
  1. General information about large breeds
  2. Where to buy
  3. Rating of the largest dogs in 2025, the price of which is up to 50,000 rubles
  4. Rating of the most popular large breeds, the cost of which exceeds 50,000 rubles

Rating of the largest dog breeds for 2025

Rating of the largest dog breeds for 2025

When purchasing a large pet, the owner must familiarize himself with the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay for the dog. After all, if the rules are not followed, the animal will suffer from an insufficient amount of space allotted for it, or get sick due to improperly selected nutrition. Particular attention should be paid to the training of large breeds of dogs - the lack of raising a pet can lead to big problems with character in the future.

Consider which breeds of large dogs are considered the most popular in 2025, and what qualities they possess.

General information about large breeds

Before you decide to purchase a pet, you should familiarize yourself with the basic information about the content, care and upbringing. If you do not know many facts about such pets, serious problems can arise in further cohabitation.

Large breeds include dogs that weigh more than 25 kg and are 60 cm tall and taller. Therefore, for a comfortable living, it is rational to start them when living in a private house. They will feel uncomfortable in the apartment, and the number of damaged things will be much higher than if the animal constantly frolics on the street.

Before buying a large size dog, it should be borne in mind that their life span is somewhat shorter than that of small or medium breeds. The average duration is approximately 7-10 years, in rare cases their age can reach 13 years.

Particular attention should be paid to training. A large dog is much more life-threatening than a small one. The aggressive nature and behavior of a pet can lead to negative consequences for the owner and his relatives.

Artificially bred dog breeds often have certain body characteristics, so the health of the future pet must be taken very seriously. Proper nutrition, hair and dental care, vaccinations according to the schedule - this information should be read before purchasing the animal. This will help prevent future health problems for your pet.

Where to buy

 In order to purchase a healthy and active puppy with a pedigree, you need to visit a nursery that is in your city.In it you can get acquainted with the documents for the future pet, its parents and choose the puppy you like.

In the absence of such establishments, you should search the Internet for nursery sites that are located as close as possible to your city. You should first read the reviews on them. If there are negative opinions of other buyers, it is advisable to look for another place to breed dogs of the desired breed.

It is worth paying attention to the very room in which the animals live. It should be clean, without unpleasant and pungent odors.

After the nursery is selected, you should ask the owners to give full information about the puppies and provide the existing documents: veterinary passport, vaccinations. Also, puppies should not be hidden from the buyer, he should be given a choice of all babies.

The buyer can ask for documents on the parents of the puppies to make sure that the litter is really from healthy pets.

The nursery should tell you how to properly care for the animal, what vaccinations and when to put, breed characteristics, feeding regimen.

Depending on the breed, the recommended age of the puppy at the time of purchase should be at least 2-3 months. Before taking the baby from the mother is not worth it, they are too unadapted to life.

If everything suits the documents and the desired pet is selected, then the puppy purchase transaction is carried out. It is better to conclude an official contract, because in this case, if the puppy does not meet the specified criteria, or a defective puppy was sold to the user, it can be returned.

How to choose the right puppy

If the user is determined to purchase a puppy of a large breed, then first you need to familiarize yourself with the criteria that will allow you to make the right choice.

First, determine the gender of the animal.Usually bitches are more affectionate and friendly, but during estrus they become uncontrollable. This fact should be taken into account. The females are also slightly smaller in size than the males. It is noted that the female is easier to train than the male.

Males are more aggressive, react negatively to other males of their breed. But in the case when an animal is purchased to participate in exhibitions and competitions, it is better to make a choice in favor of a male.

If small children live in the house, it is worth choosing among breeds that are distinguished by friendliness and love for children - such animals will not pose a danger to small residents.

When meeting with puppies, you need to pay attention to their appearance - they should be clean, moderately well-fed, curious and active. Toddlers who do not respond with interest to new visitors may be in poor health or shy.

The main indicators of health are: a wet nose, clean pink ears, skin without ulcers and wounds, a docked or even tail (depending on the breed).

