
  1. Causes of cough
  2. Categories of cough medicines

Top rated cough remedies for children and adults in 2025

Top rated cough remedies for children and adults in 2025

Cough is a very common ailment in people of any age. Depending on his origin and character, he can be either a barely noticeable fellow traveler, or a delusion that greatly interferes with life, requiring medicinal intervention. This top rating is called upon to understand the variety of cough medicines.

Causes of cough

The nature of the cough may be as follows:

  • inflammatory. Both the airways and the alveoli can become inflamed. Diseases: laryngitis, pneumonia, lung abscess, tracheitis, bronchitis;
  • irritable from mechanical impact. Increased bronchial bonus, their compression, bronchial asthma, fibrosis, pulmonary edema;
  • irritable from chemical exposure. When harmful substances and gases enter the lungs and bronchi. For example, cigarette smoke, harmful aerosols, carbon monoxide;
  • thermal impact. Too cold or too hot air can irritate the lungs.

By the nature of the department, cough can be:

  • wet - with sputum;
  • dry - no discharge, usually due to lack of lubrication on the mucous membranes.

Each type of cough needs a special, individual treatment. How often do we desperately run to the pharmacy and get lost in choosing the right medicine. In order to effectively cope with the disease and determine how to treat a cough in each case, we will consider the main situations in which a cough occurs and suggest the most effective remedies for a cure.

Child with cough.

A real disaster for parents is when their child gets sick. Find out first if a fairly common childhood cold is the cause of the cough. Temperature, nasal congestion, lethargy and chills fully indicate that the baby has caught a cold. The cough may be strong or weak, but not barking or screaming. Usually frequent.

Adult cough.

But what about adults? After all, they also suffer from various types of cough, and they have a slightly wider spectrum of these types. Increasingly, chronic coughing, constant sore throat are manifested.Women during pregnancy should be careful with drugs and be sure to ask your doctor which drugs are strictly prohibited during this period.

Categories of cough medicines

Mucolytics (removing phlegm from the lungs).

Among them the most popular are:

Mukaltin tablets

A tool used by our grandmothers. "Effervescent tablets", which dissolve in water with a characteristic hiss and the formation of small bubbles. The dissolution process itself can already bring a lot of joy to the baby. Also available in syrup form.

Ingredients: marshmallow extract.

Average price: 15 rubles per pack.

Mukaltin tablets
  • very affordable price;
  • efficiency;
  • the practical absence of side effects;
  • convenient release forms;
  • approved for use from 12 months.
  • usually mukaltin is not available on the shelves of pharmacies, where it is more profitable to display expensive and imported drugs, so you have to ask the drug directly from the sellers. Due to the low price of the drug, few people even know about it.



Sweet syrup that thins phlegm, removes inflammation. Available in almost every pharmacy. It has a generic, or rather - on the contrary - its primary source - Ambroxol, which is somewhat cheaper. Another analogue: ambrobene. Also available in tablets - for adults.

Active ingredient: ambroxol.

Average price: 220 rubles per bottle.

  • affordable price;
  • can be used from birth;
  • convenient form of release, sweet taste, children usually like it;
  • high efficiency.
  • long-term use can cause stomach irritation, heartburn, even vomiting.



An analogue of Lazolvan, one might say, is his twin brother. For children, it is available in the form of syrup and injections for inhalation. For adults - tablets.Effective mucolytic, expectorant.

Active ingredient: ambroxol. He is also a generic, progenitor, Ambroxol itself can be bought in tablets. It is inexpensive - an average of 20 rubles per pack.

Average price: 130r

  • affordable price;
  • convenient release form, sweet taste;
  • the possibility of use in infants (from the first months of life);
  • release in the form of injections for inhalation. If there is an inhaler or nebulizer at home, then you can do procedures with ambrobene, in a solution with mineral water.
  • quite a few possible side effects: allergies, stomach irritation, weakness, headache, etc.

Doctor MOM. Syrup and lozenges.

doctor mom

The syrup, which includes a mixture of many medicinal herbs, is great for children: a pleasant taste, a convenient form. Pastilles are more suitable for adults. The drug is famous for not only eliminating cough, but also being an effective remedy for chronic sore throat (a common occurrence in adults) and “tickle throat” in the absence of symptoms of the disease.

Average price: 190 rubles for a bottle of syrup and 90 rubles for a pack of lozenges.

Doctor MOM. Syrup and lozenges
  • affordable price;
  • high efficiency, wide range of action.
  • possible individual intolerance to the components, which are many in this medicine.

