
  1. Specialization of eye clinics
  2. Types of eye centers and services
  3. Where better to go
  4. The best of the eye clinics in the city of Volgograd
Rating of the best ophthalmological clinics in Volgograd in 2025

Rating of the best ophthalmological clinics in Volgograd in 2025

The eyes are one of the main organs of perception of the environment. Violation of the visual system worsens the quality of life and complicates life.

The ophthalmological clinic specializes in the study and treatment of diseases of the visual system. Volgograd eye medical centers offer all types of vision restoration services for people of all ages.

Specialization of eye clinics

The organs of the visual system develop and form as they grow older. Depending on the age of a person, the prevention, treatment of diseases and pathologies of the visual organs differs.

The ophthalmologist conducts examinations and diagnostic studies, prescribes methods of therapy. Children and adolescents can have their eyesight tested at a medical center that employs a pediatric ophthalmologist who treats eye diseases in people under the age of eighteen.

Eye microsurgery, surgical operations and other operable actions are performed by an ophthalmologist surgeon.

What visual organs are treated

Vision is a complex system in which various organs participate. An ophthalmologist checks and treats the cornea of ​​the eye, as well as the following visual organs:

  • the lens of the eye is a natural lens responsible for the refraction of light;
  • retina - a membrane inside the eye, which converts the received radiation into nerve excitations;
  • eyeball - a spherical formation in the amount of two pieces that are in the eye sockets of the skull;
  • optic nerve - cranial nerves, through which impulses are transmitted from the retina to the cerebral cortex;
  • eyelid - protective mobile areas of the skin around the eyes;
  • eye muscle - muscles that move the eyeball;
  • lacrimal canal;
  • conjunctiva - a thin connective, transparent membrane that covers the outside of the eye and the inside of the eyelids, provides moisture to the eye;
  • eye vessels.

Diseases and pathologies of the visual system

In addition to damage to the visual organs, other diseases in the human body can lead to visual impairment.Diseases of the visual system include:

  • barley - inflammation of the purulent nature of the sebaceous glands or ciliary sacs;
  • trachoma - the infection affects the areas of the conjunctiva, cornea, causing complete blindness;
  • iridocyclitis - various inflammations of the ciliary body or movable diaphragm;
  • conjunctivitis - inflammation of a different nature of the mucous membrane;
  • blindness - complete or partial absence of vision;
  • farsightedness - the image is created behind the retina, making objects visible for removal;
  • myopia - characterized by the formation of an image in front of the retina, thereby distant objects are poorly visible;
  • glaucoma - increased pressure inside the eye;
  • color blindness - low or completely absent color discrimination;
  • cataract - a deterioration in the transparency of a biological lens, accompanied by a change and deterioration of vision, ending in blindness;
  • blepharitis - persistent inflammation of the extreme part of the eyelids;
  • keratoconus - degeneration of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye, which thins and takes the shape of a cone;
  • strabismus - a violation of coordination in the work of the eyes, caused by a shift in the axes;
  • astigmatism - lack of visual clarity, caused by a change in the shape of the lens and other parts of the eye;
  • asthenopia - fatigue or discomfort that occurs quickly during eye work;
  • congenital anomalies of the structure;
  • obstruction of the lacrimal canal.
  • physical injury - caused by the ingress of a foreign body, the impact of a different nature, which caused deformation of the eye organs;
  • dystrophy, detachment of the inner membrane of the eye;
  • opacity of the vitreous substance;
  • destruction of optic nerve fibers;
  • inflammation of the cornea, sclera, connective tissue, ciliary body, movable diaphragm;
  • eyelid deformity;
  • trichiasis - a change in eyelash growth towards the eyeball;
  • chalazion - accumulation of secret fluid caused by blockage of the meibomian gland of the edge of the eyelid;
  • fungal diseases.

Types of eye centers and services

A clinic providing ophthalmological services can be:

  1. State - inexpensive and budgetary institutions in which part of the services are provided free of charge under a medical insurance policy. Long procedure for issuing referrals for treatment, rude attitude towards clients. Part of the tests can be taken as part of the compulsory insurance program. Services that are not included in state programs are provided for a fee. Diagnosis and treatment is carried out by highly qualified specialists and workers using a variety of specialized modern equipment.
  2. Private - all services are provided for a fee. Polite staff and good service.
  3. Children's - highly specialized medical centers that conduct scheduled, unscheduled examination and treatment of children under eighteen years of age.


