
  1. Short story
  2. strong cigarettes
  3. Cigarettes with capsules
  4. Slim cigarettes

Rating of the cheapest filter cigarettes for 2025

Rating of the cheapest filter cigarettes for 2025

Remember that smoking is injurious to your health!

The topic of smoking does not lose its relevance for a second. The Ministry of Health constantly warns about its harm, demonstrating the consequences of a bad habit on packs. Tobacco factories and corporations improve their technologies and offer smokers new brands of tobacco products with various improvements: modern filters, capsules, etc. In this eternal confrontation, everyone decides which side to be on. If you are already addicted to nicotine or just show an interest in tobacco products, you will be interested in our rating of filtered tobacco products in the budget segment.

Short story

Tobacco has been known to mankind since ancient times. But then it grew only in South and North America. In the 16th century, the countries of Europe met him. It has been chewed, sniffed, used as a remedy for migraines and, of course, smoked. In the first half of the 17th century, the first enterprise appeared that produced cigars, and a little later, cigarettes from cigar production waste. As you can see, the history of tobacco smoking is very stretched in time. At the same time, filters appeared relatively recently - only in 1935 in England. In Russia (more precisely, in the USSR), the first filtered cigarettes appeared a little later - in 1966. Filters were originally designed to keep tobacco out of the mouth when smoking. It was of the simplest design and was made of paper. If desired, the smoker himself inserted it into a cigarette. Since then, tobacco production technologies have stepped far forward, but the standards and requirements for tobacco products and filters have also become stricter. They now detain not only tobacco, but also harmful substances in the smoke. Currently, Russian tobacco products use acetate, carbon and filter mouthpieces.

In today's ranking of the cheapest filter cigarettes, we divided tobacco products into 3 categories: strong, with capsules and thin (ladies'). The first category included products with high strength. The content of nicotine in them is not less than 0.7 mg and resin is not less than 8 mg. They are the simplest, if you can call them that. They have regular acetate filters, standard size.

The second category in our ranking is products with capsules. They are quite in demand at the present time, especially among the younger generation.Thanks to the flavored additive, they allow you to satisfy the body's nicotine needs and at the same time surround yourself with pleasant aromas. Most often they are lighter. They can be either a standard king size or thinner ones. Among them there are products with both a conventional filter and an improved one.

In the third category, thin cigarettes were singled out as representatives of tobacco products targeted at the beautiful half of humanity. They come in different strengths with a nicotine content of 0.1 to 0.5 mg, with and without flavoring additives.

strong cigarettes

Donskoy Tobacco

A product from the legendary tobacco factory of the same name in Rostov-on-Don, Donskoy Tabak, whose history began in 1857. The Donskoy Tabak brand is presented in 2 versions: light and dark. Among the variety of tobacco products, this brand stands out for its classic pack design without the usual sparkles and bright details. The design is made in the company's traditional calm colors in beige and brown tones. There are 20 king size cigarettes in a pack.

In the dark version, the tar content is 10 mg, nicotine 0.8 mg. The tobacco blend is dominated by brown and dark brown varieties. Remarkably, there is no debris and dust. The light version is lighter - resin 9 mg, nicotine 0.8 mg. There are more light fractions in the mixture. The cut is uneven, but also without debris. The filter is the simplest without any modifications. In general, this product is perfect for those who like to smoke strong tobacco without additional flavoring components.

The cost is from 67 rubles.

Donskoy Tobacco
  • pleasant smell and rich taste of tobacco without synthetic impurities;
  • dense strong smoke;
  • saturates with nicotine with one cigarette.
  • smolder quickly;
  • the pack is very crumpled;
  • tear throat.

Peter I Special black

Under the brand Peter I, 8 types of products are produced, among which Special black products are most in demand. This is due to the fact that they are the strongest in the line - 0.7 mg of nicotine and 10 mg of tar. As if warning about this, the pack is made entirely in rich black. The emblem of the company and the name of the brand, painted in golden color, stand out against its background. In general, the design is concise, but recognizable. Products have a standard format (King Size). The filter is ordinary acetate, but quite dense. The taste of these tobacco products is classic, without additional flavors and impurities.

The cost is from 108 rubles.

Peter I Special black
  • strong;
  • dense padding;
  • gives saturation with nicotine for at least an hour;
  • without chemical additives.
  • the smell of tobacco lingers on clothes and body for a long time;
  • not suitable for beginner smokers and those accustomed to light tobacco.

