
  1. Rating of the best Novosibirsk IVF clinics
  2. How to choose an IVF clinic?
Rating of the best IVF clinics in Novosibirsk in 2025 with positive reviews and results

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Novosibirsk in 2025 with positive reviews and results

Complex, requiring a careful approach, the procedure of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is an effective way to overcome infertility and achieve the desired motherhood. The result of such a difficult procedure depends on the qualifications, experience and well-coordinated work of doctors in several areas at once, so choosing the best IVF clinic is also not easy and requires a special careful study of medical institutions.

This article describes the three most popular, large multidisciplinary IVF clinics in the city of Novosibirsk, which received the largest number of positive reviews that make up the reputation of the institution. Based on the feedback from those who have already used the services of the clinic, a list of the main pros and cons has been compiled.

Rating of the best Novosibirsk IVF clinics

Statistics report that today more than two thousand couples have difficulties with the ability to have a child, and the IVF procedure becomes a real salvation, especially in the most difficult situations. Thanks to modern clinics that carry out research and treatment of reproductive disorders, infertility has ceased to be a sentence. Novosibirsk IVF clinics have been helping patients for more than 16 years. Not only residents of Novosibirsk, but also other cities of Russia, countries of near and far abroad turn to medical centers.

Clinic of Professor Pasman

Address: Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 1/1.

Phone: +7 (383) 328-33-72.

Opening hours: daily from 08:00 - 20:00.

The founder of this medical center is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor, Head. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Novosibirsk State University, Head. laboratory of immunology of reproduction of the Institute of Clinical Immunology SB RAMS, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category and member of the Presidium of the Russian Society of Obstetricians-Gynecologists Natalia Mikhailovna Pasman.

The clinic is a multidisciplinary medical center, unique in its kind. Highly qualified, highly experienced specialists and experts with vast experience work here.

The key direction of Professor Pasman's Clinic is gynecology, assisted reproductive technologies and IVF.Unique author's methods of treatment are carried out here, only modern equipment is used. A feature of the medical center is the ability to undergo examination and treatment within the framework of one medical institution - for this there are eight departments with appropriate equipment, contracts have been concluded with the best laboratories in Novosibirsk. Much attention is paid to the quality of service. Thanks to this, the clinic is gaining an increasing number of positive reviews from grateful patients.

Basic clinic services

  • assisted reproductive technologies (ART);
  • IVF procedure (full cycle);
  • intrauterine insemination;
  • examination program before IVF;
  • checking the patency of the fallopian tubes under ultrasound control (hysterosalpingography);
  • Ultrasound folliculometry;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • echohysterosalpingography;
  • identification of the causes of reproductive dysfunction;
  • study of immunological compatibility with a partner;
  • research of biomaterials;
  • freezing and storage of biomaterial;
  • author's programs for the treatment of infertility;
  • hormone therapy;
  • pregnancy preparation program “I will be a mother”;
  • delayed motherhood program;
  • donor programs.

Examination program before IVF

Before the IVF procedure, an examination program is carried out in order to identify the causes of reproductive dysfunction. There are often cases when, thanks to this program, there is no need for IVF, because after identifying and eliminating the causes of dysfunction, pregnancy occurs naturally.


At a consultation appointment, a reproductive specialist, personal for each couple, conducts a thorough study of the patient's history, and then sends for the necessary examination.The reproductive specialist also supervises the work of participating specialists of related profiles (geneticists, embryologists, endocrinologists, and others).

Preparation for IVF

After the examination reveals the cause of infertility, it is directly eliminated. Treatment (including surgery) of female and male infertility is carried out using the latest technologies and techniques:

  • laser technologies;
  • endoscopic surgery;
  • ozone therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • reflexology.
  • The treatment process is controlled by the attending physician and is carried out in different departments of the same medical center.

Infertility treatment

Pasman Clinic specialists have developed a diagnostic algorithm, the effectiveness of which allows you to accurately examine the reproductive health of both partners and identify the cause of infertility. Thanks to our own hemostasis laboratory, diagnostics is carried out much faster than in other clinics. According to the results of the study (including a number of medical tests), a treatment method is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of each of the partners. As for surgical treatment, it is carried out for both women and men:

Surgical treatment of female infertility. The surgeons of the clinic select sparing methods of treatment, perform microsurgical operations, the result of which is not only highly effective, but also maintains cosmetic aesthetics.

