
  1. Common eye diseases and treatments
  2. How to choose the right ophthalmology clinic
  3. Rating of ophthalmological clinics in Ufa

Rating of the best ophthalmological clinics in Ufa in 2025

Rating of the best ophthalmological clinics in Ufa in 2025

Vision is a priceless gift. A unique and complex creation of nature, which gives happiness to see the beauty of the surrounding world, alas, is vulnerable. In today's world, visual impairment is becoming more and more common.

At the All-Russian Forum “Health of the Nation – the Basis for Russia’s Prosperity”, held in 2018, a forecast for the growth of the disease was announced: “50% of the people inhabiting the planet will suffer from myopia in 2050.” Therefore, it is very important to monitor the health of the eyes and contact the optometrist in a timely manner. We will tell you below which ophthalmological clinic is better to contact in Ufa.

It is interesting:

  • 500 shades of gray distinguishes the human eye;
  • the eye consists of 107 million cells;
  • the iris of the eye has 256 unique characteristics, for comparison - the fingerprint has 40;
  • in one second, the eyes focus on 50 views, and over the course of a lifetime, the brain receives more than 24 million images of the world around us.

Common eye diseases and treatments

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health for 2016-2018, the number of Russians suffering from eye diseases exceeded 21 million. The World Health Organization states the fact of visual impairment:

  • due to refractive errors, that is, astigmatism, farsightedness and myopia - 43%;
  • due to cataract - 33%;
  • due to glaucoma - 2%.

Mankind is fighting for the right to look and see. The latest technologies, cutting-edge equipment, high professionalism are put at the service of ensuring one hundred percent vision. The surgeons took up the laser. The excimer laser, as a means of restoring vision, was the result of research by several generations of ophthalmologists. Precise and thin beam gently affects the cornea of ​​the eye.

What is scleroplasty?

Rapidly progressing myopia, growing by 1 diopter per year, due to processes in the eyeball, is stopped by an ophthalmic operation to change the outer shell of the eye.

A special artificial or biological substance in liquid form is injected into the eye through micro-holes for subsequent solidification. It is also possible to introduce synthetic silicone or biological fibers into the eyeball, which, over time, grow into the sclera.The main age for the indication of scleroplasty is younger and adolescence, in which there is a rapid growth of all organs, including the eye. There are a number of contraindications, for example, thinning of the sclera. The operation can stop the growth of myopia, but not cure it.

Despite world statistics, Europe does not practice the scleroplasty method.

All about keratoconus

The disease of the cornea of ​​the eye, manifests itself in its deformation, while maintaining intraocular pressure. Due to the refraction of light rays at different angles, due to violation of the penetration point, the focus changes, the image undergoes changes. The patient complains of fuzziness, blurring and distortion.

The progressive disease leads to clouding of the cornea and loss of vision.

Reasons for the development of keratoconus:

  • genetic predisposition to metabolic disorders in the cornea, fermentopathy;
  • corneal injury or imbalance of corneal enzymes due to the harmful effects of external factors, leading to thinning of the cornea or protrusion;
  • prolonged use of contact lenses;
  • allergic diseases provoke inflammatory microprocesses of the eye, fermentation failure, fluid retention;
  • endocrine pathology.

The type of disease keratoglobus is diagnosed with a spherical protrusion of the cornea. Anterior and posterior views are provoked by corresponding changes on the corneal surfaces. Latent - appears as a result of the LASIK operation. Acute keratoconus is caused by a rupture of Descemet's membrane when aqueous humor is found in the layers of the cornea.

The most effective treatment, along with medication, is surgery.

Depending on the execution technique, there are crosslinking, laser operations, implantation of corneal rings, half rings, keratoplasty.

The operation can be performed at any degree of the disease, according to individual indications.


For all the centuries-old human experience, a lot of ways and means of eye care, methods of disease prevention have been created.

To teach the prevention of eye diseases should be from childhood:

  • limiting the time of "communication" with gadgets;
  • reading in good light;
  • watching TV and working on a computer in good room lighting;
  • regular consumption of carrots, blueberries.

How to choose the right ophthalmology clinic

Choice at an early stage

If an initial examination is necessary, if the cause is unclear and there is no diagnosis, two criteria are sufficient for selection:

  1. price;
  2. quality.

The state-of-the-art equipment of specialized medical centers allows for high-quality diagnostics. The cost of diagnostics and testing also depends on the qualifications of doctors and staff. On the sites you can see the price list and compare prices.

