
  1. What to be guided by when choosing a cake to order?
  2. candy bar
  3. Errors when choosing
  4. Rating of the best cakes to order in Perm

Rating of the best cakes to order in Perm in 2025

Rating of the best cakes to order in Perm in 2025

Today, not a single celebration passes without a festive decoration - a cake. Of these, the largest, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, was baked by Italians in 2015. It was prepared in the form of a map of Italy with figures of sights, the size of a culinary masterpiece is 244 cm². The dessert giant in Russia was prepared for the 110th anniversary of GUM, the diameter of the base was 6 meters. It is not easy to determine the sweet champion by taste, it is not for nothing that they say: “there is no comrade for the taste and color.” Confectioners around the world are experimenting, sharing secrets and recipes for sweets. How is the deal with custom-made cakes in Perm?

Five years ago there were no pastry master classes in the city. Purposeful culinary specialists collected information from blogs, through Internet correspondence and in direct communication at the holidays. Gradually, confectionery progress came to Perm. Fashionable chocolatiers, masters of European desserts began to visit the city and share the basics of "haute cuisine".In 2018, the cost of training in confectionery for decorating a cake was 15-18 thousand rubles. A master class by a domestic pastry chef costs 30-35 thousand rubles. Today, Permians have the opportunity to order a cake that is exceptional in taste or size, or to entrust specialists with the development of its exclusive layout.

What to be guided by when choosing a cake to order?

Decide on the size

To select the size and weight, you should make a complete list of participants in the event, its guests. There are calculation tables for 10 people, 20, 30 and so on. At the same time, it is desirable to take into account the age and gender composition, the number of servings will depend on this. For example, an eighteen kilogram confectionery giant contains approximately 90 servings. They count on one guest for 150 grams of dessert, with the introduction of decorations from mastic, chocolate, liquor, portions increase to 200-250 grams.

If a major event is planned and the weight of the dessert is 4-6 kilograms, then the number of tiers is specified, with a weight of one tier over 7 kilograms, special divider stands are used.

Cost part

The next step is to determine the cost. It is clear that you can order a huge and simple cake, or, for the same money, a small, but incredibly exquisite one.Exquisite and huge - it's incredibly expensive.

Classic or exclusive?

As a rule, the manufacturer offers a choice of several types of desserts, various fillings and several of their own "highlights": unique tastes. From this set of confectionery puzzles, as from a designer, you have to create a sweet miracle. When compiling an application, the confectioner suggests possible variations, this process resembles ordering a banquet menu, but in a simplified form.

Which option to stay?

  • Open

The cake consists of several cakes, the layer is fruits or berries.

  • soufflé cake

Prepare multi-colored with various components: yogurt, cottage cheese, bird's milk.

  • Cream

Classic cakes alternate with all kinds of fillings. When choosing a creamy filling, which is whipped cream, it is not easy to decide on its filler. It can be from berries, fruits, cottage cheese and mascarpone.

  • Dessert with mastic

A variant of a very elegant dessert, with figurines, flowers, themed decorations.

  • Dessert with icing

Patterns are made in several tiers, it is possible to separate the tiers with flowers, berries, figures from mastic.

  • french crockenbush

It is performed in the form of a pyramid of a specified height from cupcakes, profiteroles or other cakes. The bonding of the dessert structure is made with caramel, often containing meringue and meringue.

  • marzipan cake

It contains grated almonds and powdered sugar. Dessert excludes the presence of fruits and berries, the juice of which destroys the consistency.

  • Vegan dessert

Low-calorie confectionery product, popular for a healthy diet, consisting mainly of plant elements, confectionery product. Butter, eggs, cream, cottage cheese, honey are replaced by:

  • vegan oil: rapeseed, walnut, coconut, vegetable, linseed;
  • soy, coconut, rice or oat milk;
  • cream based on cashew or rice;
  • yogurt;
  • apple, pumpkin, carrot, banana puree;
  • vegan egg, which consists of tapioca, potato starch and vegan kvass;
  • maple or date syrup.

There are many recipes for making vegan desserts, including those made from biscuits and cream, analogues of Prague, Napoleon.