The cost of a puppy may differ in some cases. It depends on what plans the buyer has in the future for the animal - for himself, breeding the breed or participating in exhibitions.

If the dog is purchased exclusively as a new family member, then you can choose a “defective” puppy. He will not have a pedigree, will not be able to give healthy offspring and participate in competitions. But, nevertheless, they also lend themselves to training, become disciplined and the best friend for the new owner. The price for such a baby can be 2-3 times less than the exhibition copy.

The second category is dogs with a pedigree, they are more intended for breeding, and not for victories in various competitions.They are already much more expensive than puppies with marriage.

And the third, most expensive option is dogs designed to win in show classes. They have a chic pedigree, titled parents and other ancestors. The price of puppies from such a litter can reach over 100,000 rubles.

Rating of the largest dogs in 2025, the price of which is up to 50,000 rubles

english mastiff

It is considered one of the largest breeds in the world: an adult male can reach a height at the withers of 76 cm, a bitch - from 69 cm. The weight of the animal is more than 70 kg. Life expectancy - up to 12 years maximum.

The oldest breed of dog is distinguished by calmness and friendliness, while being the best watchmen. They love their owner, but they are quite jealous pets. Therefore, it is not advisable to have an animal in a family where there are small children. Firstly, the dog, due to its size, can accidentally hook the child, and secondly, it can be jealous of the owner.

Gets along with other pets that were before his appearance. With new residents who appeared after the establishment of the mastiff, problems may arise.

Dogs feel comfortable both in a spacious apartment and in a private house. They love long leisurely walks, so it is more suitable for people who prefer a sedentary lifestyle.

Due to the large size, the future owner must understand that the cost of feeding the animal will also be significant.

In caring for the coat, the dog does not require increased attention - it is enough to comb it periodically. No additional procedures need to be performed.

In terms of training, this breed will require a lot of effort. The main thing is to interest the animal, and not immediately demand the execution of commands by orders. Mastiffs are excellent manipulators, so it is advisable to have a professional do the training.An ill-mannered dog of such a large size can create many problems for the owner.

The cost of a puppy varies between 30,000-35,000 rubles.

  • Does not require specific hair care;
  • Excellent watchman;
  • Non-aggressive nature;
  • Loves children.
  • Jealous and stubborn;
  • snore;
  • Difficulties in training.


An adult Central Asian Shepherd Dog has a height of 65-70 cm (female or male) and a weight of more than 40 and 50 kg, respectively. Unlike other large breeds, they are distinguished by a long life expectancy - from 13 to 17 years. Refers to watchdog groups.

The breed is distinguished by a calm character and respect for its owner. But it requires training, since its representatives can show aggression and, if they are not brought up correctly, can harm another person, feeling danger from him.

It is not recommended to have a dog for living in an apartment; a private house with a pet enclosure will be much more comfortable. Alabai prefers active walks and loads, therefore it is not suitable for the elderly. The best owner for the breed is considered to be a man, since a woman will not always be able to cope with the power of a dog.

In care, the animal is unpretentious - it is enough to comb out the hair and often clean its habitat.

The price of a Central Asian puppy reaches up to 30,000 rubles.

  • Do not require special care;
  • Long lifespan.
  • For the private sector only;
  • Aggression is possible with improper upbringing of the dog.

German dog

Males of the breed grow up to 90 cm, females have an average height of 72-84 cm. The body weight of an adult dog is 50-80 kg. Life expectancy - up to 10 years.

Due to the large size, a private house will be the optimal habitat, in an apartment with such a giant it will not be comfortable for both the owner and the dog itself.

The animal is highly intelligent, so training problems should not arise. A calm character prevails, but at the same time it is considered an excellent guard. He gets along well with children and does not pose a danger to them.

Due to their complexion, animals most often suffer from a disease such as intestinal volvulus. Also, high growth contributes to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and even bone cancer. Therefore, you should be responsible for the health of your pet. Nutrition should include all the necessary nutrients. It is worth noting that the correct diet costs the owner quite financially.

The price for a puppy is about 30,000-40,000 rubles.

