
  1. How to choose the right bandage
  2. The most popular manufacturers of bandages

Review of the best shoulder braces in 2025

Review of the best shoulder braces in 2025

Since the shoulder joint makes a large number of movements, it is most often injured. More than others suffer those people who go in for sports. There is also a risk of shoulder injury for those people who constantly lift heavy objects. Injuries can vary in nature, from tendon rupture to joint deformity or even fractures. For this reason, at the slightest suspicion of injury, you should immediately consult a specialist. Together with the complex treatment, the patient will also be prescribed a bandage for the shoulder joint. But which of the wide variety of products to choose? This will help rating the best shoulder bandages.

How to choose the right bandage

The shoulder brace allows you to keep the injured arm stationary and fixes the shoulder in the correct position. But you need to wear the device only if there is an injury. It is prescribed to wear it in such cases:

  • after surgery on a diseased joint, for quick healing after the plaster has been removed;
  • with inflammation of the joint and periarticular muscles, as well as with diseases such as arthrosis or arthritis;
  • with bruises, sprains of the ligamentous apparatus, ligament ruptures, dislocations that violate the usual structure of the shoulder;
  • in order to accelerate recovery functions;
  • to remove the tumor in the post-traumatic period;
  • to relax the shoulder joint and restore it.

At the same time, the retainer not only holds the joint, but also helps to relieve the load from the back and in the elbow joint. Thus, there is a rapid healing of the injured area. Most often, athletes resort to such equipment. It helps them relieve tension in the joints and muscles.

Types of bandages

The design is classified depending on some features, namely:


Most often, the design is made of an elastic material. But to prevent an allergic reaction or irritation, linings are made of knitwear or cotton. In the manufacture of the design, light fabrics are also used.

Number of fixing elements

When choosing a bandage, you need to know its differences from an orthosis. First of all, this is the absence of hard ribs made of plastic or metal. Such a latch performs its functions more rigidly. The bandage does not have such additions, so it can be used only if the injury is minor.But if this design is not enough, then you can use additional elements that have the fixation property.

Attachment area

Fastening methods also play a significant role in choosing a bandage. The most popular are those that are fixed on top of the shoulder. But there are options in which the entire arm, part of the back and chest are fixed.

Types of bandages

In addition, there is also such a classification of bandages:

Children's bandages

This brace is used to support the shoulder joint. It is most often used to support the hands of children. Made from natural material without the use of hard ribs. Synthetics are used only in the inner part of the structure. Thanks to this, children's skin does not succumb to irritation.

Bandage scarf

The design is fastened with straps around the neck, but the upper part of the body in the chest area is also covered with a wide belt. This design is used in case of minor fractures, dislocations, ruptures and sprains.

Bandages on the shoulder of weak fixation

This type of construction is used in case of dislocations or sprains. The same goes for inflammatory processes. A bandage is also used by athletes to prevent injury to the joint or in case of overload. This design is used as a fixator of the shoulder joint, which relieves pain and has a warming effect on the damaged area.

Semi-rigid shoulder straps

This bandage should be used for arthritis, arthrosis and periarthritis. In addition, they should be used for bruises, dislocations, fractures of the neck of the shoulder and in the postoperative period. It is able to relieve pain, stabilize the shoulder joint, maintain the correct position of the head of the shoulder.

Rigid shoulder straps

Such fixators are used if the shoulder is paralyzed and needs support, with fractures, dislocations, or after surgery. They do not allow the joint to move and thereby shift to the side.

Some tips for choosing a bandage

When choosing a product, you need to consider that:

  • The material must, first of all, meet the preferences of the buyer;
  • The degree of fixation is selected with the complexity of the disease;
  • The size of the bandage depends on the size of the chest and elbow joint, while the sizes are indicated by letters: S, M, L, XL.

But it is best to make such a purchase only after consulting with the treating specialist. Since an improperly selected design contributes to the deterioration of the patient's health.

