The dog has long been considered an intelligent and quick-witted pet. She is brought in not only to guard the house or as a partner in games for a child. The intellectual inclinations of the animal, combined with innate hunting instincts, human orientation and good learning ability, allow the development of impeccable execution of commands, simple mathematical calculations and memorization of up to two hundred words. We offer a rating of the smartest dog breeds for 2025.
Buying a puppy always comes with the expectation that the pet will grow up to be smart and obedient. And here it is important not only the correct upbringing and training.Much depends on the natural inclinations of the animal, which are revealed upon purchase.
Consider what are the criteria for choosing a four-legged friend with the highest intelligence, according to scientists (professor from Canada - Stanley Coren):
The popularity of smart dog breeds is determined by the typical mental abilities of its representatives. It is important that the pet use natural intelligence and ingenuity not only for its own purposes, but when following the owner's commands. We offer the TOP of the smartest dog breeds in the world, according to dog breeders, in 2025.
Height: 20-28 cm.
Weight: 2.5-5 kg.
Life span: 12-15 years.
Average price: 17,000 rubles.
A funny miniature dog with ears that look like butterfly wings, received the status of the smartest breed for good reason. Her intellectual abilities and intuition allow her to capture the mood of a person and, based on this, build her behavior. The dog understands a large number of words accompanying commands and speech addressed to her. Training is not difficult, new information is given to the papillon easily, tasks are performed effortlessly and with pleasure. It is often cunning, can learn to manipulate the owner, especially with the wrong upbringing. In communication with other dogs, he tries to dominate, is jealous of a person, and can become aggressive.
She is friendly to cats, gets along easily and loves to play together. The baby is very vulnerable: even a slight increase in her voice can lead to depression and the development of distrust towards the owner. Does not tolerate loneliness, misses, can get sick. She loves long walks, outdoor games, physical exercises, and the execution of various commands. The minus of the breed is pickiness in food.The main thing is to make a diet that is ideal for your pet, tasty and healthy for his health. The content of the papillon is simple. Ears require special care: they should be cleaned and combed regularly.
Height: 25-30 cm.
Weight: 12-14 kg.
Life span: 12-15 years.
Average price: 42,000 rubles.
More and more popular are short, smiling dogs with a muzzle resembling a fox, personifying cheerfulness and optimism. The character is friendly and non-violent, they easily get acquainted with larger dogs. Loyal to every member of the family, willingly run and play with small children, never showing aggression. The shepherd's innate instinct allows the animal to predict human actions, and well-developed intuition, as well as natural ingenuity, turn training and mental stress into a positive game, helping to quickly respond to a changing situation.
The dog learns easily and quickly, understands more than 100 words of a person, many gestures, often understands the mood of the owner by the intonation of the voice. Many people love this breed for its silence: the Welsh Corgi will bark in exceptional cases, for example, when the owner is busy with his own business and does not pay attention to his four-legged friend. Twice a year, the shortbreads molt. At this time, the vacuum cleaner becomes the main item in the house due to the abundance of falling wool. The rest of the time there are no special requirements for maintenance and care.
Height: 30-35 cm.
Weight: 4-8 kg.
Life span: 12-15 years.
Average price: 35,000 rubles.
Despite its small size, it has exceptional service qualities, perfectly guards, catches rats, and can stand up for the owner at the first opportunity. Combines a stocky square-shaped figure and a special grace in movements. They can be excellent watchmen, nannies, searchers, companions for children. Hard wool does not fall out, there is no molting, which does not cause inconvenience in the apartment. There is also no smell from the animal, which is important for people prone to allergies. But there is a need to trim the pet twice a year so that the coat changes. Perfectly trainable, because they always try to please the owner. Only a few individuals can show stubbornness, which can be overcome with affection and rewards for a correctly completed task.
Until old age, the miniature schnauzer has a playful disposition, can play with his favorite toys with pleasure, come up with interesting fun and pranks. Likes to be in the center of attention, perfectly entertains family members and guests. To strangers condescending and gentle. It is perceptive and intelligent, can understand the words and mood of the hosts by intonation, anticipates commands and immediately executes them. The breed is distinguished by a stable psyche: it does not run after cars and bicycles, is not afraid of sharp sounds and strangers, and does not growl at strangers. A sociable positive dog is very artistic and funny, it will make you laugh and have fun until you get bored.It is unpretentious in food and care, the content is not difficult.
