
  1. What is plastic surgery?
  2. The most popular plastic surgeries in Russia and CIS countries.
  3. Plastic surgery: is it worth it?

Top ranking of the most requested plastic surgeries in 2025

Top ranking of the most requested plastic surgeries in 2025

There are many surgical operations with which doctors make the image of the patient more attractive. You can change almost any part of the body and make it perfect by trusting an experienced surgeon. New discoveries in this area have changed plastic surgery beyond recognition, and its possibilities are simply amazing. It seems that there are no impossible tasks for her, since any part of the body can be changed and improved.

What is plastic surgery?

This is a branch of surgery that, with the help of surgical intervention, eliminates defects in organs and tissues on its surface.

The first plastic surgery was performed in India as early as the 6th century BC. According to legend, it was the restoration of the nose. Today, rhinoplasty is one of the directions in the field of facial aesthetic surgery.

In general, facial plastic surgery is aimed at eliminating wrinkles; prevention of skin aging and the formation of nasolabial folds and other signs of aging. In this case, surgeons either remove excess tissue or tighten the corresponding facial muscles.

Types of plastic surgery.

  • Reconstructive surgery deals with the elimination of defects in tissues and organs, both congenital and acquired. Thanks to such operations, a person can again return to a full life and feel healthy. They are often performed for medical reasons. This type of plastic surgery is used to correct defects in the mitral valve of the heart, nasal septum and eye problems caused by excess skin on the upper eyelid.
  • Aesthetic surgery is the application of plastic surgery techniques to improve appearance. With its help, each person can get rid of the shortcomings of his body that he does not like, and improve the quality of life.

Microsurgery of the face, or maxillofacial surgery.

This direction of facial correction partly merges with facial plastic surgery, but partly is the area of ​​"classical" surgery.It is a complex of restorative and reconstructive operations to correct various facial defects, congenital and acquired, anatomical and cosmetic. Accompanied by transplantation of both donor organs and tissues, and technologically created prostheses.

What affects the demand for a particular plastic surgery?

Studies conducted in different countries show that non-invasive interventions (injections, injections, grinding, peeling) are leading in the world. These procedures are widely used for rejuvenation and prevention of skin aging. In second place is plastic surgery of the face, hair and chin.

Plastic surgery to change the shape and size of the mammary glands and liposuction take third place. Each country may have its own trends, such as the change in the shape of the buttocks in Brazil or the shape of the eyes in Japan.

The demand for certain types of plastic surgery is directly related to the beauty standards adopted in a particular region.

To whom undesirable do plastic surgery?

There are people who generally do not want to do any operations to change their appearance. The following factors influence this:

  • the presence of psychological diseases;
  • pathological desire for perfection of the face and body;
  • people who can't stop and have plastic surgery multiple times.

These are the categories of people who need a good psychologist, not a plastic surgeon. They almost always remain dissatisfied with the result, and their problems only get worse from this, no matter what types of plastic surgery they have performed.

Medical discoveries have taken plastic surgery to a whole new level.What once could only be dreamed of is now being successfully applied in practice.

Various types of plastic surgery are created so that a person can achieve the perfection of his body. Regardless of whether he wants to correct congenital or acquired defects. Every day, scientists are looking for new methods to make operations easier and better results.

The most popular plastic surgeries in Russia and CIS countries.

Cheiloplasty, or plastic lips.

Cheiloplasty is a surgical plastic surgery of the lips. This type of intervention has two main directions - reconstructive and aesthetic.

Reconstructive cheiloplasty of the lips is performed in order to eliminate defects that are congenital or acquired due to trauma. Aesthetic plastic is aimed at reducing or increasing and correcting the shape of the lips. The operation can also be performed in childhood, if it is necessary to make a surgical correction of the lips with congenital defects in this area.

To improve the aesthetics of the face, the task often arises of how to improve the contour of the lips, make it more clear and symmetrical. To cope with this task today is quite easy due to the possibility of lip correction - this operation is well tolerated and gives an excellent aesthetic result. Photos of the correction of asymmetry, contour, lip sizes allow you to verify this.

One of the most popular requests for changes in this area is lip augmentation, which is performed using lipofilling, biogel injection or surgery.Much less common is reduction plastic surgery, which in most cases is performed after an unsatisfactory result of a previous corrective operation, if excess lip volume has been obtained.

If the question is how to correct thin, crooked, asymmetrical lips or deal with any other defects in this area, then it makes sense to visit a plastic surgeon who will determine if the patient has indications for cheiloplasty.

There are two main groups of indications for correction:

  • lip asymmetry;
  • patient dissatisfaction with the size and shape of the lips.

