A make-up artist is a person whose profession requires you to carefully study the features and features of the face, and based on this, create an image with the help of makeup. The master must skillfully operate with tools, applying cosmetics to the face. In addition, there are many situations when the makeup artist must act quickly and apply makeup without the slightest mistake. This is what is taught at the make-up school in the city of Voronezh.
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Before entering a make-up school, you need to ask yourself: “Is this what I want?”. After all, you need to know that an ordinary makeup artist is one thing, and a makeup artist is another. Applying makeup will be needed if you need to emphasize the dignity of a person or hide visible flaws.
At the same time, make-up is a real art. The master completely transforms a person, bringing his ideas to life and evokes certain emotions in the audience. At a time when makeup is applied to the face almost every day, makeup is needed for people who take part in professional shootings, fashion shows, during the holidays.
Makeup can be applied by anyone who knows how to use cosmetic tools at least a little. Make-up is done only by a professional. When learning how to apply makeup, they teach you how to work on your own face. Only the teacher and the student are present in the classroom. At this moment, a color palette for individual makeup is selected. In addition, the basics of evening and day makeup are studied. This will only take 5 or 6 sessions.
At the same time, full-fledged classes are held at the make-up school, the purpose of which is to teach the skill of a professional working with clients. For training, it will take 54 academic hours and at the end they issue a document confirming the skill of the students.
For those who like to create and who have made a firm decision to do makeup, you need to know where to learn this skill and how to choose the right school. There are a large number of such educational institutions, but among them it is important to choose the best course. The article will discuss the ranking of the best schools and makeup courses in Voronezh.
First of all, you need to find out information about the institution from friends and acquaintances, ask what they write on the Internet. Naturally, this is not enough to make sure that the facts are reliable. After all, people's opinions do not always reflect reality. One institution likes it, others will find it flaws.
To check the authenticity of reviews on the Internet, it is enough to contact the people who left them. Only in this case you can be sure that they were posted by real people.
Recommendations are recommendations, but are you ready to pay for your education? The price of the courses includes:
When learning a new profession, you need to realistically assess the fact that cheap courses will not provide the knowledge that is necessary in order to become a master. Therefore, you need to understand that the cost always depends on the quality.
Having a diploma of graduation is very important, because when applying for a job, they pay attention not only to the portfolio, but also are interested in the qualifications of a specialist. At the initial stage of career growth, such a document will help open doors that are inaccessible to amateur makeup artists. Therefore, when applying, it is important to ask if the school issues diplomas or certificates upon graduation.
To find out more information about the institution, it is recommended to visit the open day at the makeup school. It is there that you can see how the masters work. In addition, acting as a model, you will learn the whole "kitchen" of this institution from the inside.
The most important thing in the makeup school is the skill of the teachers.All information about them can be found on the official website of the educational institution, where the master's portfolio is also posted. But this is not the most important thing. A teacher can be a master of the highest class, but he cannot transfer his knowledge to a student.
How sociable the teacher is, how he presents the material can be judged by the work of his students. Therefore, their portfolio is a must-see. Such works should also be on the school website.
In Voronezh, there is more than one make-up school, among which the best of them were chosen. The following are in the TOP:
This branch is located on St. Platonova, 25. School phone ☎ +7 (473) 300-30-24.
The educational institution was opened specifically for people who love to create and are actively engaged in this. Here you can learn not only photography, but also take courses in sound engineering and modeling. Within the walls of the school, classes are conducted by experienced specialists who are ready to give their knowledge to people who want to get behind the scenes of television screens and see how programs and news releases are born. There is also a make-up course.
If you wish, you can attend courses where you can learn how to process photos, read quickly, even get basic acting skills. Since the school has several directions, a person can find something to his liking, change his role and turn his hobby into a professional business.
The St. Petersburg School has several dozen branches and offers not only full-time education, but also the opportunity to study remotely with an individual teacher.Such lessons are possible thanks to gift certificates, which will be a great gift for family and friends.
Education at the school can take place at a convenient time for students. Study and work are freely combined, since courses can be attended both during the day and in the evening. The school is open on weekends. The student can arrange individual lessons with the teacher.
It should be understood that the high cost of courses will pay off very quickly after employment. In addition, there are promotions and discounts, thanks to which you can significantly save on training. Here you can visit:
Cost of attending courses:
It is located on Revolution Avenue, 1B, room 510. Phones ☎ +7 (473) 300-32-52, +7 (473) 262-15-21, +7 (951) 556-21-00.
The school offers courses in the following areas:
In addition, they teach professions such as:
Classes are held both stationary and remotely, which is convenient for people who have a job or study in other educational institutions.
The cost of studying at this school:
On Platonova Street, 25, 4th floor, Grachi Unitary Enterprise, there is a branch of the St. Petersburg Beauty School. Phone ☎ +7 (473) 212-05-27. There are training courses that will turn your favorite hobby into a professional skill.
You can take courses here:
Classes are held here on modern technologies, which are mastered in practice. At the same time, the cost of education is not too high. After the training is completed, students will be given a portfolio that can be shown to potential clients. In addition, a certificate is issued, which will testify to professionalism and skill. This will be the start of a new career.
The school offers the following training:
For personal development courses:
Professional courses:
The cost of courses is from 1,900 to 3,800 rubles.
This educational institution is located on Novosibirskaya street, 20. Phones ☎ +7 (473) 239-59-20, +7 (432) 333-43-66.
The school, which produces professional make-up artists, was opened in 1997. At the courses, people receive not only primary education, but also improve their skills. In addition, you can take additional lessons that will only increase the professionalism of the masters. The following courses are offered here:
The cost of training is from 5,500 rubles per month.
In Voronezh, on the street 45 Rifle Division, 127, there is an educational institution where make-up lessons and other areas are held. Phones for recording +7 (920) 229-69-68, +7 (950) 765-95-00.
In this school-studio, you can not only gain knowledge, but also improve your skills. In addition, workshops are held at the institution where knowledge in each specialty will be consolidated.
Don't think it's too late to learn. Teachers qualified in their specialty will help to acquire a new profession.They have extensive experience in their specialty and as teachers.
Here they will teach you how to properly conduct a salon business, the profession of a makeup artist. In addition, a person will gain knowledge on how to properly apply makeup in everyday life, hairdressing. After the training is completed, students are issued certificates indicating that they have received a qualification.
The school offers the following courses:
The cost of training in the studio is from 5,000 rubles.
The educational institution is located at the address: Karl Marx Street, 67B, RK "Parnas". Phone ☎+7 (473) 235-55-14.
At the academy you can improve your skills. At the same time, training is carried out on new technologies. For beginners, the educational institution will be the first rung of the career ladder. Masters need to periodically improve their skills.
Workshops are constantly held here, where the masters will consolidate their knowledge. Here you can learn not only make-up, but also other specialties.
For personal development, you can attend drawing courses. To become a professional, attend the following courses:
Under this name, a team of professional wedding stylists works, by the way, the only one in Voronezh. However, in addition to the main work of the studio, related to the creation of a unique image for the bride, there is training for beginner makeup artists, as well as those who want to improve their skill level.
Studio address: st. Sacco and Vanzetti, 78, a, phone number ☎+7 (473) 333-40-23
Among the wide range of training programs, the following are devoted to visage:
There is an opportunity to conduct an individual make-up intensive, the number of days the cadet chooses himself, payment: 7-8 thousand rubles / day.
By visiting one of these schools, you will get a new profession, from which you will not only enjoy, but also be able to open your own business. Thus, all innermost dreams and wishes will come true.