Height: 50-55 cm.
Weight: 13-20 kg.
Lifespan: 10-14 years.
Average price: 45,000 rubles.
A rare breed in Russia. It is a type of Australian Shepherd, only endowed with a long fluffy tail. Active, mobile, with an incredibly high level of working qualities and obedience. It requires constant physical and mental stress, so it will never just lie in the sun, always in motion and interesting activities. Instantly responds to commands, understands the meaning of many words.
She is friendly by nature and loves children. It gets along well with other animals, but does not tolerate superiority, therefore it seeks to dominate in communication and games. Originally used as a herding dog. The instinct to protect its territory and family is excellently developed, so it is often started as a watchman, security guard, nanny for children. They make excellent guides. Due to quick learning and a high level of intelligence, they are often used by the police for rescue and search activities, search for explosives and drugs. It belongs to the long-haired breeds, but sheds quite moderately. It does not require special care, the main thing is to monitor the condition of the coat, which requires combing about 1 time per week. It requires enough attention from the owner, loves joint activities, active walks.
Height: from 28 (toy) to 45 cm (small).
Weight: from 2.5 (toi) to 30 kg (royal).
Lifespan: 10-18 years.
Average price: from 19,000 (toy) to 50,000 rubles (royal).
An amazingly beautiful dog with a glamorous haircut and a flirtatious tassel on the tail combines an attractive appearance and a sharp mind. Poodles of any kind (toy, dwarf, small, royal) lend themselves perfectly to training, quickly learn to follow commands, absorb information like a sponge. This explains the large number of representatives of this breed among circus artists. Poodles have 2 coat types:
A large number of colors, including fawn, apricot, red. The natural ingenuity of animals of this breed allows them to easily master and instantly, accurately execute up to 50 commands, capture the intonation and mood of the owner, understand words and gestures.
Despite their cute appearance and seeming frivolity, dogs of this breed are proud, balanced and hardy. A poodle is perfect for an apartment, provided that it is regularly taken out for at least half an hour walks with physical exercises and following commands. In the cold season, it needs clothes only when a haircut is made with partially bald places on the body. The poodle never sheds, so it will not cause inconvenience in the form of wool left on the floor and sofas.However, this is the reason for careful care of the coat, because when it falls out, it remains near the skin and can provoke the appearance of tangles.
Care consists in carrying out hygiene measures, such as bathing, combing, cutting. The obligatory grooming procedure allows you to create many interesting images. The training of this dog is an easy task, pleasant for both the dog and the owner. For one and a half to two hours, the dog is able to accurately and willingly carry out any learned commands, as well as learn new ones. To prevent the tricks of a cunning dog to avoid completing tasks, using all your ingenuity, you should use the method of encouragement, praise and receiving treats for the right actions.
Height: 34-38 cm.
Weight: 5-10 kg.
Life span: 12-15 years.
Average price: 20,000 rubles.
A small shepherd dog with a kind heart and inexhaustible energy will be an excellent companion for children in outdoor games and pranks. A great desire to learn and learn new things turn the process of training into an exciting, simple activity that even a teenager can handle. Exceptionally smart this breed makes a persistent and demanding person. In order to avoid manifestations of natural timidity, it is advisable to teach a puppy from a young age to people, other animals, travel in transport, and the sounds of the world around. To strangers, he does not experience aggression, but vigilance and alertness.
Ideal for keeping in the family, friendly and peaceful, energetic and agile. Likes to gather together all family members, including pets. When kept in a country house, it copes well with grazing birds, goats. The downside of the breed is its talkativeness, while the Sheltie emits not only barking, but also squeaking, grumbling, panting, whining. For a chic coat of an animal, careful care is required, consisting in combing and bathing.
Height: 60-65 cm.
Weight: 25-30 kg.
Lifespan: 9-13 years.