Java Golden classic

Another legend of tobacco production, which originated in 1864 and has become by now one of the most prosperous enterprises in its field. The design is rather modest, although, probably, this is what makes it stand out from other colorful packages. Java golden classic is packaged in a golden-colored pack with a red company logo - minimalistic, but recognizable. Products of this brand are suitable for lovers of strong tobacco - nicotine 0.8 mg, tar 10 mg. Some users note a strong nicotine hit that only heavy smokers can withstand. The filling is average with noticeable voids, which is reflected in uneven smoldering. The filter is simple acetate without improvements.

The cost is from 90 rubles.

Java Golden classic
  • sold everywhere;
  • strong nicotine hit;
  • smoking one cigarette.
  • a cheap filter that gets wet during smoking;
  • an unpleasant smell of smoke that remains on clothes and body for a long time;
  • some users note an unpleasant bitterness in the mouth after smoking.


Tobacco products from the warm Crimea will suit those who like to smoke strong. Even the design shows that this product is for connoisseurs of real tobacco - the packaging shows a Cossack with a smoking pipe. Available in two versions: red and blue. Red, as usual, are stronger - the content of nicotine is 0.8 mg, tar is 9 mg. They are packed tightly, which makes them harder to pull. More suitable for smokers with experience, tk. give a strong saturation with nicotine. Blue ones are weaker - nicotine 0.7 mg, tar 8 mg. They are not as tightly packed, stretch more easily and produce less smoke. The filter is unmodified, but sufficiently dense and resilient.

The cost is from 45 rubles.

  • strong;
  • smolder for a long time;
  • palatable;
  • give saturation with nicotine from one cigarette.
  • red ones are bitter and smoke strongly;
  • sour taste towards the end;
  • strong smell of tobacco on clothes and skin.

Cigarettes with capsules

Rothmans Royals Demi Click

Rothmans offers its customers 2 varieties of flavored tobacco products with capsules: apple and watermelon. In both cases, one can distinguish the bright design of the packs: with watermelon filling - in red and black colors, with an apple capsule - bright green combined with black. The packaging is made of high quality durable cardboard, which retains its shape well. In a pack, the usual number of products is 20 pieces. They are standard size.On the filter, a bright red or green mark indicates the location of the capsule. After crushing it, the taste appears immediately. It differs in saturation and brightness. Menthol is added to the apple and watermelon, which remains in the aftertaste. Note that the product with a watermelon capsule turned out to be more in demand. In it, consumers note the naturalness and richness of sensations. The tobacco quality is average. Used small and medium sheets. The content of nicotine is at the level of 0.6 mg, tar - 6 mg.

The cost is from 84 rubles.

Rothmans Royals Demi Click
  • the filter does not wrinkle and does not get wet while smoking;
  • there is a QR code on the pack, thanks to which you can find more detailed information about the product;
  • the rich taste of an apple or watermelon in combination with menthol is felt immediately after crushing the capsule;
  • tobacco is stuffed evenly and does not spill out;
  • the smoke has a tolerable smell, in which fruity notes are clearly traced;
  • the smell of smoke dissipates quickly.
  • the aroma of apple and watermelon is only enough for half a cigarette;
  • towards the end there is a sharp bitterness;
  • some users note the absence of a feeling of saturation with nicotine, which requires repeated smoking.

BOND Street Compact Premium Mix

The BOND brand did not stand aside from global trends and a few years ago launched its line of tobacco products with flavored capsules. They are presented in 3 versions: red, green and purple. The manufacturer does not specifically indicate which fragrance corresponds to each of the three colors, so the opinions of users on this matter differ greatly. The pack is designed in the usual style for this company with a bright attractive design. The color of the packaging corresponds to the color of the capsule. The number of cigarettes is 20 pieces.

The appearance of the product is pleasant - it is clear that the manufacturer does not save on paper quality. They are slightly smaller than usual. The filter mouthpiece is rigid and durable. There is a perforation in the middle. The location of the capsule is indicated by a bright mark of the corresponding color. The quality of the tobacco mixture is quite high, light varieties predominate. The padding is medium. The content of nicotine is 0.5 mg, tar is 5 mg.

The cost is from 97 rubles.

BOND Street Compact Premium Mix
  • Less smell technology for fast odor dissipation;
  • bright attractive packaging design;
  • smoke easily;
  • do not cause perspiration and bitterness;
  • the smoke has a pleasant smell without harsh notes.
  • the flavor does not act immediately after crushing the capsule;
  • smolder quickly;
  • light and not suitable for lovers of strong cigarettes.