In more detail, cheiloplasty allows you to correct the contour and volume of the lips, the shape of the lowered corners and the frenulum of the upper lip. The operation helps to correct the sagging lip, eliminate scars, papillomas, cysts and other neoplasms and get rid of wrinkles in this area. Cheiloplasty makes it possible to remove the "cleft lip" or "cleft palate" - birth defects that greatly harm the aesthetics of the face and adversely affect health, the full functioning of the oral cavity.

Aesthetic augmentation and reduction, as well as reconstructive cheiloplasty, also has contraindications, these include:

  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • unhealed lesions in the lip area;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

The problem of how to correct asymmetry, lift the lowered corners of the lips, change the size, is solved quite simply today - by contacting a plastic surgeon. The doctor will tell you what types of correction of the upper and lower lips are indicated and can be performed in a particular case.The doctor will inform you about the features of lip correction with gel, fatty tissues, as well as with the help of surgical techniques.

The most common way to correct the lips is to introduce fillers with hyaluronic (not to be confused with hyaluronic) acid into this area. The procedure is safe and is performed under local anesthesia. The only disadvantage of lip augmentation with biogel is a short-term result - the effect lasts up to 12 months. The reason for such an unstable result is that the gels tend to dissolve in the body.

Another popular method for correcting the shape and size of the lips is lipofilling. In this case, the patient's own adipose tissue, which has undergone preliminary cleaning and processing, is injected into the lip area. Fat cells for lipofilling are usually taken from the so-called "problem" areas - most often from the abdomen and thighs.

Usually, an amount of fat is injected that is one third more than the desired volume of the lips, since approximately 30% of the fat cells will resolve during the first 6 months. This procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia and usually lasts no more than 1 hour. The advantage of lipofilling is that the result can last up to 10 years.

Surgical techniques of cheiloplasty are more radical and involve correction with the help of the patient's soft labial tissues. There are the following main surgical techniques:

  • VY cheiloplasty - on the surface of the lip, the doctor performs one or more V-shaped incisions, then the inner surface of the lip is turned out to the desired state and the shape obtained as a result of this manipulation is fixed with a Y-shaped seam.This type of correction allows you to significantly change the shape and size of the lips, while not depriving them of their naturalness. Depending on the number and length of incisions, it is possible to enlarge the entire lip or only its central zone;
  • cheiloplasty Paris - this technique is performed in a manner similar to VY correction, only incisions are made both in vertical and horizontal planes. This method allows to obtain sufficiently voluminous lips with a clearly defined contour, with a protruding tubercle in the central part of the upper lip;
  • shortening cheiloplasty - performed with an excessively long upper or lower lip. During the correction, an elliptical area of ​​the skin is removed, after which the lips acquire symmetry and an aesthetic shape.

Lip reshaping and lip augmentation are performed under general or local anesthesia, depending on the method chosen. A stay in the hospital is not required - immediately after the increase, correction of asymmetry, volume and other defects of the lips, as soon as the anesthesia wears off, you can go home.

For approximately 1-2 weeks after contouring the lips, severe swelling and mild soreness may persist - these symptoms quickly cease to bother, they may be replaced by numbness. This loss of sensation in the lips can last for 2-3 months. Approximately the same time will be needed for the scar after surgical cheiloplasty to even out and acquire a natural shade, that is, according to reviews and medical observations, it becomes almost invisible.

Average price: 65,000 rubles.

More details about cheiloplasty - in the video:

Rhinoplasty, or nose job.

One of the most popular operations today is rhinoplasty - a nose job that is aimed at changing the size and shape or completely restoring the missing nose, as well as correcting defects that are congenital or acquired due to trauma.

Rhinoplasty and septoplasty (one of the areas that involve the treatment of a deviated nasal septum) are in great demand today. Correction allows you to solve a wide range of problems: in addition to correcting the septum, you can change the shape of the nostrils, reduce the tip of the nose, narrow its back, remove the hump or snub nose.

The opportunity to do rhinoplasty has become a real salvation for many, because with the help of this operation it has become possible to give the nose almost any shape - shorten or lengthen, change proportions, straighten or turn up the tip. After rhinoplasty, the nose not only looks better (and you can find a lot of evidence of this on the forum), but during the operation it becomes possible to restore full nasal breathing, that is, to solve medical problems.

Rhinoplasty is recommended if you need to solve the following problems:

  • remove a large or small hump on the nose (including those formed after a fracture);
  • correct large, excessively dilated nostrils;
  • change the size of the nose (including correcting a large hump nose);
  • to change the shape of the nose;
  • correct excessively thickened, upturned or lowered, hooked tip of the nose;
  • correct nasal breathing disorders in children and adults;
  • eliminate congenital or post-traumatic defects;
  • repair a deviated nasal septum.

