
  1. Story
  2. When is the best time to do
  3. Main point: what is hCG
  4. Rating of the best pregnancy tests:
  5. Four types of testing
  6. Testing

The best pregnancy tests in 2025

The best pregnancy tests in 2025

An accurate definition of pregnancy contributes to the timely correction of a woman's lifestyle and a more reverent attitude towards her health. The best, but time-consuming, option is a visit to the gynecologist. A simpler one is to determine the presence of pregnancy using a special test, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Description of the most popular pregnancy tests - in this article.


Before the invention of simple pregnancy tests, mankind used different ways to determine the gestational period, including some rather strange ones. There have even been tests where the grains were soaked with the woman's tests, wine and urine were mixed, and urine was injected into a certain type of frog. However, tests of this type were used until the end of the 20th century and gave poor results of accuracy, so that they are difficult to consider as effective methods of determination.

Modern measurement is done quickly and easily, the accuracy is significant, and you can immediately find out about pregnancy without lengthy experiments with grains, various compositions. There are a number of express diagnostic methods, when using which it is important to know exactly when to do them and how to interpret the results, as well as what products will be the best, most convenient.

When is the best time to do

Most of the test strips do not make restrictions on the diagnostic period by time of day, however, experts say that it is better to do diagnostics only in the morning, which is associated with the concentration of hCG after drinking a certain amount of liquid. It is better to use the first normal portions of morning urine for the test, especially if the likelihood of pregnancy is minimal.

If the gestational age is more than 18 days after ovulation, then the time of testing does not matter, although the timing of ovulation may not always coincide with the expected dates. In order to immediately and clearly obtain accurate data, consider the recommendations of all experts, it is better to do the analysis in the morning, and if this is done in the afternoon, then only after four hours of abstinence from the toilet and moderate fluid intake to increase hCG levels.

There are many modern tests that you can do every day and see the pregnancy from the first day.

What influences credibility:

  1. Expired date;
  2. The test was stored in violation of the conditions;
  3. The product is not of high quality;
  4. Testing is not done according to the instructions;
  5. The analysis was done too early;
  6. The woman had tumors, that is, choriocarcinoma, ovarian cyst, and others;
  7. Measurement error may be associated with taking medications containing hCG;
  8. Bifunctional work of the ovaries;
  9. The general position is ectopic, the threat of miscarriage of the child;
  10. Condition associated with termination of pregnancy;
  11. The use of a large amount of liquid, which reduces the concentration of hCG in the environment;
  12. kidney disease and others.
 Types of testing  
Type of testingAdvantagesMinuses
1.test stripEase of useAccuracy is not perfect
Reasonable priceThe test requires a container for urine
Reading the resultThere may be mistakes
The easiest diagnosisDifficulty to use
2.Tablet typeA more hygienic wayBig cost
Ease of useTo measure at home
SensitivityAccuracy is excellent but not perfect
3. Inkjet testThe most recent type of testingThe device is more complex than others
Lightness, ease of useCosts more
Results immediately after 1-2 minutes False results are rare, but do occur

Main point: what is hCG

The main and most basic principle of the test for determining early pregnancy is based on the detection of hCG, that is, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. HCG is a hormone produced on the very first day after the fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the uterus, and this corresponds to one week after conception itself.The maturation of the egg and the exit from the ovarian follicle takes place in the middle of the menstrual standard cycle, that is, already on day 14 with a menstrual cycle of 28 days.

The egg can be fertilized within 3-4 days, although many say that the period can go from 12 hours to seven days. The development of the child from the moment the egg is fixed will be accompanied by the production of hCG, and it is its quantity that indicates the home test.

How to choose a pregnancy test - in the video:

Rating of the best pregnancy tests:

Frautest Express - test plate for analysis

Frautest Express is one of the best simple testing options, meaning it's a cheap home pregnancy test strip. Frautest is manufactured by the German company Human Gesellschaft. The product is in great demand today, as its cost is reasonable, and its accuracy is great.

In addition to such strip strips, the company also produces excellent tablet-type measurements, as well as modern inkjet ones, the cost of which is acceptable. Frautest Express confirmed the thesis that Excellent does not mean Expensive. The test strips are really effective, accurate enough. You can use them two days before your missed period or after that, the accuracy claimed by the company is 99%.

You should be aware that the data obtained by such a measurement can be considered reliable only for 3-5 minutes and no more than 10 minutes, after a general immersion in a container with a medium. Even the palest weak second strip will tell the woman about the alleged possible pregnancy.

