Ankle injuries happen not only in big-time sports, but also in the lives of ordinary people. From an accident, which is popularly called a dislocation of the ankle, unfortunately, no one is immune. Damaged tissues cannot be treated without a good supporting brace (orthosis). How to choose a good option that meets the needs of the patient can be understood by examining the 2025 ankle brace rating.
Since the tissues of the ligaments have weak elasticity, they cannot literally stretch, stretching, in fact, is not called a complete, but a partial tear across the tissues of the ligaments while maintaining part of the integral area.
Strong ligaments normally provide constant movement of the joint and withstand heavy loads. But in the case of a sharp, unnatural eversion of the foot, a complete or partial rupture of the ligaments of the ankle joint is possible. When ruptured, a characteristic crunch is heard and the person feels severe pain, and the injured area begins to turn blue and swell.
The ankle joint can be injured both in the upper part, and from the outside and inside. Turning the foot inward, accompanied by a rupture of the external ligaments, occurs most often due to wearing uncomfortable shoes. Sometimes a person may just walk down the stairs or not notice a hole in the road. Experts note that there is also a person's predisposition to injuries of the joints and ligaments. There are some factors that increase the risk of injury:
Ankle ligament repair may require surgery if the sprain occurs repeatedly. The operation helps to completely solve the problem and make the joint more stable.
However, you can try to strengthen the joints and ligaments in a more conservative way, without resorting to surgery.There are methods of physiotherapy and exercise therapy using ointments and fixatives that help to temporarily minimize joint mobility and ensure a stable recovery process.
Without qualified assistance, such an injury can lead to difficulty in moving the joint when walking, as well as weakening the joint and loss of stability. As a first aid, it is recommended to apply ice to the affected area and make the bandage as tight as possible with an elastic bandage.
For successful recovery after an injury, an ankle brace is used, with which it is possible to fix the leg well. The use of a bandage eliminates the possibility of re-dislocation.
Only a traumatologist or surgeon can correctly determine the degree of damage and prescribe the wearing of a bandage.
In the manufacture of supporting and fixing bandages, materials of various quality and price are used. In addition, the designs of orthopedic bandages outwardly vary greatly.
Rigid models of bandages with the use of metal and plastic ribs can be prescribed even in case of fractures, as they weigh less, but are not inferior to plaster bandages in fixation strength.
The design of the splint has no hinges, allows the doctor to observe how successfully the process of bone fusion is going on, in addition, it is possible to adjust the level of fixation over time. Under a plaster cast that completely covers the joint, problems can be hidden that will be discovered late, which will lengthen the treatment period.
After removal of the cast, in some cases it is also recommended to wear a retainer as a support in rehabilitation therapy.
Semi-rigid models allow a slight mobility of the joint, but limit its movement to the side, thus, the patient psychologically loses the fear of stepping on a sore leg and soreness decreases.
Soft retainers should be worn as a prophylaxis during increased physical exertion or when playing sports.
Medicinal bandages are usually treated with special agents that warm and relieve inflammation.
High ankle brace made in Germany by Otto Bock, shaped like a boot, universal purpose, can be used both in case of various injuries of the joints and ligaments, and during the rehabilitation period after surgery. Anatomically comfortable flexion angle with the possibility of adjustment.
The products of the Otto BoKK campaign have passed the mandatory certification in Russia. Innovative and ergonomic devices have been in great demand in our country for many years.
Due to the breathable fabric of the lining, with prolonged use of the splint, there is no greenhouse effect, the device can provide support for fractures and soft tissue injuries. The tissue takes the shape of the body, both very tight fixation and loosening are possible, depending on the period of therapy.
Before using this orthosis, it is necessary to put on golf or a sock. The device is very easy to prepare for use. All fasteners open and the top plate is removed, the toe cover is revealed. The leg is carefully placed in the orthosis, closed with fabric and plastic inserts. The advanced design allows you to control the tension using special buttons.
Fabric bandage with inserted ribs for additional fixation on the sides. This option is ideal when playing sports, it can be worn well with sports shoes, it is invisible under clothes.
The bandage is available in sizes 35 to 47, so finding a good bandage is not difficult.
Rehband supports the joint and gives confidence, especially if this kind of injury has already occurred. Warms, anesthetizes and provides blood flow to the joint and strengthens the tendons.When moving in shoes, it cushions the joint.
