
  1. Criteria for choosing a clinic
  2. The best ophthalmological clinics in Samara
  3. Comparative table of service costs

Rating of the best ophthalmological clinics in Samara in 2025

Rating of the best ophthalmological clinics in Samara in 2025

Vision is the first way of knowing the world. It gives almost all the information about the surrounding reality, leaving only five percent for the rest of the senses. Thanks to him, we can perform such familiar daily activities. Having sight, we do not think how difficult it would be without it. It is only when faced with loss of visual acuity or other eye diseases that people begin to think about the value of the gift received from birth to see.

Fortunately, at present, advances in medicine in the field of treating diseases of the organs of vision allow us to help almost everyone who applies. Consider the best eye clinics in Samara, as well as the services they offer.

Criteria for choosing a clinic

How to find a clinic that will offer not only effective, but also affordable treatment? Everyone will be able to find an answer to this question, paying attention, when choosing a clinic, to five main points.

  • History of the clinic

The longer a clinic has been providing services, the more likely it is to value its reputation. One-day clinics are focused on making a profit, and not on providing benign services.

  • The quality and novelty of the equipment installed in the clinic

In the field of ophthalmology, it is difficult to do without modern hardware equipment, because in many cases the result of the doctor's work depends on it. Very few clinics can afford expensive devices.

  • Qualification level of attending physicians

Do not hesitate to be interested in the education of the attending physician, his scientific achievements, especially if expensive and complex treatment is ahead.

  • Service cost

More does not mean better. Often, in expensive clinics, the cost of the service includes many additional items that in no way affect the quality of the result. Other clinics may list a lower cost to reflect the actual cost of the procedure. You can compare price lists on the official websites of clinics.

  • Objective reviews

Of course, they should be looked for not in advertising information about a medical institution, but in independent sources. Also, the first impression can be added by visiting the initial consultations with various specialists.

The best ophthalmological clinics in Samara

Branchevsky Eye Clinic
votes 70


Phone: +7 (846) 925-31-31 - a single call center, +7 (846) 300-41-89.

Departments of the Branchevsky Eye Clinic in Samara are located at three addresses:

Polyclinic N1

Address: st. Novo-Sadovaya, 369-A.

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08.00 - 18.00, Sat: 09.00 - 16.00, Sun: day off.

Center for laser vision correction and hospital

Address: st. 6th clearing, 161.

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 09.00 - 17.30, Sat: 09.00 - 16.00, Sun: day off.

Polyclinic N3

Address: Lenin Ave., 1.

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 09.00 - 18.00, Sat-Sun: 09.00 - 16.00.

The staff of the Branchevsky clinic has 11 doctors specializing in ophthalmology, pediatric ophthalmology, and ophthalmologist-surgeon. The minimum experience of doctors is 7 years, the maximum is 44 years. Four of them have the title of candidate of medical sciences.

Since 1999, the clinic has performed more than 80,000 operations, of which over 15,000 were laser corrections, and almost 46,000 were cataract treatments.

You can make an appointment at this clinic on the official website, or by calling a single call center, choosing a visit time and address that is convenient for you.

At the appointed time of admission, you must first complete all the necessary documents with the administrator, who will then send you for the initial diagnosis. Visual acuity is checked using a Phoropter and an ARK autorefractometer, which gives maximum measurement accuracy and eliminates the human factor. Based on the data of the initial consultation and personal communication with the patient, the ophthalmologist will draw up a plan for further examination. It may include:

  • calculation of the lens on the IOL-master of the latest model;
  • Optical Coherence Tomography in the study of the retina and glaucoma;
  • computer perimetry on the PERIMETR Oculus apparatus for studying visual fields;
  • ultrasound (A and B-scan) to obtain information about the internal structure of tissues and the choroid.

Only after a comprehensive examination, the doctor makes a diagnosis and suggests further treatment.

Thus, the clinic offers 4 types of services:

  • diagnostics;
  • treatment (cataracts, glaucoma, diseases of the retina and cornea, strabismus, etc.);
  • laser correction;
  • selection and sale of vision correction means.

Particular attention should be paid to laser correction in this clinic. Excimer laser correction is used here, which allows you to return almost 100% of vision, and is currently the most effective technique. It is produced using the WaveLight EX500 excimer laser and the only LenSx femtosecond laser in the Samara region. The latter allows the formation of a corneal flap without a knife.

