
  1. Causes of wrinkles on the face:
  2. Wrinkle classification
  3. Best Facial Wrinkle Treatments in 2025.
  4. Other means against age-related changes.
  5. Folk remedies for wrinkles.

Top ranking of the best face wrinkle remedies in 2025

Top ranking of the best face wrinkle remedies in 2025

Wrinkles on the face are an extremely unpleasant symptom that occurs in the life of every girl. Sooner or later, her forehead is no longer as smooth as before, "crow's feet" appear, and the lip contour loses its former appearance. In order to enjoy their beauty longer, women resort to using the secret of youth, that is, products that can smooth out wrinkles.

According to specialists - cosmetologists, the human body begins to age after 25 years. Most often, wrinkles appear on the face - one of the most exposed parts of the body. Unfavorable environmental conditions and too bright expression of emotions contribute to this: everything that lies on the soul of a person is instantly displayed on his face.

At first, barely noticeable wrinkles appear, but then mimic wrinkles become more and more. Surprisingly, in people who are stingy with emotions, wrinkles appear later than their antipodes.

However, these are not all causes of wrinkles.

Causes of wrinkles on the face:

  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • uncontrolled weight loss;
  • blindly following dubious diets;
  • slowing down or complete cessation of collagen production;
  • negative impact of ultraviolet rays;
  • stress;
  • diseases of the body;
  • features of the climatic zone: lack or excess of sunlight, heat.

To combat premature aging, cosmetologists and doctors create anti-aging creams, serums, ointments - all kinds of generics. In the beauty industry, they are also called AA creams.

Such funds are different according to the age category: after 30/40/50/60; according to the field of application: from deep / mimic wrinkles, to tighten the skin around the eyes, as well as to prevent loss of skin elasticity.

However, it should be remembered that the main thing in them is not the inscription "30/40+", but the active components in the composition.

Wrinkle classification

  • Superficial (mimic). They arise as a result of active facial expressions and improper care for dry skin. Subsequently, deep creases are formed in the skin of the face, with which you need to start fighting in advance with the help of moisturizers and peeling.
  • Deep (static). This type of wrinkles occurs due to a slowdown in collagen production, that is, the natural aging process of the body. The matter also concerns the dermis: AA-creams alone will not work. In this case, you can maintain youthful skin with the help of appropriate home procedures, as well as with the help of cosmetic services.

In more detail about the causes of wrinkles, their types and ways to deal with them in the video:

Best Facial Wrinkle Treatments in 2025.

There are many anti-aging products being launched at the moment, and each has its own composition. You should not take their choice lightly, judging by the cover and not delving into what is written on the wrapper: the components of a particular drug affect human skin in different ways. Owners of dry skin are suitable AA-cream with one composition, owners of oily skin - with another. The wrong remedy can only aggravate the situation. The best option is to consult a dermatologist before use, because each remedy has its own advantages, disadvantages, contraindications.

Creams for wrinkles on the face of luxury class.

one.Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate For Face and Eye.

This intensely regenerating concentrate is suitable for women over the age of 45, as well as for all skin types.

The innovative ascending recovery technology lies in the fact that lifeless cells at the base of wrinkles are replaced by new, healthy ones with collagen. This is facilitated by a special ingredient in all products of the American beauty company - soy polypeptides. Women who used this cream noted a positive effect within a month after application.

However, this Clinique product is not only an AA cream, it is also an EE cream. The composition of the concentrate includes light-reflecting particles, which, lying on the skin, make it radiant, silky after the first application. In addition, wrinkles become invisible.

The cream has a light, pleasant texture. It is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving a greasy sheen.

Serum cream is recommended to be used twice a day (morning and evening), applying to the necessary places of cleansed skin. It can be used in conjunction with other anti-aging and moisturizing products.

Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate For Face and Eye
  • the presence of a muscle relaxant;
  • economical use of funds;
  • can be used as a make-up base.
  • price.

Average price: 4300 rubles.

