
  1. What to look for when choosing an IVF center
  2. What Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) Does In Vitro Fertilization Use?
  3. Top best IVF centers in Yekaterinburg

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Yekaterinburg in 2025

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Yekaterinburg in 2025

A family hearth without fire is when there is no child in the house. It's one thing when the spouses postponed the replenishment of the family, another, tragic story, if it doesn't work out. In 2018, the growth of IVF indications surpassed previous years. The number of women who applied for artificial insemination due to infertility increased to 40%. In Yekaterinburg, more than 1,000 infertile couples are registered every year. Patients have to resort to several attempts, since in Russia 20-32% of IVF become effective the first time. Re-stimulation after failure is allowed after 2.5 - 3 years.

The causes of infertility are different: medical, natural and genetic. If a woman’s natural ovulation is violated, pregnancy does not occur and the couple undergoes medical and diagnostic studies, then, according to indications, they decide on artificial insemination.

What to look for when choosing an IVF center

Quota or family budget

2018 was a record year for the participation of IVF clinics in the program of state funding for infertility treatment. Funds from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (MHIF) were attracted to the service of reproductive medicine, which means free passage of the IVF program. After the medical genetic diagnosis of the couple, the fact and cause of infertility is ascertained.

According to the testimony of the medical commission, a quota is allocated, a list of clinics is provided for self-selection and placement on the waiting list. IVF under the compulsory medical insurance policy provides for the presence of Russian citizenship, the absence of joint children, the exclusion of contraindications to IVF. In 2018, the restriction on the number of attempts for CHI was removed. According to experts, 1500 IVF cycles are required for 1 million people.

  • An individual treatment program may require donor cells, cryopreservation of sperm or eggs, embryos. The IVF procedure involves the transfer of 2-3 embryos into the uterus, in some cases 4-5.A married couple has the option to save the remaining viable embryos for use in the next attempt or for the conception of a second child.
  • With the pathology of the male reproductive function, treatment and prevention are carried out by andrologists. Male infertility is as ambiguous as female infertility, it requires a deep examination: genetic research, biochemical analyzes, ultrasound and MAR test.
  • All additional steps are subject to payment. Each clinic has its own set of commercial medical services. You should carefully correlate spending with the family budget.


A medical institution, including private clinics, is required to have a license for medical services. Check the validity of the license, the date of issue is required.

Staff qualifications and patient reviews

More reliable treatment in the clinic is ensured by the qualifications of the staff. On the website of the medical center, as a rule, personal cards of medical workers are offered for review. You can also read visitor reviews here. Do not neglect such information and spare the time to collect reviews about one center from several sites. The preponderance of negative responses sometimes becomes a decisive factor in the selection. Medical errors are costly to the patient.

Individual approach

From the first minutes of seeking help, it is easy to assess the degree of individual approach to the patient. Reproductive medicine programs are long-term, the doctor becomes a member of the family. There is not much to worry about.

Value for money

One of the most common mistakes when choosing a clinic is an affordable price - often the clinic prioritizes this position.However, in the forums, conveyor attitudes, indifference, confusion in documents and appointments are reported. On the contrary, innovative equipment, modern laboratory equipment, doctoral degrees require a certain level of prices. Advanced training of gynecologists and obstetricians in Yekaterinburg is carried out according to special programs. For doctors working in the field of infertility treatment, an educational seminar "Actual Issues of Perinatal Medicine" is held in December.

The teaching staff includes employees with scientific degrees from the FGBU NII OMM (Ural Research Institute for the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy) of Yekaterinburg. The Institute conducts a course for doctors of reproductive medicine "Gynecological Endocrinology". In October 2018, the scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of reproductive and perinatal medicine" was held.

Specialists of IVF centers, armed with modern knowledge in the field of diagnosis and treatment of infertility, are easier to entrust their own health and the health of future babies. The high professionalism of the doctors of Yekaterinburg can be judged by the successful operation in 2018, the first in Russia and the second in the world, of a 28-week-old fetus in the womb. Surgical intervention was due to fetal hydrocephalus and ended successfully. Thanks to the doctors of the Research Institute of OMM, neurosurgeons and surgeons of the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1, a boy weighing 2.7 kg was born in July.

The Minister of Health of the Russian Federation considers prices in IVF clinics in Yekaterinburg to be affordable. A wide range of services: diagnostics, treatment of uterine pathologies, urology, obstetrics, gynecology. According to the price lists of IVF centers in Yekaterinburg, the average price of IVF according to the "standard" protocol in the region ranges from 150 to 200 thousand rubles.Couples have to make several attempts, individual programs expand the range of necessary assistive technologies.