Ophthalmological clinics provide the following services:

  1. Consultations.
  2. Scheduled and unscheduled examinations to identify deviations in the work of the visual system, the presence of signs of pathology. They are carried out visually, as well as with the help of special equipment for examining the fundus of the eye.
  3. Diagnosis of identified changes and diseases.
  4. Prevention and therapy.
  5. Ambulance for injured organs of vision and acute visual impairment.
  6. Aesthetic operations.

Therapy Methods

Depending on the type and degree of development of the pathology, the following methods of treatment are used:

  1. Local and general (conservative) manipulations - drops, ointments, injections, medicines are used;
  2. hardware;
  3. Operable - microsurgery, laser and other correction of organs and vision, replacement of the lens of the eye, surgical operations.

In addition, the following therapies are used:

  • laser;
  • light - photo and color therapy with light waves;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • video computer correction.

Where better to go

Tips and reviews will help you avoid mistakes when choosing, as well as find out:

  • popular institutions;
  • where is cheaper
  • prices;
  • value for money;
  • what to look for and how to choose;
  • the result of treatment according to patients and what are the real statistics of the results of therapy;
  • what is the average price of the basic set of services.

Criterias of choice

Choosing only on the basis of price can lead to a negative result of visiting the institution. It is safest to undergo examination and treatment in medical centers with modern equipment from qualified specialists. When choosing a medical institution, you should familiarize yourself with the following:

  1. Rating of medical institutions.
  2. The area of ​​location and the availability of a hospital - depending on the duration of the examination, the nature of the treatment, additional costs for a taxi and escort services to the house may be required. Without the help of an accompanying person, it is worth using the clinic's hospital.
  3. Schedule of appointments with an ophthalmologist, emergency doctors, working hours of the organization.
  4. How much does the treatment cost and the cost of additional services.
  5. List of services – a wide range of services allows you to undergo examination and treatment in one place.
  6. Warranty - provided or not. Terms of provision: what services are covered, what cases are covered by the warranty, the procedure for registration and reimbursement.
  7. Equipment and interior - modern equipment, sterility of rooms and tools.
  8. Permissive documentation.

The best of the eye clinics in the city of Volgograd

The medical eye clinics of the city offer a wide range of services and therapies in 2025. Examination and timely treatment can be done in public and private medical institutions. Non-state clinics offer promotions and discounts. Some commercial centers provide services under compulsory and voluntary insurance programs.

10th place. Medical Center "Health"

The commercial clinic has its own diagnostic laboratory. Qualified specialists conduct visual and instrumental eye diagnostics. The center provides general, local and hardware treatment of visual impairment and eye diseases.

Address: Nevskaya, 8
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 – 14:00
Sunday is a day off
Contact phone numbers: ☎+7-8442-29–70–70
  • VHI;
  • own laboratory;
  • OMS.
  • schedule;
  • there is no children's ophthalmologist;
  • lack of operable methods of therapy;
  • incorrect test results.

9th place. Clinic "Panacea"

A small non-state network, consisting of three branches. Visual examination and complete diagnostics of the eye organs. Hardware, local and general treatment, as well as removal of inflammation, foreign bodies.

Address: Metallurgov prospect, 30a
Working hours: Monday - Saturday: 07:30 - 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 – 18:00
Contact phone numbers: ☎+7-8442-59–59–59
  • mode of operation;
  • discounts;
  • comprehensive programs;
  • DMS.
  • there is no children's ophthalmologist;
  • lack of operable therapies.

8th place. A.CURATMED Medical Center

Non-state multidisciplinary clinic.Offers patients scheduled and unscheduled examinations, diagnostics with special tools, conservative and hardware treatment, removal of foreign substances.

Address: Kalinina, 11
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 – 17:00
Sunday is a day off
Contact phone numbers: ☎+7-8442-66–77–77
  • service speed;
  • no queues.
  • there is no children's ophthalmologist;
  • lack of operable therapies.

7th place. Clinic "Movement"

Private multidisciplinary medical institution. A wide range of methods for examining the visual organs. Treatment of visual pathologies is carried out by general, local, hardware and surgical methods.

