
  1. Features of modern playgrounds
  2. List of the best playgrounds for children in St. Petersburg

The best playgrounds in St. Petersburg in 2025

The best playgrounds in St. Petersburg in 2025

Once upon a time, playgrounds for playing were a modest sandbox surrounded by a few primitive swings and carousels. All this was painted with dull oil paints and was a pitiful sight. Now in the courtyards of large cities you can see playgrounds in the form of real art objects. Here it is interesting to play with friends, and just look at the miracle of architectural thought. There are several unusual playgrounds in St. Petersburg that are interesting to see not only for children, but also for adults.

Features of modern playgrounds

Few children will want to play in playgrounds that have been preserved in some cities since the Soviet era. Unattractive and dangerous iron and wooden structures become even more dangerous in the winter season. Often, such sites consist of a pair of slides, swings and a small sandbox, which very rarely contains sand.

Such structures, made of metal pipes and sheets, become completely unusable during the winter months. No warm clothes will save you from the icy cold of metal. Yes, and icy wooden structures are a little nicer.

According to modern teachers and pediatricians, before sending a child to play on the playground, it would be nice to evaluate not only its appearance, but also its equipment, and especially safety. Parents should first assess the integrity of the structures. They should not have any damage that could cause injury to the child. There should be no open ground on the site. It is better if the surface is covered with a special rubber coating to reduce the likelihood of injury, although even this is not able to fully protect the baby from bruises and abrasions.

It is good if a variety of sports simulators are installed on the site. By the way, the quality of such outdoor devices is not much inferior to the simulators installed in fitness centers. They are quite suitable so that the child can work out different muscle groups on them.

All modern playgrounds are necessarily equipped with developing elements. They are represented by various cubes, bills or business boards. This is the name of special game panels with moving and rotating parts. These items are great for developing fine motor skills.At the same time, during the game, children can switch their attention from one element to another and alternate calm play activities with physical activity. Such a change of activities allows the baby to not get tired for a longer time.

On modern playgrounds, there is always zoning according to the age of children. It can be different and is a cluster of game elements and simulators in one part of the playground that will be of interest to children of a certain age.

Children are fast addicted natures, but they can also quickly get bored with a toy. Therefore, it is preferable that all game elements of the site be multifunctional. For example, it is better to specially equip a children's town with a variety of exits and entrances, a variety of slides, stairs and turntables.

It is important to take care of the appearance. Modern playgrounds are made of bright practical plastic. All elements are made in the same style, so the place for games looks like a whole complex, and not a collection of disparate elements.

But even if everything is in order with the appearance of the site and everything is arranged according to existing standards, this does not mean that the child will be interested here all the time. There should be elements on the playground that help the child develop not only physically, but also contribute to the correct psychological formation. It is better if these are some abstract designs that a child can turn into an old castle, a modern house or a store with the help of his imagination. At the same time, many manufacturers tend to move away from concrete or rubber coating of sites and prefer to use more natural, environmentally friendly materials: tree bark, river sand.

It is especially important to consider the possibility of spending time on the site not only in summer, but also in winter. To do this, responsible builders provide for the use of space for the ice rink, the possibility of building ice slides, installing a Christmas tree or using free space for skiing. The system of snow removal and the arrangement of special places for its storage should also be thought out.

List of the best playgrounds for children in St. Petersburg

Mosaic courtyard

Residents of the northern capital know this place, located at Tchaikovsky Street 2/7, as an informal landmark of the city. Its authors were students of the Small Academy of Arts. More recently, entertainment facilities have appeared on the territory of the Mosaic Courtyard, which are also interesting for children. A play complex was installed here, equipped with arched passages and stairs. Like other art objects of this place, the playground is paved with mosaics. Having completed the exploration of the playground, the children will be interested in exploring other corners of this unusual place, which just begs to be the scenery for some kind of adventure game.

  • unusual appearance;
  • play complex available for children;
  • interesting place for adventure games.
  • not detected.

Children's post DPS

This unusual, interesting place is located on the Petrograd side at the corner of Pionerskaya street and Maly Prospekt. The modernly designed site is a collection of paraphernalia of the road patrol service, only in a reduced form. On the site laid a bright coating of pressed crumb rubber with road markings.And it has cars, buses, motorcycles, various road signs, a traffic police post in the form of a slide, and figures of inspectors. The playground is more than just a place to play. Here you can easily and fun to learn the rules of the road. The playing area is fenced off from the roadway with a mesh fence. At night it is closed so that no one damages the figurines.

  • well organized protection and security;
  • bright colorful figures;
  • the opportunity to learn the rules of the road in a playful way.
  • not found.

Chess patio

The address of this interesting and unusual place is Zagorodny Prospekt, 28. The site is located in a small courtyard and is a real embodiment of a fairy tale. It is especially unusual that this wonderful place is located in an ordinary courtyard-well of an inconspicuous house. The creators of the site were definitely inspired by the famous work "Alice in Wonderland", as they filled this place with full-length figures on a huge chessboard, only the squares on it are not traditional black and white, but multi-colored. Several toy cars for kids were installed around the perimeter of the site.

In addition to thematic figures, this place also has ordinary swings and various slides. Here you can climb in the houses and get acquainted with the characters of the famous fairy tale. It is especially interesting to play in the Chess Yard for children who have already met the heroes of the fairy tale and know about the Cheshire Cat and the Red Queen. Particularly attentive visitors will notice in the windows of the houses surrounding this courtyard, multi-colored stained-glass windows on a fabulous chess theme.

