
  1. Five of the best maternity hospitals in Novosibirsk
  2. Closing schedule of maternity hospitals for sanitation:
  3. How to choose a maternity hospital?

Rating of the best maternity hospitals in Novosibirsk for 2025

Rating of the best maternity hospitals in Novosibirsk for 2025

The place where the childbirth takes place is not just a medical institution equipped with special equipment, it is more of a staff - doctors, nurses, nurses, whose professional and human qualities determine how the birth will go. At such a crucial moment as the birth of a child, women in labor should feel in the reliable hands of specialists who can not only competently take delivery, but also surround the patient with care, attention, provide her and the child with maximum comfort and safety. Moral and psychological support plays an important role here.

There are 10 state maternity hospitals in Novosibirsk and one non-state one. Officially, maternity hospitals are divided into three groups:

  1. Medical facilities where they take birth in women who do not have pathologies;
  2. Acceptance of childbirth in the presence of violations;
  3. Places for delivering women with difficult pregnancies, serious disorders or complications.

A rating based on customer reviews speaks much more eloquently about the quality of medical care than statistics that provide generalized data, without taking into account features, nuances and details.

Five of the best maternity hospitals in Novosibirsk

In this review, medical institutions are considered by the number of positive reviews regarding equipment, medical and service.

Maternity hospital №7

Address: Heroes of the Revolution street, 4

Phone - (383) 337-24-94

A well-equipped and well-equipped maternity hospital accepts Pervomaisky district, Koltsovo, and in case of premature birth, it accepts women in labor from the Soviet district and Oktyabrsky.

The main specializations of the maternity hospital No. 7:

  1. Rh-conflict pregnancy;
  2. Late preeclampsia;
  3. premature birth;
  4. Therapeutic diagnostic assistance;
  5. Help for women in labor with various complications and pathologies;
  6. Emergency care for difficult pregnancy;
  7. Help with threatened miscarriage.

In addition, planned births are practiced in parturient women with the presence of complications and anomalies of a different nature.

Individual childbirth is also practiced in women with an operated uterus, childbirth using a warm bath for relaxation.

The Department of Pathology provides wards for 2-6 women, with a toilet in the ward and a shower on the floor. There are also comfortable single and double rooms, equipped with a bathroom, with a TV in the room.Walks and visits by relatives are allowed.

The prenatal department provides four-bed wards, delivery rooms - double.

The postpartum department has wards for 2-6 women. Each room has a toilet, double rooms and a corridor have a shower.

There are also intensive care units and a well-equipped children's intensive care unit. Successful nursing of children born with low birth weight is carried out.

Also, partner childbirth is practiced here, an individual delivery room is provided, combined with a postpartum ward. The cost of paid childbirth is about 25,000 rubles. A double room for prenatal stay costs 8,000 rubles, and accommodation in a double or single room after childbirth costs 20,000 - 25,000 rubles.

  • highly skilled workers;
  • responsiveness and patience of individual members of the staff;
  • well equipped rooms.
  • inattentive attitude of certain doctors;
  • high prices;
  • low level of service.

Maternity hospital of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Address: Pirogova street, 25

Phone - (383) 330-98-99

This is a maternity hospital at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which accepts women in labor in the Sovetsky district, as well as the right-bank districts of the city. The medical institution specializes in physiological childbirth.

The Department of Pathology provides triple rooms with a shower and a bathroom. Paid chambers are equipped with a refrigerator. Walks and meetings with relatives are allowed.

Four separate individual blocks are designed for childbirth - there is only a woman in labor, as well as a doctor and a midwife.

Also, partner births are carried out here (free of charge). To do this, you must have fluorography data, a passport, change of shoes and clothes with you.

The maternity hospital also has intensive care units for women in labor and newborns. For the first period after childbirth, a room is provided in the birth unit for relaxation with water.

