of a patient with the possible presence of an oncological lesion consists of a visual examination of the tissue lesion and the determination of the types of newly formed cells, the structure of the tissues in the tumor and the period of development of the oncological disease.

For early detection of malignant formation, the following are used:

  1. visual inspection;
  2. Complete blood count;
  3. Ultrasound examination of the intestinal tract, urinary and circulatory systems;
  4. X-rays of light;
  5. Magnetic resonance and computed tomography of the body;
  6. Examination of the digestive system through endoscopy;
  7. Examination of the organs of the human body by positron emission tomography;
  8. Selection of smears-markers;
  9. Examination of newly formed tissues by cytological and histological methods;
  10. Detailed biochemical analysis of oncological tissues;
  11. Analysis of the genome of affected cells.

Treatment of people affected by oncology in the Russian Federation

The first stage of treatment includes a comprehensive diagnosis - ultrasound, cytology, biopsy studies, magnetic resonance and computed tomography, PET, laboratory tests. After confirming the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed a program of recreational activities, adapted to the unique characteristics and health of a particular person.

The following methods are used in the treatment:

  1. Carrying out a classical operation or laser surgery in order to excise the affected tissue with the hope of a complete recovery at an early stage of the disease;
  2. Performing a cycle of chemotherapy that produces an effect with drugs that destroy malignant cells and prevent the growth of neoplasms;
  3. The use of hormone therapy is an additional procedure used to treat hormone-dependent tumors;
  4. The use of radiosurgery - a method that allows using a "gamma knife" or a similar instrument to destroy a neoplasm without cutting human tissue, refers to non-invasive radiation techniques;
  5. Application of a focused ultrasound beam (HIFU);
  6. The use of human spinal cord transplantation.

The main criteria for choosing a hospital

Depending on the financial situation, the degree of education or any preferences, patients will seek to find a clinic with the lowest cost of treatment or the professional level of the staff, or operating a specific treatment method.

After analyzing data on successful clinics abroad, the needs of patients were identified as the main points for evaluating cancer centers. High quality care and a focus on patient satisfaction do not always match hospitals with an international brand, high media exposure and fashion awards. Below is a list of the best cancer treatment facilities in the Russian Federation.

The rating is based on the following criteria:

  1. Using the latest, gentle treatment methods;
  2. Statistics indicating the successful recovery of people;
  3. Qualifications and professional qualities of medical personnel (including knowledge of languages, service, personal approach, attention and psychological support);
  4. Cost of treatment and maintenance, traceability of financial processes;
  5. Conditions of stay in the hospital (rooms for living, equipping with modern devices, the presence of special units for servicing foreign patients, staff treatment, cleanliness and service);
  6. A 100% set of medical services (examination, testing, confirmation of the diagnosis, medical manipulations, rehabilitation after therapy).

List of the best cancer centers in Russia

The list of the best cancer centers in the country includes not only clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in other regions of the country.

New medical and diagnostic center PATERO CLINICS
votes 27

Built in 2011, the multifunctional treatment center allows for an early comprehensive examination in order to identify the disease in the first stages of development and comprehensive treatment that prevents the development of the disease in the future. The medical staff of the hospital adopts progressive foreign knowledge about effective cancer treatment from specialists from Western Europe, the United States of America and Asia.

In the clinic, clients are examined according to the “check-up” system, revealing any deviations and disorders in the body that can go unnoticed. In a hospital, a patient can receive inpatient or outpatient treatment. The clinic is equipped with modern, highly efficient research and radiation devices. One of the best medical centers in the Russian Federation.

  • individual approach and attention to patients;
  • the staff adopts progressive foreign knowledge about effective cancer treatment;
  • a large number of successful operations.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Location: in the city of Moscow on Prospekt Mira street, building 211, building 2.

Clinical Hospital on Yauza
votes 9

The multifunctional clinic has a large outpatient clinic and a hospital. The hospital serves 400 patients daily. Hospital specialists use Russian methods and innovative scientific methods in their work.
The hospital staff consists of 200 professional specialists. The clinic is equipped with a modern laboratory and the latest surgical equipment in operating rooms.

  • individual approach and attention to patients;
  • use of Russian methods and innovative scientific methods.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Location: in the city of Moscow, on Volochaevskaya street, house number 15, building 1.

Volyn clinic
votes 10

In an ecologically clean area of ​​Moscow, there is a universal treatment and prevention center, which includes a polyclinic operating on a multidisciplinary basis and large inpatient units. The medical center among Muscovites is in second place in popularity.

Among the medical staff there are professors, candidates and doctors of sciences, laureates of prestigious awards. The hospital has a detoxification department with unique equipment from Sweden, Germany, Russia and the USA. The clients of the clinic are provided with all the necessary drugs and a 100% cycle of medical procedures.

  • operations are performed using the radiosurgical method using a cyber-knife and a gamma-knife;
  • perform operations with the use of radiation therapy;
  • perform classical operations using the latest surgical equipment.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Location: in Moscow, on Starovolynskaya street, house number 10.

Clinic K+31
votes 3

In 2008, the hospital was qualified according to the ISO quality standard, which confirms that the institution adheres to high international standards of medical service. The center belongs to the multifunctional clinics of the highest category. It includes: an inpatient department, an outpatient department and a rehabilitation center.

In 2016, a unit for cooperation with American doctors and European specialists was organized in the hospital. The staff of the hospital are full corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Patients rate the work of the staff at 9 out of 10 points.

The center uses the best imported medicines and the most modern equipment for radioisotope, radiation and laser treatments.

  • multifunctional clinic of the highest category;
  • the best imported medicines.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Location: in the city of Moscow, near the metro station Prospekt Vernadskogo, on Lobachevsky street, house number 42, building 4.