Surgical treatment of male infertility. The type of operation is selected taking into account the characteristics of the patient and his need to quickly restore health.

Reproductive technologies

Assisted reproductive technologies are used when a natural pregnancy does not occur even after treatment, or in cases requiring immediate action to restore the health of partners. The ART protocol is selected individually by the reproductologist and embryologist, Pasman Clinic performs several types of ART:

  • artificial insemination;
  • in vitro fertilization (IVF);
  • intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI);
  • PICSI;
  • hatching;
  • preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).

IVF procedure (in vitro fertilization)

This procedure requires the most careful, careful and efficient approach. It is produced in several stages in specialized laboratories. Preparatory actions are carried out by reproductologists and embryologists, and modern advanced equipment allows you to perform the procedure extremely safely for the fetus and mother.

delayed motherhood

A modern technique that expands the possibilities of treating reproductive disorders. The technology is a cryopreservation (freezing) of biological material that can be stored for many years, which allows you to delay pregnancy until the right moment.

The cost of the main services of the clinic:

  • ICSI - from 37,000 rubles.
  • ICSI + PICSI - from 76,000 rubles.
  • Embryo replanting - from 15,000 rubles.
  • Laser hatching — from 5,700 rubles.
  • Cryopreservation of sperm — from 5,500 rubles.
  • Cryopreservation of embryos - from 27,500 rubles.
  • Cryopreservation of eggs — from 27,500 rubles.
  • IVF (standard) - from 72,000 rubles.
  • sensitive and delicate doctors;
  • high level of professionalism of specialists;
  • the effectiveness of treatment;
  • caring and attentive staff;
  • individual approach to each patient;
  • thorough examination and preparation for pregnancy;
  • recovery after childbirth;
  • cleanliness, pleasant interior;
  • Hi-tech;
  • modern equipment.
  • careless attitude and incorrect behavior towards the patient of some doctors of related fields.

Novosibirsk Center for Reproductive Medicine

Address: st. Heroes of the Revolution, 3.

Phone: +7 (383) 230-90-44, + 7 983-127-11-31.

Opening hours: daily from 08:00 - 20:00, Sat - 08:00 - 17:00, Sun - day off.

This medical center is part of a large network of clinics "Mother and Child", where both the latest modern developments and world medical experience are used, as well as the clinic's own, unique methods. The network of medical companies "Mother and Child" consists of 4 hospitals and 33 clinics covering 20 Russian cities and providing a variety of services:

  • women's center for obstetrics, gynecology and reproduction, as well as pregnancy management;
  • ART department - IVF, ICSI, PICSI procedures, donation and cryopreservation are also carried out here;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • medical analyzes of all kinds;
  • availability of a day hospital.

The Center employs a real team of highly professional specialists - these are candidates and doctors of sciences, doctors of the highest qualification category. Reception and treatment is carried out by a urologist, embryologist, endocrinologist, therapist and pediatrician, psychotherapist, gynecologist and endocrinologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor, hematologist, reproductive specialist, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, as well as a geneticist, obstetrician-gynecologist and andrologist-endocrinologist. Due to the presence of specialists in related profiles, examination and treatment are carried out within the same clinic.

Infertility treatment

It provides effective treatment of male and female infertility. The latest methods of assisted reproduction are used, which are highly effective:

  1. ICSI;
  2. ECO;
  3. donation of sperm and eggs;
  4. technologies for cryopreservation of embryos and germ cells;
  5. preimplantation genetic diagnosis and others.

The IVF clinic guarantees its patients a consistently high treatment result - the Center is equipped with modern equipment, uniform treatment and diagnostic standards are applied here, and it has its own material base. In addition, strict quality control is carried out here, and the use of innovative methods of world practice makes it possible to guarantee the onset of pregnancy in at least half of those who applied, which exceeds European indicators.

Basic Services

The Novosibirsk Center for Reproductive Medicine has the following examination and treatment options:

  • carrying out laboratory genetic testing of both partners;
  • pre-implantation genetic testing of the embryo;
  • diagnosis of genetic disorders in spouses and identification of the causes of impaired reproductive functions;
  • carrying out the in vitro fertilization procedure, using the latest equipment and advanced technologies;
  • ICSI program;
  • ART protocols with high efficiency.