Average price: 60,000 rubles.
The most sought after breed in the world. Popularity is due to nobility, masculinity, a restrained balanced character and a sharp mind. They celebrate boundless devotion and readiness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the owner. The Germans appreciate the clarity of command in the owner. For them, the main thing is to understand the person and his requirements. They are loyal to the change of owner, which is the reason for the choice of this breed for service in the army and internal organs. In general, non-conflict animals can analyze negative situations and independently make decisions to protect the owner.
A fearless dog can rush into battle with the enemy, regardless of the strength and size of the second. Cynologists highlight the easy learning of these shepherd dogs, which is formed not only from character traits, but also from the ability to analyze an event and act depending on the needs of a person. Constant walking, training and exercise are a must for a German Shepherd.In addition, this dog is hardly suitable for an apartment due to its large size, activity and mobility. This is a great option for a family living in a country house. Excellent guards. Service qualities allow the use of the animal in the police, army, rescue services.
Natural intelligence combined with natural unbridled energy can lead to the transformation of a puppy into an uncontrollable ferocious dog that does not respond to the words of a person. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to start education and proper training from the age of two months. This is possible even at home, because dogs of this breed are mentally stable and docile. The only thing that absolutely cannot be done in the process of training is to punish and humiliate the puppy. This will block contact between the person and the dog, making further communication impossible. The thick coat of the animal sheds heavily, and a specific smell comes from an adult, so the pet should be regularly combed and bathed.
Height: 55-60 cm.
Weight: 28-40 kg.
Lifespan: 10-12 years.
Average price: 55,000 rubles.
A dog that uniquely combines intelligence and boundless kindness. Without exception, all dog breeders note a high level of intelligence, obedience and poise. With the timely start of training, the puppy easily and quickly begins to learn to obey a person, instantly executing commands and learning new ones with pleasure.With the wrong behavior of the owner, the baby will just as quickly begin to manipulate him for his own purposes, because he knows how to cheat and evade. They cannot stand screams and cruelty, they can grow up embittered and cowardly.
Recommended for breeding families with small children: this dog will never growl or get angry at a child, possessing amazing patience and endurance. They can work in the police, rescue services, as a guide, search engine, security guard. Strong shedding is the reason for careful care of the coat, which will have to be combed out every laziness. Another disadvantage is the immoderate appetite and the tendency to pick up food from the ground. It is appropriate to monitor the diet and prevent eating selected food during walks.
Height: 56-60 cm.
Weight: 27-40 kg.
Life span: 13-14 years.
Average price: 30,000 rubles.
Representatives of the breed are stocky, densely built with floppy ears and short waterproof hair. It was originally bred as a hunting species for getting game out of the water. The skin between the toes is elongated, webbed, helping to swim. Physical maturation ends by the year, weight gain continues up to 2 years.
The main types of color:
Energetic and strong. With a lack of attention, improper upbringing and lack of training, they can show destructive behavioral patterns: drag the owner along for a walk, bark loudly and angrily, dig the ground, gnaw and tear household items.It is necessary from an early age to teach a puppy to obedience. The tendency to chew is due to the natural inclinations to bring game in the teeth. To wean from this habit, harmful to the house, classes with toys and special exercises can. Due to the anatomical features of the body, Labradors can quickly gain weight, so it is advisable to feed them in metered portions and carry out systematic physical exercises. They are sociable, easy to make contact, love all family members, getting along with everyone thanks to their mild and accommodating nature.
The short coarse coat has a waterproof undercoat, therefore, during the shedding period, special daily care is required, which consists in combing to avoid leaving shreds on carpets, upholstered furniture and the floor of the premises. The animal is contact, but does not tend to bark a lot. In addition to intellectual abilities, the desire to work in partnership is well developed, so the range of use of the Labrador Retriever is wide and versatile:
Which breed is better in terms of mental characteristics, everyone has the right to decide for himself. The review will help you make the right choice, showing the advantages and disadvantages of the smartest popular dog breeds. However, no matter how smart a pet is, for the owner, first of all, he will always be a devoted friend with a loving canine heart.