  • Not aggressive;
  • Does not require special hair care;
  • Excellent caretaker.

Short life expectancy;

  • May suffer from many diseases;
  • Not suitable for apartment living.

Rating of the most popular large breeds, the cost of which exceeds 50,000 rubles

Neapolitan Mastiff

Mastino Napoletano (the second name of the breed) was bred in Italy and belongs to guard breeds. One of the most ancient breeds. It is considered an excellent assistant when hunting large animals.

Despite its impressive size and intimidating appearance, the breed is quite good-natured and gets along well in a family with small children and even other pets. Also, this breed of dog is very strongly attached to the owner.

It does not differ in increased aggression towards strangers, the dog can attack only in case of danger or threat to the life of the owner. Therefore, the dog is considered an excellent watchman and protector.

Surprisingly, such a large dog needs constant love and affection. Only in the presence of these components will the pet feel healthy and needed.

The breed is not suitable for keeping an inexperienced dog breeder. To acquire this large animal, you need certain knowledge and experience that will help you cope with the nature of the animal and grow it into a real watchman and protector.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is characterized by increased laziness and slovenliness. One of the animal's favorite pastimes is to bask in the sun.

An adult male can reach a height at the withers up to 70 cm, and a female about 60-65 cm, while their weight can reach up to 70 kg. Life expectancy is 9-12 years.

The body is covered with skin folds that require some care: dust and dirt collect between them, so it is worth paying more attention to these areas and constantly cleaning them.

The price of an animal depends on the availability of a pedigree and can reach 100,000 rubles per puppy.

  • Love for children.
  • Requires quality skin care between the folds;
  • Sloppy.

Akita Inu

 The height of an adult male reaches 70 cm, females - about 65 cm, body weight on average 40-60 kg. Life expectancy is approximately 10-12 years, depending on care and maintenance.

They love long active walks and physical activity, so the future owner must have the same qualities. Dogs of this breed make excellent guards.

Particular attention should be paid to training: with improper upbringing, the animal can grow aggressive, since this breed is dominated by a fighting character.But it should be borne in mind that the Akita is difficult to train, so you will have to make a lot of effort to raise a smart, well-mannered and non-aggressive pet.

During the molting period, you need to carefully comb out the coat. To prevent dental diseases, the dog needs their weekly cleaning. Otherwise, no special care is required.

The price of a puppy depends on its color and pedigree, so you can buy an Akita from 30,000 to 80,000 rubles.

  • Devoted to the owner;
  • Does not require special care skills.
  • Prefers active walks;
  • Difficult to train.


An adult individual of this breed can reach a height at the withers of up to 72 cm and about 50 kg for a male, more than 65 cm and 48 cm for a female. The average life expectancy of these pets is no more than 12 years.

They are considered the best bloodhounds and hounds. It has a phenomenal sense of smell: it can find it by the smell of 4 days ago.

The dog is distinguished by increased friendliness and love for children. Not suitable as a guard at all. He likes long walks: you need to walk your pet twice at least 1-2 hours a day, while walking should be active, with jogging and games.

It is not recommended to have a pet to live in an apartment. A private house would suit him much better. But keeping a dog in an aviary is also not considered correct. Bloodhounds quickly adapt to new terrain: moving to the city from a rural area will not be stressful for them with frequent walking in a new territory.

The pet does not need special hair care - periodic combing with a special mitt will be enough. More attention should be paid to the eyes, head and ears.The crease on the muzzle needs to be wiped to prevent the appearance of dermatitis.

The cost of a puppy depends on the pedigree, so it varies from 50,000 to 90,000 rubles.

  • Love for children.
  • Increased salivation;
  • Stubborn;
  • Not suitable as a watchdog;
  • Difficult to train.

It should be understood that the acquisition of a large dog is, first of all, a big responsibility. You will have to make a lot of efforts and material resources in order to raise a healthy, well-mannered pet that understands commands. We must not forget that the main factor is the love of the animal. Otherwise, the puppy may develop into an aggressive dog that will be difficult to control.

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