The best cities in Russia to live and work in 2025
In the vast expanses of the Russian Federation there are many different cities. In some of them, Russians are provided with better working conditions, in others the infrastructure is developing promisingly, and thirdly, it is very comfortable for Russian citizens to live in retirement. To figure out which Russian city is best to settle in, a lot of ratings have been compiled. Below we propose to consider some of them.
The standard of living of the population is a combination of several factors. First of all, this, of course, is the amount of wages, the level of provision of educational and medical services, clean ecology, safety of living and developed infrastructure. The highest standard of living is found in large cities, where material support allows Russians to live with dignity. The list of the best cities in Russia according to this criterion includes such settlements as Kazan, Moscow, Krasnodar, Tyumen and St. Petersburg.
It is good to live in the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan for those who want to open their own business or continue to run an already started business. This city is developing at a rapid pace and provides a high standard of living for 1.2 million citizens. Kazan also pleases its residents and guests with excellent roads, developed infrastructure, a variety of universities and scientific institutions, as well as many other attractive features.
More than 12 million people live in the capital of the Russian Federation, and this figure is the highest in the country. For those who live in this city, the highest average salary in Russia, high-quality highways, advanced housing and communal services, the best schools and higher educational institutions, cultural and historical institutes and much more are available.
Nevertheless, there are several nuances that do not allow Moscow to be the city with the highest standard of living in Russia.For example, the unsatisfactory state of the environment, the high cost of buying and renting housing, and frequent traffic jams.
More than 800 thousand people live in Krasnodar, each of them can enjoy a warm climate and modern infrastructure, as well as receive decent medical services. But low-quality roads and a small number of decent universities do not allow Krasnodar to be the best city in terms of living standards.
The city of Tyumen is one of the largest settlements in Siberia and accommodates almost 700 thousand inhabitants. About 10% of the able-bodied population of this corner of Russia is involved in the oil and gas industry.
The advantages of Tyumen are rightfully considered to be roads of decent quality, a developed system of housing and communal services, a high level of educational services and fairly high average salaries.
St. Petersburg
More than 5 million people live in the cultural capital of Russia, and this figure ranks second after Moscow. The advantages of St. Petersburg, which are quite weighty for moving to a permanent place of residence: beautiful architecture and nature, a variety of museums and cultural and historical sights, a large concentration of prestigious universities and research institutes, high-quality housing and communal services and a modern healthcare system.
Russian cities with the best job prospects
For those who are of fundamental importance the opportunity to find a well-paid job with decent working conditions, you should pay attention to such cities as Ryazan, Vologda, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Vladivostok. This rating was compiled using a detailed analysis of several important indicators.First of all, the level of competition in the local labor market was determined, an indicator of this is the total number of applicants for each job. In addition, the index of unemployed citizens of working age and those who seek to leave the city in order to find a job was taken into account. Based on these calculations, the most attractive cities in Russia for migrants looking for decent work were determined.
The most promising cities of the Russian Federation
Every migrant who plans to move permanently to a new city tends to choose a city with sustainable infrastructure and great development potential. Those. a city with a promising future. There are 4 Russian cities with the greatest development potential: Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar and Novosibirsk.
This promising city on the banks of the Volga is one of the largest tourist centers in the Russian Federation, thanks to which thousands of tourists visit it every year. Kazan deserved the right to be considered a city with the prospect of further development due to the development of large chemical and aviation enterprises, as well as due to the high volume of new housing construction.
This region is considered the largest center of economy, education and sports in the entire central and eastern districts of Siberia. An important note is that this particular city several times became the owner of the title of "The most comfortable city in Russia." The leading sectors of the economy here are as follows: mechanical engineering and, of course, non-ferrous metallurgy. The listed pluses annually bring more and more migrants to Krasnoyarsk.
Huge potential in economic terms has been associated with Krasnodar in recent years. This city in the south of Russia has repeatedly been at the top of the rating of the most developed cities for doing business in the Russian Federation. In addition, there is a rapid development of industry here, due to which domestic and foreign businessmen invest in this region. More than 30% of the working-age population are employed in many enterprises, in particular, in machine-building plants.
The main indicator of the prospects of this city is the largest logistics center in all of Siberia. It is also through this area that the Trans-Siberian Railway passes. Over the past decade, science, medium and small businesses, the transport system, the service sector and logistics have been actively developing in Novosibirsk. These advantages provide Novosibirsk with an annual increase in the number of inhabitants, thanks to migrants from other cities of the Russian Federation and neighboring CIS countries.
Top Russian cities by salary
In the event that it is necessary to move to another city in order to receive a large salary, you should pay attention to the following cities: Moscow, Tyumen, St. Petersburg, Kamchatka Territory, Yekaterinburg.
