
  1. Family planning services
  2. The best IVF clinics in St. Petersburg
  3. Price comparison table

Rating of the best IVF clinics in St. Petersburg in 2025 with positive reviews and results

Rating of the best IVF clinics in St. Petersburg in 2025 with positive reviews and results

Today, IVF saves many desperate couples. Modern methods of overcoming infertility can give the happiness of motherhood, increase self-confidence. But what to look for when choosing a medical institution?

A competent approach to choosing an IVF treatment center in St. Petersburg will save time, nerves and the family budget. It is important that the doctor has sufficient knowledge in the field of genetics, reproduction. The approach to the patient should be peaceful, understanding. Only then will there be a confidential dialogue between the doctor and the couple who asked for help.

Family planning services

Clinics offer patients additional services that can be performed both independently and together with IVF fertilization. The latter can be carried out in a natural cycle and when stimulated by hormones. Which method to choose should be decided by the reproductive specialist.

  • ICSI

It is an effective treatment for infertility in men suffering from low fertility. The active spermatozoon is injected directly into the cytoplasm of the woman's oocyte. Often ICSI is used in the IVF program. The big advantage of the method is that often only one healthy sperm is needed. It is obtained surgically or from fresh ejaculate.

  • IMSI

The procedure is a modification of ICSI. Its basis is the search for a morphologically healthy spermatozoon under 6000-fold magnification using special optical equipment. Next, the selected "fighter" is implanted into the egg just before the introduction into the uterus. The method is often used together with ICSI. The chances of getting pregnant increase up to 70% precisely due to high-quality spermogram.

  • VMI

Intrauterine insemination is used in the treatment of infertility before IVF. The procedure is indicated if the woman's uterus rejects the husband's biomaterial, and the man suffers from impotence or a low content of healthy spermatozoa.

In this case, the spermatozoa are processed - cleaned of pathogens, concentrated and injected into the patient's vagina. It is possible to use donor biomaterial. Since the success of the procedure is similar to the results of a natural sexual intercourse, often after 2-3 failures they go straight to IVF.

  • Surrogacy

A popular method of infertility treatment, which involves the implantation of an embryo into the uterus of a surrogate mother.On the appointed day, the biological mother's egg is fertilized with sperm. If the procedure is successful, further cultivation of the embryo occurs in the thermostat. If desired, donor biomaterials can be used.

Legislation regulates some requirements for surrogate mothers. Age not older than 35 years, at least one healthy child is the basis of choice. With the rest of the points: the psychological mood of the future woman in labor, the size of the fee, the clinic works directly.

The best IVF clinics in St. Petersburg

There are more than 30 reproduction centers in the Northern capital. How to choose the best one from them? Our selection was built on the basis of the rating of clinics on well-known sites, patient reviews.

All the institutions represented have innovative equipment, modern fertilization technologies and work under the MHI policy. In each of the 10 options, the statistics on successful IVF fertilizations are above 30% for 2018. This is a good indicator of the work of reproductologists and embryologists.

Ebrilife Clinic

The Center for Reproductive Technologies every day waits for patients on the lane. Spassky 14/35 in the business center on Sennaya.

On vk, YouTube and Facebook, Embrylife works with advisory issues. Preliminary consultations are held by e-mail. The clinic also organizes free visiting appointments in the regions of Russia. Patients must register in advance.

The medical center is considered popular in St. Petersburg for excellent results in the field of reproduction and obtaining accreditation from the American College of Embryologists. The interior design is made in white tones, polished floors shine everywhere, the cabinets are decorated in the same style.

EmbryLife doctors offer patients to use the “IVF with a guarantee” service, in which the clinic takes on part of the financial risks. A woman will not have to pay extra for medicines, although each case is individual. In case of an unsuccessful attempt to attach an embryo, repeated times will be carried out free of charge. The cost of the program is 255,000 rubles.

There are other IVF proposals in the medical institution, including in the natural cycle, with minimal stimulation, with ICSI. In some cases, drugs are included in the cost. IVF statistics for 2018 reflect excellent numbers - 52.9%. The result is the best in St. Petersburg among other reproductive medicine clinics.

As part of the treatment of infertility, the patient can use artificial insemination. The clinic, on the recommendation of WHO, uses processed male sperm according to the active method - on the day of ovulation and the next day. Thus, the chance of conception increases. This is facilitated by modern equipment used in the classrooms.

Phone +7 (812) 327-50-50. Working hours: daily from 9 to 20:30.


