Ranking of the best fish oil preparations for 2025
Fish oil is a product that is obtained from the liver of herring, cod, mackerel and other varieties of fish. This is a common ingredient for the production of nutritional supplements, but each company makes them in its own way, which means that the quality of the output may turn out to be different.
The editors of the site "top.desigusxpro.com/en/" analyzed the offers of companies and, based on a study of a large number of parameters, as well as reviews from real buyers, compiled a rating of the best fish oil preparations for 2025.
Fish oil is the main source of OMEGA-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which our body cannot synthesize. That is why its reserves must be replenished with food or in the form of vitamins. Many people remember that in Soviet times this drug was liquid and had an unpleasant odor.
To date, global manufacturers of nutritional supplements are constantly researching to improve the quality of this drug. The main form of release of polyunsaturated fats is considered to be a capsule. This type is the most convenient to take and does not cause any side effects.
The main purpose of Omega-3 is to replenish the human body with fatty acids, but this drug has other areas of application:
it is included in the composition of cosmetics that improve the beneficial properties of hair and skin care;
used as an external drug for the treatment of joints and minor wounds;
widely demanded in various diets, as a means for losing weight;
athletes take the drug to build muscle mass;
many pet lovers give it to their pets as a source of vitamins.
Important! For each area of application of fish oil, there are recommendations indicating the quality and dosage regimen.
The benefits and harms of fish oil
It is almost impossible to harm yourself using this drug. This can only happen if you drink it in large doses without following the instructions. The most severe side effect of an overdose of fish oil is blood thinning, which can lead to heavy bleeding even with minor injuries or result in internal hemorrhages.
Since Omega-3 is found only in seafood, and even then in small quantities, there are a lot of indications for the use of these acids. The main advantages of using fish oil are:
positive effect on brain function;
normalization of the heart;
positive effect on the joints.
Let's consider each of the advantages in more detail.
Positive effect on brain function
Without fatty acids, the normal functioning of the human brain is impossible. With a lack of this substance, a person is unable to concentrate for a long time, the ability to remember decreases, irritation appears and frequent mood changes occur.These manifestations will increase until a sufficient amount of Omega-3 enters the body.
Normalizes the work of the heart
Many heart diseases can be avoided if the use of this drug is started in time.
Important! The ability of fish oil to thin the blood and rid it of cholesterol plaques, thereby cleansing the blood vessels, helps prevent heart disease.
Positive effect on the joints
The use of fish oil, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, reduces the risk of swelling and pain associated with arthritis.
Learn more about the benefits of fish oil in the video:
What diseases does fish oil prevent?
relieves inflammation from tissues;
prevents the occurrence of cancers;
improves cell regeneration and slows down the aging of the human body;
prevents the occurrence of stroke, hypertension and other difficulties in the work of the cardiovascular system;
stimulates muscle activity;
helps maintain normal weight;
improves the assimilation of calcium and prevents the difficulties that may arise with the bones;
improves the functioning of both the female and male reproductive systems;
strengthens the human immune system.
Interesting information! Back in the late 20th century, not only kids, but also adults ate fish oil. They didn't get sick as often as people do now.
Rules for taking the drug
The dosage of the drug directly depends on the age of the person to whom fish oil is prescribed. The range of required amount of fish oil for an adult body varies from 0.25 g to 1 g per day. This is about 40% of the daily requirement.That is why, depending on the manufacturer of dietary supplements, you need to take from 6 to 12 capsules per day, distributing them in even portions 2-3 times. The drug should be taken with food for better absorption. The minimum course of admission is 1 month.
For the treatment of certain diseases (in combination with other drugs), the dosage is increased. So, to lower cholesterol levels, 1.6-2.4 grams per day is prescribed, and for the treatment of arthritis, skin diseases, asthma and diabetes, 1.6 grams per day. For children, the intake of the supplement is limited, so it is necessary to consult a doctor before use. As a rule, manufacturers produce a children's version of fish oil, which includes a complex of vitamins and amino acids. For example, there are dietary supplements with calcium in liquid form or in the form of syrup.