Be sure to wash the bandage with closed Velcro at 30 degrees and straighten the corners for even drying.
When choosing a size, the circumference around the ankle is measured.
Breathable neoprene caliper from Kimony for sports. It is also suitable for people who have suffered ligament injuries, but do not lead an active lifestyle. Side inserts are rigid, completely repeat the anatomical shape of the leg.
Lightweight and elastic bandage, reminiscent of the shape of a regular sock, can be worn throughout the day and even at night. Since the fabric is specially designed for long wear, no greenhouse effect is created, the bandage absorbs sweat.
A bandage specially designed for professional athletes. It is used in case of previous injuries of the ankle joint, as well as during intensive training to insure the joint as a preventive measure. Warms and securely fixes the diseased joint, allowing the use of therapeutic balms and ointments.
Very light and easy to use bandage with lacing. Before buying, it is worth trying on this device, since adjusting the degree of compression with lacing is not suitable for all patients, especially if the bandage is assigned to a child. The design is modeled in such a way that the brace can be worn on both the right and left leg.The material from which the bandage is made is quite dense, but the leg does not sweat.
Comparison of prices for the described models:
Model name | Price |
1. Malleo Immobil Walker, high 50s10 | 7020 rubles |
2.Walking Boot, Large by Aircast | RUB 9,833.59 |
3.Rehband Ankle Support | 2397.41 rubles |
4. Ankle Support Kimony | 2209.89 rubles |
5.Upfist Ankle Brace | 700 rubles |
6.Venom Neoprene Ankle Brace | 2209.89 rubles |
7.Mcdavid Lightweight Ankle Brace | 2691.31 rubles |
The appointment of a bandage as a fixing agent is sometimes not possible due to the patient's tendency to allergic reactions. In rare cases, irritation, redness and rashes may occur at the site of contact with the orthosis.
There are a number of contraindications when wearing bandages, such as:
The decision that the patient needs to wear an immobilizing bandage for one reason or another is made only by the traumatologist doctor.You can not prescribe this remedy yourself, because the patient does not even know how to choose the right size.
Usually, a traumatologist gives a list of budget and not so firms whose products can be found in a particular city. The specialist advises which model is better to buy, based on the characteristics and capabilities of the patient.
The most expensive, as a rule, are models of postoperative tuters and orthoses, which can, in fact, replace the imposition of plaster on a crack, ligament rupture or fracture.
In case of ankle injuries, an elastic bandage is immediately needed; by squeezing the affected area, it prevents the tumor from growing and relieves pain.
The rehabilitation period for each case is unique and the treatment is always individual, moreover, it is impossible to remove the orthosis at will without the permission of the doctor.
In case of fractures and severe ruptures of the ligaments, it is recommended to wear an ankle tuter even at night. If the damage is not very serious, the bandage is worn during the day and removed at night during sleep.
Typically, recovery from injuries takes from one week to 3 months, depending on the extent of the injury. In addition, orthoses are able to align joints deformed as a result of a congenital defect or anomaly. Such treatment can take years of wearing various bandages and exercise therapy.
The bandage during the entire recovery period is heavily soiled, in addition, it absorbs particles of sweat and therapeutic gels and massage ointments.
All fixators, with the exception of an elastic bandage, should not be worn on a bare foot, because the design can rub heavily and leave redness and sores at the site of contact with the skin.Doctors recommend wearing a cotton sock or stockings.
A contaminated bandage can only be refreshed manually. Machine wash is contraindicated for this product, because the orthosis is prone to deformation.
After washing, the bandage is smoothed, slightly stretched if the fabric has sat down, and left to dry on a towel, completely straightening all edges.
Provided that the bandage is treated with care, it will last a long time and it can be sold, because good orthoses and splints are expensive.
Buying very cheap options does not make sense, as they will quickly become unusable and a bandage will need to be replaced.
Ankle orthoses and calipers retain little joint mobility, if necessary, the angle of inclination and the degree of compression can be adjusted depending on the nature of the injury. Tuters do not have hinges at all, they are used when it is necessary to completely immobilize a limb in case of fractures with torn ligaments.
A complete rejection of plaster casts is not yet possible, but thanks to new models of bandages, the healing process has become less painful and has been significantly reduced in time.