After rhinoplasty on the hump or any other flaws performed in the summer, you will definitely need to protect your nose from direct sunlight and use a special sunscreen. If this restriction is problematic for you, it is better to plan nose surgery to remove the hump, change the shape of the nostrils, get rid of snub nose and other aesthetic problems for the autumn-winter period.

The key indication for plastic surgery of the wings, septum, tip, correction of the hump of the nose and other changes is the patient's dissatisfaction with his own appearance, when the defect causes complexes and makes life inferior.

Contraindications to nose correction (including septoplasty - restoration of the correct shape of the nasal septum) are:

  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • severe acne and inflammation of the hair follicles in the nasal area;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • viral infections;
  • mental illness.

In some cases, tip rhinoplasty, hump surgery, septal correction, and other surgical interventions in this area may not be performed if the patient is under the age of 18 years.

Rhinoplasty surgery is performed by a plastic surgeon within 1-2 hours, depending on the complexity of the intervention and the chosen method.

Open rhinoplasty is a nose correction, in which incisions will be made in the natural nasal folds, namely, on the skin bridge between the nostrils, and, if necessary, at the base of the nostril. In some cases, the dissection is performed only on the skin between the nostrils, and the doctor performs all other incisions in the internal cavity of the nose.

During this procedure, the surgeon separates the skin from the bone and cartilage, and then performs the necessary set of actions, determined by the patient's problems. Depending on this, excess cartilage and / or bone tissue is removed, the missing volume is increased due to cartilage or bone grafts, which are taken directly from the patient himself.

Open rhinoplasty is performed, as a rule, for large-scale operations, as well as in the case of secondary correction. The advantage of this method is that the operating physician gets a good overview and the ability to accurately match the tissues and suture. However, this operation requires a longer rehabilitation period than with the closed method, and quite noticeable scars may remain after plastic surgery.

Closed rhinoplasty is a correction in which the surgeon makes all incisions exclusively inside the nasal cavity, using, in professional terms, endonasal access. The incisions are made symmetrically, they will go around almost half of the nostril ring.

The operation is performed through rather narrow openings and in conditions of very limited visibility, therefore this method requires the highest qualification of a doctor. During the operation, the cartilage and bone tissues of the nose are changed, as well as the excision of excess soft tissues in this area. The advantage of the closed method is the absence of scars, a faster visible result and easier rehabilitation (less pronounced edema in the postoperative period).

A separate direction is repeated (another name is revision) rhinoplasty, which is necessary to solve problems that have formed after the initial correction.With this type of intervention, closed or open rhinoplasty can be performed, depending on the indications.

After rhinoplasty (including septoplasty of the nasal septum), the doctor applies a plaster bandage to the corrected nose, it will need to be worn for 5-10 days. In order to prevent bleeding and to fix the new shape of the nose, special turundas are inserted into the nasal passages, which will be removed the day after the operation. After performing both septoplasty and rhinoplasty, the turundas are removed from the nose for approximately 2-3 days. During this time, patients experience the greatest discomfort due to the need to breathe through the mouth.

In the postoperative period after rhinoplasty, according to medical practice and patient reviews, in some cases bruising can be observed, often very pronounced, in the eye area. Visible swelling usually disappears within a month, but in rare cases it can last up to 6 months or more. In order to quickly eliminate puffiness, the doctor may prescribe a course of hardware cosmetic procedures.

At all stages of recovery after septoplasty and other types of rhinoplasty, you will need to independently perform the procedures prescribed by the doctor, namely, to clean the nasal passages and then lubricate them with special medicinal formulations. It is necessary to know that the appearance of the nose will change throughout the postoperative period, which is explained by the processes of scarring and skin contraction in the corrected areas.

During the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty, in order not to provoke an increase in edema, the patient should avoid drinking alcohol, prolonged exposure to the sun, active physical exertion, visits to the solarium and sauna.

When evaluating the final result of plastic surgery, you need to understand that perfect symmetry can not always be achieved. It is also not necessary to expect that the result obtained will absolutely correspond to the simulation preceding the operation. Computer simulation is only a guide that the doctor uses during the operation. Human tissues are not so plastic and do not have such stability, so even the best surgeons cannot calculate the result to the millimeter.

Average price: 75,000 rubles.

Some features of rhinoplasty from a professional - in the video:

Augmentation mammoplasty, or breast plastic surgery.

Augmentation, or augmentation, mammoplasty is a breast augmentation with the help of a surgical operation. This type of plastic surgery is one of the most popular and in demand, breast augmentation for many means a radical change in life, getting rid of an inferiority complex, embarrassment in intimate life, getting the opportunity to wear clothes that you like.

