
  1. What does the price depend on
  2. What to look for when choosing a doctor and institution
  3. The best IVF clinics in Volgograd
  4. Addresses, phone numbers and prices for services of IVF clinics in Volgograd
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Volgograd in 2025 with positive reviews and results

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Volgograd in 2025 with positive reviews and results

Statistics show that every year in Russia the number of women and couples turning to private institutions for in vitro fertilization (IVF) is growing at a rapid pace. When analyzing the overall picture, it was revealed that every year 8-8.5 thousand children are born in this way. IVF helps to overcome any form of infertility. If a woman cannot give birth due to any circumstances, serious pathologies in terms of reproductive function, after surgery, due to the physiological characteristics of the body, specialists from IVF clinics in Volgograd will help the client become a full-fledged mother, give birth to a healthy child, genetically native.

What does the price depend on

The cost of the procedure has a wide range: 30 - 350 thousand rubles. The selection criteria depend on the qualifications and experience of the doctor, the equipment used for diagnosis and treatment, the location of the clinic and its status. Some patients are eligible for a quota. The embryo implantation program is free of charge under the MHI policy.

The list of diseases that fall under the program is available on the websites of clinics that provide such a service. After diagnosing the disease, the patient collects a certain set of documents and waits a month or two for the decision of the commission. To become a happy mother, it is not necessary to take out a loan and pay a certain amount, even in a private medical institution.

What to look for when choosing a doctor and institution

In order for the in vitro fertilization procedure to be successful, it is important to choose a reproductologist with a good reputation and extensive experience. You should read patient reviews on the Internet, analyze the number of successfully performed procedures with this doctor.

It is safest to turn to acquaintances or relatives who have passed, and they already have children born as a result of artificial insemination.

The result of treatment and the onset of pregnancy is also affected by the degree of equipment of the clinic with modern innovative equipment, which is used for diagnosis, treatment, and preparation of the procedure. In cases of complete infertility, donor eggs can be used. IVF cryoprotocols work successfully in 50% or more among healthy women under the age of 34-35 years.

The best IVF clinics in Volgograd

Most of the clinics providing in vitro fertilization and infertility treatment services are located in central and regional cities.In the whole country, there are few of them. In the regional center of Volgograd, there are several medical institutions that conduct diagnostic and treatment studies of human reproductive problems and sign IVF program protocols. We will rank the best clinics based on the feedback from patients who applied to the Centers.

IVF Center

Center ECO LLC has been operating in Volgograd since 2015. The number of artificial insemination procedures reaches figures that keep the clinic in the leading ranking. Consultation of doctors - reproductive specialists, their recommendations help patients in in vitro fertilization. Compliance with all recommendations gives a positive result. Over the three years of successful work, as a result of 480 IVF cycles, thanks to the specialists of the center, almost 5,000 babies were born, more than one hundred patients became a full-fledged family and happy parents. Employees of the institution advise and support their patients from the moment of treatment until the moment of pregnancy.

The center is located throughout Russia, in 26 branches. One of the branches is located in Volgograd on Air Army Street. The institution is controlled by the regional health committee. Treatment programs include methods of artificial insemination, embryo implantation is carried out through ICSI, in vitro fertilization (IVF), surrogate motherhood programs and gene material donation. In difficult cases, for the next IVF cycles, a service is provided for cryopreservation of biological material: oocytes, sperm, embryos.

According to the feedback of patients who applied to the IVF Center, the equipment for treatment and diagnostics in the clinic meets all international standards, treatment programs are developed at the modern level.Only highly qualified specialists work among doctors in the institution.

The institution has its own website. Any information of interest is available. In addition to the site, you can find information on different pages of the Internet. Factbook, Instagram, YouTube, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte - an incomplete list of social network pages where there is an IVF Center page. The clinic hosts promotions for the operation of various programs, discounts on services. You can get a loan for treatment, or you can get into the free IVF program under the MHI policy. Applicants will be consulted by phone with direct dialing and by means of a call back.

Patients write in reviews about the kindness and responsiveness of doctors, the flexible schedule of their work. Until 2018, the appointment and the appointment itself were carried out on any day. At the moment, the clinic is open on weekdays from 9.00 to 21.00, on weekends from 9.00 to 18.00. You can find words of gratitude from patients who have become parents about the competent approach and high professionalism of the Center's staff.

The preparation for the free IVF procedure within the framework of compulsory medical insurance is a little more complicated. Not everyone can get there, but a patient with a certain type of reproductive system disease. The list of diseases and submitted documents can be found in the section on the official website. "IVF Center" opened the top four IVF clinics and took the 4th place in the ranking.