Most of the costs are for hormonal stimulation, for which only imported medicines are used. In Russia today there are practically no pharmacological plants with a GMP degree - a quality standard. Excluding medications, the cost of IVF is 90,000 rubles.

What Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) Does In Vitro Fertilization Use?


Part of the IVF protocol, the method of "manual" injection of the sperm into the egg, is carried out without hormonal stimulation. Unlike the "ECO-standard", it has an increased chance of a positive result. If the woman's reproductive function is preserved, ICSI proceeds in a natural cycle, bypassing the cause of the male factor and leveling anti-sperm antibodies.


Selection of spermatozoa of exceptional quality for subsequent ICSI - fertilization. Occurs by placing male cells in hyaluronic acid to exclude DNA disorders and confirm maturity. Checking the integrity of the structure of male biological material.


IMSI is an ultra-modern method of fertilization using a microscope, optical-electronic equipment. An absolutely healthy and high-quality sperm is found in the cytoplasm of the egg. The procedure is a reserve fund in case other methods have failed. A procedure with a minimal risk of miscarriage, a high rate of successful fertilization. IMSI in combination with ICSI significantly increases the likelihood of successful IVF in spouses with severe morphological infertility.


Intrauterine insemination, a method of artificial insemination, in which the proportion of healthy spermatozoa in the ejaculate is checked for quality, the question is whether their number is sufficient for fertilization. In a woman, the period of ovulation is determined by ultrasound, the IUI procedure is prescribed 1 day before ovulation, the day after the day or the next day. The prepared male material is introduced into the uterus. A prerequisite is the presence of at least one healthy fallopian tube.

To date, the percentage of positive IUI outcome is low, 16-18%, so repeated attempts are often made.


The name comes from the English "to peck, hatch". With successful fertilization on day 6 or 7, the embryo tries to break through its shiny shell "zona pellucida", which provides it with timely protection from third-party spermatozoa and free transportation through the fallopian tube to the uterus. If the shell turned out to be too dense and became an obstacle to attaching to the uterine wall, hatching is used. Laser thinning of the zona pellucida or a laser incision in the outer shell are harmless and are indicated for embryo implantation.

Cryopreservation of biological material

Reproductive technology using a donor egg is used when a woman is unable to carry a child on her own. The biological material of an oocyte is a healthy egg cell transferred to a recipient. Infertility treatment by this method is the receipt of an embryo in vitro by insemination of a donor egg with the sperm of a husband, partner or donor, followed by transplantation into the uterine cavity. It is also indicated for older mothers over 40 years old.

This technology uses cryopreservation or freezing of biological material using specialized equipment. In turn, cryopreservation is divided into vitrification of eggs, spermatozoa and embryos.

Cryopreservation takes place in several stages: first, embryos of a quality that can withstand freezing and thawing are selected. Then treatment is carried out with cryoprotectants, special substances designed to protect the embryo from the formation of crystals. Modern freezing is vitrification, that is, fast.

Biomaterials are stored in liquid nitrogen for a long period, counting for decades. The containers contain information about the parents. After defrosting, a quality check is carried out, the preserved properties of the cells are tested.

Donor oocytes are a lifeline for women with ovarian dysfunction, negative response to stimulation, with a genetic pathology.

Surrogacy program

The technology of surrogate motherhood involves the participation of three people. A surrogate mother is a woman who, for health reasons, is able to bear and give birth to a child, who consents to the procedure. Genetic parents are a man and a woman whose child is conceived from the provided biological materials: sperm and eggs.

How much is a surrogate mother in Yekaterinburg valued today? The cost includes the loss of a job, food, lodging and an accompanying medical package. The whole cycle from the examination, the conclusion of the contract to the birth - 900,000 rubles.

Androgen priming in IVF begins with drug therapy, the goal of which is to improve the response to ovulation stimulation.In case of unsuccessful previous treatment protocol, the technique increases the follicular reserve.

Top best IVF centers in Yekaterinburg

CJSC Center for Family Medicine

One of the most experienced, has existed since January 2001. Over the entire period of its existence, thanks to the center, more than 1000 babies have found life. The clinic has a cryobank (donor sperm, embryos, oocytes), which is maintained by progressive methods of cryostorage of biological material.

