With the advent of a large number of online stores, the percentage of those who prefer to shop only there has increased. But how to present to the buyer a thing from a photograph, so that he “falls in love” with it and wants to buy it? The photo must be of high quality. Lightcubes and photoboxes instantly turn any room into a photo studio at minimal cost, and provide a good result.
Before studying the rating, it is worth clarifying that a lightcube is a cube-shaped frame, more often from metal tubes, on all sides of which a material that scatters light is stretched. It turns out something similar to a tent, with holes on the side and top, for photographic equipment. Its back wall acts as a photophone.
Now I want to know what a photobox is, and what are their fundamental differences. It turns out that nothing. This is the same item. It is used similarly, it just has several names that have firmly taken root in the professional terminology of photographers.
The first thing that 95% of consumers pay attention to is the appearance of the product. In an ordinary store, the buyer has the opportunity to touch, twist and try on a thing, evaluating it visually.
In the case of an online store, the situation is more complicated. Would a customer want to buy a product if it looks unattractive? But on the Internet, you will have to evaluate by photography. What if the photo is of poor quality? The client will close the page and leave.
According to statistics, the average time to keep a user on the site is 3-5 seconds. During this time, the initial assessment of the content on the page, especially its visual component, takes place.
3-5 seconds to stay on the page or go further. Five seconds to interest a person. In such a short period, he will not have time to physically cover the entire text, but it is easy to evaluate the image. This means that the task of the one who is responsible for subject photography is to take such photos so that the client simply cannot leave. Ideally, I could not leave without a purchase.
But what if you need to create a catalog of goods, but there is no way to master complex techniques and delve into the intricacies of the art of photography? A photobox, or as it is also called, a lightcube, will help out.
So in a short time it will be possible to shoot good content, with a quite acceptable level of lighting and quality, even for beginners taking their first steps in the profession of a photographer.
Now that we already have an idea of what kind of "beast" this photo box is, let's turn to the ranking of the best manufacturers in 2025 and find out how to choose a quality photo assistant.
With this photo box, you don't have to worry about glossy items looking unsightly. The quality of the finished photos is excellent, there are no flashes, as well as unnecessary glare. Suitable for shooting equipment, clothes, souvenirs especially well.
It is convenient to carry with you, due to the low weight and a special case for transportation.
The kit comes with several interchangeable photophones in black, white, red and blue.
Size: 60 cm.
You can buy at a price of 2240 rubles.
Great for shooting small catalog items. Good subject shooting of gadgets, accessories, small electronics. Equipped with LED-backlight, which can form any shadow and turn the light to the desired level. Lighting is soft and even due to the diffused matte fabric on the polymer walls.
The carry bag is very comfortable.During transportation, nothing is jammed. The folds do not remain, and if the cube has been folded for a long time and creases remain, they are easily smoothed out with an iron without effort.
Four interchangeable backgrounds are included: red, blue, white and black.
Size: 40 cm.
You can buy at a cost of 1390 rubles.
The large size of this photo box will allow you to shoot even household appliances with high quality. It folds up nicely and can withstand transportation.
The set includes four velvet backdrops that look great in photos, do not glare or reflect. The catalog with the positions of several types of household appliances was successfully shot with the help of lls Lumifor, the photos turned out to be clear and of high quality.
The velvety coating of the backgrounds does not leave streaks in the picture. Looks sleek and minimalistic.
It will be very quick to disassemble and assemble, it will suit well for outdoor object shootings.
There is a special flap valve that is attached to the front wall and prevents the photographer from being reflected in the frames. This is very convenient, because to do a large-scale photo shoot and then find out that you have to redo everything, because the photographer is reflected on the vase - a completely unhappy prospect.
Size: 80 centimeters.
You can buy at a price of 3590 rubles.
An excellent solution for shooting large objects.The size of 120 centimeters will allow you to shoot both interior items and equipment, getting a good result. If you are wondering if it is possible to remove the chairs, and whether they will look no worse than in reality - yes, you can. They will look even better.
Uniform and soft lighting will make pictures better, and if you substitute lamps on the sides, the color balance will become evener.
Despite its large size, the Godox travels well in its case, so an on-site photo shoot is possible.
Velvety backdrops included, as expected. The colors are contrasting, and each looks so good and solid that it is difficult to give preference to only one of them.
You can buy at a price of 2190 rubles.
For beginners practicing in subject and macro photography, this folding model is worth choosing. A size of 60 centimeters is suitable for photo accessories, shoes and other not too massive items.
With the help of this model, shooting was carried out for a catalog of handmade soft toys. Each plush hero of the photo shoot turned out bright, with natural colors, and soft diffused light.
A fairly solid frame inspires confidence in the quality assembly. Photophones in the kit will help to avoid monotony and dilute the color of the final images.
A convenient bag will allow you not to refuse photo shoots due to the lack of transportability of the equipment.
You can buy at a cost of 2450 rubles.
Soft light without unnecessary shadows and highlights can now be obtained even by a novice photographer. A size of 40 centimeters is enough for photos of most products. The feature of backlighting with fluorescent lamps will provide a good picture even of an object with a shiny coating.
The model is popular with food photographers. Food photography is the art of capturing food so that you want to eat it immediately. In addition to professional equipment and miracles in processing ready-made photographs, it is a lot of work to shoot food against the right background and with the right light. With Fujimi Fjlb, background and light problems are solved at the same time.
