
  1. At what age should you start swimming
  2. Pros and cons of breastfeeding
  3. How to purify water in the pool
  4. The best children's pools in Perm for 2025

Rating of the best children's pools in Perm in 2025

Rating of the best children's pools in Perm in 2025

Thanks to swimming in the pool, neonatal babies are much healthier than their peers who grow up in greenhouse conditions. Water procedures have a calming effect on the baby, and he quickly adapts to the external environment. Therefore, attending swimming classes is very useful for kids. In our article, we will talk about the best children's pools in Perm for 2025.

At what age should you start swimming

You can introduce the child to the pool from the moment when his umbilical wound is completely healed.It is even recommended to teach the baby to swim before the age of 2 months, since he has not yet lost the instincts to hold his breath at the time of dipping into the water. If you do not conduct constant training, this reflex will weaken, and eventually completely disappear.

To date, a large number of pools have been opened, which are located at public or private institutions. The only condition is the presence of a coach and a parent.

Pros and cons of breastfeeding

Water procedures bring a large number of positive results. These should include:

  1. Strengthening immunity. Thanks to constant swimming lessons, the child has good health, practically does not get sick and far surpasses his peers in development, whose parents are afraid to take them to the pool;
  2. If the child is very excited and constantly crying for no apparent reason, it is recommended to wear it to the pool. Because water has a calming effect on his nervous system. In addition, you need to do a relaxing massage for the baby. Thus, the child will have a normal sleep.
  3. Thanks to swimming in the pool, a child from an early age becomes sociable and learns to communicate with his peers.
  4. If the baby has problems with the hip joints, then all problems are solved thanks to swimming.
  5. The child gets rid of the fear of the water element. In addition, the baby develops a large number of new abilities.
  6. Small children and at home begin to behave more calmly. They begin to crawl faster, and later to walk. Thanks to visiting the pool, the baby has a good mood and sound sleep. These babies always wake up fresh and fully rested.

Naturally, every medal has two sides, and visiting the pool by babies has not only positive aspects, but also negative ones. The biggest disadvantage is the pool itself, since the water in it must be constantly cleaned. But the skin of babies is very delicate and sensitive, especially in infants.

For this reason, for the baby, you need to select a pool where water purification will not adversely affect the baby's skin. Water purified with chlorine is especially harmful to the health of the child. This chemical additive irritates the skin, which begins to peel off, and as a result, an allergic reaction may occur.

In addition, chlorine also emits a pungent odor, due to which the baby may have irritation of the mucous membrane in the nose. In this case, the baby begins to sneeze and cry. Naturally, he will not like to swim. And besides, it can cause fear of water.

How to purify water in the pool

Today, pool water is cleaned not only with bleach, but also with the help of ionization. This method is the newest and safest for babies. It happens in the following way. Under the influence of current in water, copper and silver ions are split. You should know that silver does not allow the development of bacteria and has a detrimental effect on them. At the same time, copper does not allow algae to grow in the pool. Thus, ionized water becomes very pure that it could be consumed as a drink. But this should never be done.

Water can also be purified using ultrasound. Thus, the water is disinfected better. Under the influence of waves, all microorganisms and bacteria die. The only drawback of such water treatment is the high cost.

The next purification method is water treatment with active oxygen. Thanks to this method, all bacteria and harmful microorganisms are completely killed in the pool. Ozone has a negative effect not only on harmful bacteria, but also on fungal spores. Thus, ozonated water becomes perfectly pure.

The best children's pools in Perm for 2025

To visit the pool, you must pass a commission and provide a health certificate, as well as test results. Children should be given a certificate by a pediatrician, where there will be a record of permission to visit the pool, and the result for enterobiasis should also be indicated in the tests. Adults bring certificates from a dermatologist and test results for the presence or absence of eggworms. From the inventory when visiting the pool you need to take with you:

  • shales;
  • cap;
  • bathing suit;
  • washcloth;
  • soap;
  • Goggles.

gold fish

The pool is located at: st. Petropavlovskaya, 59, phone for information: +7 963 860-86-93 .

This pool is for women and children only. There are classes such as:

  • aerobics aimed at weight loss;
  • occupation for pregnant women;
  • health programs for children.

When visiting the pool, you can not only swim, but also visit the sauna, relax in a specially designated room and drink tea.

The dimensions of the pool reach: up to ten meters - in a dyne and three meters - in width. Its depth is not more than two meters.

Cost: from 450 rubles for aerobics, 1500 rubles for those who want to do it individually. And for mothers with children - 1000 rubles. In this case, the lesson is conducted by the trainer personally with each child. Children here can be brought at the age of at least four years.

  • The friendly welcome of the staff;
  • Warmth and comfort in the pool.
  • No.

X fit

The pool is located at st. Newspaper "Star", 46. Phone: +7 (342) 207-62-27.

This pool has four lanes, on which the depth is completely different. There are seven different workouts, classes depend on the degree of physical fitness. At the request of visitors, individual lessons are held, and you can also swim on your own.