The most popular manufacturers of bandages

There are several manufacturers whose bandages are considered the best on the medical device market. Among the manufacturers, the following brands and their products should be noted:


This manufacturer occupies a leading position in the manufacture of bandages. His products are of the highest quality. Designs are produced depending on the age category. For this reason, they are very often used by athletes, and are prescribed by doctors to their patients. The best products are:

Orlett SI-301

This brace is applied to the shoulder joint to immobilize the arm. Depending on the type of assembly, the bandage is available with and without fixation to the body. Thanks to this, the arm simply supports the arm or fixes it to the body.

To choose the right design and choose the right size, special Y-shaped Velcro fasteners are used. Thanks to this, the straps can be adjusted to fit the desired length.

The product is produced in two sizes. At the same time, the size of the clothes is also taken into account. The bandage has fixing and shoulder straps.A design is used to fix the shoulder joint in the case of:

  • bruises, dislocations and fractures;
  • for rehabilitation in the postoperative period;
  • in case of cuts and paralysis;
  • in case of inflammatory processes in the joint.

The design costs 3,580 rubles.

Orlett SI-301
  • Dress easily and simply;
  • Velcro works well;
  • The body under the bandage does not sweat;
  • Easily cleaned from dirt;
  • The sleeve does not pinch the hands.
  • High price.

Orlett AS-302

The bandage on the shoulder refers to the kerchief look. With this design, the arm and shoulder are supported. It can serve as an independent fixator and as an addition to other bandages. The design is very easy to use and is used to fix the joint. In addition, it relieves tension in the joint and muscular system.

A bandage is used in case of:

  • Bruises, dislocations, subluxations, fractures of the upper limb;
  • Partial damage to the tendons in the shoulder and elbow;
  • Inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • Cuts or paralysis.

The bandage costs 2,200 rubles.

Orlett AS-302
  • Thanks to the breathable soft material, the bandage is very easy and comfortable to wear;
  • The presence of patterns allows you to conveniently fix the elbow joint, because of which the hand lies tightly on the bandage;
  • Velcro straps are used to adjust the straps;
  • There is an additional loop on the thumb, thanks to which the bandage is securely fixed on the arm;
  • To fix the injured arm to the body, a special belt is provided.
  • No.

Orlett RS-105

The design is used to fix the shoulder joint in a stationary state.The product is made of elastic material, which has high compression and micro-massage of the joint. This improves blood circulation in the hand and allows you to quickly restore all the functions of the hand. The clamp is used universally for both shoulders.

Apply it for:

  • Rehabilitation in the postoperative period;
  • bruises and dislocations;
  • The occurrence of pain in the muscular system;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • For the prevention of injuries by athletes.

The cost of the bandage is 4,300 rubles.

Orlett RS-105
  • The design is completely invisible under clothing;
  • Practical and comfortable to wear;
  • It has a Velcro fastener, which allows you to conveniently adjust the size;
  • Thanks to the heat-saving properties, the design improves blood circulation in the shoulder.
  • The high price of the goods.


A brand that is one of the top three in the production of bandages. Not only shoulder bandages are on sale, but also splints for shoulder joints. In addition, each design is of high quality, made of comfortable material and allows the patient to feel comfortable.

medi shoulder sling

With the help of this design, the arm is also supported by an additional wide belt. Applies to:

  • shoulder dislocations;
  • damage;
  • shoulder fracture;
  • scapula fracture;
  • in the postoperative period.

It costs 4,405 rubles.

medi shoulder sling
  • the ability to easily access trauma;
  • easy removal of the belt for exercise therapy;
  • easy to size;
  • can be used both on the right and on the left hand;
  • easily adjustable;
  • easy to put on even without assistance.
  • The fabric is dense, because of which it is hot under the bandage and there are charms.

Bandage medi arm sling

With this bandage, the limb is carefully and gently maintained in the correct position. Prescribed for:

  • Shoulder dislocation;
  • Rotator cuff injury;
  • Fracture in the shoulder area;
  • In the postoperative period.

The bandage helps to relieve the load not only from the shoulder, but also from the elbow joint. The design costs 3,605 rubles.

Bandage medi arm sling
  • The length of the support belt is adjustable;
  • Adjustable sleeve length
  • Can be worn on one or the other hand;
  • It is possible to dress easily without assistance.
  • No.