Photophones from the kit are coated with a special composition, and wrinkle many times less than similar backgrounds without special treatment.
With such an assistant, even a person who is poorly familiar with the intricacies of photography can shoot a "subject" for an online catalog with such an assistant.
You can buy at a price of 1500 rubles.
A well-made model with comfortable valves and a flexible frame will serve for the benefit of product photography for a long time. The walls are made of double polyester, providing the very diffused light that cannot be achieved without special tools. A size of 80 centimeters will help to remove not only gadgets for an online store, but also other types of equipment and electronics. Everything will look professional and beautiful.
This cube was used to shoot laptops and tablets for an online store. The devices were shot at a high level, with clear edges and details.When fresh photos were added to the site, sales increased by 10%.
You can buy a model at a price of 2280 rubles.
The peculiarity of this model lies in the built-in LED-backlight, which is responsible for two LED lamps. The size is small, only 40 centimeters, but thanks to the built-in lighting, there is no need to carry additional lighting items with you. Shooting is done both from the top of the cube and from the side, for this there are convenient windows.
This cube was used for product photography of pottery and ceramics for an online store. The crystal shone with thin edges, and was indistinguishable from an ice sculpture. Ceramics was filmed against a blue background and it was possible to achieve a snow-white color of the dishes.
You can carry it with the help of a complete bag, it is very comfortable.
You can buy a model at a price of 4590 rubles.
The silver medalist of our rating ensures the complete absence of shadows from the subject. Both macro shooting and photos for the catalog will be at the highest level. Photographers - professionals will definitely appreciate the high quality, durability of the case materials and the result that will justify the money spent. The back is removed with Velcro. The material of the lower half can also be removed and installed on any convenient surface.
This cube helped to take beautiful photos for a handmade notebook shop.Filmed against a black background, the metal parts of the notebooks sparkled brightly, and the die cut of the paper block contrasted with the background, giving the product a better look.
The branded storage bag is equipped with a water-repellent coating, so if a thunderstorm covered during a photo shoot, there is nothing to be afraid of.
Quickly disassembled in a couple of minutes, even by a not very experienced user.
When assembled, it takes up very little space.
Size: 90 centimeters.
You can buy at a cost of 11,900 rubles.
The winner of the rating is a model with which any person can feel like a fish in water in photography, and easily increase sales of goods with the help of high-quality photos in online catalogs. For product photography, a size of 45 centimeters is suitable. Many photographers consider this value to be optimal.
The cube was used to shoot visual content for a book site. Photographed both old editions and new ones. The finished photographs turned out to be of very high quality - the old folios looked noble, the novelties shone with fresh binding, and the paperback copies looked no less solid.
The lower part of the cube is removed, you can put it on a table, stand or any suitable surface. The back wall is also removable, you can detach, change backgrounds and complete as you wish. It disassembles very quickly, which is especially important for those photographers who cannot yet boast of speed in assembling equipment for a while.
The carrying case is airtight, very comfortable, with the addition of rubber inserts and water protection. The lightcube is also easy to clean, you should not be afraid to get it dirty, all body materials can be easily cleaned.
It weighs less than a kilogram and is easy to transport.
You can buy a model at a price of 7300 rubles.
All the characteristics of the models considered in the rating are collected in a table for ease of comparison and to make the choice easier:
Characteristic | Falcon Eyes LFPB-2 | Falcon Eyes PBF-40AB | Lumifor LLS 80 | Godox DF01 | Lumifor LLS 60 |
The size | 60x60x60 centimeters | 40x40x40 centimeters | 80x80x80 centimeters | 120x120x120 centimeters | 60x60x60 centimeters |
The presence of backlight | missing | No | missing | No | missing |
Price | 2240 rubles | 1390 rubles | 3590 rubles | 2190 rubles | 2450 rubles |
Spare backgrounds | set 4 pcs | there are 4 pieces | 4 spare backgrounds | four backgrounds | set 4 pcs |
Bag - case | there is | present | there is | present | included |
Characteristic | Fujimi FJLB 40 | FST LT80 | Godox LSD40 | Lastolite Cubelite 90 | Lastolite Cubelite LLLR 1886 |
The size | 40x40x40 centimeters | 80x80x80 centimeters | 40x40x40 centimeters | 90x90x90 centimeters | 45x45x45 centimeters |
The presence of backlight | not available | missing | there is led - backlight | present | there is a backlight |
Price | 1500 rubles | 2280 rubles | 4590 rubles | 11 900 rubles | 7 300 rubles |
Spare backgrounds | four pieces | three backgrounds | 4 pieces included | four backgrounds | four pieces |
Bag - case | there is | present | there is | water repellent | water repellent |
Among all the considered models, each of the photographers will definitely find a true "assistant" who will help to achieve high-quality pictures, the absence of overexposed areas, shadows and glare, which can often ruin even the best photo.
If you need to photograph a large number of goods for an advertising catalog or do professional subject photography, purchasing a lightcube will be one of the prerequisites.
The rating presents models of different companies and an extended price range, so that each of the future buyers can choose an individual option for themselves.
You can buy the model you are interested in by contacting the manufacturer’s website, or by going to Yandex.market, where all available offers are presented not only in your region, but also in all nearby ones. You can also compare prices, choose your favorite equipment, color and brand on this Internet resource.
Which model to give preference to in the end - it's up to you. The main thing is to make the right choice.