  • IVF fertilization rates;
  • social networks;
  • online consultations in VKontakte;
  • possibility of free consultations;
  • schedule.
  • not found.

Baltic Institute of Human Reproductology (BIHR)

The private center is located at Vyazovaya, 10. A full price list and a detailed description of the services are listed on the website. You can also make an appointment there. News of a medical institution is published in social networking groups.

The interior of the reproduction center is pleasant and resembles an office. There is a spacious hall, a stylish reception desk, a leather sofa and a coffee table nearby, a plasma TV, a water cooler.Patients in anticipation of a doctor can sit down and take a break from the hustle and bustle.

In 2018, BIRT provided patients with 43% of successful pregnancies after the introduction of embryos into the uterus by IVF. There are options for the procedure with stimulation by hormones, as well as in the natural cycle. As in other centers, after 3 unsuccessful attempts at artificial insemination, doctors recommend switching to in vitro fertilization. Surrogacy is available for indications that are regulated by the Russian Ministry of Health.

Donation of embryos, oocytes and sperm is possible. The donors themselves undergo thorough examinations before donating the biomaterial, and only after that the data is entered into the genetic bank. The morphology of gametes is studied on high-precision equipment.

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 16:30. Phone +7 (812) 927-00-14.

  • success of IVF fertilization;
  • admission under the compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • there is a hotline.
  • short work day.

Clinic Aimed

The private center can be seen along Stakhanovtsev street, 13. It is located on the 1st floor of a residential building. The institution works in social networks vk and Instagram. Aimed's website is informative, it provides all the information regarding procedures, IVF, the need for a medical policy. Here is a list of all the tests that need to be done during the examination.

The interior inside is quite simple: there are no bright details, colorful wallpapers. But people don't come here for that. All rooms are clean, medical rooms are equipped with modern equipment. Next to the reception there is a sofa and a TV where you can relax while waiting for the reception.

The staff of the clinic includes high-class reproductologists, embryologists, andrologists, gynecologists, urologists and geneticists.Of all the doctors, patients are most grateful to Ignatenko I. A. and Koltsova Yu. E. for high-quality IVF.

Promotions are often held here. For example, until December 31, 2018, patients could consult with a reproductologist free of charge. With the head doctor of the clinic, a gynecologist-reproductologist, it is possible to communicate via Skype without a fee by appointment.

Aimed carries out IVF within the framework of the territorial program under the MHI policy. The procedure is carried out free of charge for both spouses who have registered a marriage and cohabitants. If the patients failed to use the fertilization quota, the clinic offers a reduced price for the service.

For the procedure, the patient must provide the necessary documents. He must also be registered in St. Petersburg, have a medical policy in this city. The quota for treatment is issued by the medical commission after passing all the examinations.

The clinic has an extensive bank of oocytes, embryos, sperm. If the patient wishes to conceive a child at a late reproductive age, the biomaterial preserved in Aymed will help to fulfill the dream in the future.

Cryopreservation helps women who are carriers of ovarian diseases, malignant tumors. Freezing sperm allows men, such as chemical workers, to keep a portion of healthy sperm.

In addition to solving problems with reproduction, the medical center offers treatment and prevention of cervical pathologies and genital infections. The doctor will tell you suitable hormonal contraceptives, will advise on the onset of menopause.

The success of intrauterine insemination is 18-30% in one cycle. The method is used in attempts to conceive, while spermatozoa get rid of pathogenic elements and make them more concentrated.With 2-3 failures resort to in vitro fertilization.

The ICSI procedure has been carried out in Aymeda for many years and helps from 20 to 60% of all couples who apply. Every 5th patient is a visitor from another city. For successful fertilization, spermatozoa are selected according to morphological features using the PICSI method.

In surrogate motherhood, the latest generation laser is used for embryo hatching. This increases the success of implantation. Aymed minimizes the risk of legal problems with the surrogate mother.

Phones +7 (812) 445-20-11, +7 (812) 777-05-03, +7 (812) 983-33-83, +7 (905) 213-43-01.

Working hours: Mon-Sat from 9 to 20; Sun from 10 to 20:00.

  • there is surrogate motherhood;
  • many positive reviews;
  • extensive work experience;
  • schedule;
  • promotions for free consultations of a reproductive specialist;
  • legal assistance in the preparation of documents.
  • not found.

Center for Family Planning and Reproduction

I found a place in a picturesque area of ​​St. Petersburg at Komsomol, 4. Inside the building, the patient is waiting for a pleasant atmosphere, spacious halls, bright rooms.