The postpartum department is equipped with double rooms with a shower and a toilet. There are also rooms of increased comfort (single and double), with a refrigerator and a TV. After birth, the baby stays with the mother, unless there are certain complications. Women in labor are allowed to use their own bed linen and clothes.

Not so long ago, vertical births, as well as squatting births, began to be practiced in the maternity hospital. Another important innovation was the procedure for collecting cord blood to isolate hematopoietic cells - these cells can become an alternative to treatment with bone marrow transplantation.

Immediately after the birth of a child, women can familiarize themselves with the indications and contraindications for vaccination against hepatitis B and tuberculosis and give their consent or refusal. The maternity hospital also has neonatologists to provide resuscitation to newborns if necessary. Neurosonography is also performed, narrow specialists and consultants are invited, if there are indications for this.

Service cost:

  1. Delivery by the head of the department and accommodation in the service ward - 60,000 rubles;
  2. Delivery by a doctor of the highest category - 40,000 rubles;
  3. Single room with shower and toilet - 9,000 rubles;
  4. A ward equipped with household appliances - 23,000 rubles.
  • staff professionalism;
  • comfortable and cozy rooms;
  • high quality postpartum care.
  • some rooms require renovation;
  • impoliteness and rudeness of the staff of the postpartum department;
  • tendencies to speed up labor with medication;
  • low level of service.

Maternity Ward of the City Clinical Hospital No. 25

Address: Alexander Nevsky street, 1

Phone - (383) 276-05-75

Its service area includes the Kalininsky district of the city, women in labor from other districts of Novosibirsk are served under the voluntary medical insurance program. Here they accept women in labor with various complications, concomitant diseases, as well as with the threat of premature birth.

City Clinical Hospital No25 is equipped with a diagnostic complex and modern equipment for a complete examination. The Department of Pregnancy Pathology provides four-bed rooms. The maternity ward has three prenatal rooms.

During childbirth, the following types of anesthesia are used:

  • Intramuscular;
  • Intravenous;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Spinal anesthesia.

Also, vertical childbirth is practiced in the maternity hospital No25, preparations are being made for this type of childbirth, for which women take training courses, gain knowledge about how the process will take place, how to behave correctly during childbirth.

Carry out natural childbirth in women with a scar on the uterus. Previously, women in labor undergo a complete examination. Free partnerships are also possible.

The maternity ward has six-bed resuscitation and anesthesiology departments equipped according to modern standards, where doctors are on duty around the clock. A neonatologist-resuscitator is always present during childbirth. If a caesarean section is necessary, a sparing Stark technique is used.

The postpartum department provides wards for 4-5 people. The shower and toilet are located in the hallway. Joint stay of mother and child is allowed. Meetings with relatives are allowed in the emergency room.

There are also service chambers for 2 people, equipped with a bathroom, TV, refrigerator.

You can sign an exchange card and conclude an agreement daily from 12:00 to 15:00 (except weekends).

Additional services include:

  1. Carrying out service delivery in an individual ward, in the presence of a husband, mother, psychologist - 15,000 rubles;
  2. Service delivery under the conditions listed above, but with an individual obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category - 35,000 rubles.
  • comfort and cleanliness;
  • sensitivity and courtesy of the staff;
  • highly qualified doctors.
  • uncomfortable postpartum wards;
  • negligent attitude to their duties of personnel in the pathology department;
  • rudeness and inattentive attitude towards patients of individual health workers.

Maternity hospital №2

Address: Chekhov street, 76, Oktyabrskaya metro station

Phone - (383) 266-13-13

The oldest maternity hospital in the city, specializing in natural childbirth and serving the Oktyabrsky district.

The department of pathology of pregnant women has two- and four-bed wards. The bathroom and shower are located in the hallway. TV and fridge available. Superior double rooms are equipped with a shower and a toilet, as well as a refrigerator and a TV.

The maternity ward provides a prenatal ward for four women, a delivery room for three women in labor.