The main contraindication is the individual intolerance of a person to seafood or other components included in dietary supplements. Exacerbation of hemorrhagic symptoms is often found in people who drink fish oil, and taking Omega-3 is not recommended for:
dysfunctions of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism);
kidney and bladder stones;
tuberculosis in active form and peptic ulcer (only with the permission of a doctor).
The main criteria for choosing a drug
To understand how to choose dietary supplements and which company is better, experts advise paying attention to the following criteria.
Considering the packaging of dietary supplements, pay attention to the inscriptions characterizing the product. If you see the words “food” or “veterinary”, this indicates that cheap raw materials were used in the production, and, accordingly, the quality of fish oil is low.
Expert advice! Choose a drug marked "medical".This species has better characteristics.
In addition, it is necessary to take into account the type of product - ethyl or triglyceride. This information should be in the instructions that come with the supplement.
Advantages of the ethyl composition:
high saturation of PUFAs (from 50 to 90%) and a high level of purification from toxins;
Disadvantages of the ethyl composition:
the result becomes noticeable after using the product for 2-3 weeks.
Advantages of the triglyceride composition:
high bioavailability;
quick result;
Disadvantages of the triglyceride composition:
low saturation of Omega-3 acids (no more than 30%);
inadequate raw materials.
Advantages of the re-esterified triglyceride formulation:
high quality cleaning using molecular technologies;
consists of natural ingredients;
high saturation of PUFA Omega-3;
the result is noticeable after a certain number of receptions.
Disadvantages of re-esterified triglyceride formulation:
not detected.
According to the content, fish and fish oil are distinguished. The first is used to prevent beriberi, as it contains a wide list of vitamins, and the content of polyunsaturated fat in it rarely exceeds 8%. Fish oil is more refined and contains 15 to 30% of these essential acids. It is prescribed in order to replenish Omega-3 in the human body.
More on the difference between fish and fish oil:
Release form
An economical option - in bottles. It is worth paying attention only to the fact that the glass of the vessel must be dark in color (the dietary supplement loses its properties in the light), and the liquid reaches the neck so that the drug is less in contact with oxygen.
Interesting information! Expensive drugs are produced in capsules or in the form of chewable lozenges.
Advantages of drugs in capsules:
no fishy aroma and taste;
the minimum number of side effects;
long shelf life;
the shell protects Omega-3 from destruction by gastric juice.
Disadvantages of drugs in capsules:
as a rule, the capsules are large, which makes them inconvenient to take.
Advantages of a liquid solution:
convenient to use;
it is possible to change the dose;
liquid solutions are produced with different flavors - fruits, berries, etc.
Disadvantages of a liquid solution:
useful components undergo rapid oxidation when in contact with air;
fragrances do not drown out the natural smell;
solutions often lead to the appearance of burps with a specific odor.
Benefits of chewable tablets:
pleasant to the taste;
are produced in their original form (for example, animal figurines);
convenient to give to children.
Disadvantages of chewable tablets:
contain a lot of sugar;
most of these lozenges lack PUFA.
Important! PUFAs are polyunsaturated acids.
Production technology and dosage
On the packaging, there are often inscriptions that the product is produced by the method of "molecular differentiation". This means that the content of fatty acids in it is increased. Also pay attention to the dosage of the drug. The higher it is, the fewer capsules you will need to drink at a time, which is very convenient.
Country of Origin
An important factor influencing the choice of dietary supplements is the country of production. There are drugs made from fish that live in contaminated areas. These manufacturers should be treated with great distrust due to the quality of the raw materials obtained.
Additional vitamins and minerals
The presence in each capsule of additional vitamins and minerals will help to more fully improve the body.
Date of manufacture
Pay attention to the date of manufacture of the additive. The shelf life of this remedy is two years, after which the reception will not give any results. That is why it is necessary to choose a fresh drug.
Raw material
For the manufacture of these types of raw materials are used.
Cod liver
The most accessible type of raw material. Toxins and salts of heavy metals accumulate in the liver tissues, which are difficult to completely remove from the product. The oil that is extracted from the liver is called fish oil and is marked on packages of Liver Oil or Tran.
