
  1. The main causes of acne on the chin, on the forehead, on the head and on other parts of the body:
  2. Popular remedies for acne.
  3. How to look for analogues of expensive funds?

Ranking of the Best Inexpensive Facial Acne Treatments in 2025

Ranking of the Best Inexpensive Facial Acne Treatments in 2025

The absence of acne on the face is just as important for adults as it is for teenagers. To have a clean face, you need to choose the right remedy. Everyone has their own skin type, and the drug should be suitable for her and solve her particular problem.

Different drugs have different active ingredients: somewhere it will be an antibiotic, somewhere it will be plant extracts. The drug can both dry pimples and matte the skin.

Below will be listed the most effective means of the middle price category, cheap means, as well as folk recipes. The advantages, disadvantages, contraindications and side effects of drugs will not be ignored.

The main causes of acne on the chin, on the forehead, on the head and on other parts of the body:

  • constant nervous tension and anxiety;
  • use of shared items, such as a cell phone (pathogenic bacteria accumulate on a non-dirty surface);
  • use of unsuitable and low-quality cosmetics;
  • addictions: nicotine and alcohol disrupt the metabolic process;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • individual intolerance to cosmetic components;
  • hormonal disorders and thyroid problems;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • disorders of the digestive system, including the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heredity.

In more detail about the causes of acne, acne in the video:

Popular remedies for acne.

The composition of these medicines includes components that eliminate skin imperfections - these are drugs from a pharmacy based on an antibiotic, based on the action of salicylic acid and chloramphenicol. There are also cosmetics that mask skin imperfections and have a matting effect.

Medicines for acne are classified into ointments, gels, creams. The difference between them will gradually become clear as you read the article.

Naturally, quickly, in 1 day, it will not work to get rid of acne. But if you use the drug regularly, the result will not be long in coming.

All the drugs listed below are suitable for both women and men.


Gels are substances that have a lighter texture than creams. They also absorb quickly into the skin. Below are the most effective acne gels.

1. Oxygel.

This tool is indicated for use by those people who have dandruff, acne, acne, ulcers on the lower extremities.

The active ingredient in this gel is benzoyl peroxide, which later becomes benzoic acid. Thanks to her, Oxygel has a bactericidal effect.

The gel is completely absorbed by the skin. But do not be afraid of benzoic acid: in the concentration in which it is contained in the preparation, it is completely harmless to the human body. Excreted with urine.

With caution, the product should be used by people with skin sensitivity, because as a result of getting on it, the gel can cause irritation and burning. You should also not use Oxygel without a doctor's prescription and a test for individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

This gel should be used with particular rigor during pregnancy and lactation: breast milk may be lost and the fetus may be harmed.

It is worth using the drug for no more than 14 days, rubbing it into the skin once a day for the first week, and 2 times a day for the second.

2. Dalacin.

This is an acne gel sold in a pharmacy. It contains a powerful antibiotic, clindamycin. It is resistant to the effects of gastric juice, and also prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

"Dalacin" is a drug of general action. It is used for diseases of the respiratory tract, infectious and pustular skin lesions, infectious diseases of the female genital organs and the female reproductive system, inflammation of the oral and abdominal cavity, as well as for the bite of a malarial mosquito and for the prevention of inflammation of the inner lining of the heart. It is excreted by the kidneys from the body.

The result from the application becomes visible after 3 weeks.
There are also contraindications: infections of the large intestine, kidney and liver failure. During pregnancy should be used with caution: the drug tends to accumulate in breast milk.

The duration of the course of using the gel is determined by the attending physician, but it should not be more than a month, as the body gets used to the action of Dalacin.

3. Metrogyl.

This gel has a bactericidal and healing effect. The principle of its action is due to the presence of metronidazole in the composition.

"Metrogil" is used for acne, dermatitis and dandruff, poorly healing wounds, ulcers of the lower extremities, hemorrhoids and bedsores.

The drug is minimally absorbed. It should be used with caution during lactation and the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The use of "Metrogil" in conjunction with other drugs can prevent the formation of acne on the skin, as well as get rid of their marks.

The gel is applied for 4-5 weeks. It should be spread with a thin film on the affected area of ​​the skin, rubbing with fingertips. Wash hands thoroughly after application.

Not suitable for internal use. Adverse reactions with an overdose were not observed, because after application the concentration of metronidazole in the blood is minimal.

4. Effezel.

This gel helps to cope with acne, papules, pustules.
Active substances - baziron, differin, which quickly neutralize skin problems, as well as promote healing and even out skin tone. It has a bactericidal effect, well cleanses the upper layer of the epidermis.

It can be used in early pregnancy, and then with caution.However, it can be used during lactation, avoiding contact of the infant with the drug and getting on the mother's chest.

Contraindications to the use of this drug are factors such as the presence of cuts and abrasions on the affected area of ​​the skin, individual intolerance to the components, age up to 12 years, intolerance to propylene glycol.

Avoid contact of the product with dyed fabrics or hair (discolours them), as well as with ultraviolet radiation and mucous membranes.

Adverse reactions are dry skin, burning, dermatitis, itching and sunburn.

5. Skinoren Gel.

The drug is recommended for use in acne and hyperpigmentation. The composition of this gel includes azelaic acid - a substance that provides an antibacterial effect, also slightly drying the rash. Skinoren regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, helps to get rid of skin problems.

