
  1. Basics and room for the quest
  2. Quests in Perm

Rating of the best escape rooms in Perm in 2025

Rating of the best escape rooms in Perm in 2025

In many cities, quests have gained great popularity, they have won the hearts of children and their parents. Advertising posters in the brochures promise intrepid participants a deep, lasting experience. A lot of wonderful emotions and unforgettable pleasure will be brought to life by overcoming interesting obstacles, solving logical problems, coping with the difficulties that arise in achieving the goals of the game.

The article is devoted to gaming quest entertainment in Perm, the rules for passing them, reflects the positive aspects of the psychological and logical impact on the mind of both children and adults.

Basics and room for the quest

Currently, intellectual games in the form of quests have won great fame in the world.The variety of these gaming entertainments is extensive:

  • action games - solving riddles, in a short period of time, in difficult external conditions, experiencing strong emotions;
  • thematic;
  • horror stories.

The room where gaming events are held is often called the "questroom".

A team of fearless like-minded people enter the fray with interesting, logical tasks, step by step, completing tasks and receiving the following tips, the participants approach their goal, experiencing exciting emotions and getting good impressions. Most often, the ultimate goal of the game is to find the key that opens the last door and personifies victory in an exciting quest.

To date, a large number of scenarios for various quests have been developed. A person who dreamed of becoming a detective in the game can easily try on this role. Some scenarios allow you to fit into the shoes of a mentally ill person or a prisoner. Become a cool "bad guy" or the queen of the thieves' world will allow quests with car thefts and escape from the police.

Teenagers prefer "scary stories", with an unprecedented intensity of passion, or exciting games that develop logic and quick wits. They are attracted by the uniqueness of the plots and the novelty of the games.

Game developers are trying to create new exciting stories that will not let the most demanding players get bored. Passing new quests, people acquire useful skills, gain confidence in their abilities, relieve stress, have a great time communicating with new people and their friends, get a wonderful mood.

The nuances of passing games

Despite the fact that the beginning of the development of quest games took place in Russia relatively recently, the country already has a large assortment of plots and scenery for them.Anyone who wants to find a story that will touch the strings of his soul and will get great pleasure from living it in the game.

The presence of a large number of scenarios and scenery does not change the basic rules for passing the quest. From 2 to 5 participants are closed in a room with scenery appropriate for the passing scenario. The task of the players is to find the key to the front door in 60 minutes. During the game, participants solve logical problems and solve riddles, receiving hints as a reward for further correct movement towards their goal. Players improve their skills:

  1. In the concentration of attention;
  2. memory;
  3. Logical thinking;
  4. Mutual understanding and mutual assistance.

And of course, have fun and get a lot of pleasure.

If, after an hour, the participants do not find the key, they are let out of the room by the questroom staff. Unfortunately, in this case, the team is considered a loser, unable to cope with the task, but do not despair. The organizers of the game will offer other game scenarios with different levels of difficulty, and the team will prove to themselves and others that they are able to achieve their goals.

The most interesting and exciting games take place with a large number of participants. Couples in love, when passing the quest, can learn a lot about each other, get to know each other better, improve mutual understanding and trust. Overcoming difficulties together brings people very close to each other.

Effective leaders use quest games to rally and unite the team in achieving a common goal. Teams of like-minded people and friends can test their ability to get results in fairly difficult game conditions.

Quests in Perm

The organizers of the games offer to make the best use of the time, combining the celebration of a birthday or corporate party with the passage of a popular quest.

Quest game "The Last Case of Sherlock Holmes"

The authors of the script for a detective quest about Sherlock Holmes offer the participants not to take the side of the law, but rather to outplay the world-famous detective.

By painstakingly collecting and analyzing the materials of various crimes, Sherlock collected enough evidence to imprison not only his "bosom friend" Professor Moriarty, but also half of the British underworld. The outcome of the confrontation between the two geniuses is close. Holmes hid all the evidence very securely in the rooms of his house and is going to betray them to the police soon. But Moriarty is not going to give up, he is looking for the "best of the best" to steal documents from the home of a famous detective. Who will confront the genius of detective and logic.

  • a quest for calm, thoughtful people who love to solve riddles;
  • the script of the game is imbued with English flavor.
  • not detected.

The ticket price for the game varies from 1000 to 4000 rubles.

Bank robbery game

Adrenaline, excitement will capture the players during the passage of this quest. Fans of risk and scams are simply obliged to test themselves in this game.
A group of clever swindlers opens safes in rich houses and small banks. During another raid, they are captured by Her Majesty the Queen's Secret Service and offered a deal they can't refuse. It is necessary to rob the main capital bank and steal dirt on the queen from it.

  • the scenario of the game is characterized by a flexible passage system with plot forks and twists;
  • contains puzzles and puzzles;
  • requires unraveling mysteries and solving logical problems.
  • not detected.

The ticket price for the game varies from 1500 to 3000 rubles. for 1 hour.

