
  1. How to get a nice haircut
  2. Rating of the most fashionable women's haircuts for short hair for 2025
  3. Conclusion

The most fashionable women's haircuts for short hair for 2025

The most fashionable women's haircuts for short hair for 2025

For a woman, one of the factors of beauty is her hair. It is a mistake to assume that only long-haired mermaids are beautiful. Long hair is not for everyone. If you have liquid hair, then growing the length is ridiculous, since such hairstyles will look pathetic and not well-groomed. Also, long hair is completely irrelevant when a woman is well over 50. Although, of course, there are exceptions. And there are times when, in the presence of thick hair, you absolutely do not want to bother yourself with problems with length. It is for you, dear ladies, that we have prepared a rating of the most fashionable haircuts for short hair for 2025.

How to get a nice haircut

The desire to get a haircut most often overtakes a woman when she wants to change something in herself. This is where the burning question overtakes: “How to choose a haircut?”.Fashionable women's haircuts give a great chance to transform, throw off a few years, feel full of energy and ready to move mountains. The main thing is to decide on the criteria for choosing a hairstyle. Unfortunately, there is no universal hairstyle that would look perfect on any woman. Best of all, when choosing a future haircut, rely on your face shape. We all know that there are types such as oval, round, triangular and square. To these types of faces, add another rhombus and a heart.

For an oval face, bob with protruding strands and a chin-length bob are well suited. If you have planned a different hairstyle, then do not be upset, because you have the most successful type of face, and you can afford any haircut.

Side parted haircuts are great for round faces. But it is not recommended to make pixies and bob with straight bangs.

A square face will look good framed with a chin-length bob, while avoiding the length to the jawline. A pixie with a straight bang will not work for such ladies either, except when they purposefully crave provocation.

A long face that resembles a triangle will look good with voluminous hairstyles, for example, when the curls are outward. But at the same time, you should avoid old-fashioned bouffants, they definitely don’t need you.

For a diamond-shaped face, pixies with “torn strands” and an elongated bob are ideal. It is better to forget about hair that is combed up and straight bangs with lush hairstyles.

The heart-shaped face looks lovely with curls and curly strands. From unwanted hairstyles there will be a voluminous bob.

Errors when choosing

Wanting to change yourself, think about how to avoid mistakes when choosing a hairstyle.If you are looking towards classic hairstyles, then mentally imagine yourself with such a haircut, will you look older. And sometimes a hairstyle can throw a few years on top, instead of throwing it off. Along with a haircut, think about coloring, because if you have a dark hair color, then it definitely adds years. Pure dark hair is perfect only for young girls.

For ladies over 40, it is better to play with shades, choosing a lighter face frame. Coloring with various techniques allows you to mask gray hair well, and on dark hair, gray or regrown hair is striking.

Please note that although many are against bangs, it is with its help that the face looks younger.

For liquid hair, it is important to choose a hairstyle with volume. In addition, get yourself a shampoo and conditioner that makes your hair lush.

Rating of the most fashionable women's haircuts for short hair for 2025


The pixie fashion began in the 60s of the last century, when the whole world admired the thin-legged Twiggy. The main volume in this hairstyle is located above the line of the ears. The hairstyle can be done short and with long bangs, with shaved or standard temples, with bangs raised up and with a shortened or elongated nape. Pixie allows you to make your hair smooth, tousled, as voluminous as possible, bright, hooligan and concise. There is a wide scope for creative activity, which means it is perfect for those who like to experiment. The peculiarity of the hairstyle is open ears and neck, which looks very sexy, but I must admit that it is more suitable for slender ladies. Most often, pixies are chosen by those who have sparse hair, and all because the volume on the bangs and crown creates layering and relief.

The average cost of a Flow pixie haircut is about 1000 rubles, there are cheaper options, there are more expensive ones, depending on the chosen salon and master.