Thanks to the special training of medical personnel, and the use of unique research methods, successful treatment of infertility and effective prevention of genetic diseases of the fetus is carried out.

Also, the Center has the opportunity to do IVF at the expense of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (compulsory medical insurance fund), that is, free of charge for the patient who applied.

Service cost

  • ICSI - from 20,000 rubles.
  • ICSI + PICSI - from 34,000 rubles.
  • Embryo replanting — from 16,800 rubles.
  • Laser hatching — from 6,000 rubles.
  • Cryopreservation of sperm — from 5,800 rubles.
  • Cryopreservation of embryos - from 25,000 rubles.
  • Cryopreservation of eggs - from 25,000 rubles.
  • ECO standard - from 99,750 rubles.
  • attentiveness and responsiveness of service personnel;
  • accurate diagnosis;
  • neat and caring staff of the treatment room;
  • high level of professionalism of the anesthesiologist-resuscitator;
  • treatment and procedures without discomfort;
  • effective IVF;
  • cleanliness and comfort in the clinic;
  • reasonable cost of services.
  • organization of testing;
  • complaints about the attitude of administrators towards patients;
  • queuing at the check-in desk;
  • emotional discomfort.

Center for New Medical Technologies

Address: st. Pirogova, 25/4.

Phone: +7 (383) 363-01-83.

Opening hours: daily from 7:00-20:00, Sat-Sun from 8:00-20:00.

The Center for New Medical Technologies is a multidisciplinary network of clinics, as well as a subdivision of the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the SB RAS. Treatment is carried out by the best highly qualified specialists, doctors and candidates of medical sciences, doctors of the highest category. All the staff of the Center regularly takes advanced training courses (not only on the basis of NSMU, but also in large Russian and foreign clinics).

The Center for New Medical Technologies is constantly expanding its activities, developing, introducing the latest technologies, its own developments and methods into its work.

Basic Services

Various types of research and diagnostics are carried out here:

  • laboratory;
  • functional;
  • endoscopic;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics.
  • studies on the basis of a cytogenetic laboratory (to detect chromosomal disorders).

For the treatment of various forms of infertility, this Center widely uses all types of ART (assisted reproductive technologies) aimed at treating any type of reproductive dysfunction, including the most complex ones. It also provides effective radiosurgical treatment of various gynecological diseases and pathologies. Conservative methods of treatment are being introduced.

For the treatment of infertility, together with the ICBFM SB RAS, ART is used:

  • ICSI;
  • artificial intrauterine insemination;
  • ECO;
  • surrogacy program.

Check-Up program

This program is a comprehensive examination aimed at identifying the causes of infertility. Often it is used before IVF, and the program includes a set of studies and examinations, as well as consultations for both partners, and separately. This program is unique, and its peculiarity lies in the fact that partners can go through all the scheduled examinations and procedures in one day. At the same time, a long wait and queues are completely excluded - the whole couple is accompanied by the Center's specialists, who will competently advise on any issues that arise.

CHI program

Since 2014, the Center for New Medical Technologies has been operating under a compulsory medical insurance program, which makes it possible to undergo an IVF procedure at the expense of budget funds. To do this, you need to get a referral from the Ministry of Health of the Novosibirsk Region.


Thanks to cooperation with one of the largest sperm banks in the country, the Center provides high-quality biological material for ART protocols that meets WHO standards.

in vitro fertilization

Infertility, even in the most complex forms and manifestations (including causes such as endometriosis, male factor and disorders of unknown origin) is not a sentence - in CNMT, the effectiveness of the IVF procedure is more than 36%, while it is worth noting that the number of twin pregnancies is 21, 6%, and triplets - 2%.