  • affordable prices for services;
  • excellent reputation;
  • work experience of 15 years;
  • variety of services provided;
  • the effectiveness of treatment programs with a high rate;
  • convenience and comfort in the premises;
  • lack of queues;
  • modern equipment and diagnostic methods;
  • the possibility of free treatment at the expense of the CHI fund.
  • high price for services.

Address: Volgograd, Air Army street, 9A

Phone: +7 (8442) 59-15-68

mother and child

The group of companies "Mother and Child" is located in 35 branches and five state-of-the-art hospitals in 25 cities of Russia. The group employs 7 thousand specialists. In 2018, the Group took a leading position in the Russian market for the provision of private services in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. The group was launched in early 2006. For 12 years of work, many IVF procedures have been carried out with successful pregnancy and gestation.

The gynecological clinic "Mother and Child" in the Central District of Volgograd specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of female diseases, infertility, uses IVF and assisted reproductive technologies (ART) programs. The branch is located in the business center of Volgograd CITY on the 1st floor, near the city's transport artery. The institution employs doctors of various fields: obstetricians - gynecologists, embryologist, geneticist, andrologists, resuscitator, reproductologist, therapist.

The women's center of the clinic provides a full range of services: diagnosis, prevention, treatment of gynecological diseases with the help of operations and medicines, help women during menopause and menopause.

In the treatment of infertility, modern methods are used: intrauterine insemination (IUI), IVF ICSI / ICSI, IVF insemination, PICSI / PICSI, surrogacy and donor programs, genetic diagnostics, embryo cryopreservation, MAP test, etc.

In the polyclinic for adults, the reception is conducted by male doctors: urologist - andrologist, therapist, ultrasound - doctor. They help to cope with men's problems, cure infertility, take sperm tests, conduct a study of sperm DNA. There is a federal program under the MHI policy with a free IVF procedure.

Patients note in the reviews the excellent work of the team, the competence and reliability of the anesthesiologist, the sensitivity, responsiveness and attention of the main staff of the clinic. A competent approach and moral support help patients cope with depression, setting them up for a positive mood and a successful result after many years of despair and a long wait.

The official page on the Internet contains buttons for making an appointment online - an application and a callback. You can make a free call by phone: +7 (8442) 26-80-39. The site contains a lot of useful information in the form of articles, news pages, a forum, a magazine, and legal aspects. You can call and make an appointment every day and around the clock.

The clinic offers promotions and discounts. In our rating, the institution takes 3rd place.

  • convenient location of the clinic;
  • great experience of doctors;
  • staff competence;
  • availability of innovative technologies in accordance with international standards;
  • comfortable and safe conditions for patients;
  • collegiality of each program;
  • convenient site.
  • a small queue, even by appointment;
  • high cost of services.

Address: Volgograd, st. Rokossovsky, d. 62, room. 71

Phone: +7 (8442) 59-57-27


2nd place - the medical center LLC "Genome", has been operating since November 2012.

The clinic specializes in gynecology, in vitro fertilization, endocrinology. According to the results of the work of experienced fertility doctors, pregnancy occurs in 45 cases out of 100. Such data correspond to the world level of leading IVF clinics. For six years, about 4,300 cases of pregnancy have been recorded in the clinic.

Among the services for diagnosing infertility, examinations are carried out using ultrasound, laparoscopy, colposcopy, hysteroscopy, and biopsy.Five specialists will help determine the cause of infertility and refer you for treatment or IVF. They and 4 other doctors will help cure the body with the help of surgery, a conservative medical method and assisted reproductive technologies (IVF, IUI, cryopreservation, surrogacy, donation of cells and embryos, testicular biopsy for men, hatching, etc.)

Among the specialists of the clinic there are 2 members of the Russian Academy of Human Reproduction, a member of the Russian Society of Urology and a doctor of the highest category in the specialties of oncologist, mammologist, surgeon - obstetrician - gynecologist.

To maintain men's health and solve men's pathologies, two andrology specialists conduct an appointment. For women, treatment of various female pathologies with modern methods is offered. Expectant mothers can sign up for expert ultrasound and screening examinations, choose a specialist in pregnancy management.

The center offers group and individual lessons at the school for expectant mothers "Genome-Volga". Consultations for pregnant women and their husbands are aimed at dietetics, upcoming childbirth, and ultrasound examinations. Professional support throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period is provided by a perinatal psychologist.

