It is always difficult to choose children's transport, because it should not only please the baby, but also meet all safety standards. In specialty stores there are many of the best manufacturers who make decent products for different ages. It’s better to understand what age parents of a child should go to the store for a purchase, and which one to take will help the rating of the best children’s bikes in 2025.
More than a century and a half has passed since the manufacture of the first bicycle, and the features of work and design have not changed much. It doesn’t matter if it’s for a teenager or for a child, but there are still things to pay attention to in products for the smallest:
In addition, children's models usually have a high handle, thanks to which parents can comfortably control the movement of the crumbs, a shopping basket, a sun visor, or even a play panel. But all of the above components are exclusively in three-wheeled samples for preschoolers.
Any crumb should have a bike, and you can’t argue with that. The fact is that such a means of transportation becomes a significant factor in a full-fledged physiological education. However, there are such a huge number of models on the market today that it is sometimes quite difficult to make a choice.So, first you need to understand what types of children's transport are.
They are the best solution for children aged 2 to 3 who are just learning to ride. Here the kid does not need to maintain balance, and he can absolutely concentrate on the pedals and control.
Tricycles have an extremely light and high-quality device, but their main advantage is durability. Among the popular models, there are three-wheeled ones with one drive and two rear wheels, but there are also shifters among them.
Important! The size range of such samples is aimed at children whose height is from 100 to 105 cm.
For an older child, for whom the tricycle is too small, a small model with an auxiliary number of safety wheels will be an excellent option.
At first glance, they look like the simplest adults: they have a chain drive and soft rubber wheels. Profile wheels can be removed when the baby learns to maintain balance.
Attention! The four-wheel samples are aimed at children who are 4 to 7 years old and range in height from approximately 105 to 130 cm.
Such samples are aimed at schoolchildren who have already mastered free driving. Structurally, they are similar to adults - only they have slightly smaller dimensions.
In particular, children's replicas of stunt and mountain bikes look very unusual, although ordinary pleasure bikes still occupy most of the market.
When moms and dads are looking for a new vehicle for their little one, they often focus solely on price. But in reality there are many more criteria based on which you need to choose a model. The most significant selection criteria are described below.
This is the main aspect of the choice of transport for the baby. In order for a child to learn to ride, he must be comfortable sitting and driving. To do this, you need to "try on" your favorite device by putting a crumb on it.
Proper landing implies a flat back of the baby, the position of the hands is not higher than the level of the chest and, almost absolute knee extension when pedaling.If the parents decide to order the model through the network, then it is necessary to be guided by the characteristics indicated by the seller.
By the way, the diameter of the wheel will enable parents to relatively correctly choose a bike for the growth of the crumbs:
To eliminate errors when choosing a frame length, it is advisable to measure the distance from the “nose” of the seat to the steering wheel line: it should be no more than the distance from the baby’s elbow to his fingertips.
Frames are made from the following materials:
Tricycles for toddlers are made of hard plastic. High durability is not needed here, but weight is important: lightweight ones are safer and easier for children to handle. For this reason, it is logical to save heavy steel for teenage devices, and for primary school age, take it with a frame made of aluminum or composite materials.
Tires are also different:
The question of choosing brakes worries most dads and moms: some argue that it is necessary to immediately teach the child to ride with a manual type brake, others do not understand at all why use pads. In reality, it all depends on the age of the child and his driving skills.
Pedals come from:
Of course, the second method is much safer and more durable, which is why it is chosen for children whose age is 6 years and more. By the way, plastic pedals crumble by the end of the first season of intense driving or break from involuntary impact.
Experts advise choosing models with multiple platforms so that the baby's foot does not slip off them. However, it is strongly discouraged to buy clip-on pedals. The reason is that the coordination of movements is not at an ideal level, because of which, clinging to the latch with the foot, the child can fall very unfavorably, instead of just getting up.