2. Acglycolic Classic Forte Sisderma.

This tool is not quite a cream, more like a cream-gel. Its feature is the presence in the composition of 10% concentration of glycolic acid - a hydroxy acid that promotes the production of collagen and renewal of the dermis. This concentration is harmless to the skin and the body as a whole.

Cream-gel is one of the professional products: you can buy it either in the appropriate stores or in beauty salons.

The drug not only smoothes wrinkles, filling them with collagen, and removes the keratinized layer of the skin, but also moisturizes and soothes the skin of the face.

Acglycolic Classic Forte Sisderma
  • Convenient dispenser:
  • safe when used at home;
  • noticeable positive changes in the skin;
  • able to cope with static and superficial wrinkles.
  • hard to get;
  • price;
  • it is also necessary to use a product with a high sun protection factor.

Average price: 4500 rubles.

3. Vichy Neovalidol Gf 40-60+.

This cream is recommended for daily facial skin care after 45 years, during menopause in women.

Vichy's product is a dual action cream. It has two actions:

  • stimulation and resumption of skin cell renewal;
  • increase in skin density.

This results in a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin. The oval, the contour of the face becomes clearer, the skin looks fresh, moisturized and toned. Visible effect occurs within a month after application.

Vichy Neovalidol Gf 40-60+
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • a whole line of Vichy Neovalidol Gf products, from now on to foundation.
  • quick consumption (daily care) at a rather high cost;
  • the cream is in a jar (but there is an option in a tube).

Average price: 2100 rubles.

4. Avene Ysteal.

This pharmacy cream contains retinol (vitamin A), so it is suitable for correcting the wrinkles of dry, sensitive skin.

The active ingredient is retinaldehyde, which is converted into vitamin A directly in the dermis. This makes the tool especially effective. The texture of the cream is light and delicate. With regular use, the skin becomes taut, looks fresh.

May be used as a day or night cream. However, it is necessary to use sunscreen along with the cream.

The color of the cream is orange-yellow, there is no smell.

Avene Ystheal
  • smoothes superficial wrinkles;
  • improves complexion;
  • one of the most effective means with vitamin A;
  • neutral smell;
  • convenient applicator.
  • high price with a small volume (30 ml);
  • requires the use of sunscreen.

Average price: 1550 rubles.

Analogues of creams for wrinkles on the face of the luxury class.

Not always good means are expensive. The same effective AA creams are on the shelves of pharmacies, cosmetic stores with a modest price tag. Moreover, they are in no way inferior in quality to elite cosmetics: often they contain the same active ingredients.

1. Cream-gel for eyelids KORA with shea butter.

Such active components of anti-aging products as retinoids are not able to properly care for the skin around the eyes, but there are wrinkles there too.

Pharmacy cream of a domestic manufacturer contains only natural ingredients:

  • wheat proteins;
  • shea butter, soybean, olive;
  • parsley, fucus, ginseng root, cornflower;
  • caffeine;
  • vitamin E

The cream fights dark circles under the eyes, moisturizes and tightens the skin, smoothing mimic wrinkles. It has a pleasant gel texture.

Eye cream-gel KORA with shea butter
  • light texture;
  • the possibility of using as a base for make-up;
  • saturates the skin with vitamins, tightens and tones;
  • cheaper than luxury AA creams.
  • does not work on static wrinkles.

Average price: 440 rubles.

2. AA cream Laura with peptides.

Laura is a manufacturer of inexpensive anti-aging cosmetics. Their cream is suitable for all skin types.

However, women who use them either scold him or praise him, despite the rather good composition. The cream contains tripeptides (in second place in the list of ingredients after water), moisturizing hyaluronic acid, vitamins, panthenol, glycerin. But there is one controversial component - wild yam extract. Of course, it is harmless to the skin, but its positive effect on the skin has not been proven by clinical trials.

The cream has a good composition for facial skin care, but its help in the fight against age-related changes can only be seen with individual use.

AA cream Laura with peptides
  • acceptable composition;
  • low price;
  • ubiquitous availability in pharmacies.
  • It is recommended to use together with Lora tablets (before use, consult a specialist);
  • dubious effect.

Average price: 380 rubles.