The sensitivity is 15 mIU / ml, according to the manufacturer, the product can be used even without waiting for your periods to be delayed.The test is made in the traditional form in the form of a strip of paper with a special indicator. In order to find out about pregnancy, it is enough to dip the product into a sample with analysis and wait for the result itself.

Frautest Express - test plate for analysis


  • Country of manufacture Germany;
  • Manufactured by Bolear Medica;
  • Number of tests - 1 piece;
  • There are two strips, C (control) and T (test);
  • Determination of the measurement two days before the delay;
  • Sensitivity comes with 15 mIU/ml;
  • Efficient product;
  • The result will be in 3-5 minutes;
  • The functionality is perfect.
  • Ease of use;
  • Reliability;
  • Reasonable price;
  • Accuracy up to 99%;
  • Perfect quality;
  • One of the best tests;
  • 10 out of 10 points are given;
  • Availability;
  • Available in every pharmacy.
  • Requires a household specific condition for testing;
  • The result indicated by the manufacturer is not always ideal;
  • Sensitivity is not as great as they say;
  • When the deadlines are too early, the result is not immediately shown;
  • There are few negative reviews online.

Outcome: This test can serve correctly and efficiently. With this tool, you no longer need to buy expensive products. The average cost of a product is from 55 to 90 rubles in online stores, and in the pharmacies of the city it costs even more. Today, these are the most inexpensive modern models, the main selection criterion of which is a reasonable price and high sensitivity.

How to use the test of this series in the video:

Evitest Proof - tablet test

The test belongs to the tablet type, costs no more than 200 rubles, the main advantage of the product is the reliability of the results. Thanks to the plate model, it will be possible to distribute the analysis more evenly and faster throughout the entire substrate with the reagent.The reagent located in the recess of the window can no longer be accidentally touched with fingers, so contamination of this sample is almost impossible.

This is a great modern tablet test that is more reliable than standard strip products. To make the analysis faster, the kit includes a special convenient pipette, with which the process itself is more hygienic than when using measurement strips.

An important detail - all tests are best done only at room temperature. If this temperature is different, then data distortions are possible, and if all requirements are taken into account, then the accuracy reaches 99%. The result here is done immediately and no more than 3-5 minutes after testing.

The sensitivity of this model is high, only the second test strip will be visible only at an hCG concentration of 20 mIU / ml.

The product is comfortable. The test makes it possible to evenly distribute the medium over the surface of the reagent, which increases the reliability of measurements. The company model is one of the best varieties of modern tests.

Evitest Proof - tablet test


  • The accuracy is great;
  • The cassette type of measurement is used;
  • The common strip is located in a plastic cassette;
  • A special pipette is attached here;
  • Testing is visible after 4-5 minutes;
  • The result is clean and crisp;
  • Sample contamination is minimal;
  • General accuracy;
  • Functional.
  • Ease of use;
  • Reliability;
  • Prevalence;
  • Sensitivity;
  • The medium is evenly distributed;
  • The result is accurate;
  • Sample contamination is no longer possible during testing;
  • Construction quality;
  • A beautiful product.
  • The price is not small;
  • This is where the reagent is dispensed;
  • Accuracy isn't always perfect;
  • There are large common errors in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • There are no serious cons here.

Bottom line: The main advantage is the accuracy of the measurement, in addition, the modern tablet design makes it possible to evenly distribute the medium. It costs an average of 170 rubles.

Clearblue Digital - electronic test

Clearblue Digital is a state-of-the-art test that will not only tell you if you are in a position or not, but will also determine the period in weeks from the time of conception. The result will be indicated already 5 days before the cycle delay period, and the measurement itself can be carried out in two ways.

The most common and simplest method is to place the tip of the product under the stream, and then lower it vertically into a container with urine. Within three minutes, an indication of pregnancy or its absence will appear on the general screen. The measurement accuracy is 99% or more, and the number of weeks of pregnancy will be indicated, while the accuracy of days is 92% or more.

The maximum period that will be shown by this test is 5 obstetric weeks, that is, there is a 3 icon in the product. Clearblue Digital is expensive, but this electronic tool gives the most accurate measurement. The model is quite convenient and easy to use, it is not required to collect the analysis in a container, it is enough to substitute it under a stream of urine.