Expectorants, i.e. fast mucus expelling



Another good old Soviet medicine that was in every home, but is losing popularity again because of its price: it is more profitable to sell expensive and imported medicines. However, the price does not detract from the effectiveness of the incredibly sweet syrup, which helps to cope with a painful cough.
Active ingredients: potassium bromide, thyme extract (thyme) - fragrant medicinal herb, ethyl alcohol.

Average price: 15 rubles per bottle.

  • very affordable price;
  • very pleasant taste for children;
  • convenient release form.
  • store preferably in the refrigerator;
  • in alcoholism (in adults) it is desirable to avoid the use of this remedy;
  • many possible side effects due to the high maltose content and the presence of alcohol. Children under one year are contraindicated, from one to three years - with caution;
  • usually not on the shelf. You need to ask the seller about the medicine.

Liquorice root

Koren solodki

Effective folk remedies often take dosage form over time. Licorice root syrup is a prime example of this. It not only eliminates coughing, but also generally counteracts the virus that has entered the body and caused this cough.

Infusion of licorice root can also be prepared by yourself, at home.

Active ingredient: extract from the roots and rhizomes of licorice. Excipients: sugar syrup, ethyl alcohol.

Average price: 35 rubles per bottle.

Liquorice root
  • on natural ingredients;
  • high efficiency;
  • very affordable price.
  • individual intolerance;
  • possible side effects: heartburn, urticaria.

Cough suppressants, necessary for very severe, troublesome coughs.

Such a cough significantly interferes with the life of the baby. For example, a child cannot fall asleep because of a cough or constantly wakes up at night, does not get enough sleep. Separately, one should endure such a disease as whooping cough. In adults, this is a suffocating cough from COPD, which can catch in a crowded place and cause a lot of trouble for both the patient and his environment.

Bronchicum: syrup, elixir, lozenges


A tool that allows you to very quickly and effectively thin viscous sputum in the lungs, relieve respiratory tension, remove "tickling in the throat" and pain.

Active ingredients: tinctures of grindelia bark, wild rose, primrose root, thyme flowers, natural bee honey.

Average price: 160 rubles per bottle.

Bronchicum: syrup, elixir, lozenges
  • emergency highly effective remedy;
  • only natural ingredients;
  • affordable price;
  • help with acute forms of bronchitis.
  • not suitable for babies and toddlers: only from 2 years.

Cough can be triggered not only by an infection, but also be a consequence of an already transferred infection, an allergy. These are acute and chronic bronchitis of various origins. If the cough is mild, but persistent in the absence of signs of disease. If the disease manifests itself strictly at a certain time (in the morning, for example) or in certain places (in the forest, in the gym), you may be dealing with bronchitis.

Remember that in any of these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Medications to help manage bronchitis



In addition to its expectorant, thinning and anti-inflammatory properties, the drug is also an antihistamine, i.e. containing anti-allergic substances. Produced in the form of a syrup, not very pleasant, but still acceptable taste. It is also effective for influenza, whooping cough. For adults, it is available in tablets.

Active ingredient: fenspiride hydrochloride.

Average price: 230 rub.

  • very high efficiency, wide range of actions;
  • application from birth.
  • a considerable price of medicine;
  • taste not too pleasant for children - it is better to give syrup mixed with baby food, honey and other sweeteners.

Berodual. medicine for inhalation


Inhalations can be carried out both in a hospital setting and at home by purchasing an inhaler at a very reasonable price. By themselves, inhalations (even without drugs) clear the lungs, break up clods of sputum. The procedure is designed in such a way that the patient breathes either the evaporated liquid or small particles of the liquid.

Active ingredients: fenoterol, ipratropium bromide.

Non-hormonal agent.

Average price: 220 rubles.

Berodual. medicine for inhalation
  • high efficiency, wide spectrum of action;
  • dilution with mineral water is not required.
  • a doctor's note is required. Under no circumstances should you use it at your own discretion;
  • rather high price;
  • Not all children calmly and well tolerate the inhalation procedure.

Pulmicort. medicine for inhalation


Often this medicine is combined with the aforementioned Berodual, if the use of Berodual alone does not give the desired effect. It has a powerful antiallergic, antitussive, antiviral effect. Well drains the bronchi, allowing them to be developed from past ailments. Hormonal. Requires dilution with mineral water (Narzan, Borjomi, etc.) or with saline.

Active ingredient: budesonide.

Average price: 240 rubles for 5 doses of injections.