Sea fish meat
To make a product from marine fish meat, manufacturers use the muscle tissue of tuna, salmon and other valuable species of fish that live in sea waters. This raw material is considered to be the purest and most acceptable for the manufacture of fish oil.
The composition of supplements made on its basis contains a large amount of omega-3 acids. The raw material is called oil - Fish Body Oil. This type of product is the highest quality and is produced mainly in capsules.
krill meat
This type of raw material is used in premium products. Omega acids are contained in the form of phospholipids, and therefore are instantly included in metabolic processes. Due to the fact that the composition contains a natural antioxidant - astaxanthin - oil from krill meat has a long shelf life.
Important! Fish oil from this type of raw material is recommended for children.
International Fish Oil Purity Standards
The purity of fish oil is considered a very important factor characterizing the quality of the drug.If you buy a dietary supplement made from low-quality fish or from raw materials that have undergone insufficient purification, then there will be little benefit from it. In the world, there are 3 types of determining the quality of fat. Let's consider each of them in more detail.
1 category
This is a category of dietary supplement made from cod liver. These supplements are the cheapest and least pure. Often they contain toxins and other chemical elements, the entry of which into the human body is undesirable.
Interesting information! The presence of vitamin A in the supplement predetermines its careful use in order to avoid overdose.
2 category
This category is a refined fish oil. These are supplements with an average price and the same quality. This preparation is cleared, but has a characteristic taste and smell. Capsules of this category contain 300 mg of Omega-3. In such products, the presence of a small amount of toxins and chemical impurities is allowed, so it is not recommended to take them for a long period.
3 category
Ultra-refined product category. This dietary supplement belongs to pharmaceutical and does not contain impurities, and due to the high concentration of OMEGA-3, it can be taken without fear.
Important! The cost of this drug is quite high.
The best manufacturers of fish oil
Pharmaceutical companies in many countries are engaged in the production of fish oil. The composition and price of the drug depends on where the supplement is made. The following groups of manufacturers are distinguished:
American. These factories carefully purify their preparations based on the fact that marine fish can contain various types of toxins.
Russian. Companies specialize in the preparation of fish oil from cod liver. The most famous is the Murmansk factory.
Norwegian.The manufacturers of these drugs do not rate the supplement by the weight of the acid, but by the amount of acid in each capsule. These are the most expensive and high-quality dietary supplements.
The Best Fish Oil Products for Women
It is difficult to overestimate the beneficial properties of fish oil for the fair sex of mankind. It helps to get rid of excess weight, preserves the state of health, the beauty of the skin, nails and hair, and also stops aging and improves the functioning of the immune system.
Interesting information! In some cases, the drug is prescribed during pregnancy and menopause.
This is a concentrate with a high saturation of Omega-3 (500 mg). The ingredients of this company's products include natural vitamin E, and due to the presence of lanolin acid in the composition, fish oil has a rejuvenating effect. By the way, the last ingredient is often found in creams with a lifting effect. The systematic use of this product rejuvenates the structure of the skin, and also smoothes mimic and age wrinkles.
Customer reviews of this product are extremely positive. They note that they cannot tolerate “fishy” burping, and the result becomes noticeable after a month of taking the drug.
The average price of a package for 100 capsules is from 650 to 1000 rubles.
fish oil of high medical quality;
additional useful supplements;
the absence of a "fishy" eructation after taking the drug;
high quality product;
capsules are easy to use.
high price.
The manufacturer produces a refined and rich product that does not contain gluten, wheat and dairy products. This tool is a resource of unique omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins.
Important! The exact dose, divisibility and duration of administration must be agreed with a specialist.
The average price per pack (60 pcs.) - 900 rubles.
SOLGAR fish oil
high quality fat, which is purified from mercury and other impurities;
normalizes the state of health;
recommended during pregnancy;
improves appearance.
high price.
This drug is different from many similar ones. While most products are made from cod liver, which tends to contain toxins, this one is made from salmon oil. The use of the product helps to lose extra pounds, as it contains vitamin A, which improves the metabolic processes that occur in the human body. In addition, salmon fat reduces the likelihood of blood clots, contributes to the normalization of the immune system, and also improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
The product is recommended for children over the age of 14 and adults. During the day, you need to take from 7 to 10 capsules (it all depends on the weight of the person).