The screen is digital and very clear, which will immediately indicate the absence or presence of pregnancy, and also the term is given approximately in numbers, this is done easily and quickly. The data of such measurements will be stored in the electronic device, but for ordinary paper test strips, this information disappears immediately. Clearblue Digital indicates the most accurate result to almost one hundred percent, and this data will be the most reliable today.

Clearblue Digital - electronic test


  • General accuracy up to 99%;
  • There are convenient marks about the presence of pregnancy;
  • Numeric values;
  • Fort with a range of 1-3 weeks or more;
  • The exact analysis of determining the number of days is 92%;
  • The test shows up to 5 obstetric weeks exactly;
  • It is better to look at the morning urine, when the concentration of hormones is greater;
  • Clear image of the result;
  • The device is comfortable and lightweight.
  • Indicates both the pregnancy itself and its duration;
  • Convenient product;
  • There is a special indicator;
  • The screen image is clear;
  • Excellent quality;
  • Ideal reliability of the device;
  • Stylish design;
  • Result;
  • It can even indicate a specific exact date;
  • Pregnancy can be established 7 days before menstruation;
  • The product is easy to use;
  • Reliability.
  • The cost is not small here;
  • The result is sometimes not accurate;
  • Strict to the conditions of the test;
  • Sometimes marriage occurs;
  • There is not in every pharmacy;
  • There are few negative reviews on the network, the main disadvantage is only the price.

Bottom line: The result will be reliable, and the diagnostic process itself is simple and you can make two options for analysis. The accuracy of this model is high, the device is ultra-sensitive and can clearly determine the timing of pregnancy, only it is required to make such measurements in accordance with the manufacturer's rules. The average cost is 370 rubles on the Internet, and in the pharmacies of the city it can cost even more and is not always available there, this is the best option in terms of price and quality.

An overview of the characteristics and how to use the test in the video:

Frautest Planning - inkjet test

Frautest Planning is already a whole package, where one package contains 5 ovulation tests, 2 pregnancy tests and 7 urine containers.An analysis of ovulation is not superfluous here, since it will not necessarily be on the 14th day of the cycle, there may still be deviations of 1-2 days. Such a measurement is very useful for those who have cycles on different dates and when the calculations are no longer effective, manufacturers have taken into account a lot here, so this device will definitely be among the best.

You also need to know the time for testing, the ideal option is to do the analysis every day at the same time. It is recommended that morning urine is not used here, since LH in the body is formed only early in the morning and appears in the urine throughout the day, this is an important condition for measuring ovulation. The most ideal time for an ovulation test is from 10 am to 8 pm, only 2-3 hours before the test it is better not to drink water.

Tests are recommended to be done from the 1st day of delay, here the accuracy of the results is guaranteed, since the sensitivity of the product is maximum. The hypersensitivity of the model is from 15 mMCU/ml, the reliability is 99% or more. Testing can be done at any time, only experts say that the concentration of hCG in morning urine will be maximum, so if there is an early delay, then it is better to do the analysis in the morning. It is very easy to use the product, first you should remove the strip test and hold it by one end, vertically immersing it in a container with urine, and then after 5 minutes put it on the table, after another 3-5 minutes you will know the result.

Frautest Planning - inkjet test


  • Product type test kit;
  • The package contains 5 test strips for ovulation;
  • Two test strips to establish pregnancy;
  • Available in one set of 7 containers for collecting urine;
  • Exactly 7 pcs. packaged;
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Accuracy;
  • Shelf life 3 years;
  • Certificate PR.010-16 19.04.2016;
  • Packaging made of cardboard and foil;
  • Sensitivity 15 mIU/ml.
  • There is everything to determine ovulation and gestational age;
  • Easy tracking of results;
  • Ease of use;
  • Can be bought at every pharmacy;
  • Special convenient containers;
  • Accuracy;
  • Sensitivity;
  • Equipment;
  • Manufacturing quality;
  • Availability.
  • Accuracy isn't always perfect;
  • Rarely, but there is a marriage;
  • Containers are not perfect;
  • The price is not small;
  • There are almost no cons in the network, since the test is really unique.

Bottom line: The cost is reasonable, and the quality is excellent, a complete set of tests and capacities. The average price of such a modern test is from 407 to 467 rubles in online stores.

Premium diagnostics - inkjet test

Premium diagnostics is an inkjet test that is very easy to use, no need to look for a container for urine, as it is enough to put the product under the jet. The result will already be visible in 1-2 minutes, the data is displayed in a special window, so you don’t have to guess whether there are two strips or just one more.

