Rating of the best dances for weight loss in 2025

Rating of the best dances for weight loss in 2025

Many girls use a variety of dances instead of weight loss diets. But such a substitution without proper nutrition is only a delusion. Of course, movement helps relieve stress, strengthen muscles, and also burn calories. But dancing without changing your diet will only help those who don't overeat. If you follow a diet and dance, then weight loss will occur quickly and efficiently. If you do not know how to choose the right dance direction or what are the contraindications, then you should stock up on a list of necessary information.

Who is suitable for a variety of types of dancing for weight loss?

If you do not know where to start, then you should decide on the direction. Many may answer that dancing is suitable for everyone. But you should not be so optimistic, because this sport takes a lot of energy, and not everyone is endowed with a sense of rhythm.
There are a number of contraindications that may affect the selection criteria and are not suitable for health:

  1. Various injuries of the spine, knees, and hip joints;
  2. Osteoporosis;
  3. Chronic fatigue or overtraining;
  4. Nervous system problems such as epilepsy.

In this case, it is better to choose a slow tempo, as well as a less loud soundtrack. For everyone else, you can simply select a certain type for your character and temperament. When you do not miss a single class, you can get a good effect at the end.

Rules for losing weight while dancing

Among the basic rules, one can note those that relate to the diet. It includes:

  1. The calorie content of each day should be in the amount of the total daily energy consumption and add another 400 calories to it. Thus, on a training day, you will consume 400 more calories, but at the same time expend them, and on any other day the calorie content will be different. This will allow the body to actively lose weight because it will not be able to adapt to a certain diet.
  2. The diet should contain up to 40% protein products. Very often, dancers follow such a proportion as 60% carbohydrates, as well as 20% fat and protein.
  3. It is always necessary to continuously work in the fat burning heart rate zone.This is very well reflected in the stage dance, but if you are learning new steps and combinations, then the pace will be slow.

How to start dancing?

Many beginners first begin to work out under a disk with a fitness program with dance elements. This is a good option when you want to decide on one direction or another. But usually only those people who are accustomed to a certain style of music and respect cultures in general go to dance.

If you love tango, and everyone goes to belly dancing, then it's better to choose what your heart calls you to. If you do not know what is best for you to choose, then you can try different styles and be determined in the course of classes.

But, besides this, dancing solves quite common problems for all those who are losing weight - this is stressful overeating. When you eat too much, it is best to do strip plastic, ballet or oriental dance. In addition, you can try to distract yourself with yoga, as well as psychotherapy.

Some types of dances for weight loss


Zumba is a trend that represents a set of fitness exercises combined in dance. This is quite a fun process because you will only hear Latin and European disco hits. You can move as you like, because there is no definite choreography there. The instructor will show you one of the movement options, and you will already perform it as you like. Here, in addition to stepping to the sides, as well as forward and backward, you will not make any jumps, so you will not be able to get confused.

To start losing weight, you need to dance at least 200 minutes a week. You only need 3 hours, as well as 20 minutes of walking after each workout, and the fat will start to go away.With a balanced diet, you can also reduce the time to achieve the desired goal. When you get a little used to Zumba, you can add a few more lessons already with weights and workouts.


  • Zumba has several exercise classes. This allows you to benefit by working through all problem areas;
  • During the dance, you will squat, lunge, and stand on your toes. All this tones the muscles of the legs and buttocks;
  • Thanks to the movement of the body, you can improve your posture, as well as use the press;
  • For more experienced dancers, there are dances with weighted maracas;
  • Accelerated fat burning. In one hour, you can burn 400 calories, which is quite comparable to working on a cardio machine. In addition, the load here is more interval, which allows you to burn fat not only during training, but also after it;
  • Accelerated addiction, because with regular training it will not be difficult. In 34 weeks you will learn all the movements and be able to enjoy dancing;
  • Ease of exercise.
  • Not all cities have Zumba classes.

East Dance

This type is suitable for those girls who have a special temperament and a positive inner mood. This is one of the most feminine options, which will be uncomplicated in terms of choreography. You just have to gradually increase the load and its intensity. Here you can not get injured or any physical overload.

In any case, it all starts with a warm-up, which smoothly moves on to stretching and practicing the most running movements. Here you can develop plasticity in yourself, as well as add stress to the muscles of all parts of the body.Some will think that such a dance is suitable for girls who have magnificent forms and there is no point in dancing. Actually it is not. If you eat a lot of sweets, fruits, fried foods, then you, of course, will face weight gain. But if you follow the right diet, then you can not only reduce weight, but also adjust the proportions of your body.


