
  1. [box type="note" style="rounded"]Professorskaya Plus Clinic[/box]
  2. [box type="note" style="rounded"]Svetlana Bogacheva Clinic[/box]
  3. [box type="note" style="rounded"]MNTK Eye Microsurgery[/box]
  4. How to choose the best ophthalmology clinic?

Rating of the best ophthalmological clinics in Yekaterinburg in 2025

Rating of the best ophthalmological clinics in Yekaterinburg in 2025

The eyes, being one of the most significant sense organs, allow us to see the world, navigate in it and receive information about what surrounds us. A person is very dependent on vision, perhaps more than anyone on the planet, which is why it is so important to maintain eye health.

The science of ophthalmology deals with the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases of the visual system. Some types of diseases can be cured, some can only be corrected. Very often, eye diseases occur without tangible changes, so it is important to regularly undergo a preventive examination by an ophthalmologist. Any deviation from the norm is easier to cure if the cause of visual impairment is identified in a timely manner and the necessary procedures are carried out.

Today in the city of Yekaterinburg there are several large clinics and medical centers, as well as their branches, providing ophthalmological services.Thanks to modern technologies, diagnosis and treatment can completely cure most diseases and restore vision.

This article lists the three largest and best eye clinics in Yekaterinburg: these are not only the most popular medical institutions, the quality of services of which is distinguished by a reasonable price-quality ratio, these are clinics with vast experience in practical work, which guarantee an excellent treatment result. The list of services they provide also includes medical care for children and adolescents.

Clinic "Professor's Plus"

Addresses: Verkh-Isetsky district, Moskovskaya street, 56/2; Leninsky district, Weiner street, 15

☎ (343) 243-59-13

Working hours: Mon - Fri: 08:00-20:00, Sat - 09:00-17:00, Sun - day off

The specialization of the clinic "Professor's Plus" (its official name is LLC "MedInvest") is ophthalmology and the provision of a range of services in this area. This medical center employs certified specialists with extensive practical experience: these are highly qualified personnel, oculists and microsurgeons, diagnosticians.

The surgeons of the clinic also gain additional experience by undergoing practice and training in major medical centers in the city of Yekaterinburg, as well as in clinics in Russia and abroad. Clinic "Professor's Plus" is constantly improving the quality of ophthalmological services, using only modern equipment and advanced technologies in treatment.A patient who seeks help at this center is provided with a wide variety of treatment options.


Patients undergo non-surgical treatment in the day hospital of the medical center, surgical operations on an outpatient basis, and after the procedures, the patient will be taken home by the clinic driver. One of the boarding houses in Yekaterinburg accepts patients from other cities for accommodation.

Clinic "Professorskaya plus" provides ophthalmological services in the following areas:

  • consultations and reception of specialists;
  • ophthalmology;
  • outpatient surgery;
  • vitreoretinal surgery;
  • rehabilitation medicine services;
  • laser vision correction;
  • carrying out vaccinations;
  • prosthetics;
  • pediatric ophthalmology;
  • optics;
  • as well as a wide range of diagnostic procedures.

In the diagnostic department, not only the exact diagnosis is determined, but also a treatment plan is drawn up and the result is predicted.

The medical center treats such a disease as cataract (of any level of complexity) using modern techniques:

  • ultrasonic phacoemulsification;
  • use of soft intraocular lenses (USA).

To correct vision with astigmatism, myopia, the following methods are used:

  • laser epistromal keratomileusis (lasek);
  • operations without scars;
  • technologies similar to Lasek.

Effective methods of treating complex pathologies, as well as glaucoma, secondary cataracts, and complex diseases of the retina are practiced:

  • with the help of the drug "Lucentis";
  • using laser technologies (argon, diode and YAG lasers).

If necessary, surgical treatment of diseases is carried out:

  • non-penetrating surgery (for glaucoma);
  • revascularization surgery;
  • lacrimal surgery.

In addition, the clinic provides aesthetic ophthalmology services:

  • mucosal plastic;
  • eyelid surgery;
  • removal of neoplasms;
  • strabismus correction;
  • reconstructive operations;
  • diamond implantation.

Reception and treatment of small patients is carried out in the center of pediatric ophthalmology on Moskovskaya street, where:

  • diagnosis of childhood diseases;
  • hardware treatment of myopia (nearsightedness), farsightedness, astigmatism and strabismus;
  • flushing of the lacrimal ducts.

