
  1. What is important when choosing a maternity hospital
  2. Rating of maternity hospitals in Chelyabinsk

Rating of the best maternity hospitals in Chelyabinsk in 2025

Rating of the best maternity hospitals in Chelyabinsk in 2025

Now any woman in the Russian Federation is given the opportunity to choose the maternity hospital that suits her best. To simplify the choice for young mothers, a rating of the best maternity hospitals in Chelyabinsk was created.

What is important when choosing a maternity hospital

How to choose a maternity hospital? This is a rather difficult decision. It is impossible to fully understand where the conditions are better, since it is unrealistic to visit all the establishments at once and assess the situation.

To have fewer problems, you need to focus on the reviews of friends, acquaintances, track information on forums and websites for young mothers. Although you should be extremely careful with these forums, since reviews here are written by both adequate people and ill-wishers. But do not worry, because in every maternity home there is at least one highly qualified specialist.

When choosing a maternity hospital, it is also important to consider the sterility of the equipment, as well as the conditions of stay in the perinatal center.

The main factors when choosing a maternity hospital

Every little thing when choosing a perinatal center or maternity hospital plays a key role. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • How far from home is the maternity facility - often this factor is decisive, because anything can happen, and the woman needs to be sent to the maternity hospital as soon as possible.
  • Specialization - there are modern maternity hospitals that can serve women with pathologies, infectious and other types of diseases. They also accept women who have premature births or have problems bearing.
  • Department of pathology - here women are under the close supervision of specialists, if they have diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and other types of diseases, the presence of such a department is also important.
  • Attitude of the maternity hospital to natural childbirth - most maternity hospitals tend to have natural childbirth, but not always everything goes naturally, so drug stimulation or surgery may be required. It is worth assessing how often the medical staff "interfere" in the natural process.
  • The opportunity to visit relatives - psychological support is important for a woman, therefore the opportunity to visit relatives also plays a key role in choosing a maternity hospital.
  • Position regarding breastfeeding - many maternity hospitals have a positive attitude towards this practice, they practice the joint presence of the child with the mother, application on demand. Many, but not all. The process of early breastfeeding improves the process of lactation in a woman.

Other Important Factors

These include:

  • Conditions of stay in the prenatal ward;
  • Conditions of stay in the delivery room;
  • Living conditions in the postpartum ward;
  • Availability of an intensive care unit for infants;
  • Repair status;
  • Information about paid services;
  • Serviceability and stability of heating (naturally in the cold season);
  • Nutrition quality.

medical staff

Most often, young women turn to a specific specialist and do not pay attention to the above factors. A good doctor is important to them, who will take delivery with high quality and without negative consequences, but the conditions of the institution itself are of little concern to them.

But, if, nevertheless, the choice of a doctor is a decisive factor for the expectant mother, then you should pay attention to the following details:

  • The presence of trust in the doctor and a sense of comfort;
  • Find out how the doctor treats natural childbirth;
  • Is it possible to call your doctor to the maternity hospital if labor has begun, and on this day it is not his shift;
  • How does it relate to the anesthesia procedure;
  • Is it possible to conduct telephone consultations with a doctor in the period before the onset of childbirth;
  • How much the services of this specialist cost, and whether additional payments are provided in case of overscheduled procedures or force majeure circumstances;
  • Does the specialist ask how the pregnancy process goes.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of a doctor, it is necessary to study many features of the passage of childbirth, as well as read forums and visit circles for young mothers.

Rating of maternity hospitals in Chelyabinsk

Maternity Hospital City Clinical Hospital No. 8

This hospital has a strong base. It is a department of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, which represents the South Ural Medical University. They do midwifery here. The students themselves, as well as the doctors themselves, are constantly improving their skills.As many as 10 divisions include this institution.

There are also six rooms with enhanced comfort (meaning that mother and child can stay in the same room together). There are also wards for partner births (a relative, husband or mother may be present). In the delivery room, all newborns are placed on their mother's breasts for two hours.

This is one of the best perinatal institutions in Chelyabinsk. There are 46 beds for newborns. The gynecological department has 54 beds. If a woman has:

  • infertility;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • ovarian tumor;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Then you have to use endoscopic intervention. If the female genital organs have fallen out or fallen, then plastic surgery can be performed.

Doctor Nesterenko works here - the best doctor in the region in 2012. All heads of departments have the first and highest medical category. There are also three PhDs working here.

Prices: negotiable.

Contacts: Chelyabinsk, st. Gorky, 28.

  • many departments;
  • quality services;
  • qualified personnel;
  • one of the best perinatal institutions in Chelyabinsk.
  • not detected.

Regional Perinatal Center

The specialists of this institution will help to resolve all issues related to consultations, as well as provide medical and diagnostic assistance. In addition, they will help women who have impaired reproductive function.