You can get free consultations of a gynecologist and a urologist by appointment. Regardless of the place of residence, patients have the right to apply for a quota for overcoming infertility by in vitro fertilization. The procedure is carried out together with ICSI, in a natural cycle or with the use of drugs.

IUI is performed on single women or men with low sperm activity. Surrogate motherhood is not included in the list of services. As a treatment for infertility, doctors suggest ovulation stimulation, which in some cases helps patients become pregnant. The equipment in the offices allows you to carry out all the manipulations for the treatment of infertility.

Phone +7 (812) 670-76-76. Working hours: Mon-Fri from 8 to 20. Sat from 9 to 14.

  • own laboratory;
  • 2 gynecological departments;
  • the effectiveness of IVF pregnancies;
  • registration through the site;
  • modern equipment.
  • no surrogate motherhood;
  • work 6 days a week.

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

This is not only a well-known university in the city (SPbSPMU), but also a high-class clinic. Located on Lithuanian, 2A. The Assisted Reproductive Technologies Department is located in the Perinatal Department.

The state employs excellent doctors who are members of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction. Doctors regularly improve their qualifications both in Russia and abroad. A large number of warm words are sent to the reproductive specialist Galina Petrovna Pologoyko.

The patient can consult with a reproductive specialist free of charge, providing a referral from the attending gynecologist. Under the CHI program, in vitro fertilization is permissible. The clinic helps with the preparation of documents for obtaining a budget quota.

The government agency offers natural cycle IVF with superovulation induction, ICSI, artificial insemination, gamete and embryo freezing, assisted hatching.

Working hours: Mon-Fri from 9 to 17. Phone +7 (812) 295-40-31.

  • high percentage of IVF efficiency;
  • own laboratory of embryology;
  • care and responsibility of doctors;
  • good fertilization result;
  • the possibility of a free consultation of a reproductive specialist.
  • no surrogate motherhood;
  • do not work every day;
  • waiting list of patients.

Women's consultation №44

Located at Zhukovsko-Volynskaya, 4, letter B.The Family Planning Center is a participant in the program for the provision of services in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

To get a referral for the use of assisted reproductive technologies, you must sign up for a preliminary consultation with a doctor. Patients with CHI policies are accepted without restrictions as the referral is issued.

The site and the interior of the building is simple, as you would expect for a government agency. Paid and free medical services are provided here. IVF is available under the natural cycle program, with the introduction of stimulants, as part of oocyte donation. In 2018, the center showed efficiency in 43.72% of successful fertilizations.

The clinic offers artificial insemination with the husband's or donor's sperm, extended morphological examination of the spouse's biomaterial, cryopreservation of gametes. There is no offer for surrogate motherhood.

Phone +7 (812) 451-99-87. Opening hours: daily from 9 to 20.

  • all types of IVF;
  • clinic hours;
  • high percentage of successful pregnancies.
  • no surrogacy.

NMITs them. V.A. Almazova

The diagnostic center can be found on Akkuratova street, 2. It is a budgetary state institution. The building is not difficult to find, it is remarkable, modern with large letters on the roof. Appointments can be made through the website.

Statistics on effective fertilizations within the IVF program amounted to 43.6% in 2018. Reproductologists of the medical institution conduct thorough examinations of patients and offer IVF options with ICSI, in a natural cycle.

A detailed price list is published on the clinic's website.For example, in vitro fertilization with cultivation and intrauterine injection of the embryo, in which the spermatozoon is introduced into the oocyte, will cost 175,450 rubles. In the natural cycle, fertilization will cost 2.5 times cheaper.

Intrauterine insemination is available, a complete examination of the husband's sperm. The PICSI service is also popular - selection of spermatozoa for ICSI.

  • successful IVF fertilization.
  • no surrogacy.

NGC Reproduction and Genetics Clinic

The institution is located on the 13th line of VO, 10, lit. And in a small three-story green building. In social networks and on the website you can read the latest news of the clinic.

In appearance inside the premises, you can see how much work and finances the creators of NGC invest in their offspring. It is pleasant to be in the center, the feeling of the hospital is completely absent.

Each office has its own unique design, the halls are made in a modern style.

All reproductologists conduct online consultations on VKontakte. Network users can quickly get an answer to a question and, if desired, sign up for face-to-face approx. There are 11 doctors on staff, including a geneticist and an anesthesiologist-resuscitator.

Popular instant messengers publish the latest medical news from the clinic. For example, the first baby was recently born, which was conceived with the help of IVF + IVM. The efficiency of conventional IVF is 46.7%, with IVM the percentage rises to 74.