  • The wedding cake

It is unusual in size and designed for a large number of guests. Mastic ribbons, doves and figurines of newlyweds, sugar lace patterns, inscriptions and even photographs on special rice paper become obligatory attributes of the confectionery. Often the design matches the style and colors of the wedding venue, as well as the groom's suit and the bride's dress. Modern wedding photographs are masterpieces in which the composition of color, shapes and shades is sustained. A wedding dessert, like a culinary final firework, must be worthy of being captured in time.

  • children's cake

Dessert is certainly decorated with figurines. For girls - dolls, ponies, for boys - cars, soldiers, and also to choose from: baby animals, popular cartoon characters, scenes from the child's hobbies, for example, a chessboard with figures. Creams of children's desserts most often contain pieces of fruit, vanilla syrup and are prepared on the basis of boiled condensed milk, yogurt.

Ingredients and decorations

  • Natural products

In our environmentally problematic time, the priority of natural products is especially important.Substituting one ingredient in a recipe for another can lead, for example, to a subtle transition from chocolate to modeling choco paste, which has neither benefit nor natural taste. You should carefully specify the composition of the products from which the cream, cakes, soufflé, icing, decor, mixtures, and so on will be prepared.

  • With gluten or without?

Barley, rye and wheat contain a complex protein that, when processed from cereals, gives elasticity to the food product. Its quantity affects the quality of a confectionery or bakery product. Today there is a lot of talk about the dangers of gluten, gluten-free products and diets. Only a recipe for meat or fish dishes can guarantee the absence of this substance in the product, and this is no longer a dessert. Gluten-free sweetness is almost impossible, but reducing its percentage is quite within the power of a confectioner.

  • To agree to the mask or not?

Mastic is made from food and natural dyes by hand or in a production way, designed to make figures of various shapes from it. By elasticity, the substance resembles plasticine, edible, stored in the refrigerator for 3 months. Decorations in the form of petals, buds are made from flower mastic on the cake, a thin coating is made from marzipan, and various figures are fashioned from honey.

Pastilage is a gelatin mastic used to make small decorative details. The popularity of mastic is losing ground due to the content of artificial, harmful components. The best confectioners in the world refuse to use it in favor of natural chocolate, curd cheese, cream. Basically, mastic is a way to surprise those present with an unusual decor. It is also important that such decoration takes about one third of the total weight of the confectionery.

  • Cake without baking

Such a delicacy is a newfangled trend. Its advantage is low calorie content, the preponderance of the total composition towards fruits, low-fat dairy components, and the presence of flour, sugar and butter minimized. For example, cakes may consist of applesauce, ground dried fruits and nuts, and the filling may consist of honey, grated apples and gelatin. This is an everyday recipe that explains the principle of cooking without baking.

candy bar

This festive attribute is gaining more and more popularity. Confectionery corner - a sweet table made of one tabletop or several, with two or more tiers, and a whole range of sweets.

The design depends on the requirements of the customer: Provence style and sporty style, openwork classics and seascape. Children's confectionery corners are made based on cartoons, fairy tales or according to the scenario. The design of the Candy Bar is made up of bright and harmonious colors, warm and cold, usually no more than three, but with many shades.

A useful tradition is to sign a dessert, which has not only informational value, but also takes care of the guests. The signature indicates both the name and the list of ingredients, in case of intolerance to the culinary product. A beautiful plate also becomes a design element.

Multi-level confectionery buildings and chocolate fountains occupy the background of the composition, vases and dishes on legs follow closer. The first plan is occupied by trays and trays of all sizes and shapes.

What to make Candy Bar? Here is a short list of possible sweets:

  • cakes;
  • chocolate fountains;
  • Candy stand;
  • gingerbread cookies;
  • cake balls and cake pops: cakes on a stick covered with icing or chocolate, made in various geometric shapes;
  • liquorice and canes;
  • macaroons - round small cakes with cream filling;
  • cream baskets;
  • cupcakes - analogs of a cupcake, with a high content of cream or mastic;
  • marshmallows: cylinders, spirals, pads, cubes;
  • trifles - desserts in a creamer.

Balloons, postcards, fragrances, candles, garlands, photographs, cotton candy clouds are an additional palette of the artist creating the Candy Bar.

