
  1. Description of the animal
  2. Tips for beginner horse breeders
  3. Rating of the best representatives of the equestrian world
  4. List of unusual breeds
  5. fine breeds

Rating of the most beautiful horse breeds for 2025

Rating of the most beautiful horse breeds for 2025

For a person who is not keen on horse breeding, these noble animals seem the same. What is not so, today there are about 250 different species, with their own special features. This makes the acquisition of a equine pet a difficult, significant event that promises certain difficulties. But although you can find a good representative of the species today even in an online store, how to choose the right fast-footed pet or the future winner of various competitions can only be understood by studying the opinions and recommendations of experienced breeders. We will get acquainted with the most beautiful breeds of horses in the review below.

Description of the animal

Horses are artiodactyl representatives of the animal world, with elongated, developed strong limbs. By 2025, there are 2 categories.

  1. Wild.
  2. Home.

Both those and others have a slender physique, neatly shaped, clearly visible muscles. The body of the stallion, as a rule, is of medium size, although there are species that have a more massive build, like heavy trucks. The large head of the animal is elongated, set high on a graceful, arched neck, although in working breeds it is slightly shorter. A healthy representative has mobile, pointed ears, large nostrils, expressive, well-defined, symmetrical eyes.

The skin is covered with short hairs of varying degrees of hardness, but the mane, tail, bangs have a longer silky structure. All known domestic horses are divided into 2 types.

  1. Draft.
  2. Riding.

Each of them has its own subspecies, adapted for cargo transportation or under the saddle.


Often, belonging to a particular species is determined by external merits, such as:

  • hot or calm disposition;
  • graceful appearance.

To date, it is customary to distinguish species according to a narrow specialization. Based on what stallions can be divided into the following types:

  • Workers are the best choice for those regions where the requirements for the animal may be different.That is, they are exploited not only as riding, but also as a draft force for transporting sledges, carts, wagons, as well as heavy drafts for agriculture.
  • Running or riding - sports stallions, distinguished by speed, strong physique. Taking part in special competitions or long-distance races. Their simpler, but beautiful counterparts, who do not have outstanding sports data, often perform the functionality of pleasure horses or serve to train professional riders. And also they are actively used for equestrian tourism, various entertainment programs, expeditions.
  • Traction. They are used to transport medium or large loads. They are recognized as one of the most popular, bred to help people. For example, the Arden or Vladimir breed of heavy trucks are powerful creatures with a powerful neck, strong muscles, and strong legs.
  • Decorative. This line is distinguished by its small stature (height at the withers not more than 100 cm) combined with charm. By 2025, there are about a dozen mini-breeds.

inherent traits

The popularity of an animal's behavior model depends on the features of the selection, the qualities of the species, as well as its content. According to the type of GNI (higher nervous activity), the following are distinguished.

  1. obstinate;
  2. evil;
  3. kind.

Horses known for their agility often have hotter burrows. But those of them who have a graceful gait are balanced, easier to communicate, more obedient. Such qualities are expected from riding, non-sporting subspecies. As for the shade of the woolly cover that determines the color of the animal, it is formed from the fusion of skin tones - hair covering the body. There are only 4 colors:

  • Red - shades can be different, from light apricot to dark chestnut.A number of representatives of the mane or tail sometimes differ. Usually in such horses the color of the legs is similar in shade to the body. However, these individuals are classified as less hardy, nervous, quick-tempered.
  • Gray or white - the color is clearly visible after the foal grows up. This suit is characterized by the presence of gray hair, and the age individual can even become white. This is reflected, first of all, on the bridge of the nose, limbs, croup, and abdomen. The most obvious sign of a gray suit is “apples”. As a rule, such horses are not adapted to heavy loads, they have a vulnerable character, a tendency to diseases, and a friable physique.
  • Crow - a pure black color of the whole body, there may be different shades, it depends on the characteristics of the pigment. There may be combinations of chestnut or ashen. They have a vicious disposition.
  • The bay is a deep brown with a dark mane, tail, and lower legs.

All other colors are only derivatives of them.

Tips for beginner horse breeders

According to experienced buyers - breeders, in order to avoid mistakes when choosing, it is worth considering the following.

  1. Appointment. Why do you buy an animal, among the draft animals, the first will be - American, Mexican, Russian trotting, heavy trucks. But it is better to choose race or mount animals from English, Caucasian or Arabian stallions.
  2. The next thing to pay attention to is age. For beginner breeders, it is better to opt for individuals from 7 years old. For those who already rotate among horse breeders, very young ones, from three years old, will do. To determine the age will help teeth. In foals up to 6 years old, they have an oval shape, and by the age of 12, the incisors become triangular.
  3. The ratio of the height / weight of the stallion is the dimensions of the rider.Plus, it is desirable that the volumes of the animal's body correspond to the required indicators provided for a particular species.
  4. Such an important selection criterion as disposition. Those who are just starting to get to know each other need a horse that has an accommodating character, calm, affectionate. Demanding instances need a more experienced owner.
  5. The extent to which they will be affordable to you at a price. Here half-breeds will be budgetary, which, however, does not detract from their attractiveness.