Service cost

  1. Reception of specialists (ophthalmologist-oculist, ophthalmologist-surgeon, pediatric ophthalmologist) - from 1500 rubles;
  2. Conservative treatment - from 150 rubles. up to 2450 rubles;
  3. Examination and diagnostics - 150 rubles. up to 4800 rubles;
  4. Baby probing - from 4000 rubles. up to 6000 rubles;
  5. Vitreoretinal surgery - from 21,000 rubles. up to 82,700 rubles;
  6. Surgical treatment of cataract — from 25,000 rubles. up to 93,500 rubles;
  7. Surgical treatment of glaucoma - from 9000 rubles. up to 32,600 rubles;
  8. Laser operations - from 3800 rubles. up to 8200 rubles;
  9. LASEK - from 16,000 rubles. up to 39,000 rubles;
  10. Aesthetic ophthalmology - from 1000 rubles. up to 40,000 rubles

  • qualified, competent specialists;
  • fast diagnostics, without queues;
  • good quality of staff service;
  • attentive, caring attitude towards patients;
  • pleasant environment, interior of the clinic;
  • high-quality, informative consulting;
  • guaranteed effective result.
  • not found.

Clinic of Svetlana Bogacheva

Address: Zheleznodorozhny district, Shevchenko street, building 1

Working hours: Mon-Sat 10:00-20:00, Sun closed

☎ 8 (800) 775-80-05

The Svetlana Bogacheva Clinic specializes in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases and vision correction for adults and children.The institution is distinguished by a special, homely interior, where the main emphasis is on comfort. At the same time, the clinic is equipped with advanced equipment and apparatus that allows for a complete examination and diagnosis of vision.

The staff of the clinic is personally selected by the founder of the clinic, Svetlana Bogacheva. This is a real team of professional doctors whose knowledge is constantly improved and replenished through regular training and successful practice. Reception of specialists is carried out by appointment.

Also, in the clinic of Svetlana Bogacheva they help with the selection of glasses and contact lenses. Vision correction is the leading activity of this medical institution. It provides treatment and correction of vision with myopia, hyperopia, amblyopia and astigmatism. It is especially important to start treatment in the early stages of the disease, especially in young patients - in this clinic, treatment of children begins from their infancy.

For newborns, special programs for diagnosing and checking vision are provided, as well as monitoring the development of vision and detecting disorders in the early stages. Older children are helped with the selection of glasses.


In addition to vision correction services, the specialists of the clinic carry out preventive examinations, apply apparatus treatment, provide assistance with strabismus, as well as identify and treat diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma.

Adult patients are consulted by specialist ophthalmologists and optometrists. Preventive examinations are also carried out for pregnant women. Standard consultation includes:

  • full or partial hardware examination of vision (using modern high-precision equipment);
  • vision test with a tense and relaxed state of the pupil (using special drops).

Conversation with the patient - deciphering the diagnosis, predicting the development of the situation, selecting methods of correction or treatment, predicting the results of treatment.

Thanks to the clinic's own optics, you can get glasses or contact lenses, choose a frame immediately after receiving the appointment of a specialist. In addition, the doctor remains "in touch" with the patient to answer questions that arise during the treatment process.

It is possible to correct astigmatism not only with the help of special glasses and contact lenses, but also by taking medicines and B vitamins. After their selection and purchase, the doctor continues to advise the patient, who will have to adapt to the new vision. During this adaptation period, you can contact your doctor at any time and get the necessary advice free of charge.

The clinic provides treatment and vision correction for myopia using the following methods:

  • gymnastics for the eyes (to relieve tension from the eye muscles, as well as to strengthen them);
  • drug treatment (drugs, vitamins to nourish the eyes, improve blood circulation);
  • computer treatment (affects accommodation and normalizes blood circulation).

Also, the clinic practices non-surgical methods of treatment and correction of all types of strabismus. In the case of acquired strabismus, diagnostics are carried out to identify the cause and then eliminate it. Treatment is selected individually, a course is drawn up, which may include:

  • selection of gymnastics exercises for the eyes;
  • treatment of amblyopia;
  • hardware (computer) treatment, including color pulse therapy, as well as electro-magnetic stimulation;
  • occlusion;
  • orthooptic treatment (using the synaptophore device);
  • correction with glasses and lenses.

As for the treatment of a disease such as cataracts, Svetlana Bogacheva's ophthalmological clinic does not perform surgical intervention, diagnosis is carried out here, the dynamics of the development of the disease is monitored, and a referral for surgical treatment is issued. Thanks to the recommendations of experienced professionals, coping with the disease is much faster and easier.

In addition to the listed services, the clinic also provides:

  • glaucoma treatment;
  • treatment of visual fatigue syndrome;
  • pediatric ophthalmology services (consultation of a pediatric ophthalmologist, treatment of strabismus, amblyopia, astigmatism, myopia and hyperopia).