There are many excellent reviews, although there have been complaints about the false measurement of pregnancy. False data can only be when testing is done too early, keep in mind that the required level of hormones in a woman will be 14 days after the delay itself. The measurement result will be obtained quickly, if you do it clearly and reasonably, then the probability of measurement accuracy is up to 99%.

This test will be advised by many doctors in the world, as the diagnosis is fast and accurate, thanks to which you can easily determine your condition. It is the best alternative to strip tests, only a red strip must appear here if the analysis was carried out correctly, which does not depend on the answer whether there is a pregnancy.You can take measurements both at home and in other places when it is not possible to use a container with urine. The manufacturer has thought of literally everything here from the ease of analysis to the manufacture of special cassettes.

Premium diagnostics - inkjet test


  • Item type: gynecological test;
  • Manufacturer China;
  • For testing;
  • Can be tested at home and other conditions;
  • The result is given in 1-2 minutes;
  • It will be visible in a separate convenient window;
  • Slender type of product;
  • Up to 99% accuracy;
  • Special cassette;
  • If it goes right, then another red stripe should appear.
  • Ease of use;
  • The test is performed easily, accuracy;
  • Rapidity;
  • Convenient way to test;
  • The best alternative to other methods;
  • The container for the medium is no longer required;
  • Beautiful product;
  • The cost is reasonable;
  • Hypersensitivity.
  • There is no usual container for urine;
  • According to reviews, the sensitivity is not so great;
  • If the period is long, then the measurement is not always correct and accurate;
  • The price is reasonable, but still expensive;
  • There were false results;
  • There are few cons in the network.

Bottom line: The inkjet test is convenient and accurate, and you will know the result in 1-2 minutes. The price of the average inkjet model is 180 rubles, the cost varies depending on the store.

Rest assured - cassette inkjet test

Be sure - this is a quick and convenient way for a woman to be able to detect pregnancy, it allows you to detect fertilized eggs a few days before the delay. The product is very sensitive to hCG, the content of which increases in the urine during pregnancy, if there is a large amount of such hCG, then the testing is positive, which indicates that you are already in a position.

The jet-type design is implemented as a set consisting of two analyzes, it is distinguished by such qualities as high speed, accuracy of obtaining the result. The test cassette consists of a special fibrous rod with microscopic channels, it is through the channels that moisture will rise to the area with reagents.

The main advantage of this product is the simplicity and ease of research, it can be diagnosed at home and other conditions. The only negative is a weakly manifested second strip, which should indicate pregnancy. The study can be done both in the morning and in the evening or in the afternoon, many say that it is better to do this when the concentration of hCG is maximum and the measurement will be the clearest.

The result will be in 2-3 minutes, only this data will be saved for only 10 minutes, and then the indication is no longer accurate, if the result is positive, then there will be two strips instead of one. If there are no such conventional test strips at all, then the study was no longer carried out correctly or the expiration date has expired, and this also happens sometimes due to taking medications containing hCG or due to a number of diseases.

Rest assured - cassette inkjet test


  • Test to determine pregnancy;
  • Sensitivity 25;
  • Inkjet product;
  • The price is reasonable;
  • Set of two products;
  • The device is more complex than other standard products;
  • Response speed;
  • The cassette is made of a special rod;
  • Accuracy 97-99%.
  • Ease of use;
  • Small price;
  • Diagnosis can be at home or in other settings;
  • Reacts even to the minimum amount of hormones;
  • It is better to do the analysis in the morning when the hCG level is higher;
  • The product is inkjet, there is no need to use a container for the medium;
  • The speed of results is great;
  • The functionality is excellent.
  • The result may not be accurate with a frozen environment, the threat of miscarriage;
  • Accuracy deteriorates due to follicular cyst and other diseases;
  • There is not in every pharmacy;
  • Measurement is not always perfect;
  • Not many complaints were made.

Bottom line: The test is high-quality, convenient, works easily and efficiently, the cost is reasonable and there are already many positive reviews on the network. The usual test of this company costs only 9-16 rubles today, and the inkjet “Be sure” costs 50 rubles.

Sezam - test cassette

The Sezam test is an ultra sensitive test cassette for determining pregnancy 7 days after fertilization, that is, before the delay. The main basic working principle here is the determination of the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, that is, hCG in the urine of a woman. HCG will be actively and quickly produced by the chorion of the fetal egg and appears in the analysis already 7 days after conception. The egg is already fertilized and developing, and this is accompanied by the release of a hormone, most of this hormone is in the morning urine. Thanks to this test cassette, there can be no exact errors, SEZAM provides the most accurate determination of pregnancy, for such a measurement there is a special membrane in the plastic case.