  • Can't get hurt;
  • Anyone can handle it;
  • You can practice for free at home.
  • Insufficient calorie burning.


This incendiary dance came from Panama and Puerto Rico, after which it became quite widespread in Latin America. To date, the dance has reached our country. Unlike other types, it has a hard and fast pace, so get ready to sweat in the classroom. The main load goes to the hips, buttocks, and also the legs. And if you want to pump up all these parts of the body, then you should choose this particular dance. But at the same time, many compare this type of load with cardio training. If you need bright and positive emotions, then this choice is for you.


  • Well brings the body into shape;
  • Uplifts mood;
  • The dance is effective.
  • May not be suitable for some types of people.

Argentine tango

This dance is performed only in pairs and contains clear and sharp movements. The music is usually rhythmic because the dance originated in Buenos Aires and was categorized as "Latin American". To date, there are 7 varieties of this dance, and they differ in tempo, complexity of steps, turns, as well as the degree of contact between partners.Now many dance schools offer to teach any person this dance, because the direction is incredibly popular.

In addition to the fact that tango is beautiful, there is also a sense to heal with the help of these movements. Very often, dancers lose weight right from the first lesson and don’t even notice it. Excess weight here will simply interfere with supports and rotations. Energetic tango reduces the same number of calories as running. In addition, coordination, attentiveness develop, and all this allows you to bring all the muscles into tone. And if you decide to go to learn such dances with a partner, then this will strengthen the relationship, as well as learn to trust each other.


  • Fat burning occurs after the first session;
  • Acquisition of a pleasant mood;
  • There are no difficult elements in the dance.
  • Need a partner.

Strip plastic for weight loss

Stripping will help you lose weight while giving your figure the necessary curves and beautiful lines. After all, it will never be superfluous if you want to restore shape after childbirth or cope with hated fat. Sports activities will allow you to get rid of 500 calories in 1 hour. In addition, the body will constantly be in good shape, which will make it easy to cope with problems. And when you start doing this type of dance constantly, you can tighten your skin, make your muscles elastic, remove cellulite, and also remove extra centimeters from any part of your body.

One of the features is that you will never overwork, because your body itself will know when you need to rest, and when to pick up the pace.Everyone knows that being overweight comes with seeking solace in food. It is strip plastic exercises that will help develop happiness hormones that will replace some meals.


  • Increased immunity;
  • Starting a healthy lifestyle;
  • Sense of rhythm;
  • Feeling your body
  • emancipation;
  • Self confidence;
  • There is no way for the body to get tired.
  • Not found.


This is another direction of dancing that will allow you to lose weight. There is a lot of controversy about this direction, because many people talk about the impossibility of losing weight in this way. But still there are examples of cases when people lost weight while dancing. Salsa is an incendiary dance that came from Latin America. The thing is that the load will help fight body fat in all problem areas.

It will not work to lose weight by 20 kg, but it is still possible to lose a few extra ones. Today, there are several options for salsa classes. You can practice at home or in the studio at any time convenient for you. If you decide to do this particular sport, then you need to look for a partner. In some clubs, dances are practiced without men, when one of the women performs the male part, and the second female, after which they change.

  • Can burn 600 calories;
  • Incendiary dance;
  • Great mood from the performance.
  • Need a partner.

Some features of dancing

Among the features are the main ones that will help you during the dancing process:

  1. Clothing. The main feature will be a free style with sports elements.Clothing can be absolutely anything, from shorts to elongated sweaters. Shoes are best taken in the form of sneakers. Your clothes should not interfere with classes in any way and should be made from natural materials. In addition, it must absorb all moisture, as well as carry out good air circulation.
  2. They have no restrictions on age, build, gender, and level of training.
  3. Simplicity and ease in many areas of dance allows any beginner to learn how to dance and fit into a certain group in a short period of time.
  4. Almost all types of dances are not only a way to lose weight in the studio, but also a good way to tighten your entire body and give it incredibly beautiful proportions.

How much does a dance lesson cost?

This question cannot be answered unequivocally, because the price of all directions will be completely different. Here it is worth considering that ballroom dancing classes will cost more than lessons in street directions. The average price is approximately 1500-2000 rubles for 1 month.

How many calories can you burn?

Each of the dances differs in its effectiveness. The table below shows the calorie burn rates for 1 hour of intense training.

Dance directionNumber of calories burned
Zumba 550
East Dance450-600
Strip of plastic420
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