LD autograph Impulse compact

An interesting fruit line from the LD brand is represented by 4 options: Lime, Sunny, Breezy and 100S. They differ in the color design of the pack and the taste of the capsule. Lime - a pack in green and black with lime. Sunny - orange and black packaging, capsule with peach flavor. Breezy - in yellow and black colors with a taste of melon. The listed types are made in the King Size Slims format (length 8.3 cm, thickness 7.1 mm). 100S - a pack in purple-black tones, have a blueberry flavor and differ from the previous options in size (length 10 cm, thickness 7.1 mm. Note that all 4 options have a carbon filter with an air chamber, which not only reduces the percentage of harmful substances in nicotine content 0.5 mg, tar 6 mg Less Smoke Smell technology is used.

Cost - from 113 rubles.

LD autograph Impulse compact
  • fruity sweetness is felt before pressing the capsule thanks to the sweetened filter;
  • aromatization lasts throughout the smoking process;
  • moderately strong without bitterness;
  • the smell of smoke disappears quickly;
  • carbon acetate filter mouthpiece.
  • immediately after crushing the capsule, the taste is too sharp and gives off chemistry, then weakens;
  • not very high quality tobacco.

Slim cigarettes


Creating the design of a pack of these cigarettes, the manufacturer most likely focused on smoking women. But the demand for the brand is explained not only by the stylish and elegant packaging. The line from Glamor includes tobacco products of various strengths with a nicotine content of 0.1 to 0.5 mg. They differ from each other in the color of the packaging: Amber (yellow) - the lightest, Azure (blue) - 0.3 mg, Lilac (pink) - the strongest. The most popular of them is Glamor Amber. Most users note in them a pleasant unobtrusive taste of tobacco and a slight smell of smoke. We emphasize that despite the fact that the nicotine content is only 0.1 mg, Amber feels stronger than similar ones from other manufacturers. Separately, we highlight Menthol Superslims with a pleasant refreshing menthol aroma. They are super light and are great for people who do not smoke on a regular basis, but like to keep the smoker company. All Glamor tobacco products mentioned are in Super Slims format.

Cost - from 114 rubles.

Glamor cigarettes
  • elegant and stylish packaging, which is easy to recognize among others;
  • thin and long;
  • a slight smell of smoke that does not linger on clothes and skin;
  • several options for products with different strengths;
  • targeted at female consumers.
  • the pack is very crumpled;
  • Amber is very strong for a single.


The COMPLIMENT line from the Baltic Tobacco Factory in the Super Slims format attracts the attention, first of all, of the female audience with its design. Thin and long cigarettes are packed in a flat pack that fits easily even in a small handbag. The design is unobtrusive, light. The name and format of the products are written in an elegant font, as if by hand. The line includes 3 types of tobacco products by strength. They differ in the color scheme of the package: yellow - 0.1 mg of nicotine and 1 mg of tar, blue - 0.3 mg and 3 mg, respectively, red - 0.5 mg and 4 mg. Tobacco products have no flavors and have a classic taste. The filter is normal.

The cost is from 88 rubles.

  • 3 fortress options;
  • dense padding;
  • smolder for a long time;
  • pleasant calm taste.
  • the smell of smoke and tobacco lasts longer than from similar cigarettes from other manufacturers.


Another tobacco product targeted at the beautiful half of humanity. Like the previous brand, here much attention is paid to the appearance of the packaging. It depicts a graceful butterfly, which is symbolized with lightness and airiness. The most popular line is STYLE, which includes 3 types of tobacco products: Aroma, Blue and Rose. They differ in the color of the depicted butterfly, aroma and strength. Aroma (yellow) have a light vanilla aroma. Pretty strong - 0.5 mg of nicotine and 5 mg of tar. Blue (blue) - the same strength, but without a pronounced taste, softer. Rose (pink) are the weakest in the line - 0.3 mg of nicotine and 3 mg of tar. The manufacturer promises rose notes in taste and smell. All listed cigarettes are made in Super Slims format.

The cost is from 56 rubles.

  • bright conspicuous packaging design;
  • light mild taste;
  • cheap.
  • there are no tobacco products with a nicotine content of 0.1 mg in the line;
  • the smell of smoke lingers on clothes and body for a long time.

We hope our rating will help you choose cigarettes that are worthy of taste and quality, the purchase of which will not affect your budget so much.

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