The capital is the location of the most enterprises, organizations and entertainment facilities, which provides the largest number of jobs throughout Russia. If desired, anyone can find a job, both a highly qualified specialist in any field, and an employee without work experience or education.
The average salary in this city is the highest in the entire Russian Federation and amounts to 56,000 rubles per month, which is almost 2 times more than the average salary throughout the country. Those wishing to find a job in Moscow will have to face stiff competition, but it is quite possible to find a job, build a career and even start your own business here.
In the cities of the Kamchatka Territory, the monthly salary is slightly lower than in Moscow, and amounts to 51 thousand rubles. This most remote region of the Russian Federation is currently developing at a rapid pace and offers a wide range of vacancies for specialists of various profiles. Nevertheless, far from every visitor will like the wayward climatic conditions, but it is here that you can take a break from the noise of megacities, start a calm, measured life, and also get a decent wage for a fulfilling life.
It is worth remembering that despite a decent level of wages, prices in Kamchatka are quite high.
In this corner of western Siberia, the monthly salary is also quite high - 42,000 rubles, which corresponds to the "northern coefficient", which in the Tyumen region is 1.5. It is also important that highly qualified specialists can earn a lot at local enterprises, because it is here that the percentage of vacancies with a salary of 100,000 rubles or more is the highest in the Russian Federation. Decent pay also pleases the local workers in education and medicine.
St. Petersburg
The average salary in the northern capital of Russia is 39,000 rubles a month, which is quite a high figure.Finding a job in this city, as well as in Moscow, will be possible not only for experienced specialists with high qualifications, but also for novice workers who are just starting their professional development.
You can also get a relatively high salary in this million-plus city in the Urals. Local workers earn an average of 28,000 rubles a month. Most of the able-bodied population is involved in the field of industry and services, but specialists of other profiles will also find their calling here.
The advantage of Yekaterinburg for those who are going to move here for permanent residence is the low cost of buying and renting housing, when compared with other million-plus cities.
The best cities in Russia for pensioners
If the desire inherent in youth to live in a noisy metropolis has already exhausted itself, and you want a quiet, measured life, then you should pay attention to cities such as Tula, Yaroslavl, Vladimir and Kostroma. In these cozy corners of Russia there is a developed infrastructure and all the benefits of a full life, but there are no noisy highways and large crowds of people. So these cities will be the best option for the elderly.
The safest and most crimenogenic cities in Russia
In addition to wages, living standards and other positive factors, before moving to permanent residence, you should pay attention to other important criteria, for example, the level of crime. After all, even with a high salary and in excellent economic conditions, you do not want to live in a city where it is not safe.
More often than not, security becomes the overriding factor for migrants, although people sometimes forget about this fundamental condition for a fulfilling life.To determine the safest cities in Russia, a simple statistical calculation of the number of crimes per 1,000 citizens was carried out. Based on this criterion, the safest cities in the Russian Federation are:
Ryazan (7.8);
Ulyanovsk (11.3);
Voronezh (11.5);
St. Petersburg (12.0);
Penza (12.9).
And on the reverse side are the settlements with the highest crime rate:
Kemerovo (32.2);
Kurgan (31.9);
Tyumen (30.7);
Nizhny Novgorod (27.7);
Samara (24.3).
Where is the best place to live with children
Before choosing a city for permanent residence, family migrants should pay attention to the presence of a clean environment, a high level of medical and educational services, as well as the presence of sports and entertainment complexes. Localities that have all of the above factors at a high level are listed below:
Cities with the most favorable environment
Before moving, you should also think about the environmental situation in the new place of permanent residence. The Federal Agency for State Statistics calculates the indicators of the most environmentally friendly cities based on a comparison of the number of enterprises harmful to the environment, the availability of compensation for environmental damage and the amount of polluting emissions into the atmosphere. The cleanest cities in Russia are listed below:
Sarapul (Republic of Udmurtia);
Chapaevsk (Samara region);
Essentuki and Mineralnye Vody (Stavropol Territory);
Derbent and Kaspiysk (Republic of Dagestan);
Nazran (Republic of Ingushetia);
Novoshakhtinsk (Rostov region).
The most prestigious settlements of the Russian Federation
As it would be logical to assume, the most prestigious city in the vast expanses of Russia is the capital Moscow.Many residents of the Russian Federation strive to get to this city in order to fulfill their dreams and unleash their potential. Nevertheless, there are other settlements that are currently developing very quickly and can compete with the capital in terms of prestige:
St. Petersburg;
Choosing a city for a permanent place of residence should not only be based on a variety of ratings and tops. After all, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. It is very important to have your own idea of which city is better to live in and how you can achieve the most comfortable living, because some factors are fundamental for someone, and for another, the same factors are secondary and insignificant.