
  1. Description and characteristics
  2. Ranking of the most beautiful flowers for 2025

Ranking of the most beautiful flowers for 2025

Ranking of the most beautiful flowers for 2025

There are many beautiful flowers in the world, all have unique features that distinguish them from the rest. Professional florists and amateur gardeners find something unique in every bud. In the article, we will consider how to choose the most beautiful flowers for the price, what varieties and types exist and how to properly care for them. We will analyze the main mistakes when choosing, and what to look for when buying.

Description and characteristics

Flowers are a piece of the surrounding nature, they are able to fascinate with beauty and aroma. Diversity allows you to choose the best options for yourself. Their symbols have been found in different cultures for many centuries, they have been admired, used as medicines and spices, and also to create comfort in the house. The modern study of crops by botanists allows the creation of new varieties of plants, colors, sizes and aromas.


  1. Annuals. Pleasing to the eye with beauty for only one season, then you need to plant again. This species also includes some perennial plants, which, due to the climatic conditions of some regions, are grown as annuals. You can grow both seedlings and planting seeds in open ground.
  2. Perennial. Perennials themselves grow for several years, if the necessary conditions are provided. This species has its advantages: they spend less time and effort, have a strong root system, less financial costs, and for a long period they please the eye with beauty.

Indoor plants are a separate species, they create comfort at home, give a finished look to the interior, purify the air, and some are used as medicines.

Main selection criteria

Recommendations on which plant to buy under certain conditions:

  1. Popular models. Not always popular options will suit you. New products that appear on the market have their own peculiarities, it is important to choose the right lighting, microclimate and other factors.
  2. flower age. When purchasing perennial species, pay attention to age, too old will not be able to fully produce buds, and will not be able to enjoy the inflorescences.
  3. Optimal cost.The best producers try to produce new types of plants that will meet the expectations of consumers as much as possible. Inexpensive (budget) options will decorate a garden, flower bed or apartment no worse than expensive models.
  4. Where could I buy. You can buy in a specialized salon or order online in an online store. Pay attention to how much the same option costs on several platforms and choose the right one.
  5. The presence of fruits. First, decide which options are suitable. There are plants that do not produce flowers, they only produce leaves that look beautiful without inflorescences. If the options are fertile flowers, from which a flower bed or garden lawn is obtained.
  6. Climatic conditions. This indicator is important, unfavorable conditions do not allow the culture to grow correctly, it will wither and eventually die. It is important, before buying, to find out all the necessary parameters for the favorable growth of the plant and create them at home or in the flower bed, depending on what type of plant you will purchase.
  7. Allergic reactions. Allergic reactions occur on some models, before purchasing one or another option, find out if there are any difficulties with allergies after purchase. Also, some fragrances are strong, spreading throughout the room, this can cause discomfort.
  8. Proper care. The plant needs constant care, feeding, weeding, pest control, watering, etc. This takes a long time and requires a lot of effort.

Ranking of the most beautiful flowers for 2025

The rating includes the best plants, according to buyers. The popularity of models, review and consumer reviews were taken as the basis.

The best annual flowers

California poppy (Eschsholzia)

Beautiful, diverse inflorescences will decorate the garden or flower bed. Height 25-30 cm, openwork leaves. Flowering period: July - October. Forms a lot of seeds, therefore, if you do not plan to plant this model next year. Collect seed pods carefully. It tolerates drought well, loves bright places. Cost: 20 rubles. for packing seeds.

seeds California poppy (Eschsholzia)
  • tolerates drought;
  • long flowering;
  • bright colors.
  • not identified.


Depending on the variety, the plant reaches a length of 90 - 130 cm. The upper part of the stem is covered with various inflorescences. Flowering is long from July to October. Likes bright light or partial shade. Feels uncomfortable in the shade and in dry soil. The average price is 85 rubles. for packing seeds.

seeds Snapdragon
  • a variety of shades;
  • unpretentious in care;
  • suitable for borders.
  • dislikes shade and dry soil.