Candy Bar is decorated on any subject: birthday, wedding, anniversary, professional holiday, March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day, children's holiday, New Year and Christmas.

Errors when choosing

  • It is important to understand: beautiful, bright and cheap, does not mean healthy and tasty. Sometimes you should give preference to the taste of dessert.
  • Filling criteria. Do not exceed the number of three fillings to avoid taste chaos.
  • A serious blunder is the incorrect counting of portions. It's a shame if one of the guests remembers this day as a holiday, "on which I did not have enough dessert."
  • Consider the location of the event and the season. A chocolate-rich cake can “float” in the heat, and macaroons can stick together into a single lump.

Rating of the best cakes to order in Perm

Confectionery company "Rada"

Present on the market since 1998. The largest confectionery production in Perm and the region produces 3 tons of products per shift. They produce lines of desserts under the trademarks “Vkus zhelezhaniy”, “Chocolate Valley”, in 2016 a rebranding was made, a new brand “Ernest” was introduced.

ProductsPrice per kg, rubles
Children's cakes450-1500
Cupcake 0.05 kg; gingerbread 0 05 kg59
Cakes "droplets"650
Tiered fruit cake850
Tiered cake with pastry1000
Christmas tree650
  • free tastings by appointment;
  • specializes in the production of "warm cakes" with a 120-hour lead time;
  • use of natural raw materials.
  • No.

Contact Information:
Perm, st. Towing, 2a, Kirovsky district.
☎ Contact numbers:
Order: +7 964 197-44-00; For questions about the quality of customer service: +7 909 116-33-00;
Appointment for tasting: +7 909 116-33-11, +7 964 197-44-00.

Confectionery network "Violet"

The organization was founded in 2009, today the number of the enterprise is 200 employees.

Author's works Price per kg, rubles
cakes"Cappuccino", 125 grams169
"Truffa", 95 grams199
"Pears in Lambrusco", 85 grams179
CakesCake "Pears in Lambrusco", 680 grams1399
Cake "Nut shanti", 720 grams1349
Cake "Moroccan orange", 740 grams1209
  • over one hundred types of confectionery products;
  • variety of dessert, marshmallow, marmalade, meringue;
  • 7000 members in the group of the same name in the social network.
  • None.

Contact Information:
☎ Phone: +7-342-209-12-12.

"Violet Premier"st. Catherine, 87
"Violet Rendezvous"st. N. Ostrovsky, 91 (TC Raduga)
"Violet Charm"Etc. Parkovy, 48
"Violet Openwork"st. Dokuchaev, 42
"Violet Vintage"st. Siberian, 17
"Violet Provence"st. Siberian, 61
"Violet Aroma"Komsomolsky prospect, 49
"Violet Meringue"st. Mira, 10a
"Atelier-confectionery "Violet""Komsomolsky prospect, 24
"Violet Paris"st. Vinskaya 15a

Confectionery "Patisse"

The high quality of confectionery products is ensured by the latest equipment. Own purification of water, through new technologies, gives a special taste and benefit.

Products Price per kg, rubles
CAKEDecorated with cream, icing, photo printing, gel900
Partial decoration with mastic1000
Complete decoration with mastic1100
2-3 tiers with mastic decoration1300
KEIKICake pops, 60 g50
Portion cake, assortment, 75 g65
Premium composition (euro)1200

  • custom-made cakes;
  • a varied assortment of confectionery;
  • delivery to city supermarkets.
  • No.

Contact Information:
Address: 614033, Russia, Perm, st. Emelyan Yaroslavsky, 10.
☎ Phones:
8 (342) 287-32-22 - order manager;
8 (342) 242-73-55 - wholesale applications.

Confectionery company "Valencia"

It has been on the market since 2004. Over the entire period of activity, she has mastered more than 100 confectionery recipes in Russia and Europe. Products annually undergo a declaration procedure for quality compliance, GMO products are completely excluded.

ProductsPrice per kg, rubles
Cake decorated with cream, cream, fruit, chocolate700
Ingredients: biscuit, cream (without nuts and fruits).
Decoration: cream or cream.
Composition: any.
Design: mastic, complex design.