  • Allows for variety
  • Adds extravagance to the image;
  • Can be modeled in different ways;
  • Does not require styling;
  • Suitable for thin and sparse hair;
  • Great for hot weather;
  • An individual and immediate image is created;
  • Easily modeled with styling tools.
  • Not suitable for ladies with a square and rectangular face;
  • You need to update your hair often.


An attractive modern sesson hairstyle is perfect for changing the image. If you do not like your own ears, then with the help of a session you can easily hide them. The bangs well correct the shape of the face, making it more youthful and expressive. The bonus is that you do not need additional styling products, as the haircut retains its shape well after an ordinary comb with a comb. The haircut technique is considered difficult, so it is best to trust a trusted master, and it will be great if this master then maintains the shape of your hairstyle. Haircut is great for any length and for any type of hair. If earlier there was an opinion that it is better for owners of wavy hair not to have a session, now everything has changed and ladies with curly hair get a romantic look. Another obvious advantage of the session is that it suits any woman regardless of the type of face, so if you want a change, then the session is a great choice for everyone!

The average cost is 1300 rubles.

  • Suitable for any type of face and hair;
  • Looks good at any age;
  • Hides ears;
  • Does not require additional fixation;
  • Lush volume makes your hair look healthy;
  • Successfully corrects facial imperfections.
  • Bad weather does not spoil the hairstyle.
  • Not every master knows how to perform such a haircut.


Since the French master introduced the fashion for a bob haircut, it has not lost its relevance. This hairstyle can be safely called multifaceted, as it allows you to create a variety of images: an eccentric rebel, an exquisite lady, a creative person, an extravagant young lady, a stylish little thing, and so on. Features of the hairstyle are elongated strands in front and short ones in the back. For short hair, a bob is made using layering, due to which volume and an attractive appearance are achieved. The bob can be styled however you like, as long as you deliberately create some sort of creative mess on your head. Fashion trends dictate the use of cascading levels and graduation. For those who like to experiment, a bob haircut with asymmetry is suitable, such a hairstyle will distinguish you from the crowd and attract curious eyes to you. Asymmetry can be chosen smooth, or sharp, it's a matter of your taste and courage. The hairstyle will look good on women of mature age, on young girls and even for teenagers, a bob is a winning version of a short hairstyle.

The average price is from 1000 rubles.

  • The haircut has not lost its relevance for many years;
  • New fashionable touches are constantly appearing;
  • Can be worn with or without bangs;
  • Suitable for any age;
  • Versatility;
  • Practicality, if desired, you can do without styling.
  • Not detected.


One of the most fashionable haircuts that conquers men and women is, of course, a bob. For women, a bob is a symbol of elegance, sexuality and charm in one hairstyle.The most relevant bob is classic, it is he who is most often chosen by those who are going to cut off their hair. But if you want to experiment, you can transform this classic with fresh touches, for example, make a bob-car. The haircut has no age restrictions, because the caret is also suitable for a child. Babies with squares look charming and touched by the fact that they are so tiny, but already well-groomed. On any celebrities, ranging from our domestic and ending with foreign ones, you can find a square. I have not yet seen a woman who would not go with such an elegant hairstyle. If you want to be in the wind of fashion trends, then instead of classics, choose graduation and asymmetry. With a caret, you can vary the length of the hair, it is not necessary to make it very short, you can choose a more authentic option. For decisive women, such an image is suitable - a square with elongated strands in front. Remember Lera Kudryavtseva, she once had just such a hairstyle.

The average cost is 1200 rubles.

  • Relevance and practicality;
  • Suitable for any age;
  • In the square, you can add youth bows (square with shaved parts);
  • Good fit;
  • There is a volume;
  • Suitable for any type of appearance.
  • It is necessary to lay, just a comb is not enough.