Breast augmentation surgery allows you to improve the volume and shape of the breast, make it elastic, toned. No creams, pills and exercises are able to give such an effect, only breast augmentation surgery can cope with this task. This is the safest, most reliable, predictable way to give breasts appetizing, seductive forms.The result of such a correction largely depends on the professionalism of the surgeon, so breast augmentation should be carried out in a specialized clinic, which employs doctors with relevant experience.

The decision to have breast augmentation surgery can be made based on the following indications:

  • hypoplasia - underdevelopment of the mammary glands;
  • micromastia - small breasts from birth;
  • ptosis (omission) of the breast;
  • partial or complete removal of one or two mammary glands;
  • asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • post-lactational involution - a decrease in breast volume, its sagging, loss of elasticity, deformation of the nipple-areolar complex.

Contraindications for plastic breast augmentation:

  • age up to 18 years - it is necessary to wait for the full formation of the breast;
  • oncology;
  • serious diseases of internal organs;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy and incomplete lactation;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • diabetes.

Scars after breast augmentation become whiter over time and become less noticeable. After about 12 months, the scars can be almost invisible.

Augmentation mammoplasty is a breast arthroplasty with different volume, surface type, filling with implants. In shape, breast endoprostheses are round, anatomical (teardrop-shaped), asymmetrical (their shape differs for two mammary glands). Anatomical implants are used to significantly increase the breast, while they allow you to achieve the most natural look. Round endoprostheses are more commonly used for minor volume augmentation.

According to the type of filling for breast augmentation, silicone is the most popular; in some cases, saline endoprostheses are also installed.According to the type of surface, implants can be smooth and rough (textured surface reduces mobility). According to the type of profile, low and high implants are used for breast augmentation.

When choosing the size of an implant for plastic surgery for breast augmentation, the doctor takes into account, in addition to the wishes of the patient, also the type of her figure, the structural features of the chest, height, body proportions and the current size and condition of the breast. The endoprosthesis is selected in such a way as to be completely covered by tissues in order to avoid outlining the implant border.

In plastic surgery for breast augmentation, the method of installing the endoprosthesis is chosen by the doctor, taking into account medical indications and the wishes of the patient. The most preferred is submuscular, since in this case the muscle holds the implant, thereby reducing the risk of capsular contracture - excessive thickening of the fibrous membrane, which leads to compression of the prosthesis and causes its deformation, asymmetry. Installation under the gland allows you to save muscle fibers, as a result of which the patient experiences less discomfort in the postoperative period, but with this arrangement it is not always possible to hide the contours of the implant.

In the early postoperative period, pain may be observed, which can be stopped by taking painkillers prescribed by the doctor. The breast after surgery to increase the mammary glands is fixed with special pressure bandages. Although changes in shape and size will be noticeable immediately, the final appearance of the gland will take about 1.5-2 months, when a capsule of fibrous tissue forms around the endoprostheses and inflammation in the soft tissues subsides.

After surgical breast augmentation, swelling and bruising may persist for the first two weeks. Approximately a month, the patient is prescribed to wear special compression underwear. Surgical sutures are removed on the 7-10th day after the intervention, in some cases, self-absorbable material is used for sutures, which does not require removal. At first, postoperative scars will be quite dense and red, but gradually they will turn into a thin, almost invisible line of flesh-colored.

In the process of rehabilitation after breast augmentation for 5 weeks, it is not allowed to visit the pool, as well as saunas and solariums, and serious physical exertion is prohibited. After breast augmentation surgery, according to patient reviews and medical observations, in the first 2-3 weeks you may feel slight pain when touched, tension in the mammary glands. The final results of breast augmentation can only be seen after 6-12 months. A year after surgical correction, subject to the installation of high-quality endoprostheses, the woman retains the possibility of breastfeeding.

Average price: 100,000 rubles.

Answers to popular questions about mammoplasty - in the video:

Liposuction, or fat removal.

The ideal figure has never been given to anyone for free. Most often, beautiful forms are the result of constant work on oneself. We are talking about a special diet, regular physical activity, the rejection of bad habits. However, this is not enough, so many people decide on a surgical operation to correct the figure.

The main problem on the way to a perfect body is fat, which tends to linger in the most noticeable places - the waist, abdomen, face, hips, arms.Moreover, it is not so easy to remove it with the help of diets, exercises and massage, and the only way to remove or reduce excess subcutaneous fat is liposuction of the abdomen and other parts of the body.