Quest game "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

The idea of ​​the quest was taken from the work of the English writer O. Wilde. A detective story with a mystical flavor captivates the participants and immerses the exquisite and incredible atmosphere of this intellectual game. Passing the scenario of this game will force the team to unite, focus and, using ingenuity, find clues to the quest of increased complexity.

A very handsome young man, named Dorian Gray, conquered all of London in a few years. All the celebrities of the city are going to look at his sophisticated techniques, his beauty is "a talk of the town". For the Halloween holiday, by a happy coincidence, your entire group was invited to the beautiful Dorian's estate.

The evening unfolds in an amazing way, Gray is gloomy and dissatisfied with something, in place of his portrait, behind the owner, an empty space. The rest of the guests never made it to Dorian's house. The owner gets up from the table and leaves, the atmosphere is tense, thoughts of Mr. Gray's dark past come to mind. Dinner was not a success, we had to leave, but the owner never returned. The guests decided to leave the estate, but all the doors are closed, and there is only one way to the attic of this house...

  • ingenuity develops;
  • amazing game atmosphere.
  • not detected.

Game ticket price - from 2400 to 4000 rubles, inbelt - 90 min.

Game "Circus of Horrors"

Cheerful memories of childhood accompany us at the mention of the tent circus - magicians, acrobats, strongmen, clowns, tamed animals and cotton candy, what is scary and dangerous in this? Quest "Circus of Horrors" will show the true picture of what is happening in this circus.

The weekend has come! It's time for rest and entertainment, luckily the big top circus has arrived in the city. Tickets have been bought, the mood is excellent, the circus tent is fresh and cool. The show is about to begin, but something is going wrong. The evil clown Pennywise, who is also the owner of the circus, is up to something terrible. What's happening? People became slaves and lost the will to resist. The team of players is in the big top arena, there is only an hour of time to disarm all the traps and find a way out of the arena. Losers remain slaves of the crazy clown forever...

  • participants are immersed in the amazing atmosphere of a mystical thriller;
  • this is not a very scary quest, it will suit both rather impressionable players and beginners.
  • not detected.

Game ticket price - from from 2000 to 3000 rubles, intime - 60 min.

Quest game "Fort Boyard"

A quest with a dynamic plot fort Boyard will leave a vivid impression on the players. It combines intellectual puzzles and moving game actions. It will appeal to people who enjoy physical activity and solving riddles.
The plot of the game is borrowed from the famous game of the same name. The goal of the players was to get the gold of the sage Fura by overcoming various physical obstacles and solving difficult puzzles.

The action of the quest also takes place on the territory of the famous fort.Coping with the tasks given by the cook Willy, the master of Shadows and Passepartout, the participants will use dexterity, endurance, speed, team spirit. After completing the last task, players will acquire all the treasures of the ancient fortress.

Parents with children will have a great time playing this game, the kids are happy to overcome physical obstacles and help adults solve puzzles.

  • on the playground there are several additional playgrounds with beautiful, realistic decorations;
  • the plot of the main line is dynamic and full of interesting tasks.
  • not detected.

Game ticket price from 2200 to 3000 rubles, intime - 60 min.

The game "Psychiatric hospital. Shutter Island"

The plot is based on the story described in the book of the same name. On Shutter Island, remote from the civilized world, there is a clinic for mentally ill criminals. An emergency situation occurs - one of the patients disappears, the guards cannot figure out what happened. A team of bailiffs arrive on the cursed island and begin a thorough investigation. Very strange details are revealed, it turns out that the disappearance of the patient is not the only incomprehensible incident that occurred on the island.

The deadly secrets of the hospital will entangle the participants in this game with a web of fear. To achieve victory, players will have to overcome a riot within the walls of a mental hospital, overcome their own fears and gain team spirit.

  • permeated with horror quest “Psychiatric hospital. Island of the Damned” will not leave indifferent the most demanding participants;
  • mysticism and terrible secrets accompany the participants during all this exciting action.
  • not detected.

Game ticket price from 2500 to 4000 rubles, intime - 60 min.

Quest game "Time Machine"

The new quest, with a non-standard and non-linear development of the plot, will have a mind-blowing effect on the players.
From the guild of time travelers for your team comes a letter in which the head of the organization invites your team to the expedition.

Players enter a virtual time channel and experience the illusion of a dizzying flight through time. They are surrounded by various electronics, they open tricky locks, solve logical riddles. Fans of science fiction and modern technology will be fascinated by this game.

  • the gaming location includes several techno-decorated areas;
  • participants are trained in safety and listen to instructions about the flight.
  • beginners are advised to take an experienced player to the team;
  • there are no scary moments in the quest, but it is quite difficult.

Game ticket price from 2000 to 3000 rubles, intime - 60 min.

Passing quests is an exciting and developing pastime. Everyone can choose a game that is consonant with his interests and abilities.

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