Rating of the best representatives of the equestrian world

Mustang breed

These animals are characterized by herd living, the presence of a leader and the main female. As a rule, such a group has 15-25 individuals. Horses are adapted for survival. Contained by private collectors. It is for such power that the mustangs deserve the honor of becoming the logo of the company of the same name, one of the best in the field of mechanical engineering.

  • They are distinguished by endurance;
  • high immunity;
  • they are unpretentious;
  • very powerful;
  • fast;
  • waywardness;
  • To grow an animal, you need a huge area - almost 2 hectares of pasture for only one individual;
  • bad contact with people, but there are exceptions;
  • hard to learn;
  • very willful.
options characteristics
place of origin Azerbaijan
color red, gray, bay, etc.
the weight 280-350 kg
height 140-150 cm
breast 161-166 cm
back wide, strong
average price From 7 000 €

Azerbaijani horse

The type of mountain stallions of the riding-pack type is known for its longevity, stamina, and working capacity. Animals adapted for life in the herd, there are several inexpensive subspecies named after the place of breeding:

  • Karabakh stallion;
  • Cuban pacers;
  • Shirvan horse;
  • Deliboz or Gazakh.

The purebred Azerbaijani breed has a peculiar physique, relatively ordinary, unimproved representatives from neighboring regions.


  • Well built;
  • lively temperament;
  • not afraid of off-road.
  • The tribe is small.

Thoroughbred (English race)

These elite horses are recognized as the fastest. They are distinguished by well-developed muscles, large lungs, and a powerful heart. Animals are not intended for military operations - it is more of a country's cultural heritage, like golf. They are actively used in various sports disciplines, hunting, triathlon.

  • The horse has a small head;
  • slightly raised croup;
  • strong legs;
  • pronounced maternal instinct;
  • hardy.
  • Not centenarians;
  • fragile bones;
  • poor appetite;
  • reluctant to breed;
  • skittishness.
options characteristics
place of origin Azerbaijan
color red, gray, bay, etc.
the weight 280-350 kg
height 140-150 cm
breast 161-166 cm
back wide, strong
average price From 7 000 €

Don breed

This species is considered the oldest representative of domestic horse breeding, it was obtained by crossing many steppe stallions, as well as eastern representatives, from whom they acquired such a novelty as a golden color. Initially, the horses were intended for the needs of the army, but since the cavalry was no longer used, the main emphasis in breeding began to be placed on the athletic qualities of the breed. Donchaks actively participate in triathlon or other disciplines, exhibitions. By 2025 it is considered rare. The following model of behavior is popular for her.


  • Courage;
  • devotion;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • fast adaptation;
  • characteristic jumping ability;
  • herd content;
  • flexibility;
  • excellent health.
  • Average speed;
  • small review;
  • can only obey one master.
options characteristics
place of origin Rostov region
color golden-red, less common bay or black.
the weight 400 kg
height from 150 to 173 cm
breast big
back straight, strong, wide
average price from 80 000 ₽

Orlovsky trotter

The famous Russian light harness, rather large, has a harmonious figure. Its main difference is the ability to fast trot. Stallions are often used for draft carriages or under the saddle, making them versatile. Often, it is the representative of the Oryol trotter that is the root of the famous Russian troika.

  • Proud posture;
  • Beautiful physique;
  • smoothness, grace of movements;
  • lush mane;
  • unpretentious;
  • included in the rating of quality manufacturers.
  • There are skittish individuals;
  • not suitable for a beginner.
options characteristics
place of origin England
color bay, red, rarely black
the weight from $157,000 and up
heightup to 400
breast oblique scapulae
back strong, straight, short
average price 500 000 ₽

List of unusual breeds


This resident of foggy Albion is popular all over the world as a carriage horse, often participating in exhibitions. They have a small hook-nosed head with small ears on a long neck. The main feature is considered a high step - when the front legs are thoroughly bent at the metacarpal joints, pulling up to the chest. But this ability is not an inborn trait, but obtained as a result of training.