Service cost

  • ICSI - from 15,000 rubles.
  • ICSI + PICSI - from 40,000 rubles.
  • Embryo replanting - from 13,000 rubles.
  • Laser hatching — from 5,500 rubles.
  • Sperm cryopreservation — from 500 rubles.
  • Cryopreservation of embryos - from 500 rubles.
  • Cryopreservation of eggs - from 500 rubles.
  • Stimulation of ovulation — from 9,000 rubles.
  • ECO standard - from 56,500 rubles.
  • a quality survey;
  • polite and friendly attitude of the call center staff;
  • calm, responsible and attentive doctors;
  • a systematic approach to problem solving;
  • high efficiency of research and diagnostics.
  • high cost of services;
  • incorrect information about prices for services;
  • an unpleasant impression as a result of the incorrect attitude of the doctor.

How to choose an IVF clinic?

The choice of clinics providing medical services under the IVF program is quite wide, but how to choose the safest and most reliable among them? And most importantly, how to avoid mistakes, and prevent loss of time and health? Several selection criteria, as well as tips on what to pay special attention to, will help you make the final choice.

Information about the services. It is necessary to have a certain idea about the methods of treatment, procedures, types of research carried out in a particular clinic. With general knowledge, one can more easily navigate the medical services offered.During the consultation, the doctor should inform about how the examination and subsequent treatment will take place, what technologies will be used. If the clinic offers implantation of a three-day embryo that does not undergo freezing, this means that this medical institution simply does not know how to use cryogenic technologies (freezing) and grow an embryo until the fifth day. The best solution would be to leave such a clinic.

State clinic. Usually has extensive experience, has strict standards for the quality of services, a stable level of treatment effectiveness. On the other hand, this is usually a huge number of patients, which makes an individual approach difficult. Doctors often give general information about treatment without going into important details. At the same time, the cost of services is not much different from prices in private institutions.

Private clinic. Here, an individual approach to each patient is practiced, attention is paid to communication, a comfortable psychological state of the person who applied. At the same time, there is no guarantee that the clinic practices highly effective methods, and its equipment meets the required standards. Therefore, when contacting a private clinic, you should learn in detail about the work experience and the level of quality of services.

Reputation and versatility. Statistics and patient reviews will help determine the fame and popularity of the clinic, highlight its pros and cons. Long-established clinics are distinguished by predictable results, while young ones have newer equipment and freshly renovated premises. Another important point is the presence in one building of all the necessary treatment rooms of related areas and laboratories.Versatility is, first of all, comfort for the patient, relieving him of the need to visit clinics in different parts of the city.

Personnel qualification. Information about the level of professionalism of the clinic's specialists can be found on the official website of the institution, or by reading reviews on the Internet. The real experience of people gives more information about the clinic than advertising reviews.

Technical equipment. Laboratories must be equipped with high-precision instruments and devices of the highest quality, in addition, they must be located in a special building or building block. IVF is too responsible and demanding procedure to allow even the slightest impurities in the air. The effectiveness of this procedure largely depends on the quality of the medical equipment of the clinic.

Service prices. The high cost of treatment and procedures is due to their complexity - all the necessary drugs, instruments, equipment of laboratories and offices cost a lot of money. There are no budget or inexpensive IVF services. However, there is the possibility of obtaining free treatment under the quota of compulsory medical insurance, this applies to both public clinics and private ones.

A comparison of the cost of basic services of the largest Novosibirsk clinics discussed above is given in the table:

reproductive center
Center for New
ICSIfrom 37 000 rub.from 20 000 rub.from 15 000 rub.
ICSI+PIXI from 76 000 rub.from 34 000 rub.from 40 000 rub.
Embryo transfer from 15 000 rub.from 16 800 rub.from 13 000 rub.
laser hatching from 5 700 rub.from 6 000 rub.from 5 500 rub.
Sperm cryopreservation from 5 500 rub.from 5 800 rub.from 500 rub.
Embryo cryopreservation from 27 500 rub.from 25 000 rub.from 500 rub.
Cryopreservation of eggsfrom 27 500 rub.from 25 000 rub.from 500 rub.
ECO (standard)from 72 000 rubfrom 99 750 rub.from 56 500 rub.
Stimulation of ovulationno informationno informationfrom 9 000 rub.

A reliable clinic provides maximum information to its patients on examinations, diagnostic and treatment studies, procedures, donation, the possibility of using the surrogacy program and the cost of the services provided. Today, infertility is not a verdict, thanks to the latest developments of large Novosibirsk IVF clinics, any difficulties with conception can be overcome and the achievement of family happiness for a couple becomes a reality.

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