Also, for individual childbirth, there are two separate maternity units equipped with a bathroom. Doctors obstetricians-gynecologists, anesthesiologists-resuscitators, neonatologists, midwives are on duty around the clock. Here, effective and safe methods of anesthesia are used. Partnerships are practiced.Programmed childbirth, as well as caesarean section, are performed exclusively according to indications.

The newborn, immediately after birth, is placed in a bath of water, and then laid out on the mother's stomach and applied to the chest.

The maternity hospital also has well-equipped intensive care units. In the postpartum department there are wards for 2-4 people, a shower and a bathroom in the corridor.

Paid services include:

  1. Comfortable childbirth (individual delivery room, delivery by a doctor of the highest category) - 22,000 rubles;
  2. Accommodation in a single or double junior suite - 6,500 and 9,000 rubles, respectively;
  3. Accommodation in a luxury single or double room (with shower and toilet) - 12,000 and 15,000 rubles.
  • providing everything necessary;
  • good quality food;
  • responsive attentive staff;
  • cleanliness and comfort.
  • rude attitude of individual members of the staff;
  • low qualification, unprofessionalism of some doctors.

Maternity hospital "Avicenna"

Address: Communist street, 17

Phone - 363-07-73

Non-state medical institution, which provides a completely individual service, diagnosis and prevention of possible complications. The maternity hospital has an intensive care unit, as well as an intensive care unit. The Avicenna Maternity Hospital is equipped with its own laboratory, thanks to which a quick examination takes place. The six meals a day menu is developed by a personal doctor.

In children's resuscitation, parents are allowed to visit the child. The neonatology department is equipped with modern equipment for nursing premature and debilitated children. Conditions are as close as possible to intrauterine.

The maternity hospital is equipped with air purification devices. Telephones and Wi-Fi are installed in the wards. A hot tub and shower are provided for use during contractions.

Partnerships are welcome here. After the birth, the child is with his mother, visits from relatives are fully allowed.

The Avicenna Maternity Hospital provides women in labor with all the necessary items and things: clothes, personal hygiene items and everything necessary for a newborn.

Service cost:

  1. Natural childbirth (with the use of painkillers) and four days of hospitalization - 166,000 rubles;
  2. Elective surgery with anesthesia: for singleton pregnancy - 180,000 rubles, for multiple pregnancy - 195,000 rubles. If the operation is performed by a doctor of medical sciences - 202,000 and 216,000 rubles, respectively.

In the maternity hospital "Avicenna" every Sunday there are free tours, which you can sign up for by phone.

  • calm and polite staff;
  • comfortable clean rooms;
  • modern furniture and equipment;
  • good quality food;
  • friendliness and responsiveness of junior and middle staff.
  • unreasonably high prices for the standard level of comfort.

Closing schedule of maternity hospitals for sanitation:

  1. Maternity hospital No. 7 - from June 21 to July 5, from December 21 to December 31.
  2. Maternity hospital of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - from September 24 to October 8
  3. Maternity department of ICD No. 25 - from November 19 to December 3
  4. Maternity hospital No. 2 - from September 1 to September 23.
  5. The Avicenna Maternity Hospital is always available, sanitation is carried out cyclically.

If the maternity hospital was closed for sanitation or repairs before you entered into an agreement with it, an ambulance will take you to the maternity hospital on duty in the city.

How to choose a maternity hospital?

Here are a few criteria to consider when choosing a maternity hospital:

  1. Health status. The gynecologist will advise the most suitable maternity hospital for you.
  2. Closing schedule of maternity hospitals for sanitation. This information must be taken into account.
  3. Service cost. You should decide which childbirth is preferable - free or paid, determine acceptable prices for yourself. An agreement with the hospital should be concluded in advance.
  4. Reviews and advice. You can read them critically, take into account the most important of them, but in no case should you blindly believe every word - everyone has their own individual view of what is happening and their own special case.

When evaluating third-party reviews, one should not forget that people talk about a difficult event associated with negative feelings, experiences, and the “pain threshold”, including the psychological one, is different for everyone.

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