Pulmicort. medicine for inhalation
  • high efficiency;
  • ease of use: injections are divided into doses according to special cells;
  • obligatory indication of a doctor for the use of the drug;
  • rather high price;
  • the drug is hormonal, after the procedure it is required to thoroughly rinse the mouth and face, otherwise serious skin irritations may occur.

Folk remedies for inhalation

Essential oils

Here's what you can use for inhalation procedures - it's extracts of medicinal herbs: sage, eucalyptus, mint, pine, fir, etc. You can buy in the form of essential oils in almost any pharmacy. Dilute a few drops with saline solution. You can breathe in such a composition both with an existing cough, and for prevention.

Also, essential oils can be added to some types of humidifiers or aroma lamps. It is very effective to add them as bath poultices.

Average price: 40-50 rubles per bottle of oil.

Folk remedies for inhalation
  • low price;
  • no doctor's prescription required;
  • can be used with almost no contraindications, even for babies;
  • preventive use.
  • is not a real drug. For effective treatment of the disease, it is still better to consult a doctor. You may need to use special medicines;
  • The use of essential oils requires some kind of special device or equipment.

Breast collection No. 4. Tea.


Another echo of the Soviet era. A fairly effective solution during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as a good prophylactic. You will not see such tea on the shelves of hypermarkets; it is sold only in pharmacies.

Average price: 55 rubles per pack.

Breast collection No. 4. Tea.
  • use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • can be given from birth in the absence of individual intolerance;
  • convenient form: tea bags;
  • quite pleasant taste;
  • prophylactic;
  • only natural ingredients;
  • long shelf life: you can always keep at home.
  • is not a drug.In case of serious ailments, be sure to consult a doctor, and do not self-medicate with such tea.

Augmentin. Antibiotic.


Suspension sold in pharmacies in powder form. At home, it is necessary to fill the bottle with water up to the mark, store the resulting mixture strictly in the refrigerator, using strictly for several days in a strict dosage.

Antibiotics are powerful substances, but they have a lot of side effects. They kill the immune system, violate the microflora. In general, it is best to avoid their use. But there are special cases when the use of an antibiotic is necessary. Such cases include acute bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough.

The antibiotic is used only as prescribed by a doctor!

Average price: 150 rubles per bottle.

Augmentin. Antibiotic.
  • with dangerous viral infections or severe diseases of the lungs and bronchi shows high efficiency;
  • antibiotics have many side effects. It is better not to resort to their use without urgent need (only a doctor can establish such a need);
  • storage in the refrigerator, the shelf life is a few days.

Other drug groups

Pharyngosept. Tablets


Many adults know firsthand such an ailment: nothing hurts, but it tickles and tickles in the throat all the time. This leads to the need to constantly expectorate sputum, spit it out, clear the throat in the morning, and the inability to speak for a long time.

There can be many reasons for such perspiration: chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, COPD (especially in smokers), harmful working conditions, poor ecology, increased acidity of the stomach, fungal diseases of the throat (candidiasis).

Active ingredient: ambazone monohydrate.

Average price: 120 rubles for 20 tablets.

Pharyngosept. Tablets
  • treats oral infections, staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci;
  • not absorbed into the blood, works "locally", can be used during pregnancy;
  • affordable price.
  • it is necessary to first determine the need for this drug with a doctor. To do this, be sure to first find out the cause of perspiration;
  • age of application: from 3 years;
  • Available only in tablets, which is not always convenient for children.



Sometimes a cough does not help any remedy. And the cough itself is dry, and manifests itself in certain places or as a reaction to certain influences (smoke, dust, pollen, etc.). Possibly an allergic cough.

Suprastin is one of the most popular and effective medicines for allergic cough. Its main action is not expectorant or thinning, but antihistamine, i.e. eliminating the allergic reaction itself.

Active ingredient: chloropyramine hydrochloride.

Average price: 150 rubles per pack.

  • affordable price;
  • high efficiency;
  • application for children from a month.
  • should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation;
  • release only in tablets (children need to dissolve or add to food).

Zyrtec. Tablets and drops.


Another powerful drug for allergic cough. Compared with Suprastin, it has one indisputable advantage: it is available not only in tablets, but also in drops. Which makes it convenient for the treatment of children.

Active ingredient: cetirizine.

Average price: 220 rubles per bottle.

Zyrtec. Tablets and drops.
  • high efficiency;
  • release in drops - very convenient to give to children.
  • relatively high price.

Remember that with any kind of cough, you should first consult a doctor.What may at first glance seem like an innocent household trifle, may well be a sign of some serious illness.

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