  • thematic design;
  • interesting figures;
  • there is a place to play.
  • not found.

Frigate site on New Holland Island

This unusual and interesting place is located on the Admiralteisky Canal Embankment, 2. Going for a walk here, you can safely take your children with you. There is such a fascinating environment that the kids will not be bored. The site with the sonorous name "Frigate" is one of the most significant art objects of the island. Outwardly, it looks like a large frame of a real-life frigate "Peter and Pavel", made of wood. It is 26 meters long and 6 meters high. These dimensions correspond to 80% of the actual size of the ship. This building serves a dual purpose. At the same time, this is a reminder of the times when the emperor built the same ship in Holland, and an interesting playground for children.

Little explorers will find, in addition to a huge wooden frame, a variety of slides, ropes, a steering wheel, cannons and spyglasses. The game ship consists of several levels. With the help of a strong rope, you can climb onto the upper deck. On the captain's bridge, children will play with the helm or admire the surroundings through a telescope. Around the frigate there are scaffolding specially designed for the child to climb on them and play in the labyrinth of passages and manholes. To descend to the ground, there are several slides with varying degrees of difficulty.

  • interesting playground;
  • acquaintance with history;
  • opportunity to have fun.
  • not detected.

Playground for children in Skandi Klubb residential complex

Residents of the Skandi Klubb residential complex were especially lucky, because it is on Aptekarsky Prospekt, 18 that another interesting playground for children's entertainment has been installed. Therefore, they do not need to go far to arrange an entertaining walk for their baby.Interesting playgrounds have been installed in all courtyards of the complex, which provide for the division of game elements by age, so that it is more convenient for children to spend time with their peers.

The playgrounds are filled with various swings, slides, trampolines, hammocks and horizontal bars, which allow children to have an interesting time. Adults need not fear for their safety and health. After all, all game elements of the playground are made of natural non-toxic wood, and the ground is covered with a special rubberized coating. Therefore, the playground is completely safe, helps to develop motor skills, trains dexterity in a child, and forms color perception.

  • natural, high-quality materials;
  • interesting filling of the site with game elements;
  • safety for children.
  • not found.

Walking area on Krestovsky Island

This zone was set up just a few months ago. It is located on Krestovsky Island in the Primorsky Victory Park in its coastal part. To cover the site, the builders used larch wood flooring. There is a real recreation area here: there are tables where you can play table tennis, you can relax on benches in the shade of planted trees. Wooden deck chairs and several outdoor exercise machines were also installed here. For children, a children's area was installed in this place with several swings and eco-designs, and hammocks were hung. The site provides an excellent opportunity to enjoy excellent views of the bay and the nearby stadium.

  • excellent location;
  • Fresh air;
  • environmentally friendly and safe play facilities.
  • not found.

Children's playground in the Peter the Great Botanical Garden

This playground for young visitors was built for the celebration of the tercentenary of the Botanical Garden. This is a modern building, so it meets all safety requirements and standards for the construction of playgrounds. The ground was covered with a special rubber coating, which perfectly softens and absorbs shocks. All structures are made from safe, non-toxic materials. You can find this place by following the special green arrows that indicate the beginning of the tour.

The easiest way to do this is from the entrance to the park from the embankment of the Karpovka River. When playing on the playground, you should remember the special rules of conduct in the Botanical Garden. Parents and other adult companions need to ensure that children do not trample the lawns located around, as visitors to the park are not allowed to leave the paths. Such requirements take into account not only the safety of rare representatives of the flora, but also the safety of the children themselves. After all, a lot of thorny, unfamiliar plants grow in the garden.

  • modern playground with many game elements;
  • all requirements for the safety of structures are taken into account;
  • you can combine an interesting excursion with a game.
  • You can't walk on lawns.

Playground for children "Peter and Paul Fortress"

This unusual playground for children is located on Prazhskaya Street in the courtyard of building 13. The design is made in the form of one of the bright, recognizable symbols of St. Petersburg - the Peter and Paul Fortress. It is a small castle with slides, turrets and passages. By the way, this fortress is not the first of its kind. In Kupchino there are other historical stylizations.For example, in honor of the construction of the first railway in Russia, which connected Pavlovsk and St. Petersburg, a platform in the form of a steam locomotive was built in one of the yards.

  • playground made of safe, environmentally friendly materials;
  • bright colors attract the attention of the child;
  • reminder of the history of the country.
  • not found.

Children's town on the territory of Divo-Ostrov

This interesting place for children's recreation is located along Kemskaya street, 1. The playground is stylized as a real town. The surface of the ground has a special coating made of modern safe materials, which does not stain the child's clothes during the game and softens the blows if the child accidentally falls. In addition to traditional entertainment in the form of slides, swings, balance beams and all kinds of climbing frames, there are other opportunities here. For example, clowns often perform on the territory of the complex and animators entertain children. Therefore, parents will have to pay for visiting this playground. Entrance for a child costs a symbolic 150 rubles, and adults accompanying him can enter for free.

  • a playground safe for children with a non-staining surface;
  • many slides, swings and other play structures;
  • interesting performances for children with the participation of clowns and animators.
  • entrance to the site is paid.

Modern playgrounds for children's games are increasingly becoming interesting not only for children, but also for adults. In such a play space, the child has many opportunities to develop his imagination, learn to comprehend the world, communicate with peers, try on various roles.

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