Service cost

Reception of specialists:

  1. The minimum examination volume is 1600 rubles;
  2. Diagnostic examination, consultation with an ophthalmologist - 2700 rubles;
  3. Examination for strabismus, amblyopia in adults and children, and consultation with an ophthalmologist - 2700 rubles;
  4. Examination of the visual system in young children, consultation with an ophthalmologist - 1200 rubles;
  5. Examination of the visual system in children under 7 years old, consultation with an ophthalmologist - 1900 rubles.

Hardware treatment:

  1. Complex pleopto-orthoptic treatment (the course consists of 10 sessions) — 6200 rubles.

There is a system of discounts for family examinations, as well as for families with many children.

  • professional with a capital letter;
  • the clinic is always clean and tidy;
  • responsive, polite staff;
  • friendly, pleasant atmosphere of the clinic;
  • very high quality, detailed advice;
  • coordinated work of administrators;
  • professionalism at all levels;
  • the ability to concentrate the attention of small patients;
  • treating patients at a high level;
  • thorough examination;
  • accurate diagnosis.
  • not detected.

MNTK "Eye Microsurgery"

Address: Ak. Bardina, house 4a

Working hours: Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00, Sat-Sun days off

☎ (343) 231-00-00; 8 800 5000 911

The official name of this organization: JSC "Yekaterinburg Center of IRTC "Eye Microsurgery". The medical center has been operating for over 30 years. According to statistics, over the entire period of the Center's existence, more than five million patients from Russia, as well as near and far abroad, have been consulted and examined. More than 60 thousand operations are performed here every year, and in September last year (September 14, 2018), the millionth operation was successfully performed at the Center.

The staff of the Center are highly qualified specialists, professionals in their field, who not only carry out successful treatment, but also conduct scientific activities, are the authors of unique developments (more than 176, all of which are confirmed by patents of the Russian Federation). Patients are consulted by doctors and candidates of medical sciences. In addition, the Center hosts regional and international conferences on ophthalmology.

Center MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" consists of:

  • four departments of diagnostics;
  • four departments of surgery;
  • anesthesiology department;
  • operating block;
  • two departments for the protection of children's vision;
  • center of refractive laser surgery;
  • departments of diagnostics and treatment of glaucoma;
  • rehabilitation department;
  • clinical laboratory;
  • vision correction departments (using glasses or contact lenses);
  • ocular prosthetics room;
  • own center of additional education.

The diagnostic department is equipped with state-of-the-art accurate and unique equipment that allows for the most accurate diagnosis, operating rooms are distinguished by powerful advanced technical equipment, and a comfortable inpatient department is comfortable and clean. Diagnostic and surgical equipment is constantly being improved and updated, so the treatment is highly reliable and guaranteed effective results.

The operating unit where surgical treatment is performed is equipped not only with the latest technology, but also with a system of video cameras and external monitoring - ensuring high-quality and painless surgical treatment is one of the key tasks.

The equipment of the biochemical and clinical laboratories, as well as the laboratory of hemostasis, makes it possible to carry out most of the necessary studies in the shortest possible time (in a few hours).

The hospital of the Center also provides comfortable conditions for patients: it is a full-fledged six-story "boarding house", with cozy and clean single, double and "suite" rooms. On each floor there is a medical post, a treatment room, in the clinic itself there is a cafe with three meals a day and a varied menu.

Most of the clinic's patients are children, pensioners, people with disabilities - treatment is available to all segments of the population, as it is carried out both on a commercial basis and within the framework of compulsory medical insurance. For those who wish to quickly undergo an in-depth diagnostic examination, the Center provides a VIP line that provides comfortable conditions for undergoing diagnostics in no more than one hour.


Center MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" treats the following ophthalmic diseases:

  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • astigmatism;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • strabismus;
  • various types of pathologies (retina, cornea, lacrimal ducts, eyelids);
  • diabetes mellitus and other diseases.

Diagnostics includes:

  • autokeratorefractometry;
  • checking visual acuity;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure,
  • eye examination,
  • visual field analysis and complex research methods.

A significant part of the examinations carried out is carried out by the "non-contact" method, which does not require special preparation for this patient.

A part of the examination is a mandatory consultation with an ophthalmologist, an ophthalmic surgeon and other specialists in this field, which contributes to the most complete and in-depth study, and the likelihood of making an erroneous diagnosis is reduced to zero.

The specialists of the Center also have vast experience in laser vision correction (myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism correction), using cutting-edge equipment in the treatment that provides the best result. The VisuMax femtosecond laser is used (today it belongs to the technologies of the future), due to the non-contact effect, it excludes tissue injuries and reduces the rehabilitation time (vision is restored within a day). This method is safe, reduces the risk of complications.