While studying all the characteristics, do not forget about the safety of the crumbs. And this applies not only to the quality of the device - the weight of the baby is small, so it is unlikely that the structure will fall apart under it.
The most significant are the tiny nuances that at first glance may seem unimportant:
For the smallest riders who cannot yet control the tricycle themselves, it will be advisable to have seat belts, a crossbar at waist level and a recessed seat. A handle for parents and footrests will enable the child to comfortably get home when he is tired of pedaling.
A bicycle for a child is not only a toy. It requires the utmost quality for safety. In any case, do not forget that such a vehicle, as a rule, serves no more than 3-4 years, after which the child simply grows out of it. Parents do not need to chase the most expensive and advanced models, but, according to buyers, you should not buy a frankly bad "rattle".
On the domestic market, there are many high-quality samples for children and adolescents, both foreign and Russian-made. Below are the brands whose popularity of models just rolls over.
The brand was founded in 1949. The main office is located in the city of Wülfrat (Germany). In addition to ordinary bicycles, treadmills and scooters are produced. Products are tested in laboratory conditions with overloads, and therefore they are of high quality and safe.
Products of this brand are produced by the domestic enterprise Velomotors. The company was founded in 2003. Today she has 3 plants (in the Moscow region, the Bryansk region and Krasnodar). In addition to bicycles, ATVs, snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles are produced.Products do not always win in terms of quality, but are affordable.
Since 1933, Electra has been producing comfortable bikes for the city. The creators of the brand - B. Benziger and D. Erfort began to create a design that combines traditional and innovative technologies, making unusual elegant bicycles.
In 2003, the famous Townie was released, which was the first to use the Flat Foot technology. It allows you to sit on the bike with a straight back, removing the load from it, and makes the ride as comfortable as possible. This development is at the heart of the brand idea.
By 2025, the brand has become a well-known international leader in this segment, and the company's products are sold in Australia, North America, China, Japan and the Russian Federation.
The company from Germany has been manufacturing bikes for 15 years. There are both children's and running (devices without grip, which require pushing off the surface with your feet), as well as devices for adults. At the heart of production is an emphasis on protection and quality, which at first glance, the cost of products may seem overpriced.
This firm demonstrates that high-quality branded Taiwanese products are not a legend. The company has been operating since 1972. The mission of the enterprise is to produce attractive, high-quality, but inexpensive models. At the moment, the brand occupies the 15th position in the ranking of the largest companies in Taiwan.
The Taiwanese company was founded in 1972, but since 1986 the company has been actively expanding its own branches in European countries, Australia and the United States.Approximately 55% of world famous models are made at the enterprises of this company.
A good vehicle for a baby should be comfortable, of high quality and with great accessories. This is protection and comfort while driving. Children grow quickly, and therefore the means of transportation must be updated according to the degree of maturation.
Bikes that fall into this group are an excellent analogue of a stroller. It will be interesting to ride on such a device even for a child who refuses to sit in an ordinary stroller, which is very convenient for moms and dads. The main "highlight" of such models is that the movement is performed by a specialized rear handle, while the baby can not only hold the steering wheel, but also rotate it.
When choosing a good bike, parents should pay due attention to the presence of a specialized visor, the dimensions of the seat (the baby should be comfortable), the presence of footrests (the crumbs will be comfortable, even if the legs do not reach the pedals yet), the quality of the wheels and the reliability of the assembly as a whole.
The model with an ergonomic handle for moms and dads is aimed at children whose age is more than 1 year. In addition, control over it is possible due to the steering. Convenience for the baby in the process of riding is guaranteed by seat belts, the presence of a massive visor that protects against powerful squalls of wind and rain, as well as a comfortable seat with a back and a specialized rim.
It is possible to adjust the seat in relation to the horizontal. Steering design with dedicated lift.The front and rear fenders protect the child from splashes of dirt and water flying from the wheels of the vehicle. On the handle is a backpack where you can easily fit the necessary things.