  • admission under OMS;
  • specialists in pediatric ophthalmology;
  • availability of the latest hardware;
  • there are promotions and special offers.
  • cases of late admission of patients;
  • some patients' questions remain unanswered;
  • the requested price does not match the quality of service provided.

OCTOPUS Vision Correction Center
votes 8


Ophthalmic clinic of laser surgery

Address: st. Karbysheva, 63.

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-20:00, Sat-Sun: 09:00-17:00.

Phone: +7 (846) 229-91-45, +7 (846) 229-91-34.

Center for vision correction, optics

Address: st. Karbysheva, 65.

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08:00-20:00, Sat-Sun: 09:00-17:00.

Phone: +7 (846) 201-69-88, +7 (846) 201-69-86.

In addition to the departments mentioned above, the OCTOPUS Central Concert Hall includes 11 rooms where you can undergo primary diagnostics, get dynamic observation in some areas, treat diseases of the anterior segment of the eye, pick up glasses, etc. Of these, 4 are specialized children's centers.

The OCTOPUS Vision Correction Center unites the work of 21 specialists. Among them are ophthalmologists, ophthalmologists-surgeons, pediatric ophthalmologists. The average work experience of doctors in this field is 25 years. Two are candidates of medical sciences.

The main areas of work of the ophthalmic clinic of laser surgery are:

  • laser vision correction;
  • cataract treatment;
  • glaucoma treatment;
  • treatment of macular degeneration;
  • laser treatment of retinal diseases.

Excimer laser vision correction has been used at the Central Concert Hall “OCTOPUS” for about 20 years. At the moment, there are three types of such operations:

  • PRK (photorefractive keratectomy - the first method of laser correction. Safe and effective procedure for the correction of mild and moderate myopia and myopic astigmatism);
  • LASIK (laser intrastromal keratomileusis - the most gentle and effective method);
  • EPI-LASIK (subepithelial laser keratomileusis - the most modern (developed in 2003), the safest, most painless method, since it eliminates the need for a corneal incision).

Every year, the clinic performs more than 2,000 cataract and glaucoma surgeries, 500 excimer laser corrections. Children's centers receive about 1.5 thousand children every year.

  • availability of specialized children's centers;
  • a large number of highly qualified specialists;
  • treatment under OMS;
  • promotions and discounts.
  • cases of incorrect selection of points;
  • insufficient level of service from administrators.

Ophthalmological clinic "Eye Surgery"
votes 9


Address: st. Samara, 25.

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00, Sat-Sun: day off.

Phone: +7 (846) 310-13-42.

Ophthalmological clinic "Eye Surgery" is the first private ophthalmological clinic in the Samara region, which employs two ophthalmologist-surgeons with the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences.

The clinic specializes in treatment and diagnostic services, which is facilitated by its modern technical base. In addition, the clinic is engaged in hardware treatment of myopia, hyperopia, macular degeneration, etc. Particular attention is paid to the surgical treatment of cataracts and glaucoma.

In 2018, the doctors of this clinic introduced 3D surgery technology for the treatment of cataracts and retinal surgery.

The latest system of preoperative diagnostics provides the maximum efficiency of surgical treatment. Examinations are performed using the most modern equipment: slit lamps with photo and video recording, electronic phoroptor, fundus camera, optical coherence tomography, endothelial microscope, autorefractometer, non-contact tonometer, optical biometer, ultrasound equipment, VERION system (USA).

In addition, the clinic is equipped with the latest surgical equipment:

  • operating microscope "LEICA" (Germany);
  • operating surgical systems "CONSTELLATION" "ALCON" (USA) and "BAUSCH & LOMB" (USA);
  • surgical laser «PUREPOINT» (USA).

  • the use of modern equipment in the diagnosis and operation;
  • cataract removal using seamless technology;
  • use of high quality consumables.
  • do not perform laser vision correction;
  • You can't book an appointment on the site.
  • deficiencies in the level of service among nursing staff, as well as among administrators.

Samara Regional Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital named after T.I. Eroshevsky
votes 3


Phone: +7 (846) 323-00-61, 323-00-65, 323-00-66, 323-00-77

SOKOB them. T.I. Eroshevsky is represented by the following structural divisions:

Main building

Address: st. Novo-Sadovaya, 158.

Children's Corps

Address: st. Novo-Sadovaya, 158, building 1.

Laboratory of individual ocular prosthetics

Address: st. Kuibyshev, 155.