To quickly establish pregnancy, antibodies were applied to a special membrane element. The cassette has two special windows, one for introducing a urine sample, and the other for reading the measurement. There is also a special pipette with the test here, it serves to take 3 drops of analysis, which you need to drop into the first window of the test cassette. The result will already be in about 3 minutes, for the convenience of using this product, in addition to the pipette, it also includes a special container for analysis.SEZAM belongs to ultra-sensitive products, as it can accurately and quickly determine pregnancies a certain number of days before the delay.

Sezam - test cassette


  • Product type: test cassette;
  • Ultrasensitivity;
  • Sensitivity 10 mMCU/ml;
  • 99% accuracy;
  • Can be used both in the evening and in the morning;
  • Definition of pregnancy after 7 days from the delay;
  • Quality;
  • For analysis, a membrane with antibodies is used;
  • US manufacturer.
  • The result will be perfect;
  • It only takes 3 drops of urine;
  • Ease of use;
  • Reading the result goes through a separate second window;
  • Format;
  • There are pharmacies in the city;
  • The price is minimal;
  • Excellent quality;
  • Three minutes for analysis.
  • The results are not always the most accurate, as they say;
  • The assay should be at room temperature only;
  • There are negative reviews, but they are few in the network.

Conclusion: The ultra-sensitive test cassette is used for the accurate study of hormones, it has a high sensitivity index of up to 10 mmol / ml. This device is simple and convenient. The average price of a test cassette is 110-120 rubles in online stores. Today, every rating of quality tests necessarily contains this model.

Four types of testing

Test strip or strip strip

A very simple principle is used here, that is, it is required to lower this strip into a vessel with analysis and after 5 minutes the result will be known. If the second strip was stained, then the test is positive, and if there was no staining at all, then it is negative. And if the color of the second strip was not significantly changed, then the overall result is weakly positive.If the measurement is not accurate, then gynecologists will advise you to do this test again after 1, 2 and then 3 days. Such means are the cheapest, although they are less truthful relative to others, here the inaccuracy is only due to the fact that the strip is not of high quality, the expiration date has expired or was overexposed during the study.

Modern tablet type

This device costs more than test strips, but the quality of all results will be much better, it consists of two windows, where the first is required for urine analysis, and the second for getting an answer. Modern products of this type with windows for urine drops are inexpensive, usually from 50 rubles to 150 rubles, the overall sensitivity here will be high and ideal. This method is quite new and ultra-sensitive, so you can find out still at an early date, and besides, such products are convenient to use. Urine is required for analysis, this liquid enters the tissue and then spreads through the reagent, now there is a reaction and the tissue is stained, so you will immediately know the result of your pregnancy.

jet type

For such an inkjet analysis, it is no longer necessary to collect the medium; it will be enough to substitute the product under a stream of urine according to the instructions. After 2-3 minutes, the result will be indicated on the display, these funds are quite expensive, but their sensitivity is maximum. With the help of such a device, you can determine your pregnancy a few days before your period. Inkjet analysis is reliable, convenient and reliable, the design here is complex, but it is it that ensures the accuracy of the study.

Digital electronic testing

Digital tests will indicate the result in a special indicator, this intelligent sensor with great quality of accuracy will immediately tell you whether you are pregnant or not. It combines overall efficiency and quality, this is a two-in-one product, the hormone concentration is necessarily checked, and the accuracy will be 99%. This indicates the period in weeks from the moment of conception, while the accuracy of determining the number of weeks from conception will be at least 92%. This testing will be done five days before the delay, the sensitivity of the product is unique, and the exact result is indicated in numbers.


A modern pregnancy test is accurate and easy to use, this design will be a real lifesaver, that is, it will help you quickly find out if you are pregnant or not. It is easy to find out such a result, the measurement itself here is connected with the level of the hCG hormone in a woman, which is formed from the moment the placenta grows, and the test itself reacts to it. It is hCG that becomes the most important indicator, testing will show its level and tell you how many weeks your child has been born. Only a highly sensitive measuring instrument made by a reputable manufacturer should be selected for testing.

An alternative, however, rather dubious, may be the diagnosis of pregnancy by folk remedies. More details in the video:

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