3. Natural youth elixir from Pure Line.

This cream, released recently, is suitable for any type of skin.
It has an excellent composition, it includes 7 oils that are good for the skin:

  • passionflower seed oil;
  • peach;
  • pistachio;
  • olive;
  • sunflower;
  • sesame;
  • grape seed.

It also contains chamomile extract and ingredients that moisturize the skin. The product has a pleasant natural aroma, has a non-greasy texture and is quickly absorbed. It will be an excellent tool for daily skin care with wrinkles: at least they will become less noticeable.

Natural youth elixir from Chistaya Liniya
  • worthy composition;
  • light texture;
  • price;
  • suits any type of skin.
  • packaging-jar;
  • is not an anti-wrinkle product.

Average price: 100 rubles.

4. Ginseng cream from Neva cosmetics.

The domestic manufacturer produces a tonic, anti-aging cream for the skin around the eyes.

Despite its outward simplicity and unpretentiousness, it has an incredibly powerful effect and can be considered a worthy AA cream. It contains a natural anti-aging component, echinacea extract, and a natural tonic, ginseng root extract. In addition, the composition contains olive and avocado oils, vitamins A and E.

The cream has a moisturizing, tightening effect, fights dark bags under the eyes.

Ginseng cream from Neva cosmetics
  • affordable price;
  • excellent composition with natural ingredients;
  • verified manufacturer.
  • will not cope with deep wrinkles.

Average price: 50 rubles.

What cream do you like?

Other means against age-related changes.

Progress does not stand still: now, instead of the usual AA creams, there are other, more modern ways to deal with wrinkles.

Hardware cosmetology.

ReadySkin nanoSkin

The multifunctional device from the ReadySkin brand is designed using the latest technologies in South Korea, which provides a professional level of skin care. The device is suitable for skin care not only for the face, but also for the body, and includes 5 modes of operation for rejuvenation and tightening:

  • RF-lifting - restores smoothness and elasticity to the skin, effectively fights the aging process. Carry out the procedure for the body as well - with regular use, it evens out the skin and allows you to get rid of the "orange peel" effect.
  • ENI-electroporation - galvanic currents accelerate the penetration of active ingredients of cosmetics and improve skin nutrition.
  • EMS stimulation is a procedure for muscle training, skin firming and tightening. It will help in the fight against excess fat and flabbiness, removes swelling well and enhances the clarity of contours.
  • Ionic cleansing - a mode designed to deeply cleanse the skin of makeup residues and impurities. Positively charged ions cause saponification of sebum fatty acids, as a result of which blackheads, sebaceous plugs and cosmetics are converted into soap and easily removed from the pores.
  • Tonic cooling is a mode that has a pronounced calming, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. The procedure also tightens pores and tightens the skin.

The nanoSkin device is equipped with titanium RF electrodes and a smart temperature control sensor that reads the temperature of the subcutaneous tissue during the procedure and allows you to make it as safe and effective as possible. For comfortable use, a high-definition LCD display, a simple and understandable control panel, as well as adjustment of the power of the device (5 levels) are provided. Thanks to the built-in battery, the device can work without being connected to the network, it is convenient to take it on trips and business trips.

Rejuvenation device ReadySkin nanoSkin
  • Korean technologies and components;
  • 5 skin care modes;
  • Comprehensive care - savings on cosmetic procedures;
  • Compact size - easy to take on trips;
  • Smart temperature control sensor.
  • Not detected.

beauty gun

The Beauty Gun is suitable for complex skin care.The device has 4 modes for skin rejuvenation and tightening: RF-lifting + EMS, infrared radiation, phonophoresis, iontophoresis. The device will help cleanse the skin of impurities, increase the penetration of cosmetics, and the device also helps to tone and strengthen the skin, improve complexion. The effect of the procedures is cumulative, regular procedures are recommended to achieve the desired result. The device is battery operated and does not need to be plugged into an outlet. Users note that insufficiently detailed instructions are included in the package of the device, which can cause some difficulties when using the device.

Apparatus for rejuvenation Beauty Gun
  • 4 operating modes;
  • Comprehensive skin care;
  • Battery operation.
  • Insufficiently complete instructions for use in the kit.