  • a wide range of products: cakes, puffs, rolls, muffins, eclairs;
  • loyal pricing policy.
  • Not detected.

Contact Information:
Address: Perm, st. Dokuchaev, 50b.
☎ Phone: +7 (342) 278-09-09.


Network of confectionery "Caramel"

Caramel is a wide range of shops offering all sorts of sweet desserts, including custom-made cakes. They can create a confectionery masterpiece according to the photo or description of the customer. Today, the city has more than 25 stores in different districts of Perm.

You can place an order by contacting any of the outlets. Prepayment required. Orders for cakes on an individual project are accepted at least 2-3 days in advance. The price for 1 kg of cake is 1000 rubles. At the same time, a cake in 1 tier comes out, as a rule, not less than 1.5 kg, two-tier - 2 kg, 3-tier - 3.5 kg. In addition to the specified amount, some additional decorative elements may be paid. For example, a plate made of chocolate 10 cm in size costs 20 rubles.

  • We are ready to consider any design project of the client;
  • Wide distribution network, you can always find the nearest one;
  • Ordering and receiving a cake can be placed at different points of sale;
  • Large assortment of fillings;
  • High quality decor.
  • There is no website, all the subtleties, including fillings and cake options, can only be discussed when visiting the store;
  • The order will be accepted only after making an advance payment;
  • They do not work with photo printing, however, this is compensated by other original decor;
  • No delivery.

Shops for placing and receiving an order are open daily from 9-00 to 21-00;

☎ telephone: +7 (342) 280-23-07, 280-19-79, calls are accepted 9-19 hours every day;

you can ask questions of interest through the social network VKontakte:

Shop addresses:

  • Office and production: St. Soviet Army, 47, ☎ 280-23-07, 280-19-79;
  • st. Kuibyshev, 51; ☎ 8 992-204-66-79;
  • st. Petropavlovskaya, 46; ☎ 8 952-664-84-96;
  • st. Gorky, 77a; ☎ 8 952-326-53-28;
  • st. Mira, 79; ☎ 8 952-664-38-69;
  • st. Turgenev, ☎ 25; 8 952-642-98-82;
  • st. Chkalova, 38; ☎ 8 950-473-39-63;
  • st. Tolbukhina, 17; ☎8 902-479-68-02;
  • st. Lebedeva, 45; ☎ 8 952-659-64-27;
  • st. Pozharsky, 10; ☎ 8 952-641-37-86;
  • st. Pushkarskaya, 61; ☎ 8 950-479-18-98;
  • st. G. Hassan, 3; ☎ 8 950-454-81-27;
  • st.M. Rybalko, 82; ☎ 8 952-664-84-87;
  • st. Adm. Ushakova, 26; ☎ 8 951-928-03-59;
  • st. Krasnopolyanskaya, 28, ☎ 8 992-231-52-90;
  • st. Kostycheva, 31; ☎ 8 992-223-06-63;
  • st. Borchaninova, 5; ☎ 8 992-231-34-18;
  • st. Malkova, 14; ☎ 8 952-640-88-39;
  • st. Signalers, 18; ☎ 8 950-454-81-24;
  • st. Combiners, 32; ☎ 8 908-246-94-18;
  • st. Vedeneeva, 77; ☎ 8 992-235-93-99;
  • st. G. Uspensky, 13; ☎ 8 952-663-09-37;
  • st. Highway Cosmonauts, 72; ☎ 8 902-475-86-41;
  • st. Repina, 67; ☎ 8 950-474-07-23;
  • st. Khabarovskaya, 145; ☎ 8 992-233-56-64;
  • st. Kuibyshev, 51; ☎ 8-992-204-66-79;
  • st. Mira, 107; ☎ 8-992-203-69-57.

Everyone wants to make a fascinating journey into the fabulous world of fillings and creams, biscuits and meringues: a small and an adult. Sweets are good both in joy and in sorrow, they strengthen the first, and soften the second. The modern confectionery world is extraordinarily beautiful and unimaginably delicious. Perm confectioners will provide a unique selection of sweet products in terms of price, quality, type of product, as well as decorate a family or corporate holiday. Welcome to sweet fairy tale!

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