The average price of the drug is 150 rubles.
low price;
ease of use;
the presence of additional vitamins;
really helps to lose weight.
low concentration of Omega-3;
refers to "food";
You need to take a lot of capsules per day, and this is inconvenient.
This manufacturer, being one of the leaders in the international pharmaceutical segment, has been present on the domestic market for 20 years. The product contains Omega-3 PUFAs, which remove cholesterol. The product is available in a package containing 100 soft chews.
The course of application, in accordance with the instructions, ranges from 2 to 3 months. During this period, every day you need to take 1-2 capsules 3 times a day after meals with the necessary amount of water.
The average price per pack is 1200 rubles.
TEVA fish oil
single dose;
natural concentration of fish oil;
optimal matching of cost with quality;
after a month of systematic use, the hair does not fall out so much and acquire shine;
smoothes and cleanses the skin;
strengthens nails.
high price;
not too high quality polyunsaturated fats.
A product with a high concentration of vitamins of group E from the production and scientific company "Mirolla" is a biologically active food supplement made from Norwegian salmon, which lives in sea waters.
Important! The tool meets European quality standards.
The composition of the drug is completely safe. This dietary supplement plays the role of an auxiliary resource of Omega-3 PUFAs. The product has a general strengthening effect, is prescribed for urolithiasis, ophthalmic diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis.
Specialists prescribe this drug for a period of increased stress for both adults and children whose age is at least 14 years. Dosage is indicated by the attending physician, depends on the contraindications and the condition of the person. Usually, the drug is taken 5 capsules 2 times a day for a month.
The average price per pack is 80-130 rubles.
MIRROLLA fish oil
high level of purification;
range of additives.
inconvenient packaging;
low quality fat.
The best drugs for men
Fish oil is beneficial to the representatives of the stronger sex. For example, it is advised to athletes because it promotes muscle growth. The product is also useful for men's health in that it has a positive effect on fertility (the possibility of conception) and potency. For some people, experts recommend taking fish oil to prevent prostatitis. A positive effect on the circulatory system has also been confirmed.
This is a high saturation product that is made from fish that live in the waters of Alaska. The content of Omega-3 acids is above 70%. Of the features of the drug, it is worth noting the enteric coating, due to which the gastric juice does not break down the capsules, as a result of which the fat is released directly in the intestine.
The manufacturing company subjects the composition to molecular distillation, and also checks its product for the content of hazardous components. This drug is of particular importance for men who want to quickly build muscle mass.
Fish oil plays the role of a building material for cells, which in addition minimizes the negative effects of the use of stimulants. Due to the fact that fish oil develops heart muscles, a strong half of humanity is able to endure more prolonged physiological stress.
Doctors advise to use the remedy 1 capsule 3 times a day with the necessary amount of water.
The average price for 180 soft gelatin capsules is 4,400 rubles.
NATURE'S WAY fish oil
natural product of high concentration;
promotes the development of muscle mass;
no side effects;
resists the influence of gastric juice in order to release fish oil directly in the intestines;
does not cause reflux.
not detected.
This is a processed lemon flavored product from a manufacturer in Norway. Doctors advise taking this drug in order to normalize the state of health and strengthen the immune system. For a strong half of humanity, the remedy has auxiliary beneficial properties.
Interesting information! Experts recommend taking fish oil of this brand as a prophylaxis for prostatitis.
Each batch of fish oil is tested for the presence of toxic substances and heavy metals in the composition. The high quality of the product is certified by world standards of freshness and purity.
Important! The company is statistically the best selling fish oil in the US.
The average price for a pack of 60 soft capsules is 2,400 rubles.
the product has been tested for freshness and purity;
convenient reception;
with lemon flavor;
normalizes the condition of the heart, eyes, brain and immune system;
has pharmaceutical properties.
not detected.
Regular use of this remedy can protect the representatives of the stronger sex from heart disease and early sexual dysfunction. It has been scientifically established that fish oil reduces the production of cortisol (a hormone of nervous tension), which negatively affects sexual health. The company offers a quality tool at an adequate cost. The percentage of Omega-3 acids in the product of this brand is 80%, and this is the best ratio when compared with other manufacturers.