If necessary, patients use sperm and egg banks. According to external signs, donors can be selected directly on the website by setting specific parameters: height and weight, eye and hair color, availability of biomaterial in the cryobank, blood type, education.The effectiveness of the program using donor eggs is more than 65%. The database contains more than 300 oocyte donors. The efficiency of conception with donor sperm is more than 60%.

For more than 10 years, the clinic has been working with the surrogacy program. To provide a full cycle of services, the NGC center works together with the reproduction agency SPART. The site of the institution emphasizes that the birth of a child by a surrogate mother can be carried out only according to indications, and not at the whim of the parents.

At all stages of the procedure, doctors conduct examinations, quickly respond to emerging problems, and also provide assistance in legal matters. Surrogate mothers live in a large townhouse with comfortable conditions and security, clean water.

Opening hours: Mon-Sat from 8:30 to 20:30, Sun from 10 to 17. Phone +7 (812) 421 68 40.

  • work every day;
  • provision of housing for surrogate mothers;
  • bright and modern interior design;
  • work with social networks;
  • there is surrogate motherhood;
  • high conception efficiency.
  • not detected.

Hospital №122 Sokolova FMBA

This hospital campus is located at Ave. Culture, d. 4. On the territory there is a polyclinic, a hospital building and more than 20 medical centers of various directions.

Information on services, price list are presented on the official website, as well as in social networks, where they publish the latest news. Family planning is carried out at the Center for Assisted Reproductive Technologies. It should be noted that every year for two summer months the IVF center is on vacation, during which the reception is not conducted.

The interior inside the building is made in soothing pastel colors, which is quite expected for a state polyclinic. Many are pleased with the absence of clearly hospital colors on the walls - blue and green. The classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. We have our own genetic and embryological laboratories.

The team of doctors of the family department includes reproductive specialists, obstetricians-gynecologists and embryologists. The center's website regularly publishes reports on the completion of advanced training by doctors, the receipt of certificates and letters of thanks.

The hospital offers IVF, IVF-ICSI, artificial insemination, donor programs, surrogacy services. Before choosing the appropriate method of overcoming infertility, patients undergo an examination.

The success rate of in vitro fertilization is 25-40%. The doctors of the institution emphasize that the main thing is to keep the pregnancy, as spontaneous miscarriages occur in 20-30% of cases. Most of the positive reviews are devoted to the work of the reproductive specialist Zakhartseva Victoria Viktorovna.

Interestingly, the cost of in vitro fertilization, excluding drugs, is 112,000 rubles. when paying in cash. And the amount is seriously increasing with a non-cash payment method - 129,000 rubles.

Since July 1, 2011, the institution has been participating in IVF according to quotas. To apply, you must first register on the site. After that, the coordinator will call the patient back and offer a convenient appointment time. Hospital No. 122 also provides support in the preparation and collection of documents. Phone +7 (812) 363-11-22. The hospital operates around the clock.

  • successful fertilization;
  • qualified doctors;
  • wide profile of the institution;
  • legal support;
  • free consultations.
  • not detected.

Price comparison table

Below are the costs for reproductive medicine services in the surveyed clinics. Prices for in vitro fertilization are indicated according to the natural cycle program. When using drugs and the ICSI method, the cost will increase at least 1.5 times.

In private centres:

Name of serviceAymedNGCEmbryLifeAva PeterBIRCH
Reproductologist's consultation25004500230052003200
IVF, from54000669008200014790091000
sperm freezing50006200650054004900
Surrogacy, fromindividually11800016300015600099000

In public clinics:

Name of serviceNMITs them. V.A. AlmazovaSPbGPMULCD №44TsPSiRHospital 122
Reproductologist's consultation10002500100025002000
IVF, from6900050000740006500060000
sperm freezing6500500050009000
Surrogacy, from

You can see how the prices for medical services differ. In most cases, the final price tag is influenced by the form of ownership of the institution (private, state), as well as the popularity of the brand. Intrauterine sperm injections are the cheapest to carry out in state-funded institutions, while sperm freezing costs about the same everywhere. Surrogate motherhood can only be offered by private clinics.

The review contains the top 10 fertility clinics in St. Petersburg. All of the listed medical centers have high rates of successful IVF fertilization, qualified doctors are trained abroad and regularly confirm their skills. Knowing how much the fertilization service costs, information on the types of treatment programs, it will be much easier to decide where to turn in case of long-term infertility.

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