Attention! The wheels are made of rubber materials and the weight is 11.4 kg.
The average price is 7,000 rubles.
The premium segment model won the hearts of most parents not only with its trendy appearance, but also with exceptionally high-quality characteristics. Inflatable rubber wheels guarantee excellent all-terrain ability, and a high road clearance makes it easy to overcome barriers.
A comfortable seat with a large and high back, soft rim and three-point seat belts allow the baby to feel extremely comfortable.
A strong hood with a viewing window, a basket with a lid, the ability to adjust the height of the handle and headlights create comfort during walks. There is a lever to "turn off" the pedals. The model will be an excellent choice for long walks with a child whose age is more than 1 year, because it is very comfortable for both moms and dads, and for the baby.
The average price is 10,000 rubles.
Vehicles over the age of 2 are a special group because the requirements for them are very individual. Since cyclists under 4 years old are usually just getting to know their first vehicle, the speed of the vehicle and the number of speeds in this situation, as a rule, are not of particular importance. In this regard, manufacturers rarely equip projects for children who are no more than 2 years old with a gear shifter, fork adjustment and other bells and whistles.
But the models of this group can boast such significant characteristics as lightness and ease of operation. Some of the representatives of this top, in addition, are characterized by increased durability, a complete set of side wheels, and even improved safety of the device.
Equipped with only one speed. It attracts parents with the presence of steering protection, which does not allow the child to get injured. The tire rim is made of steel materials, and the seat is equipped with a shock absorber, so this model can safely cross rough terrain.
The average price is 6,000 rubles.
The top position in this group goes to a bike with a soft pedal ride and a low seating position.If a kid at an early age is already very boldly driving, then he will definitely like such a two-wheeled friend. Lightweight frame made of aluminum materials does not add weight, but has good strength. A bicycle is also a great choice for parents who want to start teaching their child how to ride a bike with two wheels.
The average price is 19,000 rubles.
No less high quality when compared with models for kids, and only a little heavier. Models for babies aged 3 years and above pleasantly impress with increased speed and less auxiliary functions. The fact is that the closer to the age of 4 to 5 years, the children become more curious, move more actively and strive for new discoveries.
In addition, some of the little explorers who began to learn the bicycle at a very early age, by these years already have good control over the movement and can ride at high speed even on rough terrain.
All this makes design reliability and wear resistance the most important criteria. However, some representatives of this top are designed for riding not only on smooth asphalt, but also on uneven terrain.
A great but expensive version of a retro tricycle for toddlers aged 2-4.It is difficult to learn how to ride it, but for active riding of small experienced cyclists, this is the best solution. The frame, handlebars and fenders are made of chromed steel, the seat is made of hard plastic materials, and the handlebars, pedals and tires are made of rubber.
The seat can be moved back and forth and the handlebar is height adjustable. There is a wooden footboard for the second child. It is characterized by strength, impeccable reliability of the steel frame, high cornering safety and smooth running.
The average price is 8,500 rubles.
In the leading position in this group is a model with a low weight, due to which the baby can easily learn to control two-wheeled vehicles. Weight is reduced by the L-shaped aluminum frame. There are also additional tires in the set, which, if necessary, are fixed. The steering wheel angle and seat height are adjustable. Safety on the road is guaranteed by reflectors.
The average price is 8,000 rubles.
Children are great with tires, the diagonal of which is 16 inches, mainly aimed at a height of no more than 125 cm, which makes them an acceptable solution for babies 4-6, sometimes 7 years old. However, not only the dimensions distinguish these products for an earlier age.
First of all, this group is characterized by a wide range, diversity and contains models of various levels. Some of them, for example, bicycles with a diagonal of 12 or 14 inches, are suitable exclusively for urban areas. Others perform well in intense "races" on rough roads and even with the simplest tricks.
At the same time, some representatives of this top attract with a unique design that allows small drivers to distinguish their own person. In this they also differ greatly from bicycles for the smallest with a similar design.