Liposuction of the legs, hips, knees, arms is performed after a thorough medical examination, since a person’s desire to quickly remove fat under the skin of the face, from the sides, buttocks, and also from the inside of the thigh is not enough. In order to do liposuction of the face, cheeks and chin, the patient must be completely healthy. In both men and women, subcutaneous fat on the body, abdomen, legs and face is removed, provided that there are no contraindications. Don't expect liposuction to help you lose weight. Its task is to remove local fat deposits.


  • disproportionate obesity;
  • violations of the proportions of the figure and face due to the accumulation of adipose tissue.


  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • blood clotting problems.

The very principle of liposuction clearly demonstrates how you can quickly remove internal subcutaneous fat from all parts of the body: from the inner thighs, sides, chest (pectoral muscles), lower abdomen, knees, face, legs, shoulders, armpits, priests, press, arms, buttocks, under the armpits, from the back and abdomen.

The main instrument of the surgeon during the operation is a blunt cannula. They are needles with a hollow structure. Through small holes in the skin, fat is sucked off using a vacuum device. In this regard, this type of liposuction is called vacuum.

Tumescent liposuction is similar to the vacuum method, but before the intervention, the doctor injects a special solution under the skin that constricts the blood vessels and swells the adipose tissue, which facilitates its removal.

The ultrasonic method makes it possible to soften the adipose tissue by using a special ultrasonic probe and to easily suck it out with cannulas.

If the patient decides to remove excess subcutaneous fat from the abdomen, one should be prepared for the fact that he will have an intervention under general, less often local, anesthesia, lasting from half an hour to two hours. Each puncture involves a suture. The stitches are removed on the 7th day, while in the hospital you will have to stay from 2 to 3 days. Within a month, you need to wear special compression underwear and avoid serious physical exertion. There are practically no pain sensations, but outwardly, edema is observed for some time, which soon disappear.

Average price: 65,000 rubles.

Myths and truth about liposuction - in the video:

Gluteoplasty, or buttock augmentation.

Beautiful buttocks not only harmonize the figure, making it feminine and attractive. Their correct shape allows you to easily pick up a wardrobe in any style, and not refuse tight trousers, as well as boldly go to the beach and visit the pool. Unfortunately, not every woman can boast of this part of the body: the majority is forced to hide a flat ass under clothes and experience a lot of complexes.

Instead of torturing yourself in the gym for months, trying to achieve at least a minimal result with a massage, decide on plastic surgery to increase the buttocks. For this purpose, the method of endoprosthetics using silicone implants is most often used.

The main indication for the intervention is the personal desire of the patient to correct the defects of the buttocks of the following nature:

  • small size;
  • omission;
  • saggy skin;
  • age-related sagging muscles.

The ban on gluteoplasty is most often associated with general problems of the body, namely:

  • cardiovascular and endocrine diseases;
  • impaired renal function and blood clotting;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology.

Also, no qualified doctor will undertake to perform an operation on persons under 18 years of age without special indications for this.

The most effective technique is to use implants for the buttocks. The operation is performed only under general anesthesia and lasts from 1 to 3 hours. Patients should not read old reviews on the Internet regarding this procedure, since a few years ago, some doctors practiced the installation of implants in the buttocks subcutaneously. This method is not used in modern practice due to subsequent displacements and deformations of the prosthesis. Surgeons sew the prosthesis into or under the muscle, and in some cases directly under the gluteal fascia. The incisions are made in the folds - between the buttocks or under them, so the seam will be absolutely invisible.

Buttock implants made of silicone, which are used during the operation, look natural: even with an increase in the photo, the presence of a foreign body is not traced.

After plastic surgery to increase the buttocks, there comes a time when you have to refrain from your usual lifestyle for some time. According to the information on the forum, advice and feedback from patients, it will be possible to completely remove restrictions from oneself only after 6 months - this is how long rehabilitation after gluteoplasty lasts.

On the first day, you will have to stay in the hospital, and upon returning home, you should avoid sudden movements and do not sit down for two weeks. Another condition for a quick recovery is wearing compression underwear day and night for at least 2 months. As for sports, they are allowed after six months, but the load on the buttocks must be reduced to a minimum.

Average price: 250,000 rubles.

Professional commentary on this type of surgery:

Plastic surgery: is it worth it?

Plastic surgery is an opportunity to make your body more attractive. To use it or not, everyone decides for himself.

There are many people who have entrusted themselves to professionals, and this has made them happier, because some physical disabilities can greatly reduce the quality of life.

Of course, in everything you need to observe the measure and listen to the doctor's advice, whether these types of plastic surgery are indicated or it is better to refrain from them, since there are a number of contraindications that can lead to complications after the operation during the rehabilitation period.

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