Bandage medi Arm fix

Reliably supports and fixes the arm in the shoulder and elbow joint. Used in the treatment of:

  • Dislocations of the shoulder joint;
  • Fractures in the shoulder area;
  • Fracture of the scapula;
  • Injuries in the region of the collarbone;
  • With inflammatory processes in the shoulder area.

Thanks to the bandage, the following actions are performed:

  • Relieves tension in the shoulder joint
  • The elbow joint is unloaded;
  • The hand is fixed in the correct position;
  • The head of the humerus is in the correct position relative to the scapular cavity.

The value of the item is not known.

Bandage medi Arm fix
  • It is easy to get to the place of injury;
  • The size can be adjusted;
  • Together with the bandage, it is convenient to do exercise therapy;
  • It is worn on one and on the second hand equally freely;
  • You can wear it yourself.
  • No.

medi SAK busbar

This design has the ability to pump up as much as necessary to ensure that the shoulder is in the correct position. Range from 10 to 60 degrees. It is used to treat the following pathologies:

  • impingement syndrome;
  • rotator cuff plastic;
  • shoulder joint arthroplasty;
  • adhesive capsulitis.

The bus works like this:

  • Reliably fixes the shoulder joint in the allotted position at an angle of ten to sixty degrees, depending on how much the tank is filled with air;
  • Relieves tension in the joints and muscular system;
  • It is used for prophylaxis with tight movement of the joint.

The construction costs 14,200 rubles.

medi SAK busbar
  • The elbow and shoulder are carefully and comfortably fixed;
  • The size is conveniently adjustable;
  • It is equally put on that on the left, that on the right hand;
  • The brush lies freely on a special pillow;
  • The muscles of the shoulder are in good shape thanks to the pillow;
  • The presence of a pillow creates comfortable conditions, unlike a rigid tire;
  • The pump is included in the package;
  • The design is made of pleasant to the touch material;
  • Convenient seat belts.
  • The high cost of the goods.

Otto Bock

An equally popular manufacturer, whose bandages are perfectly cleaned of dirt, which allows them to be used for a long time. For the manufacture of the structure, ComforTemp material is used.

Comfort Orth K 400

The bandage is made for a scarf and is used to fix the shoulder joint in the post-traumatic and postoperative period. Due to the fact that it consists of three elements, it is possible to provide the shoulder with medium fixation. Used for diseases:

  • In case of fractures, it is compatible with a plaster cast;
  • In the postoperative period.

The design consists of the following parts:

  • The clutch is located in the forearm;
  • Tape with which the arm is fixed at a certain angle;
  • A fixing belt with which the arm is tied to the body.

The design costs 1,390 rubles.

Comfort Orth K 400
  • Reliable fixation of the limb;
  • The ability to adjust the size and degree of fixation;
  • Affordable price.
  • No.

Komf-Ort K-904

This product has a number of features that confirm its quality:

  • The material contains bamboo fibers;
  • Perfectly absorbs moisture, which allows the body not to sweat;
  • Completely absorbs the smell of sweat;
  • Destroys bacteria and stops their reproduction.

The bandage acts on the shoulder joint:

  • Warming as a compress;
  • Has a massage effect on the sore part of the hand;
  • Unloads the shoulder joint;
  • Relieves tension from muscles.

The fixer is applied:

  • For the rehabilitation of the shoulder joint and collarbone after wearing a plaster cast in the post-traumatic period;
  • During the treatment of surgery for trauma to the shoulder joint;
  • Bruises, minor damage to the bone of the shoulder joint and collarbone;
  • Dislocations of the shoulder joint;
  • Muscle injury in the shoulder area
  • Inflammatory processes in the shoulder joint.

The bandage can be worn both on the naked body and on thin cotton underwear. The structure is cleaned from pollution manually, while the water must be heated to thirty degrees. Never machine wash, iron, dry in a vertical position. The product costs only 990 rubles.

Komf-Ort K-904
  • Perfectly fixes the injured limb;
  • Absorbs moisture;
  • Eliminates the smell of sweat;
  • Easy to dress.
  • No.

Before resorting to wearing a bandage, you must consult a doctor. Only in this case, you can get the expected result from the treatment and not harm your health.

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