Here, in addition to 130 beds for round-the-clock stay, 12 individual rooms for childbirth are equipped. It has all the necessary equipment that will help young mothers rehabilitate themselves, as well as help newborn children who had problems at the time of birth.

This institution has the following divisions:

  • medical genetic consultation - in this division of the consultation, 23 thousand women are examined during the year in order to identify possible pathologies;
  • clinical diagnostic laboratory - employees who have the first and highest category work here. Employees of the department conduct various types of research. They also provide assistance to women and children during special training seminars;
  • department of ultrasound diagnostics - 35 thousand examinations are carried out on the equipment of this clinic. In addition, therapeutic and intrauterine interventions are carried out;
  • department of anesthesiology and resuscitation - all types of anesthesia are carried out around the clock;
  • department of gynecology - up to 2000 patients are treated here;
  • department of pathology of pregnancy - here psychological preparation for childbirth is carried out, all necessary analyzes and measurements are made. The staff always carefully monitors patients who have a pathology. They do this around the clock;
  • birth and physiological departments - here expectant mothers begin to prepare for lactation. In the center, the baby is laid out on the mother's stomach immediately after the completion of childbirth. Breastfeeding is also encouraged here;
  • department of newborns;
  • resuscitation and intensive care unit - here assistance is provided to newborn children who have a critical condition or other health disorders.

A lot of positive reviews say that professionals in their field work here.

Contacts: Chelyabinsk, st. Timiryazev, 17.

  • many departments;
  • round-the-clock care for newborns;
  • qualified personnel;
  • several thousand consultations per year.
  • not detected.

Maternity hospital of the SUSMU clinic

Another comfortable maternity hospital in the city of Chelyabinsk. There are 120 beds here. It is possible for the mother to stay with the child in the same room. For this, wards for two or three people are provided, and there are also single rooms. As in other maternity hospitals in Chelyabinsk, a newborn is necessarily breastfed here immediately after birth.

Anesthesia of any kind is also used, depending on the situation.

You can communicate with your relatives via video call, which is very convenient.

In addition to the maternity unit, there is a gynecological department with 55 beds. And a separate unit where they consult with expectant mothers.

Prices are negotiable.

Contacts: Chelyabinsk, st. Cherkasskaya, 2.

  • the maternity hospital is designed for 120 beds;
  • there is a video link;
  • there is a department of gynecology and a consultation department;
  • qualified personnel;
  • work is based on modern technologies.
  • not identified.

Maternity Hospital OKB No. 3

This is a public health facility. Belongs to Clinical Hospital No. 3. The department is designed for 172 beds, which are located in a five-story building. In 1981, the work of this center began. Up to 2500 women give birth here throughout the year. More than 50 thousand children were born in this institution.

The center specializes in childbirth in adolescents. Consultative assistance is constantly provided to all patients. Residents of both the city of Chelyabinsk and from other settlements of the region are accepted.

The structure of the institution includes 7 departments.

There are comfortable conditions for the location. All wards are cozy, each department has dining rooms, as well as treatment rooms.In addition, there are superior rooms with refrigerators, microwave ovens, kettles and other appliances and appliances. At certain hours, relatives can visit a woman. There are also wards for single stay of a mother with a child, as well as wards for separate location, which are designed for 4-5 mothers.

The hall of physiotherapy exercises is equipped in the department of pathology of pregnancy.

“Family” “partner” births are also actively practiced.

All procedures are performed using modern equipment.

Prices are negotiable. For patients from the service area with a passport and insurance policies, examination and treatment under the state program. guarantees are provided free of charge.

Contacts: Chelyabinsk, Pobedy Ave., 287.

  • you can choose an individual doctor;
  • many departments;
  • gym;
  • therapeutic programs for recovery have been developed;
  • modern equipment;
  • deal with teenage pregnancy and childbirth;
  • qualified personnel.
  • not identified.

Maternity Hospital City Clinical Hospital No. 6

This is a public health facility. It has a good modern laboratory. 120 beds is the potential capacity of the institution. More than 2500 births are performed annually. This center was opened in 1974.

Engaged in childbirth in those women who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Treatment, diagnosis and consultation is provided in a timely manner and in full.

Consists of six departments. Each room has new comfortable beds that are comfortable to lie on.

If necessary, feeding (supplementation) of the baby is carried out.

There is also a gym.

The price is negotiable.

Contacts: Chelyabinsk, st. Rumyantseva, 6.

  • hall of physiotherapy exercises;
  • comfortable rooms;
  • almost 3,000 births per year are accepted.
  • not identified.

The birth of a child is an important moment in a woman's life. The health of a new person who has been born largely depends on how comfortable the woman in labor will be psychologically, the professionalism of doctors and the equipment of the maternity hospital. In Chelyabinsk, many maternity hospitals are able to deliver quality deliveries, both free of charge and on a contractual basis. The choice is for the expectant mother!

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