  • They have a slight arch of the back, a short sparse mane.
  • graceful but not fast movements.
  • Unsuitable for riding;
  • excitable and nervous;
  • require a lot of attention;
  • do not cross.
options characteristics
place of origin England
color bay, red, rarely black
the weight from $157,000 and up
heightup to 400
breast oblique scapulae
back strong, straight, short
average price 500 000 ₽


A horse of an unusual, bright color is a real symbol of the conquest of the wild west. He can often be found on the set, at celebrations dedicated to the history of America. But they also continue to work successfully for agriculture. There are 2 types of color of these horses:

  1. Tovero - characterized by a chaotic arrangement of spots.
  2. Sabino - due to either one white mark, sometimes all over the body, or an "asterisk" on the forehead or "stockings".

Among the representatives of this breed there are

  1. Mini horses (Appaloosa) up to 86 cm.
  2. Pony 142 cm.
  3. Standard horses.

  • Foals may have more bizarre coloration;
  • allowed to participate in sports competitions;
  • black spots appeared recently;
  • powerful;
  • small head;
  • color does not change;
  • friendly;
  • may be kept in a herd.
  • They require special care.
options characteristics
place of origin America
color piebald
the weight from 410 to 450
height 141 cm
breast small
back strong
average price from 3 to 10 thousand


The American riding breed has an athletic physique, while having a very beautiful appearance. Many representatives of this species are characterized by white markings on the forehead or legs. Representatives of the breed shine with the ability to take a special stance, leaving their hind limbs behind.They are distinguished by a highly raised tail, they are able to move in 5 gaits at once, including a special type of walking called "rack". Often, special competitions are held in the United States, where they can demonstrate their skills. Since even just watching them is a true aesthetic pleasure. It gives the impression that the horse is dancing, this is a great choice for evening leisure.

  • Has a good disposition;
  • innate sense of balance;
  • suitable for both under the saddle and for a light crew.
  • has a special shape of the back;
  • silky mane.
  • This type of horse is characterized by very thin skin;
  • it has fewer vertebrae than a normal animal.
options characteristics
place of origin Argentina
color gray, black, red, bay. There are spectacular patterns, but spotting is a rare phenomenon.
the weight 20 to 60 kg
height 40-75 cm
breast small
back short, muscular
average price 15 000 $


Mini horses, as a separate type, have long conquered human hearts, and representatives of this species are considered the most popular. Animals are characterized by a small but muscular proportional body with a strong neck. From the ponies known to us, they differ in longer legs, as well as endurance. Babies are distinguished by a small head, which corresponds to their growth, delicate skin, soft-to-touch wool. A feature of the species is the absence of one rib and vertebra, unlike a simple horse. Despite the growth, the endurance of representatives of this type can surprise, they can be used as light horses. But more often they are used for decorative purposes, for example, as pets.And also they can be found in social centers, they do a good job with the functions of a guide dog.

  • Learn quickly;
  • faithful;
  • contact and gentle;
  • peaceful;
  • have a calm disposition;
  • not picky;
  • simple care.
  • prone to obesity;
  • requires plenty of fluids;
  • high jumping ability;
  • they bear offspring for a long time - 13 months;
  • price.
options characteristics
place of origin Argentina
color gray, black, red, bay. There are spectacular patterns, but spotting is a rare phenomenon.
the weight 20 to 60 kg
height 40-75 cm
breast small
back short, muscular
average price 15 000 $


The animal has very elegant forms, combining them with lightness and efficiency. Horses have a lean body with long legs, thanks to the structural features of which, they can easily move along the sandy surface. The main feature of this species is what their auditory organs are:

  • the size of the ears is 12–15 cm;
  • they have a narrow saber shape;
  • can rotate 180 degrees;
  • their edges are turned inward, practically touching each other.

Representatives of this class are the cultural heritage of India, they are forbidden to be taken out of the country. Although they are considered military for their purpose, at the moment they are actively used for small tourist crews. Often involved in special competitions, religious processions.

  • Participates in sports competitions;
  • subtle hearing;
  • faithful;
  • are pacers;
  • can go without water for a long time;
  • perfectly oriented in place;
  • since their hooves are very hard, horses practically do not need horseshoes.
  • There are few places where you can buy and only with a special visa;
  • special care is needed;
  • not suitable for cold climates.
options characteristics
place of origin India
color bay, gray, red, nightingale, piebald, black.
the weight 340-450 kg
height from 163 cm
breast wide
back graceful physique
average price From 500 000 ₽

fine breeds

Arabian horse

These graceful animals, famous all over the world, are participants in various competitions. They easily find a common language, both with a professional athlete and with a simple riding enthusiast. They are distinguished:

  • big eyes;
  • head "pike";
  • as well as an unusual tail, nicknamed "cock" due to the fact that it rises up when gaiting.

