The market for goods and services is constantly evolving. New technological know-how, among them thermopot, improve our life. The rating of the best thermopots will help lovers of tea or coffee to decide on the choice of a quality device and make the right purchase.
The article describes the most popular and high-quality thermopots, their technological parameters, advantages and disadvantages are given.
Attention! For a more up-to-date ranking of the best thermal pots for 2025, see here.
This is a compound word consisting of two parts: thermo comes from the Greek "therme" - heat, and the second part "pot" came from English and means a kettle.
Thus, a thermo pot is an electrical household appliance that includes the functions of a thermos and a kettle.
Components of the structure:
The rules of operation of the unit are identical to the electric kettle. When turned on, the disk or metal spiral is heated, which give off heat to the water. When the required temperature level is reached, the device switches off. During operation, heating of the case is excluded.
Subsequent maintenance of the temperature in the flask occurs due to the thermal insulation of the vessel and the continuous operation of the component that maintains the heating. In addition, the shell of the product is characterized by tightness, which prevents possible heat loss.
In appearance and design, the devices are similar. However, there are also differences:
Automatic mode is the main distinguishing feature of the device. It is in demand among large families and large groups due to the option of heating the liquid to a predetermined temperature.
Which device will bring the most benefits and savings? Let's compare the specifications.
An electric kettle with a capacity of 1.7 liters and a power of 2.3 kW consumes approximately 1.5 kW / h per week if the consumer uses the equipment 1 time per day.
Thermopot power - 0.8 kW, 13 minutes are spent on heating 4 liters of water. Let's add automatic support for the temperature regime. The heating element consumes 0.45 kWh for maintaining a 90 degree temperature for 15 hours.
We add these figures to the initial heating, as a result, we have almost 1 kW / h per day and 7 kW / h per week.
Thus, an electric kettle is more profitable than a thermo pot.
Also, the task of boiling water in a short time is instantly performed by an electric kettle.
The disadvantages of thermopot include large dimensions, which are not entirely suitable for cramped kitchens.
The cost of thermopots is higher compared to kettles.
You should not buy a device that has a large capacity, in the absence of collective tea parties and if there are 2-3 people in the family.
Nevertheless, having decided to purchase a thermal kettle, we focus on:
1. Power.
Each appliance has its own power data, for a thermopot no more than 1000 watts. If it takes longer to heat up the water in the appliance, it only takes 30 seconds to reheat. Therefore, the most powerful device is preferred for accelerating the initial electric heating.
2. The texture of the vessel and body.
Materials used in the manufacture of the case: metal, glass, plastic or combinations thereof. It has its pros and cons.
Heat-resistant glass is characterized by brittleness.
The plastic case differs in the degree of transparency and color palette.
The case made of metal (aluminum, stainless steel) is typical for expensive samples.
Many thermopots are equipped with stainless steel liquid tanks.
Often glass is used in the manufacture of flasks.
Both stainless steel and glass are materials that are safe for the health of consumers.
Attention! When using hard water, scale forms on the walls of the vessel, which should be cleaned in a timely manner.
The production of thermo pots from Japanese manufacturers with an internal ceramic coating of the vessel has been launched, the advantage of which is the preservation of the taste properties of water after heating.
3. Build quality.
When buying a thermopot, check whether the product is assembled with high quality, and that there are no defects. Test the tightness of the lid, which should open and close easily.
4. Management.
Understandable at the level of intuition. In addition to indicators on equipment, it is more correct to buy a device that has a menu in Russian, which will greatly simplify your life.
5. Automatic lock.
Equipping the thermal kettle with this function will prevent the unit from turning on when there is a lack of water and thereby protect the heating element from damage. Proper operation guarantees a long product life.
6. Pouring water.
Basically samples have 2 ways to fill the cup with water:
The first option is suitable if the power supply is turned off.
Because of the pump, it is not necessary to lift the unit. One movement is enough to fill the cup by pressing the button.
Make sure that when pouring, the water jet does not splash or splash out after releasing the pressed pump button.
Individual specimens are endowed with the ability to filter and purify water, which leads to an increase in the cost of goods. The presence of a complex menu is also reflected in the cost.
It is important to note the usefulness of some functions. The delayed start allows you to program the inclusion of a thermal kettle in the evening, so that in the morning, slowly, enjoy a cup of coffee.
Self-cleaning will ensure the timely removal of deposits in the form of scale.
An audible signal will inform you that the set program has ended. The monitor will indicate that the modes are enabled.
To date, there is a wide range of household appliances from different manufacturers. Bypass counterfeit products from China, which are several times different in cost from the original products, but have a very dubious quality and a very short shelf life. Goods from European and Asian firms are worthy of attention.
Leading companies in this area are:
Video arguments for acquiring a thermal pot:
The rating is based on the likes and dislikes of consumers, the experience of using the unit in everyday life, and the popularity of samples. The main indicators, positive and negative sides of thermal kettles are given, the cost of production is indicated. This information will help you make the right choice for your kitchen.
Technical specifications:
The average price is 3180 rubles.
Technical specifications:
The average price is 2000 rubles.
Technical specifications:
The average price is 4000 rubles.
Technical specifications:
The cost is 2700 rubles.
Technical specifications:
The average price is 2600 rubles.
Technical specifications:
The average price is 1750 rubles.
Technical specifications:
The average price is 4600 rubles.
Technical specifications:
The average price is 4490 rubles.
Technical specifications:
The average price is 5440 rubles.
Technical specifications:
The average price is 7190 rubles.
So, the article presented a rating of the best thermopots. The main characteristics of household gadgets are given. Recommendations on the choice of popular devices for those who like to drink hot tea more than once a day are considered.