New medical and rehabilitation center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
votes 9

In 2006, a state medical center was opened, which already in 2013 received first place in the rating of medical institutions in the category of quality of treatment and service.

The hospital accepts patients in emergency cases around the clock. The center is provided with large neuro- and cardio-reanimations. Each patient undergoes a complete treatment program. The clinic has a full range of modern devices that allow you to perform operations using laser, radio wave and microsurgical methods. The rehabilitation department is equipped with the latest science and technology.

  • first place in the ranking of medical institutions;
  • a complete set of modern appliances
  • the best imported medicines.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Location: in the city of Moscow, on the street Ivankovskoe highway, in the house number 3.

Clinic LDC MIBS in St. Petersburg
votes 21

The clinic staff provides world-class medical care using advanced medical technologies. The hospital is one of the leading cancer centers in the Russian Federation.

The use of radiotherapeutic and radiosurgical methods by the doctors of the center in the treatment of malignant neoplasms makes it possible to achieve the fastest improvement in the patient's health. Many operations are done using the Gamma Knife device.

Unique, innovative equipment allows the clinic to conduct reliable diagnostics and productive cancer treatment.

  • unique hospital equipment;
  • US-developed equipment for the cyberknife radiosurgical system;
  • radiotherapy equipment – ​​particle accelerators Clinac 2100 CD, Varian TrueBeam STx.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Location: in the city of St. Petersburg, in the Kurortny district, in the village of Pesochny, on Karl Marx street, house number 43.

Universal Hospital No. 85 FMBA of Russia
votes 6

Since 1948, experienced Russian doctors have been seeing and treating patients in a multifunctional center with a large number of specialized departments and branches. The hospital has 46 candidates of medical sciences and 12 doctors of medical sciences.

The clinic also specializes in the treatment of orthopedic, neurological abnormalities; radio wave, microsurgical and endoscopic methods are widely used in the treatment of effects on the human body.

  • unique equipment;
  • equipment for the cyber-knife radiosurgical system;
  • large staff;
  • individual approach.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Location: 115409, Moscow, st. Moskvorechye, house 16.

Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin in the Russian Federation.
votes 19

There is a large multifunctional medical institution in Moscow. Clinical hospital allows you to provide specialized medical care.

Surgical interventions in the human body are carried out both by traditional methods and by minimally invasive and endoscopic methods. During surgical operations, actual methods of coagulation and excision of tissues are used.

The medical center is one of the three best clinics in the ranking of cancer centers in the Russian Federation.

  • unique equipment;
  • the use of ultrasonic scissors increases the speed and accuracy of the impact.
  • The use of LigaSure electrosurgery equipment allows fast and efficient sealing of blood vessels.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Location: 125284, Moscow, st. 2nd Botkinsky pr-d, house 5.

Russian Cancer Research Center named after N.N. Blokhin
votes 19

One of the largest medical centers in Europe and the world provides professional care to cancer patients.
The federal budgetary clinic includes two clinical and two experimental medical institutes.

Directions of scientific activity of the institution:

  1. Performing research on various pathologies in the human body.
  2. Development of experimental methods of surgical intervention on tissues of the human body damaged by oncology in order to remove them and restore the normal functioning of damaged systems.
  3. Development of means and methods for early diagnosis of oncological diseases.
  4. Training of highly qualified medical personnel.

Institute N.N. Blokhin is deservedly considered one of the best clinics in the country.

  • unique equipment;
  • attentive staff;
  • high quality treatments.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Location: 115478, Moscow, st. Kashirskoye highway, house 23.

Scientific Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after Academician N.N. Burdenko RAMS
votes 6

It is the first in the list of the best professional medical oncological institutions in the Russian Federation. Since 1932, the staff of the clinic has been skillfully fighting various diseases. The State Federal Medical Center is equipped with the latest equipment. The doctors of the hospital specialize in the therapy and surgery of various malignant neoplasms in the spinal cord and brain.

In the treatment, effective radiation methods of influencing damaged tissue and cyber, gamma knives are used.

  • the center is equipped with the latest equipment;
  • attentive employees;
  • highly qualified personnel;
  • high quality treatments.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Location - in the city of Moscow on the street 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya in the house number 16.

Clinic Medicine and Cancer Center Sofia in Moscow
votes 5

In 2013, a new division of the Moscow clinic Medicine was created - Sofia Medical Center. The clinic specializes in helping cancer patients. The main task of the hospital is to provide patients from the CIS and the Russian Federation with world-class treatment, without the need to travel abroad. The clinic is provided with innovative, latest medical devices and devices. It meets all the requirements of the highest world standards.

The hospital's specialists have experience in the world's best clinics, and in the event of an emergency, consultations are organized with the best international specialists.

Distinctive features of Sofia Medical Center:

  1. Specialists apply an integrated, systematic approach in each case. A team of professional specialists: a radiologist, a surgeon, a chemotherapist, together with an oncologist, develop a treatment program.
  2. Multifunctionality. Doctors of the head institution Medicine will help in different areas: neurology, cardiology, hematology.
  3. The center is equipped with the latest science and technology. The innovative TrueBeam beam equipment is used in the radiosurgery department. Very accurate chemotherapy dispensers will allow the patient to more easily endure this procedure with minimal side effects.
  4. Treatment is carried out at the level of the best world standards. World-class specialists lead all key departments of the hospital.
  • a team of professional specialists;
  • equipment of the center at the highest level;
  • innovative beam equipment;
  • treatment at the level of the best world standards;
  • precise dispensers for chemotherapy.
  • There are no violations or complaints.

Location: Moscow, st. 2nd Tverskoy-Yamskoy lane, 10.

Cancer is not always fatal for a person. Equipped with modern equipment, with a serious staff of professional staff, federal oncology centers can help patients even at the most advanced stages of the disease.