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 09.00 - 15.00, Sat-Sun: day off.

Polyclinic building Address: st. Zaporozhskaya, 26.

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 08.00 - 20.00, Sat: 08.00 - 16.00, Sun: day off.

SOKOB them. T.I. Eroshevsky provides a full range of ophthalmological services and combines the work of 102 doctors. These are ophthalmologists, ophthalmologists-surgeons, pediatric ophthalmologists, as well as an infectious disease specialist, endocrinologist, internist, radiologist, nutritionist. Of these, 12 candidates of medical sciences, 2 doctors of medical sciences and 1 professor.

SOKOB them. T.I. Eroshevsky has many areas of work, but the main ones are:

  • laser vision correction;
  • refractive surgery;
  • microsurgery of cataracts, glaucoma;
  • laser treatment of retinal pathology;
  • ophthalmotraumatology;
  • plastic surgery of the eyelids, etc.

The clinic provides the following services:

  • expert advice;
  • comprehensive examinations;
  • diagnostic, laboratory and radiological studies;
  • selection of points and MCL;
  • laser vision correction and treatment;
  • microsurgery of cataract and lens;
  • vitreoretinal surgery;
  • elimination of strabismus;
  • glaucoma surgery;
  • conservative treatment of diseases of the eye and its appendages.
  • the possibility of treatment under compulsory medical insurance and voluntary medical insurance;
  • round-the-clock provision of emergency ophthalmological care;
  • treatment of keratoconus and presbyopia;
  • the presence of a children's department;
  • Lots of helpful tips on the site.
  • cases of untimely reception by a doctor;
  • rudeness on the part of the attendants;
  • incorrect behavior on the part of individual doctors.

"Samara Ophthalmological Clinic"
votes 11


Address: st. Antonova-Ovseenko, 59B

Phone: +7 (846) 991-90-91

Opening hours: Mon-Sun: 08:00-20:00.

"Samara Ophthalmological Clinic" has successfully organized its activities to provide medical care to people with eye diseases. Special attention of the specialists of this institution is directed to the prevention of these diseases in children and pediatric ophthalmology. There is a children's department.

The clinic employs 4 pediatric ophthalmologists, one of them is a doctor of medical sciences.

The main areas of work of this clinic are consulting and diagnostic. The priority is the diagnosis of visual impairment in children. In addition, specialists carry out various medical procedures (hardware treatment, outpatient manipulations, etc.).

  • specialization in diseases of the organs of vision in children;
  • The clinic is open seven days a week.
  • do not perform surgical treatment and laser vision correction.

Comparative table of service costs

 Clinic BranchevskyCentral Concert Hall "OCTOPUS"Clinic "Eye Surgery"SOKOB them. T.I. Eroshevsky"Samara Ophthalmological Clinic"
Ophthalmologist's consultationFrom 550From 550From 1000From 600From 1250
Correction of strabismus From 30000--From 19000 From 25780
Laser Vision Correction (PRC)From 18500From 15200-From 9000-
Laser vision correction (Lasik)From 19600From 19900---
Laser vision correction (Femto-Lasik)From 44900----
Laser vision correction (Magek)-From 18500-From 17000-
cataract surgeryFrom 23000From 7000From 25000From 15000-
Glaucoma surgeryFrom 18500From 14000 Not specifiedFrom 23000-

As can be seen from the table, the prices for the provision of services in clinics vary greatly. This may be due to both the equipment used and the skill level of the attending physician. Ideally, you need to clarify the cost of the service by phone or in person, specifying what exactly is included in this amount.

It should be noted that the Branchevsky Clinic and the Central Concert Hall "OCTOPUS" are more focused on laser vision correction. SOKOB them. T.I. Eroshevsky does not use all methods in this direction, and the other two do not provide this service at all. The first two use the latest laser correction techniques.

Operations to eliminate cataracts and glaucoma are performed by four out of five clinics, but the Eye Surgery Clinic has a specialization in this area.

Three of the named clinics are engaged in the correction of strabismus: the Branchevsky Clinic, SOKOB named after. T.I. Eroshevsky and Samara Ophthalmological Clinic. The latter uses a non-surgical method.

We reviewed the top five ophthalmological clinics in Samara. Which one you turn to depends largely on the question you are interested in and the problem that has arisen. But the doctors of each of them will do everything possible to restore the health of your eyes and enable you to live a full life.