Operation and treatment

In this case, you should make a choice: for a fee or for compulsory medical insurance.

Treatment of cataracts by surgical intervention is carried out in the regions at an excellent level. The difference is the following - to put a paid lens or economy. Go for an operation in the near future or get up for an appointment, wait a few months.

A similar approach is recommended to be used in the preoperative period. A rare clinic conducts the entire range of preoperative examinations required for admission to a hospital. You can contact the medical center and collect the necessary "results package" for a fee. This will save a lot of time.Or stop at the CHI examination, but spend several weeks on it, plus time in queues and “manoeuvring” according to the schedules of narrow specialists. For example, in the list of preoperative examination for cataract, there is, among others, the conclusion of a dentist, an electrocardiogram.

Microsurgery and vitreoretinal operations

Vitreoretinal surgery corrects the structures of the posterior part of the eye, and it is also possible to treat pathologies of the anterior segment through the extraction of the vitreous body.

Eye microsurgery – laser vision correction: myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism.

At this stage, it is important to approach the choice of a clinic according to the criteria for staff qualifications, equipment and hospital conditions.

Such a surgical intervention is an extraordinary event, moreover, it is always accompanied by stress for the body. If the physical and emotional state of the patient leaves much to be desired, then it is preferable to book a paid ward for the postoperative period. This option will speed up the recovery period.

The qualifications of surgeons and doctors are displayed on the websites of clinics, you should also pay attention to the experience of practicing doctors, scientific degrees, diplomas and certificates.

Reviews. A person who has gone through the discomfort of vision problems is in a state of emotional instability, not only the result is important, but also the service. Attitude towards the patient, attention, friendly environment are not bought by the price list, they are created by the leader and the team. You can find out about the true state of things by reading the reviews.

Rating of ophthalmological clinics in Ufa

Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery" of the Ministry of Health of Russia

The introduction of cutting-edge technology for tissue transplantation occurred in 1973, when the first transplantation of the Alloplant biomaterial took place. Alloplant is an exclusive trademark. The innovative methodology became the basis for the creation of a scientific institution of federal significance. The title of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery of Roszdrav was awarded in 1990.

Scientific research in the field of regenerative surgery, which is based on tissue grafting, determines the priority direction. For experimental developments, the following have been created and are functioning:

  • scientific department of morphology;
  • a bank with the possibility of laboratory conservation, radiation sterilization and laser modeling.

Tissue conservation, separated into a laboratory of republican significance, gained fame in 1983.

Each direction is implemented in specialized departments of the center.

Clinical activities are carried out:

  • in ophthalmic surgical units;
  • in the departments of otorhinolaryngology;
  • in departments of plastic surgery.

Patient recovery is carried out in two departments:

  • psychological;
  • neurophysiological.

The properties of Alloplant, which contribute to the restoration of tissues and structures, have led to the need to create new technologies. Correspondence of the bioplastic qualities of the donor tissues with the initial ones, a decrease in the immunogenicity of the biomaterial, physical and chemical processing, laser modeling determined the cooperation of the center with the Russian Federal Saratov Nuclear Center.Projects are being jointly implemented to improve radiation sterilization technologies, create tissues of the entire biochemical spectrum in terms of composition, 3D structure and biomechanical parameters.

There are 95 types of Alloplant materials; on their basis, patients are treated in 600 medical clinics in Russia and the CIS.

Research centers and universities in Russia, together with the center, conduct research on the introduction of the Alloplant biomaterial in new areas of medicine. Pharmacopuncture with Alloplant is carried out in all directions: ophthalmology, neurology, endocrinology, ENT, reproductive function, orthopedics, prosthetics, respiratory diseases.

Name of medical servicePrice, rubles
Individual plastic
eye prosthesis
Outpatient surgeries 1-7 degrees8900-60500
Intravitreal administration of anti-VEGF (Lucentis)55000
Conservative treatment8500

  • immunohistochemical examination;
  • regenerative surgery of a wide range: plastic, eyelid tumors, ophthalmic surgery, thyroid, lacrimal glands, soft neck tumors;
  • treatment of congenital pathologies;
  • ophthalmological, neurophysiological diagnostics;
  • pathomorphological, immunohistochemical, electron microscopic studies;
  • tissue bank with radiation sterilization and mass production of biomaterials;
  • phototherapy;
  • production of eye prostheses;
  • individual rehabilitation programs;
  • the possibility of online communication to answer questions from patients.
  • Not detected

Contact Information:

450075, Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan,
Ufa, st. R. Zorge, 67/1
Fax: ☎ (347) 248-99-38
Website: E-mail:

Clinic Optimed

Vitreoretinal surgery began in the center in 2011.