ProgramTermPrice, in rubles
Program "Standard"1 trimester25000
2 trimester12000
3rd trimester20000
Prenatal Anemia Treatment Program10970
Program for the treatment of unsystematic bacteriuria of pregnant women8300
  • Doctors of the center carry out scientific activities. In 2002, the conference "Modern approaches to the treatment of infertility" was held and was realized thanks to the Russian Association of Human Reproduction.
  • To help infertile couples, a surrogate motherhood program, a donor program, IUI, ICSI, and long-term cryostorage are offered.
  • Patients note the kind and sincere atmosphere that prevails in the classroom at the school for mothers.
  • No.

Contact Information:

Ekaterinburg, Nachdiv Vasiliev street, 1/3. Verkh-Isetsky district.

Phone (343) 288-57-94.


Center for Rehabilitation of Reproductive Function Disorders "Partus"

The clinic occupies a leading position in terms of equipment, service and quality.

It is one of the 15 centers of the Russian network "Eco Center". The effectiveness of IVF performed in the clinic is 60%. Doctors of the center have implemented several comprehensive programs based on modern techniques. There is a donor bank.

Clinic prices:

ProcedureamountPrice, in rubles
ICSI1 cage5300
1-5 cells13700
5-10 cells21750
more than 10 cells27000
  • Gifts, discounts and other promotions;
  • Developed donor program;
  • Deep laboratory research on ultra-modern equipment;
  • Popularity of the clinic among couples with reproductive problems;
  • The results of treatment justify expectations;
  • For expectant mothers, a significant advantage is the presence of a buffet.
  • None.

Contact Information:

Ekaterinburg, Mamin-Sibiryak street, house 171-A.

Phone (343) 317-04-09.


Clinical Diagnostic Center "Protection of Maternal and Child Health"

The commission reviews the documents without the presence of patients, in the presence of all the necessary examinations and, if there are no questions about the conclusions, the diagnostic results, it reports the result.

Center price level:

ProcedurePrice, in rubles
Embryo vitrification procedure 14250
Oocyte vitrification procedure 24000
Embryo thawing procedure 15600
Oocyte thawing procedure 15000
Transfer of embryos into the uterus 10200
Fertilization procedure and cultivation of embryos after thawing17850
Sperm cryopreservation procedure4800
Sperm thawing procedure 5850
  • Servicing patients under OMS, VHI;
  • Highly qualified doctors and modern equipment;
  • The cost of prenatal diagnostics (examination by a gynecologist, ultrasound, tests) is acceptable;
  • Reception without referrals is possible;
  • The effectiveness of the individual approach is high - a large percentage of women who have become mothers for the first time.
  • None.

Contact Information:

Yekaterinburg, Flotskaya street, 52.

Phone (343) 287-57-13.

Website: http://flotskaya52.rf/

Network of medical centers "Harmony"

The center has been active in the medical services market for over 25 years.The center implements the IVF program for compulsory medical insurance. The basic program consists of the following procedures:

  • stimulation;
  • follicle puncture to obtain oocytes;
  • fertilization and incubation;
  • transfer and cryopreservation.

Medications are included in the basic program.

ProcedurePrice, rubles
Dispensary observation of pregnant women "Standard plus" (all inclusive)96600
Dispensary observation of pregnant women "Super" (all inclusive)135000
Comprehensive male examination program to prepare for ART9980

The Ural State Medical University has created a practical base in the center.

  • Education of students and advanced training of doctors of reproductive medicine;
  • The doctors of the center have specialized in the leading Russian ART centers;
  • There is a cumulative system of discounts.
  • No.

Contact Information:

Yekaterinburg, st. Tveritina, 16 Oktyabrsky district; st. Rhodonite, 1; st. Cherepanova, 28; st. Syromolotova, 12; st. Bardina, 31; st. Soviet, 42; st. Furmanov, 30.

Phone (343) 288-79-94; (343) 254-66-66.


Medical Center "Doctor Plus"

The clinic has unique equipment. The IVF Center offers comprehensive infertility treatment programs. Correction of immune and genetic causes of infertility takes place with a high level of subsequent successful fertilization.

  • Efficiency of doctors, medical care;
  • Coordinated work of staff;
  • Availability of own research base.
  • None.

Contact Information:

Yekaterinburg, st. Kuznetsova, 21 st. Sheinkman, 90; st. Krasnolesya, 129

Phone (343) 212-06-06


Today, clinics in Yekaterinburg perform about 1,600 IVF procedures per year.Test tube babies are no different from normal babies. Poets, philosophers, musicians and artists are also born among them. The birth of a long-awaited child is a great happiness for parents.

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