In addition to reproductive problems, a hospital for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pediatric gynecology is offered. Services include a more in-depth ultrasound on the Voluson machine. The work is carried out on modern endoscopic devices and an ICSI station. Also, a dietitian, mammologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, and therapist are receiving.

The site of the center will acquaint you with detailed information on sections, specialists. You can call and make an appointment without leaving your home.There is a group in Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Instagram and Facebook. Clinics "Genome" are based in six cities of Russia and two in Kazakhstan.

According to the reviews of happy patients, the clinic staff is friendly, sensitive and attentive. Doctors try to take an active part in the correct selection of drugs. The main trump card is the professionalism of doctors and mutual understanding.

  • convenient location next to a public transport stop;
  • treatment of female and male infertility;
  • children's gynecologists work;
  • availability of additional specialists;
  • there is a hospital;
  • work is carried out on modern equipment of the latest generation;
  • an expert ultrasound is performed;
  • there is a school for expectant mothers with a consultation of a perinatal psychologist;
  • professionalism and care of doctors.
  • The site does not have a price list for the provision of services.

Address: Volgograd, avenue im. IN AND. Lenina, 102A, room. 219

Phone: +7 (8442) 99-05-51

VolGMU Clinic No. 1, Department of ART

The adult hospital, operating since the beginning of 2005, specializes in the treatment of male and female infertility and assisted reproductive technologies. The round-the-clock mode of operation allows you to contact the medical center on any day of the week, day and night. Up to 2,000 patients come here every day.

Obstetricians - gynecologists, embryologists, geneticist, urologist will advise everyone who applied to the clinic. Here, the patient will have an ultrasound - monitoring of ovulation, screening during pregnancy; MAR test, cryopreservation of sperm and embryos; intrauterine insemination; ECO; intracytoplasmic sperm injection; will offer a donor program and surrogate motherhood.IVF treatment, cultivation, transfer of the embryo into the uterus is carried out at the expense of funds from the Federal budget and compulsory medical insurance. Also, employees of the organization treat female and male diseases of the reproductive system of the body, perform complex surgical operations on external and internal organs. Examinations of patients are carried out using modern endoscopic methods, ultrasound and x-rays. Immunological, hormonal and microbiological studies are also carried out. At an early stage, gynecological diseases, causes of infertility are detected by the German complex of endovideosurgery "Karl Storz".

Information of interest to the patient on the department is contained on the general website of the hospitals of the VolGMU.

According to patients' reviews, highly qualified specialists work in the clinic. The institution itself, the situation in it, the organization of the staff resembles a corner of Europe. The center helps patients in the framework of the compulsory medical insurance program. Therefore, if a patient is diagnosed with a disease from the list marked for a quota, she can undergo an IVF procedure for free. Clean rooms, responsive disciplined medical staff add a plus to the reviews. Sensitive and sympathetic doctors work to obtain successful results without making mistakes when choosing. The human attitude, individual approach to each patient put the clinic on the top level of the rating.

  • high professionalism of employees;
  • responsiveness of doctors and individual approach to patients;
  • reasonable prices for services;
  • there is an opportunity for expectant mothers to get pregnant with the help of IVF for free;
  • cleanliness and order in the premises of the hospital;
  • round the clock operation.
  • not detected.

Address: Volgograd, st. Nikitina, d. 64

Phone: +7 (8442) 42-70-55

Addresses, phone numbers and prices for services of IVF clinics in Volgograd

place in the rankingClinic nameAddressTelephoneIVF under the MHI policyICSI, price, thousand rublesEmbryo replanting, price, thousand rublesLaser hatching, thousand rubles
4IVF Center st. Air Army, d. 9A+7 (8442) 59-15-68there isFrom 5.3From 24.1From 11.5
3mother and childst. Rokossovsky, d. 62, room. 71+7 (8442) 59-57-27there isFrom 15From 18From 8
2Genomeavenue im. Lenina, 102A, room. 219+7 (8442) 99-05-51there isFrom 21From 20From 9.5
1VolGMU Clinic No. 1 Department of ARTst. Nikitina, d. 64 +7 (8442) 42-70-55there isFrom 30From 6.6From 4


Today in Volgograd there are 4 clinics for artificial insemination by IVF and assisted reproductive technologies. All institutions have earned a good reputation due to the experience and skill of doctors, their high qualifications. Each clinic uses modern equipment for diagnosis and treatment. All organizations allow infertile patients to undergo a free IVF procedure if they receive approval for a quota and confirmation of participation in the program under the MHI policy.

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