A low, unpretentious plant, will decorate borders and flower beds. Flowering is long, until the first frost. Aster family, in the wild there are 60 varieties. Mostly found in Central and North America, Eastern India. Average cost: 90 rubles per package of seeds.

seeds Ageratum
  • long flowering;
  • unpretentious;
  • after cutting, they do not fade for a long time.
  • not identified.


A plant with small spherical flowers, has a honey aroma, creates a kind of rug. Perfect for wall or ground planters or for decorating alpine slides. Alyssum is planted at the beginning of summer, it will bloom until frost. Height 15-20 cm. Price: 175 rubles per package of seeds.

Alyssum seeds
  • long flowering;
  • suitable for decorating flower beds;
  • bright palette.
  • does not like very wet soil.


An unpretentious plant with bright yellow inflorescences. It will bloom from June to September. Height reaches 50 cm. Calendula is not only beautiful, but also medicinal. With its appearance, it repels various insects, in pharmacology it is used in the production of ointments, tinctures, and other dosage forms, and in the food industry it is used for coloring and flavoring raw materials in the production of cheeses, mayonnaise, margarine, etc. Price: 37 rubles per package of seeds.

Calendula seeds
  • has great functionality;
  • can be eaten;
  • not whimsical;
  • can be collected several times during the summer.
  • not identified.


Since ancient times, cornflower was considered a delicate wild flower. But in the modern world, it also looks beautiful when decorating flower beds of various subjects. The palette is also quite diverse, you can find not only classic blue, but also white, pink, purple options. Can reach 60 cm in height. Dislikes extreme heat and drought. Cornflower is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Price: 20 rub.

seeds Cornflower
  • does not require strong care;
  • bright, beautiful;
  • used in cosmetology, for medicinal purposes.
  • does not tolerate drought and extreme heat.


Purple flowers of various shades from blue to pink and purple. It blooms for only 1 month, therefore, for constant flowering, it is necessary to sow seeds every 4 weeks. It can reach a height of 65 cm. In India and Egypt, it is used to create spices, and as an independent seasoning. Price: 25 rubles for one pack of seeds.

Nigella seeds
  • adapts well to climatic conditions;
  • bright colors;
  • used in the food industry.
  • blooms only 1 month.

Ipomoea tricolor

Ipomoea is convenient to use as a garden vine, it can wrap around a gazebo or hedge. Inflorescences appear quickly and form a beautiful tent. Bright flowers will not leave indifferent even the most unpretentious gardener. It grows quite quickly, while it does not require strong care. Price: 120 rubles.

Ipomoea tricolor seeds
  • unpretentious in care;
  • forms a beautiful vine;
  • is growing rapidly.
  • not identified.


The plant reaches 40 cm, blooms from July to September. The inflorescences resemble large daisies of various colors (white, blue, pink), about 8 cm in diameter. People call it a bear's ear. A fairly large number of varieties of this plant have been bred. Price: 17 rubles.

Arktotis seeds
  • bright beautiful;
  • long flowering;
  • unpretentious in care.
  • not identified.


Loach with large flowers. The life period is 1 day, but only one fades, another immediately appears, this plant ensures constant flowering from July to September. Planted after the last spring frost. Ideal for placement in pots as wall. as well as outdoor. Average price: 45 rubles.

Farbitis seeds
  • looks beautiful in a flower pot, on a hedge;
  • a large number of buds;
  • optimal for the price.
  • not identified.

The best perennial flowers


The orchid is one of the oldest plants that grows on almost all continents of the globe. There are a lot of varieties, from indoor, domestic, with small petals, to real giants that reach a height of 35 m. The orchid does not require a unique microclimate, it gets along well with other indoor plants. The cost is from 1,000 rubles.

seeds Orchid
  • long flowering;
  • a wide variety of varieties;
  • pleasant aroma.
  • whimsical plant.


Drought-resistant and shade-tolerant culture. The flowers are small, form voluminous fluffy inflorescences. It will grow in any soil except light, forms a bush with palmately dissected foliage and a height of 110-130 cm. Afraid of direct sunlight and strong winds. Prefers rich moist soil and partial shade. Pollinated only by insects, is a good honey plant. Average cost: 399 rubles.