Apparatus for skin rejuvenation of the face, neck and décolleté. The device includes 5 modes: RF lifting of the face and body, EMS muscle stimulation, LED therapy, microcurrent therapy, warm effect on the skin to absorb care products. The device will help to model a clear oval of the face, strengthen the muscles and increase the elasticity and tone of the skin. Users praise the device for high efficiency with regular use, but note that the device lacks the ability to adjust the power of exposure.

Gice rejuvenation machine
  • 5 operating modes;
  • High efficiency with regular use;
  • Stylish minimalist design.
  • Lack of power control.

Gezatone m1610

The most expensive device in the ranking is equipped with 6 functions for complex facial skin rejuvenation: radiofrequency lifting, chromotherapy, vibration, EMS, galvanization and tonic cooling. The use of all techniques will allow you to cleanse, strengthen and tighten the skin, model a beautiful facial contour, eliminate flabbiness and wrinkles, and remove uneven skin relief. The package includes a stand, with which it is convenient to store the device on the dressing table.

Apparatus for rejuvenation Gezatone m1610
  • 6 functions for comprehensive care;
  • High efficiency with regular use;
  • Storage stand.
  • Short battery life.

The price is 13,654 rubles.

Botox injections.

To date, Botox injections are the most popular and effective way to combat wrinkles.

The drug that is injected into the desired area is a protein. It blocks the nerve endings of the wrinkle zone, as a result of which the muscles are in a relaxed state. It helps to get rid of mimic wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead.

Attention! This procedure should be carried out only by professional cosmetologists in specialized clinics. Before doing this, be sure to consult a doctor. There are a number of contraindications.

  • effectiveness in the fight against mimic wrinkles;
  • availability;
  • no recovery period.
  • ineffective in the fight against deep wrinkles;
  • less effective with injections of the cheeks and chin;
  • action is limited.

Average price: from 500 rubles.

Have Botox Injections Helped You?

Detailed information about all aspects of this procedure can be found in the video:


The American company Frownies, which has been operating since 1889, has created a real novelty bomb in the field of AA products. A patch that smoothes wrinkles during sleep has gained unprecedented popularity among Western stars.

The method of its application is simple: stick it on the straightened problem area of ​​the skin, go to bed / go about your business. However, the result is surprising: after one course, mimic wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out.

This procedure stimulates the production of collagen, improves blood circulation, and starts the process of renewal of dermal cells. This is a godsend for people who sleep on their side or face in the pillow: most wrinkles form at night.

In addition, the patch eradicates unwanted mimic habits that lead to superficial wrinkles.

  • effective;
  • convenient.
  • high price;
  • difficult to get in the Russian Federation;
  • several procedures are required.

Average price: 5000 rubles (full course).

Learn more about this scarce AA remedy:

Folk remedies for wrinkles.

Against age-related changes, not only store products help well. An anti-wrinkle mask can also be made at home.

1. Oils as an effective anti-wrinkle remedy.

Oils are truly effective natural remedies for wrinkles.

They should be applied with a cotton swab to the desired areas twice a day. The following oils have good AA action:

  • avocado;
  • almond;
  • peach;
  • wheat germ;
  • sesame.

2. Egg-lemon face mask.

This procedure has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

  • egg yolk;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of castor oil.

Warm up the towel in a water bath. Put gauze moistened with the mixture into it and apply on the face for 10 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm milk.

3. Mask for wrinkles on the forehead.

This mask, thanks to the vitamin B contained in the main ingredient, has a strong antioxidant and rejuvenating effect on the skin of the forehead.

  • yeast;
  • warm milk.

Mash the yeast with a spoon and gradually pour the liquid into them. Apply the mixture three times a week for 30 minutes.

4. Rejuvenating mask around the eyes.

This mask effectively fights static wrinkles.

  • crumb of white bread;
  • melted butter.

Soak bread in butter. Apply with caution to the area around the eyes. After 40 minutes, wash your face with warm water.

A video with a recipe for a decent anti-aging mask can be viewed here:

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