With regard to pediatric ophthalmology, the Department of Children's Vision Protection performs an in-depth examination and examination of vision in children under the age of 18, and, if necessary, surgical treatment.

The list of diseases treated by pediatric ophthalmologists includes:

  • retinopathy;
  • congenital glaucoma;
  • congenital cataract;
  • farsightedness;
  • myopia;
  • astigmatism;
  • strabismus;
  • amblyopia;
  • tumor diseases of the eyes;
  • eye pathologies in diabetes mellitus;
  • drooping of the upper eyelid;
  • angiopathy and other diseases of the retina;
  • diseases of the optic nerve and visual pathway;
  • pathology of the cornea and vitreous body.

On the basis of the center there is a "School of Vision" - an ophthalmological project for the treatment of children's vision (under the age of 18) in a playful way. This technique not only provides treatment, but also teaches children to take care of their vision, to protect it. Classes in such a school are held from 1 to 4 times a year.

The Ekaterinburg center of the IRTC "Eye Microsurgery" provides services for optical and contact vision correction.

Service cost

  1. Vision diagnostics: from 360 rubles. up to 6,950 rubles;
  2. Cataract treatment: from 22,500 rubles. up to 95,700 rubles;
  3. Laser vision correction: from 15,100 rubles. up to 35,900 rubles;
  4. Glaucoma treatment: from 19,200 rubles. up to 54,500 rubles;
  5. Treatment of strabismus: from 21,000 rubles. up to 24,200 rubles;
  6. Treatment of pathology of the retina and vitreous body: from 50,600 rubles. up to 103,140 rubles;
  7. Treatment of the cornea and anterior segment of the eye: from 23,200 rubles. up to 179,000 rubles;
  8. Treatment of lacrimal pathology: from 8,650 rubles. up to 23,000 rubles;
  9. Treatment of eyelid pathology: from 6,800 to 23,000 rubles;
  10. Vitreoretinal surgery: from 5,500 to 98,800 rubles;
  11. Optical and contact vision correction: from 250 rubles. up to 7,000 rubles;
  12. Ocular prosthetics: from 3,350 rubles. up to 51,000 rubles;
  13. Other diseases: from 6,200 to 21,000 rubles.

  • friendly medical staff;
  • competent work with children;
  • the foyer is equipped with a playhouse, books for children, a designer;
  • high professionalism of doctors;
  • serious diagnostic base;
  • high-quality selection of contact lenses;
  • hotel service at its best — clean, comfortable rooms, quality food;
  • the most detailed and complete consultations.
  • turn;
  • high prices.

How to choose the best ophthalmology clinic?

To choose a good clinic, you need to have basic information about the institution and the doctors working in it. The easiest way is to break down the information into categories so that you can then compare several clinics and choose the best one.

  1. Clinic type. Private or public? Small clinics engaged in private practice, as a rule, specialize in eye examinations, selection of glasses, and preventive procedures. And such responsible activities as vision treatment (surgical, laser, etc.) are carried out by large state ophthalmological centers with several specialized departments and a hospital.
  2. Reputation. This item includes not only the reputation of the institution itself, but also the doctors working in it, as well as those who head the clinic. Also, it is important to know the level of logistics. It goes without saying that the institution must have a valid license to provide medical services.
  3. Address and location. A trusted eye center usually does not change its address from the day it was founded. Long-term activity (for many years) at the same address also indicates the solidity of the institution. Spontaneously emerging and disappearing clinics, changing addresses, renting premises with low rent, cannot be considered fully serious, as they have a weak material and technical base and are not adapted for organizing a hospital.
  4. Statistics.You should definitely study the statistics on the number of successful operations, since such information is very difficult to fake - it is taken into account by medical supervision authorities. The number of failed operations is also of great importance.
  5. Reviews. They can be found on the official website of the clinic, as well as found on other resources on the Internet. According to the reviews of those who have already been observed, were treated at the clinic, you can get an idea about the institution, doctors, attitude towards patients and consider many other details.
  6. Information in the public domain. A reliable ophthalmological center will provide on the official website the most complete information about its activities: the foundation of the clinic, its history, information about specialists and staff, technical and household equipment, as well as the exact address, contact details, a detailed list of services with prices, and customer reviews .

Based on information about the largest, most reliable clinics in the city, which are popular, respected, and have a lot of positive reviews, you can choose the one that is most convenient and attractive. A clinic whose specialists and professionals can be entrusted with one of the most precious human abilities - the ability to see.

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