Rogersia seeds
  • resistant to climatic conditions;
  • long flowering;
  • long peduncles.
  • not identified.


It is no coincidence that the rose has long been called the queen. The greatness and beauty of the rose was sung by poets, and its popularity was great at all times. Breeders brought out various varieties and hybrids for every taste. The buds have different colors, including several shades in one bud. The flowering period is short, but the flowers are bright, with a pleasant aroma. The rose is a real decoration of the garden. Brought decorative, homemade options for planting in pots. Average cost: 1500 rubles.

rose seeds
  • variety of varieties;
  • universality;
  • easily propagated.
  • sharp spikes.


Breeders have created many unpretentious hybrids of various shades, the only color that is missing is blue. All that is necessary for comfortable growth is a transplant to another place every few years. Bulbs ranging in size from 2 to 20 cm. Lily is often mentioned in the bible, it is a symbol of purity and nobility (white lily). Some varieties have edible bulbs. Average cost: 250 rubles.

Lily seeds
  • variety of varieties;
  • bright big;
  • loves the sun.
  • not identified.


Incredibly beautiful, popular flower. A large palette, unsurpassed aroma, original appearance makes this plant a favorite not only for beginner gardeners, but also for experienced florists. They are often bred in flowerbeds and gardens, as well as cut into bouquets. Cost: 175 rubles for 1 pc.

dahlia seeds
  • chic flowers;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • strong aroma;
  • easily propagated.
  • afraid of frost;
  • often attacked by various pests.

Dicentra is magnificent

The shape resembles a heart broken in half, which is why the people often call it a “broken heart”. A large number of species and unpretentiousness to the soil makes it even more popular. However, the breeder failed to develop a different color of the buds, due to the strong genotype. It can reach 1 meter in height. Cost: 450 rubles.

dicentra seeds
  • easy breeding;
  • simple care;
  • beautiful indoor flower.
  • not identified.

Chocolate kosmeya

Cosmea comes from sunny Mexico. The light chocolate aroma that emanates from the flower, the beauty and elegance all make the plant unique and loved by many florists. It is very rare in nature and almost non-existent in stores. Not so long ago, cosmea was on the verge of extinction, but breeders managed to revive it. Due to severe frosts in Russia, this species takes root very poorly, freezes out. Average cost: 239 rubles.

seeds Chocolate Cosmea
  • easy to care for;
  • chocolate aroma;
  • unusual appearance.
  • difficult to find.

Oriental poppy

A large, unpretentious plant with pinnately dissected lowered leaves. Flowering is short, but so beautiful that it is planted in various gardens and flower beds. After flowering, rounded boxes with pores remain, which also serve as a garden decoration. In nature, it can often be found in meadows and fields in large numbers. Average cost: 30 rubles.

Oriental poppy seeds
  • has medicinal properties;
  • short flowering;
  • bright colors.
  • does not tolerate transplant well.


A native plant from Asia, a wild flower. to which mystical properties are attributed. Can be grown as a potted plant. For planting, it is important to choose the right microclimate, otherwise the inflorescence will die. During the flowering period, the leaves fall off, after flowering they appear again. This mystery makes it popular. maximum height: 70 cm. Average cost: 300 rubles.

Licorice seeds
  • mystical story;
  • an open flower resembles a spider family;
  • large color palette.
  • demanding on the microclimate.


The ornamental tree belongs to the rose family, plum subfamily. Most often it performs a decorative function due to its small, but very beautiful flowers. It is unpretentious to climate and soil, with proper care it will grow for many years. Beginning of flowering in Tokyo: mid-March. The height reaches 15 meters. It does not bear fruit, the face bears small, inedible fruits. Average cost: 750 rubles.

sakura seeds
  • beautiful bright buds;
  • unpretentious;
  • optimal for the price.
  • blooms for 2 weeks.

In the article, we examined what varieties of flowers were bred, what new products are on the market. We presented tips that will help you choose the right option. The material of the article is for informational purposes, the presented rating will help determine the choice of colors for any occasion. Nature is so beautiful that it is impossible to compile the most colorful in one rating, everyone likes something specific.

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