The highly concentrated product is manufactured under strict quality control, including testing for contaminants. The molecular distillation process of the product is carried out in Germany, and the capsules are produced in America.The key plus of this drug, according to customer reviews, is dosing. For optimal results, consume only one capsule per day. One package at this dosage is enough for a month.
The average price for a pack of 30 gel capsules is 1,700 rubles.
fish oil MADRE LABS
does not cause belching;
regardless of the size of the capsules, it is convenient to take the remedy;
manufactured according to strict quality requirements;
tested for contaminants.
not detected.
Omega-3 acids act as a stimulant for the production of the hormone testosterone, which guarantees the stability of an erection and increases the reproductive functions of a man. That is why doctors advise the strong half of humanity to take fish oil during pregnancy planning.
The manufacturer produces a product that is extracted from fish living in cold waters, so this brand of dietary supplement contains a lot of useful vitamins and acids. The product shows excellent performance due to the painstaking processing of raw materials. At this stage of production, toxic substances, mercury, furan and other dangerous impurities are removed from it. During the day, experts recommend using 2 gel capsules.
The average price for 250 pieces is 2,400 rubles.
fish oil NATURE MADE
recommended by experts;
does not cause belching;
high-quality processing of raw materials;
reduces the risk of coronary heart disease;
without dyes.
not detected.
It is scientifically confirmed that the risk of heart attacks in the male half of humanity is slightly higher when compared with the female.It is for this reason that the use of fish oil from cod liver of this brand will be useful for the prevention of the functioning of the circulatory system.
The product of this brand contains natural ingredients that help the human body cleanse blood vessels and normalize blood flow. Experts say that the course of admission is actually able to reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disorders and joint diseases.
Important! There are no harmful contaminants in the dietary supplement.
The average price of a pack of 250 capsules is 1,700 rubles.
NOW FOODS fish oil
normalizes the work of the circulatory system;
rich in vitamins A, D3 and Omega-3;
the product has undergone a molecular distillation process;
available as a dietary supplement;
GMP quality standard.
not detected.
The best drugs for children
Children's doctors say that rickets is a common disease, so not only specialists, but also parents should be involved in its prevention. In order to prevent the occurrence of this disease, pediatricians are advised to consume vitamin D, which, by the way, is also found in fish oil.
This product strengthens and properly develops the bone skeleton. For schoolchildren, it also has good value, as it helps to perceive information more easily and increases concentration.
The palm in this section is given to this drug. The exclusivity of the product of this brand lies in its form of release, since children certainly will not refuse a thick fruit syrup. Buyers write in the comments that the drug is very convenient to use.Indeed, since only 5 ml per day is needed in order to get rid of allergies, reduce the risk of circulatory pathologies, increase brain performance and improve vision.
The quality of the ingredients is undeniable, since this stage of production is under the strict control of the Norwegian experts of the Institute of Public Health. Fish oil is obtained from the liver of wild cod, after which the raw material undergoes an innovative processing process at the molecular level.
Interesting information! The product of this company received a certificate of safe testing in domestic laboratories.
One bottle, the volume of which is 250 ml, is enough for 1.5 months of daily use.
The average price is 870 rubles.
BIOPHARMA baby fish oil
high quality product from Norway;
the preparation contains vitamins D, E and A;
regular intake of the drug makes the human body unaffected by stress;
balances the level of calcium and phosphorus in the body;
strengthens the immune system.
not detected.
One of the leaders in the domestic market. Of the features of the drug, a wide choice should be distinguished. The fact is that capsules for chewing are made with 6 flavors and are:
The product is made in Murmansk. The drug fully meets domestic quality standards. The manufacturer was also awarded the elite label "Best for Children", which proves the high quality of the product.
Interesting information! Fish oil "BIOCONTOUR" - the winner of the national stage of the competition program "100 best goods of the Russian Federation".
Soft chewable capsules are recommended for children 3 years of age or older. The course, which lasts a month, takes into account the daily use of 4-8 capsules in the process of eating.