The fashion hit of this year, included in the ranking of the most fashionable women's haircuts for short hair for 2025, is a bob hairstyle. As you understand by the name, the two most popular women's haircuts are mixed in the hairstyle. It is commendable that such a hairstyle is suitable for everyone: children, teenagers, women. In addition, the hairstyle is great for any type of face. Thanks to the hairstyle, it is possible to correct your appearance, remove apparent flaws and focus on the merits.A striking example is when a round face with the help of a bob-car turns into an elongated one. Styling will not take much time, you will only need to take a round comb, hair foam and a hairdryer. Although it must be admitted that not all women know how to style their hair, so you can practice by watching training videos on YouTube. By getting used to styling your hair, you will learn how to make not just a sleek bob, but also create romantic waves or experiment with casual styling that gives your appearance a creative charm. When making a bob for short hair, try to avoid an even cut and choose asymmetry, it is with its help that a slight negligence and style are created. If you like creative approaches, then you can safely shave off one or two temples.

The average cost is from 1200 rubles.

  • Suitable for any type of face;
  • Ideal for any age;
  • There are different styling options;
  • You can show the wildest imagination;
  • Suitable for creating an immediate image;
  • Gives the desired volume.
  • You need to style your hair, otherwise it will look ugly.


Another relevant and fashionable haircut for short hair is the garcon. Such a hairstyle elegantly emphasizes individuality. The hairstyle is often chosen by girls and women who want to restore their hair or crave drastic changes. In addition to individuality, women of fashion see the simplicity of formation in the garcon. Laying here, of course, will be required, but not complicated, it will only be necessary to process the strands with a small amount of fixation agent. Garson gives room for experimentation. One day you can do a creative tousle, and the next day you can give your hair a sleek elegance.Garcon looks good in the form of a youth hairstyle and also goes to mature ladies. To create volume, you will need to choose a successful coloring, for example, highlighting or coloring. The only thing to note is that the garcon is not suitable for chubby ladies, it is ideal for an oval or triangular face type. It is also great if you have a graceful neck, because the garcon will help create an image with bare shoulders, and you will look as seductive as possible.

The cost of a hairstyle is from 1000 rubles and more.

  • Emphasizes an individual image;
  • There is room for experimentation;
  • Suitable for different ages;
  • Suitable for oval and narrow face;
  • Looks very elegant and feminine.
  • Requires styling.


If you like retro looks, then pay attention to the page hairstyle. By the way, this haircut has a long history, it used to be worn by young people in the Middle Ages, and in the modern century the accents have shifted and the ladies wear the page. Sometimes a page is confused with a sesson haircut, but the differences for a trained eye are significant. The page hairstyle resembles a ball with soft and smooth outlines. The bangs in such a hairstyle seem to be slightly trimmed. In the page, no emphasis is placed on volume, since it is still smooth and straight hair, but here the emphasis is on elegance and simplicity. To date, the page has borrowed many details from other hairstyles and has become universal due to this. For example, you can ask your master to make you a page with sharp tips, graduation or cascade. The page goes flawlessly to fragile and short women, those who have an elongated or oval face.If you have chubby cheeks and a round face, then the page can do a disservice by visually adding extra weight to you, so the hairstyle is not for everyone. For a square shape, you can try, but only playing with asymmetry and graduation.

The average cost is from 1000 rubles.

  • You can experiment with the technique of doing hairstyles;
  • An elegant and beautiful image is created;
  • You will stand out from the crowd with your grooming;
  • Always fashionable and relevant;
  • Extraordinary and ideal for creating an immediate image.
  • Not suitable for every face type.


Do not worry if you are afraid to cut your hair, especially if you have thin and thin hair. A short length in a cute hairstyle will look much more advantageous than sparse and thin long hair. Modern fashionable hairstyles allow you to make a wide choice. A beautiful hairstyle transforms, fills with confidence and strength. You will get rid of uncertainty, and you will feel a pleasant female superiority. After reading our rating of the most fashionable women's haircuts for short hair for 2025, choose what you like. It is best to come to the master with a photo of the desired result, then you will be sure that you will get what you want. If the master is experienced, then it makes sense to listen to his ideas. A successful hairstyle will give you a good mood for a long time and will nourish you with the energy of happiness.

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