Address: Rionskaya, 2
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday - Sunday: 09:14 - 09:14
Contact phone numbers: ☎+7-8442-266–266
  • schedule;
  • discounts and promotions;
  • purity;
  • there are no queues;
  • friendly service.
  • paid service.

6th place. Multidisciplinary clinic "Sova"

Non-governmental medical organization on the basis of its equipment conducts examination and complete diagnostics of the visual system of adults and children. Performs local, general and hardware treatment, elimination of foreign substances.

Address: Lenina avenue, 59B
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 07:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 – 18:00
Sunday: 08:00 – 17:00
Contact phone numbers: ☎+7-8442-52–03–03
  • pediatric ophthalmologist;
  • schedule;
  • purity;
  • customer-oriented service;
  • friendly staff.
  • lack of surgical treatment.

5th place. Clinic "Medsi"

A branch of a private clinic that conducts a comprehensive examination and diagnostics of vision.

Address: Lenina avenue, 92
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 08:30 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 14:00
Sunday is a day off
Contact phone numbers: ☎+7–902–362–92–88
  • VHI;
  • benefit programs;
  • equipment;
  • purity.
  • schedule;
  • there is no pediatric ophthalmologist.

4th place. FGAU "NMITs" "MNTK" "Eye Microsurgery" named after Academician S.N. Fedorova

State medical institution specializing in the restoration of vision for people of all ages. Highly qualified specialists treat all types of eye diseases, applying all types of diagnostics and methods of therapy. Various specialized equipment.

Address: Lenina avenue, 92
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 08:30 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 14:00
Sunday is a day off
Contact phone numbers: ☎+7–902–362–92–88
  • pediatric ophthalmologist;
  • CHI;
  • VHI;
  • Personal Area;
  • hospital;
  • state preferential programs;
  • all types of diagnostics and methods of treatment;
  • purity;
  • well-established work;
  • modern equipment;
  • quality treatment;
  • highly qualified specialists.
  • schedule;
  • queues;
  • a large number of patients.

3rd place. Multidisciplinary clinic "Dialine"

Ten commercial branches throughout the city. A full range of diagnostic methods, inoperable and surgical treatment. As well as vision correction, laser surgery, plastic surgery. Round the clock and day hospital.

Address: Electrolesovskaya, 86
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 07:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 07:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 08:00 – 14:00
Website: www.dialine.rf
Contact phone numbers: ☎+7-8442-220–220
  • schedule;
  • day and round-the-clock hospital;
  • location;
  • modern equipment;
  • personal online account;
  • quality services;
  • lack of queues;
  • discounts;
  • friendly service;
  • pediatric ophthalmologist;
  • programs.
  • paid services.

2nd place. Clinic "Academic"

A commercial medical organization that provides paid examinations and treatment. Offers all types of diagnostics. Conducts conservative and operable treatment, laser correction and eye microsurgery. There is a hospital on the territory of the center.

Address: Academic, 6a
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 08:00 – 15:00
Contact phone numbers: ☎+7-8442-931–931
  • hospital;
  • microsurgery;
  • laser correction;
  • doctors of high categories;
  • modern equipment;
  • VHI;
  • discounts;
  • lack of queues;
  • cleanliness of premises;
  • good service.
  • there is no children's ophthalmologist;
  • paid service.

1 place. Clinic "Avicenna"

A private clinic offering a wide range of paid services for the prevention and treatment of visual impairment in people of all ages. All main types of diagnostics of eye pathologies are used. In the treatment, inoperable types of therapy are used, as well as the removal of foreign substances.

Address: Dvinskaya, 13a
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 15:00
Sunday is a day off
Contact phone numbers: ☎+7-8442-33–76–59
  • modern equipment;
  • pediatric ophthalmologist;
  • inoperable methods of therapy;
  • friendly service;
  • professional doctors;
  • discounts.
  • schedule;
  • there are no free services;
  • lack of surgical treatment.

The equipment of the clinics allows for a complete and detailed diagnosis of the visual organs, complex treatment of all types of visual pathologies in people of any age. Scheduled visits and timely visits to the optometrist will help to identify the disease in time and preserve vision.

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