Important! Exact dosing can only be prescribed by a specialist.
In the comments, buyers write that kids are happy to take fish oil, since it contains fruit flavoring. This tool strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of allergies, and also improves the condition of the skin and hair. The manufacturer claims that the dietary supplement helps the normal development of teeth, bones, promotes the proper development of the National Assembly and the brain, and also increases perseverance.
The average price is 150 rubles.
children's fish oil BIOCONTOUR
a wide range of different flavors.
low-quality PUFAs;
low concentration.
The dietary supplement is designed to restore the lack of Omega-3 PUFAs, as well as vitamins D and A. The manufacturer produces a remedy that can be given to children from 1.5 years old. The dietary supplement should be given 1.5 teaspoons daily with meals.
Important! The course should not last more than a month.
The company claims that their drug helps balanced development of brain tissue, lays the foundation for excellent vision, and also prevents the risk of rickets, relieves signs of ADHD, reduces the risk of asthma and diabetes, and also improves the immune system and has an anti-allergic effect.
Buyers speak positively about dietary supplements, noting that the favorable effect becomes visible after a month of use.
The average price is 250 rubles.
children's fish oil ECKO PLUS
protects the cardiovascular system;
improves immunity;
normalizes brain function and improves mood.
not detected.
This Russian manufacturer specializes in the production of healing cosmetics and dietary supplements. A very popular product for children, which the company produces in the form of chewable capsules in packs of 60 and 90 pieces. The specificity of this tool, which is emphasized by the name, is that these capsules are cracked and chewed. In the comments, buyers write that children without whims use the product like candy, since it does not have a specific taste of fish due to the presence of Tutti-Frutti natural flavoring in the composition.
This biologically active supplement saturates the child's diet with Omega-3 acids and vitamins D, E and A. Experts advise using it to strengthen the bones of the skeleton and teeth, develop concentration and perseverance, and also as a preventive measure for a number of diseases. Like parents and the composition of the drug. For manufacturing, the manufacturer uses species of fish that live in the Atlantic Ocean, with a short life cycle.
Important! The composition does not contain dyes, additives and preservatives.
The product of this brand is recommended for children aged 3 years and older, as well as adults - 1 cap. 2 or 3 times a day while eating.
The average price is 200 rubles.
REALCAPS children's fish oil
available in a sweet shell with fruit flavor;
convenient reception;
at the moment of biting, fish oil flows out of the capsule, after which it is immediately combined with the taste of the shell, so the baby practically does not feel the characteristic taste;
natural composition;
practical jar.
some parents are wary of combining fruit with fish oil.
The product from Oriflame is quite famous. The key drawback is that you can buy it only in the official salons of the company. The use of the drug, according to the manufacturer and customer comments, ensures that the child consumes the daily dose of fatty acids recommended by experts.
The tool strengthens the immune system and improves the functioning of the National Assembly, as well as increases visual acuity, normalizes the functioning of the brain and prevents the risk of many diseases. It is necessary to take 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of funds per day. To avoid an aftertaste, you can give your baby a favorite fruit after the fat.
The drug is 99% fish oil, and 1% is lemon oil, antioxidant and vitamin E group. The fat is obtained using an ECO method from fish caught in Pacific waters. The peculiarity of the preparation lies in a multi-stage system for processing raw materials.
Important! The product is manufactured according to current quality certificates. The company from Sweden, specializing in dietary supplements and cosmetics, honors the FOS regulations.
The average price is not indicated, since the product is available for sale exclusively in the official centers of the company.
baby fish oil ORIFLAME
helps the balanced growth and development of the baby;
only 1 tsp is enough. funds per day, which it is possible to both drink and add to food so that the child's body is saturated with the necessary amount of fatty acids;
favorably affects vision, mental activity and NS;
experts advise it to be taken by children who go to elementary grades, in particular, first-graders.
not detected.
Having bought fish oil from any manufacturer you like, do not forget that you can store it for no longer than 2 years and always in a dark place out of the reach of children. Before buying, be sure to consult with your doctor and specify why you need it: for prevention purposes or to replenish the supply of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats.