
  1. Country safety criteria for tourists
  2. Travel safety rules
  3. TOP 10 safest countries for tourists in 2025

Ranking of the safest countries for tourists in 2025

Ranking of the safest countries for tourists in 2025

There are many places in the world that are interesting to visit: exotic cities, ski resorts, tropical seas. Any corner of the planet is open for tourism. The main condition for an unforgettable holiday, according to tourists, is safety. Much attention is paid to this issue in every state where the tourism industry is developing.

We present the rating of the safest countries for tourists. It will help you understand which one is better to choose when planning a vacation in 2025.

Country safety criteria for tourists

It is appropriate to figure out by what criteria safety is assessed, what to look for before buying a tour package.

Crime level

Crime depends on several important factors:

  • homogeneity of the local population. The more indigenous people, the less crime is committed.
  • stable middle class. This is a factor in reducing unemployment, improving the quality of life.
  • culture of relationships (participation of citizens in municipal government).

The best indicator of a low crime rate is the economic and social condition of a society.

Geopolitical position

Geopolitical position - a place on the political map of the world. This affects international relations and security. Geopolitical position indicators:

  • level of economic development;
  • maritime transport routes;
  • trade relations with other countries;
  • remote distance from hot spots and centers of terrorism;
  • avoidance of conflicts within the state;
  • natural resource potential.

The more favorable the geopolitical position of the country, the safer it is for life and recreation.

Probability of natural disasters

Sources of natural disasters:

  1. Water (flood, tsunami);
  2. Earth (volcanic eruption, landslide, earthquake, avalanche);
  3. Weather (tornado, snowstorm, drought);
  4. Fire (forest fire).

Natural disasters cause destruction and loss of life. High population density exacerbates the risk of natural disasters.

Sanitary and epidemiological situation

A favorable sanitary and epidemiological situation is facilitated by state control:

  • vaccination;
  • improvement of working conditions;
  • minimizing environmental pollution;
  • control over the quality of imported food products;
  • disinfection of public places and water bodies;
  • timely localization of foci of infectious diseases.

The higher the level of medicine, the safer the sanitary and epidemiological situation.

Economic development

Indicators of the country's economic development:

  1. the volume of public investment in the social sphere, science, medicine, culture, education;
  2. GDP per capita;
  3. quality and standard of living;
  4. the level of corruption;
  5. place in the world's leading rankings.

All countries of the world according to the level of economic development are divided into developed, developing and underdeveloped. The first ones are considered the safest: here tourists are offered comfortable hotels, a high level of service, a variety of types of tourism and recreation. These countries have a developed transport infrastructure, economic and political well-being.

Global Peace Index

Each year, sociologists and economists at the Peace Institute compile the Global Peace Index among 160 countries. The security criteria for twenty-three indicators are taken as a basis.

The state of crime, the threat of terrorism, internal unrest, economic stability, and the state of the environment are analyzed.

The global index allows tourists to find out where to go on vacation without risking their lives.

Travel safety rules

Tourist trips broaden your horizons, charge you with positive emotions. However, even in the most peaceful country there are rules for personal safety:

  1. Adhere to the rules of hygiene.
  2. To study information about the rules of public order, traditions and customs of the country.
  3. Do not drink raw water, drinks with ice. The cause of infectious diseases is often bad water.
  4. Avoid direct contact with beach sand. It can be infected with foot fungus and insect larvae that can crawl under the skin. To have individual flip-flops, a beach mat, a towel, a headdress, a swimsuit.
  5. Do not buy cheap bus, sea and walking tours. Due to poor organization, accidents are possible.
  6. Do not abuse local cuisine. The digestive system can react painfully to a sudden change in nutrition. Try exotic dishes in small portions, drink tea.
  7. Avoid raw seafood, fish - sources of infection with parasites.
  8. Keep money and documents in different places (bag, wallet, pockets).
  9. Do not drink sugary soda or ice water. Do not eat unwashed and unknown fruits.
  10. In tropical countries, with the help of repellents, closed clothing, avoid the bites of blood-sucking insects - carriers of diseases.
  11. Do not stay more than 30 minutes on wet sand at the water's edge: it can be contaminated with animal and bird excrement.
  12. Before the trip, consult your doctor on how to avoid health troubles. Restrictions are possible: diving is not recommended for varicose veins, heart disease worsens after visiting thermal springs, saunas.

Following simple recommendations will ensure the safety of your holiday abroad.

TOP 10 safest countries for tourists in 2025

The ranking of the safest countries takes into account the following criteria:

  • the risk of terrorist attacks;
  • quality of medical care;
  • crime level;
  • the threat of natural disasters;
  • transport accidents;
  • ecological situation.


Iceland is the safest place to visit in 2025.Isolation from the mainland, the unity of society, the peaceful disposition of the population contribute to a low level of crime, including street crime, a political situation that excludes conflicts. The militarization of Iceland is practically zero, since there are no officially armed forces in the country.

The main source of state income is the tourism industry. Therefore, favorable conditions are created for tourists: medicine, transport, service, comfort. Iceland is famous for its original and incredibly beautiful landscapes, it is called the Land of Ice. Tourist places in Iceland:

  • Skaftafell National Park at the base of the glacier, which is allowed to walk on;
  • geothermal resort Blue Lagoon with healing mineral water;
  • the Landmannaleigar valley with hot springs;
  • Valley of Geysers, surprising with fantastic landscapes;
  • hot fountain Strokkur.

Iceland has many scenic hiking trails. It is better to come before the end of summer, while hotels are open and most flights are operating. How to save money on car rental, the cost of which in Iceland is quite high: book a car online.

  • high quality of life;
  • lack of weapons;
  • there are no rich and poor;
  • lack of hot spots;
  • friendly population;
  • healthy ecology;
  • sanitary and epidemiological well-being;
  • natural food;
  • low crime rate (one prison for the whole country).
  • obligatory registration of a visa;
  • volcanoes that pose a potential threat.


Denmark ranks second in the top ten safest countries for tourists. This is a highly developed European state with broad social security in a free market economy.There is almost no crime and corruption.

No political conflicts directly concern Denmark, but it periodically participates in international campaigns under the leadership of NATO. The risk of terrorist attacks is minimal.

The Scandinavian countries, which include Denmark, are safe in terms of seismic activity and natural disasters. There are no foci of infectious diseases.

Transport infrastructure in Denmark:

  • air;
  • auto;
  • nautical;
  • bike;
  • railway.

It offers tourists beach resorts, national parks and excursion tours to the picturesque places of nearby islands. Reviews about this country are mostly positive, you can go there for a holiday with children.

  • developed economy;
  • weak class distinctions;
  • no internal conflicts and hot spots;
  • low crime rate;
  • advanced medicine;
  • wide transport infrastructure;
  • healthy ecology.
  • compulsory visa.


Austria is one of the richest countries in Europe, the third in terms of security, with a developed economy, medicine and social sphere. The country adheres to political neutrality, therefore it is safe from the point of view of terrorism.

There are many interesting offers for tourists in Austria, from aesthetic to medical.

You can enjoy excursions in cities with unique architecture and history. Hiking trails are offered throughout the country in national parks.

Famous Austrian ski resorts with comfortable slopes and pistes are open all winter. In the summer months, tennis courts, golf courses, and trekking are at the service of tourists here.
There are many health-improving thermal resorts in Austria with the use of hot mineral springs, therapeutic mud, and crystal clear air.

Tourist seasons in Austria: summer, winter, skiing, lasting from November to April. The main souvenirs from Austria are Swarovski crystal products, porcelain, music boxes and Viennese sweets. Shopping is profitable during sales: the end of summer and the Christmas weeks.

  • low crime rate;
  • economic stability and prosperity of the country;
  • advanced medicine;
  • no risk of terrorist attacks.
  • the threat of avalanches in the area of ​​ski resorts;
  • pickpockets;
  • the need for a visa.

New Zealand

Fourth place in the ranking is occupied by New Zealand with a loyal attitude towards tourists. The country has a healthy environment, high quality food. There are no poisonous and blood-sucking animals (except sand fleas and capito spiders).

There is a lot to see in New Zealand. The nature of these places is many-sided: geysers, glaciers, volcanoes, meadows, waterfalls. The world-famous Waitomo Firefly Cave is located in this country.

New Zealand is considered the birthplace of adventure tourism. Thrill-seekers will find entertainment for every taste:

  • skydiving;
  • gliding;
  • bungee jumping;
  • air surfing;
  • zorbing;
  • rafting;
  • rap jumping.

The best place for diving is the North Island area, where diving is possible all year round. Rafting lovers will find equipment for rowing, rafting on local rivers and waterfalls.

For gambling shopping - markets and bazaars in Otaru.

  • low crime rate;
  • development of economy, medicine and culture;
  • no threat of terrorism.
  • seismic activity in the volcano zone;
  • poisonous capito spiders and sand fleas;
  • visa and insurance.


Portugal, fifth in the top ten, attracts wealthy tourists who prefer luxury holidays abroad. Historical monuments and seaside resorts are great for families with children.

In Portugal, you can spend an unforgettable beach holiday. Hotels are mostly four or five star. However, there are budget options - hostels.

The country is safe for tourists in terms of the threat of terrorism, the level of crime, the development of medicine, the threat of disease and the attack of dangerous and poisonous animals. You can walk along the streets of Portugal even at night without fear of being attacked by hooligans, rapists or robbers.

Sports beaches for surfing are organized on the coast. The beauty of the underwater world of the Atlantic coast of Portugal attracts divers.

Three telecom operators provide full service packages. A SIM card can be issued in any salon, supermarket. Free Wi-Fi in public areas.

Shopping in Portugal is expensive, except during the seasonal sales in early autumn and winter. The main holidays of the country are Christmas, Easter, Portugal Day, Freedom Day. The wine festival in Madeira is bright.

Holidays in Portugal are comfortable all year round, thanks to the mild climate, low rainfall and slight temperature fluctuations.

  • no dangerous diseases, no vaccinations required;
  • low crime rate;
  • loyal population;
  • stability in the field of medicine and economy;
  • transport infrastructure development.
  • many traffic accidents;
  • seismic activity, the likelihood of forest fires;
  • visa and insurance required.


The former socialist country of Eastern Europe, the Czech Republic, is in sixth place in the ranking. This country is distinguished by economic and political stability, a calm internal atmosphere. Rejection of violence makes the country safe from the point of view of terrorism.

Class boundaries in society are erased, the crime rate is very low. It has become somewhat higher over the past few years due to the influx of emigrants.

The tourist season starts in January and ends in December. Numerous resorts offer a variety of recreation:

  • beach;
  • ski;
  • balneological.

For connoisseurs of history, there are interesting excursions with a display of medieval sights and architectural monuments.

When it is better to go to the Czech Republic, it is difficult to determine, it is always comfortable here. The best time to visit ski resorts is January and February.

A wide transport infrastructure allows you to travel by train, bus, taxi, rental car or bicycle. There is a metro in Prague.

Mobile communication is expensive, but uninterrupted. Internet cafes operate in cities. Free Wi-Fi in all public places.

Shopping in the Czech Republic is one of the most budget-friendly in Europe, including not only souvenirs, but also branded items. The country has a ban on the export of items of historical value.

  • developed economy;
  • political neutrality;
  • no threat of natural disasters;
  • peaceful population;
  • good medical care.
  • high prices for medicine;
  • threat of tick bites;
  • pickpockets, swindlers;
  • obligatory registration of a visa and medical insurance.


The seventh line in the TOP-10 of the safest countries is occupied by Switzerland - a multinational highly developed European state.Despite the heterogeneity of nationality, Swiss citizens are quite tolerant.

The tourism industry is leading. Therefore, all the forces of the authorities are directed to ensure a comfortable and safe holiday for tourists.

Swiss medicine is considered one of the best in the world. The well-being of the people is growing, there are no political unrest and international conflicts. This led to the absence of a terrorist threat and a decrease in the level of crime in the country. Reviews of tourists indicate the absence of street theft and hooliganism.

Switzerland is the birthplace of mountaineering, its ski resorts are recognized as a benchmark all over the world. In addition to skiing and rock climbing, Swiss resorts offer medical and recreational procedures, water tourism, excursions and recreation on the lakes.

  • no threat of terrorism;
  • lack of crime;
  • high quality medical care;
  • hospitable people.
  • avalanche danger is possible in winter;
  • the need to obtain a visa and medical insurance.


Canada is ranked eighth. This country has a rich natural resource potential that ensures economic growth and quality of life. Canadian medicine is famous for its qualified personnel. The risk of terrorist attacks and political clashes is zero. The crime rate is low due to the homogeneity and stability of the local population.

The problem of environmental pollution in the country is being actively solved. However, there is still acid rain and air pollution in cities. Malfunctioning air conditioners can cause Legionnaires' disease, which is similar to pneumonia. Ticks are a health hazard.

Surfing and skiing, popular types of tourist recreation in the resorts of Canada, carry the risk of injury.Treatment of possible injuries is covered by compulsory medical insurance.

Canada has a developed network of tourist campsites. There are 40 national parks and about a hundred nature reserves in the country. Due to the vast territory, Canadian nature is diverse and rich. Birdwatching tours and excursions to observe marine animals and drifting icebergs are popular along the coast.

Among tourists who prefer outdoor activities, fishing, trekking, as well as rafting, canoeing, kayaking, related to water tourism, are popular.

Sandy beaches are located on the Atlantic coast of Canada.

For shopping, it is appropriate to visit the main shopping center in the world - West Edmonton, which consists of 800 stores and boutiques.

  • a high level of development of the economy, medicine and transport infrastructure;
  • absence of dangerous diseases and poisonous insects;
  • no threat of terrorism;
  • low crime rate;
  • peaceful population.
  • pickpocketing in busy places;
  • poor state of ecology in cities;
  • the threat of natural disasters (floods, tornadoes, forest fires);
  • compulsory visa.


Exotic Singapore has settled in ninth place in the ranking of safe countries for tourists. This eastern state is interesting for the interweaving of religions, cultures and customs. However, there are no conflicts among the population. The security of the country is ensured by a high level of development of the economy and medicine, political neutrality and non-intervention in international wars.

Crime is practically at zero: Singapore has a very strict law, high fines for even minor offenses and an almost complete absence of corruption. Natural disasters do not threaten life and recreation, there are no deadly diseases.

In Singapore, you can come for a family vacation:

  • rich cultural program;
  • carousels, attractions;
  • sightseeing tours (Botanical Garden, Sentosa Entertainment Island, etc.);
  • holidays, festivals.

It is doubtful to spend a beach holiday due to the proximity of the port. However, Sentosa Island has comfortable beaches with water rides, cafes and restaurants. By the way, despite the status of the port, ships in the roadstead are prohibited by law in Singapore from polluting coastal waters.

The transport infrastructure is developed: buses, taxis, subways, motor ships, cycle rickshaws will be delivered to the right place for a small fee. And the cable car stretching from the capital to Sentosa Island is a means of not only transportation, but also an overview of outlandish landscapes. It is expensive and inconvenient to rent a car (in Singapore, left-hand traffic, large fines, paid parking lots).

In the case of a transit trip, a visa-free visit is allowed for up to 4 days. In Singapore, there are no problems with mobile communications and internet quality. Local SIM cards are sold in any supermarket.

No dangerous diseases have been identified. You can get dengue fever, which is carried by mosquitoes. Heavy rains come in winter, so the tourist season in Singapore lasts from March to October.

  • high level of medical care;
  • absence of fatal diseases;
  • no threat of natural disasters;
  • the possibility of a visa-free visit during transit;
  • zero risk of terrorist attacks and serious crimes.
  • mosquitoes and jellyfish.


Finland closes the top ten safest countries for tourism. The rich, ecologically clean northern Scandinavian country is characterized by low crime rates and neutrality in international relations.

High wages, low unemployment, the absence of a line between the strata of the population contribute to the almost complete absence of street crime.

Ecotourism is popular in Finland:

  • meeting the New Year in the homeland of Santa Claus;
  • ski resorts;
  • fishing on Finnish lakes;
  • excursions in the Baltic;
  • ice towns with attractions;
  • Finnish sauna.
  • healthy ecology;
  • no risk of terrorist attacks;
  • low crime rate;
  • absence of dangerous diseases;
  • good medical care.
  • need a visa;
  • possible threat of landslides in the mountains.

When choosing a country for a holiday, it is not enough to be guided only by the climate and sights. It is appropriate to study the level of its safety in order to avoid situations that threaten life and health.

The presented rating will help you choose the safest country for recreation.

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