The LensX femtosecond laser allows cataract surgery to be performed by removing it through a tunnel formed in the cornea, removing the capsule. The procedure is carried out without a scalpel, has the characteristic of "one day", as it is performed on an outpatient basis. The effectiveness is confirmed by the return of vision to the patient on the first postoperative day. There are no age restrictions.

Laser correction is done in the center up to 2000 times a year, which guarantees quality, a high percentage of successful results.

Name of medical servicePrice, rubles
Consultation, diagnostic examination895
Consultation of a candidate, doctor of medical sciences, professor585
cataract surgeryfrom 77800 to 178000
  • the possibility of consulting doctors with scientific degrees: professors, associate professors;
  • non-contact examinations on cutting-edge equipment;
  • comprehensive and additional examination.
  • Not

Contact Information:

  1. Address: Ufa, st. 50 years of the USSR, 8. Phone: ☎+7 (347) 277-60-60;
  2. Address: Ufa, st. Pervomayskaya, 39. Phone: ☎+7 (347) 277-54-81


Eye clinic "Eurooptik"

Present in the market of ophthalmological services since 2003, focuses on laser vision correction. The treatment of the retina is carried out by the method of photocoagulation using the Nidek GYC-1500 laser unit, which has no analogues in the region.

Name of medical servicePrice, rubles
Phacoaspiration of the clear lens with intraocular lens implantationfrom 34000 to 92000
Correction, excimer laser keratomileusis, mild myopia17000
Phacoemulsification in the previously operated eye, glaucoma, flexible IOL, Russia28000
  • elimination of errors in diagnostics, thanks to the qualifications of personnel and cutting-edge equipment;
  • Lasik technique, correction of farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism with large deviations from the norm.
  • Not detected

Contact Information:

Address: Ufa, st. Karl Marx, 51/2.
Phone: ☎ 8-(347)251-42-42,294-64-54.
Website: E-mail:

Clinic of laser eye surgery of Dr. Kazakbaev

A lot of experience has been accumulated in laser coagulation of the retina, with its various disorders: dystrophy, vascular basis, certain forms of tumors. A sharp increase in temperature at the site of laser exposure coagulates the tissue, forming a fusion of the retina and choroid.

Name of medical servicePrice, rubles
Excimer laser vision correctionfrom 10000 to 18000
Preventive laser coagulation of the retina4500
Cataract phacoemulsification with multifocal lens implantation70000
Segment implantation operation, keratoconus (1 segment)25000
  • the duration of the examination on modern equipment is 40 minutes;
  • mastery in microsurgery with the LASIK method.
  • Not

Contact Information:

Address: Ufa, st. Dostoevsky, 49.
Phone: ☎ 8 (347) 273-63-72.

Eye center for children and adults "RIA-Medoptic"

The clinic has been on the market since 1998 and has several branches in Russia. In 2009, the ophthalmo center became the winner of the competition "The Best Medical Institutions of the Russian Federation", in 2011 - the winner of the competition "The Best Private Clinics of the Russian Federation".

medical servicePrice, rubles
Myopia, LASIK16950
Myopia with astigmatism, hypermetropia with astigmatism, MAGEK14600
Astigmatism, myopia with astigmatism, hypermetropia with astigmatism, LASIK18650
  • high level of service;
  • personnel qualification;
  • affordable prices.
  • Not

Contact Information:

Website: E-mail:

Clinic profileAddressTelephoneInformation
Laser correctionUfa, st. M.Karima, 16☎8-(347) 273-23-73, ☎8-987-59-05-333.12000 successful operations to eliminate astigmatism, farsightedness, myopia
cataract surgeryUfa, st. Dostoevsky, 160☎8-(347) 228-39-51The technology of a seamless cut is used.
Eye Center for Children and AdultsUfa, st. 50th Anniversary of October, 18☎8-(347) 216-40-39, ☎8-987-59-02-333Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the retina, strabismus, amblyopia, myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia
Family Ophthalmology CenterUfa, st. Babushkina, 52☎8-(347)216-39-38, 
For young children, remote autorefractometry is used

The real quality of life begins when the eyes see, the ears hear, the legs walk, the heart rejoices. Every day plays with all the colors of nature, you see more good things around and just live happily. Eyes are a mirror of the soul, care for them should be entrusted only to doctors from the best ophthalmological clinics.

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