A rather concise novelty of last year, one way or another, took the third position in this rating for children whose age is about 5 years. The main advantage of the bike was the original German quality, due to which it is so good that it will be an ideal option not only for roads in the city, but also for uneven terrain.
The threadless steering column guarantees increased durability. Powerful hard-tail cushioning delivers superb traction on any surface, even rugged ones. The spring-loaded walking fork safely dampens vibrations, increasing riding comfort.
Surprisingly, even some of the professional features are characteristic of a bicycle for a kid. For example, this model was given the ability to adjust the hardness of the suspension fork, so that a young “racer” could easily strengthen it for an asphalt road or weaken it for rough terrain.
The average price is 17,000 rubles.
The second place in this group was taken by a model that is distinguished by agility. It will be a good purchase for children whose weight is not more than 50 kg. The frame design is advanced, and lightness is guaranteed by the base, which is played by strong aluminum. Ergonomics allows the baby to quickly learn to ride on two wheels. After a couple of days, he will boldly control the device.
The average price is 21,000 rubles.
The leader in this group is a bicycle under the Russian brand Bryno designed specifically for children 4-6 years old, it has a well-thought-out frame geometry and internal brake cable routing. A very low weight of 5.7 kilograms is achieved through the use of high-quality and reliable components in the production of Bryno-16. A special brake handle has been installed for a child's hand, and the use of industrial, sealed bearings in all nodes has a positive effect on easy running, rolling and reliability of this model. Thanks to the listed advantages, the child learns to ride very quickly without additional wheels.
Average price: 10,900 rubles.
Although adult bikes are in some cases suitable for children older than 7 years old, transport for a child of this age category is still the best solution. Unlike all of the above groups, vehicles with 20-inch wheels are often as functional as adult options. Among them are folding, multi-speed and other models.
At the same time, these devices have a number of features that are important for a children's bike. The fact is that the best of them are equipped with a protective cushion, they are lightweight, strong enough, and in some cases provide the ability to install auxiliary wheels for beginners. In addition, it should not be overlooked that they are often more attractive to the baby, since their appearance was designed with the liking of children in mind.
The new project of a well-known Russian company rightfully takes third place in this top of children's bicycles, the age of which varies between 6-7 years. The powerful side was the latest, for the category of this market, the ability to change speeds.
Chad is given a choice of 6 speeds and comfortable switching between them, since the manufacturer has developed a system with a rotary knob on the steering wheel.In addition, the model with 20-inch wheels received effective V-Brake brakes for active driving.
Another advantage of the device for girls is a high-quality double-walled tire rim device with horizontal bridges, which ensures high durability when compared with an ordinary single-type rim. It is for this reason that the model is offered even for rough terrain, in other words, for cross-country. At the same time, it is slightly lighter compared to most of its peers, because its weight is no more than 13.3 kg. This makes the child's bike easy to control and quite agile.
The average price is 13,000 rubles.
The third position in this group was taken by the model for boys. The device for the city will be an excellent solution for driving on asphalt. The aluminum alloy frame reduces the weight of the device, thus making it easier to control. There is a handbrake in front.
The average price is 17,000 rubles.
The bike from the Bryno brand can rightfully be considered one of the best models for your child, since high quality parts were used for its production, this helped to achieve a minimum bike weight of 8 kilograms. All major components use industrial bearings, which has a positive effect on reliability and excellent bike roll.Also in the Bryno-20″-7s there are already 7 speeds from the well-known Shimano company, the altus trigger type coin will allow the child to easily switch speeds with levers on any slopes and ascents, and the rear derailleur with a reliable ratchet from the same brand will delight you with uninterrupted and clear work. The strong aluminum frame provides not only a record low weight, but also a comfortable fit for the child thanks to the well-thought-out geometry. High traction and safety are supported by tires from the well-known Kenda company.