Probably most of the inhabitants of the city of Volgograd love animals and keep them at home. For many, a four-legged creature is not just a pet, but a friend and even a family member. People become attached to animals, and animals become attached to people. But often situations arise when a person needs to leave the city, and there is no one to leave the pet. What to do in such a situation? Do not drive him out into the street and do not leave him unattended. In this case, a zoo hotel will come to the rescue.
Zoo hotels in Russia are a very new business area.But if you look at the fact that many people had to provide a service to friends or relatives in overexposure of an animal and quite often, then many are already familiar with the rules of management. The only difference from the official pet hotel is that neighbors or relatives do not register such services, so they are not a business.
In such cases, pet owners leave their pets at the risk of getting him back with a broken psyche or facing other unexpected troubles. In official zoo hotels, upon receipt of an animal, an agreement is signed, thanks to which both the owners and the animals are under the protection of the state.
Animal hotel should be staffed by people who know how to properly care for animals and who love their job. In such an institution, the animal should not feel abandoned and lonely. All conditions must be comfortable.
There are hotels that accept only one type of animal, but there are also those where you can bring both a cat and a dog. In this case, all conditions must be provided for both for one and for the other. First of all, you need to equip two separate types of premises, aviaries and insulated boxes.
Animals that are large must be kept in special enclosures. Small dogs are placed in separate cages, which are located indoors. At the same time, dog walking is done four or even five times in a separate aviary designed specifically for these purposes or on the site. Feed the animals at least twice a day.
Before accepting an animal for overexposure, employees need to talk with the owner and find out everything about the character of the animal, its behavior and habits.Thanks to this, comfortable living conditions in the hotel will be created. If the owner gives his consent, then you can change the diet and walking.
For cats, it is also necessary to create the most comfortable conditions. First of all, the cells must be individual. They must contain:
It is imperative to feed the animals with the food to which they are accustomed at home. Thanks to this, the animal experiences a minimum of stress when parting with the owner or mistress.
The hotel employees clean the cage every morning without fail, while doing wet cleaning. Food for cats is given twice a day. They are fed with food brought by the owner or homemade food to which the animal is accustomed. Thus, the stress experienced by the animal when moving to a new place of residence is reduced. It is also welcome to have favorite toys that the cat plays with all the time.
On the territory of the hotel there should be a playground for walking animals, preferably a veterinary clinic and a pharmacy. Then you can always treat the pet, if necessary, or buy the necessary vitamins, medicines and other necessary items with which the animal is cared for.
Only those animals that have a calm character and do not show aggression either towards the staff or towards other pets are accommodated in the hotel. The animal must be vaccinated. Otherwise, the staff veterinarian will make all necessary vaccinations. In this case, the owner can be absolutely calm about the health of his pet and be sure that he will not become infected with any disease on the territory of the hotel.
The cost of keeping an animal in a hotel depends on the type of animal and services.Dogs live in an institution from 350 rubles per day, cats - from 250 to 350 rubles per day.
If we consider the maintenance of a hotel for animals as a business, then we can say that it will be promising and quite profitable. But you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to face a number of shortcomings. First of all, it is seasonal. Most often, the demand for such establishments is in the summer. And this is understandable. Most people go on holiday at this time of the year.
After that, you can expect a surge of interest in the hotel during the New Year holidays, in May and September. In all other months, there will be a lull in the hotel business. But you also need to take into account the fact that during the season the demand for services can significantly exceed the supply. Nevertheless, the main requirement for clients is always the same, this is the availability of a veterinary certificate of pet health and vaccinations.
Naturally, when choosing a hotel for animals, first of all, you need to start from the recommendations of relatives and friends. Thus, you will place your pet in a trusted establishment. But if you have to act on your own, then you need to collect as much information as possible not only about the institution itself, but also about its owners.