It is practically not absorbed into the blood, but even if it is absorbed, the kidneys will remove part of it, and part will leave in the form of dicarboxylic acids.

Contraindications for use are an allergic reaction and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

During pregnancy and lactation, Skinoren can be used with the permission of a doctor, avoiding application to the mother's breast.

Side effects of the drug can be hyperemia, skin peeling, burning, erythema and itching. In rare cases, an allergic reaction on the skin, such as a rash. In case of side effects, you should reduce the dosage of the drug or completely stop using it for a while.

Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes and open wounds.


Creams, unlike gels, have a more oily texture, tend to moisturize the skin. They won more sympathy in the fight against skin irregularities than gels. However, so that the skin does not get used to them, it is necessary to change the drug twice every 1.5 months.

1. Boro Plus.

This drug is more cosmetic than pharmaceutical. The cream has a natural composition: it contains extracts of iris, turmeric, agave and other constituents. It has an excellent bactericidal effect.

The scope of the drug is wide: purulent rashes, rashes, acne. Boro Plus also moisturizes and protects the skin from external factors.

Apply to problem areas three times a day until the skin problems disappear. Suitable for people of all ages and genders.

The drug has a number of features: it is greasy, but quickly absorbed; can become a day and night cream; can be used as a face mask (keep on face for 15 minutes).

Boro Plus should be applied to cleansed skin with a cotton pad or stick, in case of inflammation and wounds - the same way. To get rid of acne with it, regular application is not necessary. It is enough to apply to problem areas of the skin twice a day as needed.

Like most cosmetic creams, it can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

2. Baziron AC.

This cream contains the active substance - benzoyl peroxide. The indication for the use of this drug is acne. The cream is minimally absorbed into the skin, but if absorbed, it is excreted by the kidneys.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are symptoms such as individual intolerance to the components and age up to 12 years.

During pregnancy and lactation, the drug should be used with extreme caution and only as directed by a doctor.

Adverse reactions are symptoms such as burning, dry skin, peeling and erythema; itching, pain, tingling, dermatitis; swelling of the face (in very rare cases).

An unacceptable dose of the drug should not be used at a time: this will not only not speed up the treatment of acne, but will also cause a severe allergic reaction on the skin.

Contact of Baziron with mucous membranes and damaged skin, dyed fabrics and hair, its use with alcohol-containing products, exposure to ultraviolet rays should be avoided.

Apply 1-2 times a day to the skin. The effect is visible within 3-4 weeks after application.

3. Differin.

The active ingredient in this cream is adapalene. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Also, the drug is prophylactic against skin imperfections.

Indications for the use of this drug are symptoms such as acne and black dots. The cream is minimally absorbed by the skin, but even if absorbed, it is excreted in the bile.

Contraindications to the use of this drug are individual intolerance to the components, dermatitis and eczema.

It is not recommended to use Differin during pregnancy and lactation.

May be used in conjunction with other acne products containing benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin phosphate.

A side effect of the drug may be skin irritation. In this case, you should stop using the drug first for a while, and if it does not pass, forever.

The drug should be applied several times a day to the desired areas of the skin.The effect is visible 2 months after use, the complete elimination of acne - after 4 months.

4. Zenerite.

This drug is not really a cream. A creamy consistency is obtained by mixing a powder with an active ingredient and a liquid with auxiliary components. The indication for the use of this drug is acne.

The active substance, erythromycin, has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect.

The antibiotic is well absorbed into the skin, but does not enter the bloodstream and is subsequently excreted from the body.

Contraindications to the use of Zinerit is individual intolerance to the components.

The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is possible, strictly following the instructions and recommendations of the attending physician.

Side effects from taking the drug are symptoms such as burning, irritation and dryness. People with dry skin may experience severe flaking of the facial skin because Zineryt dries the skin.

Avoid getting the drug in the eyes and mucous membranes. It is possible to interact with other anti-acne products, for example, use something in the morning, and Zinerit in the evening.

Use the prepared preparation within 5 days, then its expiration date ends.

In general, Zineryt should be used twice: in the morning and in the evening.

Which acne remedy worked for you?

Folk remedies for acne on the face.

Traditional medicine also does not stand aside: and there are recipes for dealing with imperfections in the skin of the face. There are different solutions, masks and tinctures for facial skin. However, unlike cosmetic and pharmaceutical creams and gels that have an unnatural composition, preservatives and chemical components, traditional medicine has a completely natural composition.

The active ingredients there are extracts originally incorporated in plants.

Components such as agave juice, wormwood, psyllium juice, St.

These components can be mixed as you like and make any form of medicine, whether it be a mask or chamomile tincture.

The results of post-acne (scars and scars) will help remove sandalwood acid, lemon juice and parsley decoction.

Video recipe folk remedies for acne:

How to look for analogues of expensive funds?

As a rule, you always want to buy a drug cheaper without losing in action. This can be done by looking for a drug with the same active ingredient.

But it should be remembered that comparisons should be made solely on the basis of the same criteria, because packages with different amounts of the active substance and the substance as a whole cost differently, gels are more expensive than creams, and creams are more expensive than ointments.

Video description of budgetary funds for the fight against acne:

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