The Arabian breed is actively used in filming, they are very beautiful, they have real acting talent. The class also has a number of branches:

  • Coheline. Differs in lined eyes. May be bay or brown.
  • Siglavi. The calmest representatives of the species have a light build and a gray color.
  • Hadban. High growth. More common in the sports arena.
  • Excellent health;
  • centenarians;
  • grace;
  • almost swan neck;
  • versatility of the use of horses;
  • endurance;
  • good for racing;
  • as the best producers are often used to improve the quality of other species.
  • they have a rather good-natured, complaisant character.
  • smart;
  • unpretentious in care;
  • used as breeding material, does not lose its functions even after years.
  • Resentful.
options characteristics
place of origin Arabian Peninsula
color gray, rarely bay or red
the weight 400 - 600 kg
height 150-155 cm
breast wide
back smooth, dense, small length
average price up to a million

Tinker (Irish Cob or Gypsy Draft)

A stallion from the species of upland horses, also possessing a magnificent tail, a lush mane. They belong to heavy trucks, have a rather dense physique, an unsightly, slightly hook-nosed head. Horses have become known relatively recently, but have already managed to win the sympathy of breeders. Because of the friezes on their legs, they are often confused with Shires, but they are real giants, and also do not have such a luxurious mane. A feature of these representatives of the species was their X-shaped setting of the hind limbs, while for others this is a big drawback. And also they are distinguished not only by multi-colored hair, but even by skin. Gray under dark spots, pink under light spots. Although the Tinkers themselves do not participate in the races, they are actively purchased for sports stables, since they are able to feed not only their foals, but even valuable young race breeds. In addition, the phlegmatic nature of Tinker contributes to the pacification of restive sports horses.

  • There is a beard;
  • hardy;
  • have a powerful physique;
  • strong legs.
  • The horse is small;
  • not suitable for racing;
  • expensive.
options characteristics
place of origin Ireland
color piebald - dark color with white spots. I happen to be chubarny, roan, black
the weight 240 - 700 kg
height from 1.3 to 1.6
breast powerful
back short
average price 20 000 $


These stallions are mounted, therefore they are more often found at parades, festive events or in a tourist group. Outwardly, they are similar to the eastern brothers, they also have a slightly rounded croup, graceful gait.The Andalusian breed has a more massive physique.

  • Chic tail, mane;
  • there is a comb at the withers;
  • strong legs;
  • high jumping ability;
  • learnability;
  • structural feature;
  • very maneuverable;
  • complaisance.
  • Long maturation;
  • hot temper;
  • not suitable for racing;
  • price;
  • thermophilic;
  • require frequent walking;
  • there may be skin problems.
options characteristics
place of origin Spain
color Gray rarely black or bay
the weight 400 kg
height 143 - 162 cm
breast wide
back massive
average price From 3 000 €


This genus of riding is considered to be very ancient, the time of appearance of the species is calculated in the third millennium BC. It is also characterized as the most thoroughbred, since throughout its existence it has not crossed with other breeds. Representatives of the class differ in head size with deep-set eyes. Dry, it has a slightly convex profile - straight, sometimes hook-nosed. The Akhal-Teke breed is used in various fields, but more often in sports.

  • Slightly slanted so-called "Asian eye";
  • have soft skin and silky hair.
  • easily adaptable to any conditions;
  • elongated physique;
  • clever;
  • faithful;
  • energetic;
  • graceful.
  • The mane is rare, sometimes completely absent.
  • options
options characteristics
place of origin Turkmenistan
color red, black, bay, with a beautiful sheen. there is gray, buckskin, isabella, nightingale, carac.
the weight 400-470 kg
height 1.55 - 1.60 meters
breast shallow
back long
average price 400 000 $

friesian horse

According to reviews, the beauty of the horse is unanimously recognized all over the world, although it was bred through the efforts of man. This delightful animal was created specifically for the harness, even awarded the title of "black pearl", so graceful and harmonious is the Friesian breed. For 2025, they are used as decorative, its dignity, friezes hanging from their feet (the horses are furry). Often used in entertainment programs.

  • Large;
  • slender physique;
  • they are comfortable to sit on;
  • representatives of the breed have a mild character;
  • the neck is set high;
  • they have a large slightly elongated head;
  • magnificent tail and mane.
  • Capriciousness in food;
  • require special care;
  • when breeding the breed, the emphasis was on external data, so they are not the smartest;
  • not suitable for sports competitions;
  • what is the price.
options characteristics
place of origin Northern Holland
color black
the weight 550-650
height 1.6 meters
breast deep
back wide
average price from 25 000 $

It is very difficult to say exactly which breed of horses is the most beautiful, they are all graceful animals. In addition, everyone has their own preferences, tastes - someone is fascinated by mighty heavy trucks, others freeze with delight at the sight of a fast, thoroughbred stallion. And there are those who decide right now which of the miniature horses they like is better to buy for their birthday. At the moment, you can even order a horse online, and the choice is yours.

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