For children who have reached the age of three, group classes are available. There are also individual programs. Those who do not yet know how to swim are taught to stay on the water.

The length of the pool is 25 meters. Its width is almost 11 meters. The average depth of the pool is two meters. There is an opportunity to visit the Finnish sauna and Turkish bath.

Subscription can be purchased immediately for a year. The cost of visits for adults is 46,800 rubles, children come to the pool with a subscription of 22,900 rubles. It should be remembered that it is here that large promotions are held and discounts are made for regular customers.

  • Cleanliness and comfort in all rooms;
  • The staff treats visitors well;
  • Heat in the pool and other rooms.
  • No.


The Kama pool is located at: st. Krasnopolyanskaya, 17. Phone: +7 (342) 259-40-34.

This is the largest swimming center in the city. There are two swimming pools here. One has six lanes, and those who wish to engage in professional swimming are trained in it. In the second pool, parents with children from one month from birth to six years old are engaged.

In addition, you can visit the pool to swim on your own or attend both group and individual lessons. The pool is different in size.For adults, it has twenty-five meters in length with a depth of one meter and up to five meters. Children's - five meters, its depth is 60 centimeters.

Visiting children costs from 400 rubles, depending on age. If you buy a subscription for a month, it will cost one and a half thousand rubles. Swimming in an adult pool costs 350 rubles, while a subscription will cost visitors 1,300 rubles.

  • Opportunity to engage with children in a separate pool;
  • Warmth and comfort in all rooms;
  • Good attitude of staff towards visitors.
  • No.


Located at: st. Comintern, 25. Phone: +7 (342) 281-43-85, +7 (342) 238-74-68.

The size of this pool is also large. It has eight tracks, the depth of which is completely different. Therefore, it is ideal for both professional swimmers and ordinary visitors. Both infants and children over the age of fourteen can be brought to the children's pool.

Group classes are also available here. In addition, women have the opportunity to do aerobics or come with small children to Aquababy classes. There are several types of subscriptions, which one to choose is up to the visitors themselves.

The cost of visiting children is from 200 rubles. Adults - 350 rubles. A subscription costs from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

  • Possibility to choose a subscription;
  • Comfort and warmth in the pool;
  • The warm attitude of the staff.
  • No.

body boom

There are two of these pools, one is located on the street. Kachalova, 10, another on 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya 3. Phone: +7 (342) 227-62-76, +7 (342) 201-09-35.

In these clubs there are children's pools, where children from the age of three months are accepted. There are also aerobics classes, children's group classes and optional free swimming.

The cost of visiting the pool depends on the method. The first visit is free for guests, and a subscription costs 6250 rubles.

  • High quality service;
  • Warmth and comfort.
  • The high cost of a subscription.


The pool is located on the street. Gaidar, 14a. Phone: +7(342)294-36-63.

The pool is designed to teach kids to stay on the water. They also conduct training sessions for expectant mothers. And the children are taught under the program "Mother and Child". At the same time, children are accepted from the age of one to three and a half. Swimming classes are open for older children.

A visit costs from 300 to 2000 rubles.

  • Friendly service staff;
  • Clean rooms.
  • Not


The pool is located at: st. Mira, 41. Phone: +7(342)256-78-92.

Olympia is a whole sports complex, in which there are three pools at once:

  • Sports;
  • Children's;
  • Jumping.

The sports pool has ten lanes, and professional swimmers are engaged here. In the children's - they accept children from the age of four months to 8 years with their parents. In the third, they teach diving and water polo. In addition, this center also has a hydromassage. Here you can relax and take a break from the stress during classes.

Olympia welcomes visitors both for free swimming and for conducting classes on various programs. A visit costs from 350 rubles.

  • Opportunity to learn professional swimming;
  • Diving lessons;
  • Cleanliness and comfort.
  • No.

SK im. Sukharev

The sports complex is located at Kosmonavtov highway, 158a. Phone +7(342)214-04-97.

There are two pools in the center. The first is for adults, the second is for children aged from two months to 12 years.Here they are engaged in free swimming, while children from three years old are allowed free of charge, and scheduled training. Conducted by instructors and trainers. In addition to the pools, you can visit the sauna, Turkish bath and jacuzzi. After all the procedures, you can sit with a cup of coffee in the relaxation room.

The cost of visiting the complex is from three hundred rubles. This includes a visit to the bath.

  • All amenities for visitors have been created;
  • Method of water purification - ozonation;
  • Cleanliness and comfort in the rooms.
  • No.


Located on st. Repina, 67. Phone: +7(342)285-29-42, +7(342)285-18-52.

This youth center is located in the Gaiva microdistrict. The pool is small, but children are still taught to swim here from the age of five. Students work with a trainer. Adults also come here to do aerobics. There is also a Mother and Child program.

The cost of visiting is from 130 rubles.

  • The friendliness of the staff;
  • Trainer with many years of experience;
  • Convenience and comfort.
  • The small size of the pool.

Parents should be fully responsible for which pool to take their baby to. Do not forget about ways to purify water. Only with the right choice will the baby grow up healthy, strong and enjoy life.

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