Nowadays, serious organizations attract their customers via the Internet, so the presence of an official website is mandatory. And if you carefully study the information on it, you can add up the first impression about the institution itself and its criteria:
After getting acquainted with the official website, the owner of the animal makes a phone call to the institution. Such calls make it possible to abandon many pet hotels already at this stage. What is taken into account in this case:
In no case do not agree to give your pet into the hands of the arriving hotel staff. You need to take the animal yourself in order to see with your own eyes where and in what conditions your pet will stay. In addition, the animal should be examined by a veterinarian with you and make a conclusion. Then the contract is signed.
When examining the living conditions of animals in a hotel, you also need to pay attention to how the establishment is equipped. Electricity, water supply and, of course, the room must be heated here.
Each room in which the pet will live must be individual and spacious. The animal must move freely on it. Enclosures are built in such a way that the animals do not see each other and do not show aggression. For cats, a hotel is chosen, in which only two or three boxes per room fall.
Floors and wood framing should have a smooth surface that is easy to clean. Removable flooring is placed on the floors. Those floors that have heating are excluded. In this case, they are not covered with anything.
In a hotel for animals, feeding with natural food can also be offered. Therefore, you should ask if there is a kitchen on the territory of the hotel. But in no case should you believe the words when they tell you in response that someone is bringing food.
The hotel should be located far from residential buildings so as not to cause discomfort to others. In addition, special attention should be paid to how clean the territory and premises are. The staff should be friendly and ready to answer any of your questions.
The hotel must also have documents that confirm the right to operate. And this is a license to work. In addition, there must be a Certificate of Registration. At the same time, these documents must be in a conspicuous place.
Among the staff must be such specialists as a veterinarian and dog handlers. In this case, the staff must be in the premises around the clock. Animals must not be left unattended.
There are several veterinary clinics in the city, on the territory of which pet hotels are open. Consider their advantages and disadvantages in order to choose the best pet hotel in Volgograd for 2025.
It is located at the address: Uzhgorodskaya st., 39, phone: +7 (996) 510-26-47, +7 (996) 510-09-99.
This organization has a whole network of veterinary clinics, which also contain a zoo hotel. The cost of services in overexposure is negotiated directly with the owner of the animal individually.
The hotel is located at: st. Dymchenko, 12, phone: +7 (927) 510-09-71, +7 (844) 250-09-71.
On the basis of the veterinary clinic from the Enot organization, there is a pet hotel where animals are accepted for overexposure. The cost of living a pet in the clinic is from 150 rubles per day. Here, in addition to housing, at the request of the client, services such as vaccination and haircuts can be provided for the pet. In this case, all additional services must be specified directly on the spot.
The hotel is located on the territory of the veterinary clinic, which is located at: st. Volga military flotilla, phone: +7 (927) 064-92-00.
In this hotel, your pet's accommodation will cost from 200 to 1000 rubles, depending on the breed and size of the animal. The price also includes a list of services that the owner of the pet will order.
The hotel together with the clinic is located at: st. Cosmonauts, 14, phone: +7 (844) 355-69-69, +7 (909) 382-17-69, +7 (909) 382-17-94. The hotel staff is very friendly with pets. The cost of overexposure of animals in this hotel is discussed personally at the meeting.
Located on st. Scientific 13/2, phone: +7 (904) 779-93-48, +7 (903) 375-01-99, +7 (904) 407-58-78.
On the basis of this clinic, a hotel for animals has been opened, which has been operating for a long time. In addition to the basic services, they also provide additional services, such as a haircut. Accommodation in this hotel costs from 350 to 500 rubles.
The hotel is located at: st. Konstantin Simonov, 26, located on the first floor, phone: +7 (961) 669-37-90, +7 (927) 509-97-69, +7 (903) 317-41-21.
On the basis of the clinic, a hotel was organized, in which services are provided by a professional specialist. The staff at the hotel works around the clock, but at the same time they perform their duties perfectly.Accommodation at the hotel will cost from 350 rubles per day.
In addition to these hotels, there are similar establishments that contain ordinary people. And only the owner of the pet can choose where to settle his four-legged friend. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need to carefully read all the conditions of detention and inspect the territory. Only if you follow all the recommendations correctly, your pet will feel comfortable.