For smokers, there are many prohibitions regarding places to smoke, which is enshrined in the regulatory framework. Another thing is vapes, which everyone can easily order for themselves, including on Ali Express. Among young people, the device is in demand, because in addition to the unusual appearance, the user releases a huge amount of steam during smoking, which may seem very fragrant and even tasty. A feature of the device is the ability to generate steam, which replaces the habitual process of using tobacco products for a smoker.

Vape juices are considered a type of electronic cigarette. They are battery-powered or rechargeable devices that produce steam that is used for inhalation or inhalation. Depending on the chosen liquid, a person can inhale vapors with or without nicotine particles. Such smoking substances are sold in bottles and have a huge number of varieties. You can choose between fruity e-liquids for vaping and regular (tobacco) e-liquids.After liquid enters a special heating element, the device begins to convert vapor from it, which is fed to the mouthpiece used for inhalation.
Outwardly, the vapor is very similar to the smoke from ordinary cigarettes, but its structure is denser, due to the presence of specific additives. Unlike tobacco products, vapors do not contain residues of combustion products, which, according to buyers and doctors, contribute to the development of cancers. In numerous online stores, including Chinese ones, you can choose a fixture of several form factors:
- Smoking pipes.
- Ordinary (habitual) cigarettes.
It should be noted that such devices cannot be called completely safe. In the process of soaring, there is also a “blow to the brain” due to the pesticides contained in the composition. This is the main mistake when choosing a wipe, because most young people naively assume that the devices will not harm their body.
How is steam different from tobacco products?

The main difference is the absence of carcinogenic tars and other harmful additives that are usually observed in regular cigarettes. The best thing that can be said about vapes is that they cause less harm to the body, however, they are still not considered completely safe.
Attention deserves an experiment that was conducted at Boston University. A review of 15 different vape refills only proved that substances are not characterized by absolute safety. However, this made it possible to refute the manufacturer's earlier statement, which stated that the true composition of such liquids is unknown.In addition to the fact that scientists were able to identify all the elements of the composition without exception, the conducted studies proved that such a composition can be studied, unlike the composition of conventional cigarettes.
Only certain substances can become a threat to health, which may not be in the composition. However, you should pay attention to the fact that in the process of soaring hot vapors are inhaled, which can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and burns of varying degrees. The combustion process of "tobacco" has an increased level of danger, since all the tar and smoke go directly to the lungs, deposited there and form a layer, which subsequently makes breathing difficult. As a result, a person develops shortness of breath, problems with the heart and breathing.
What are liquids

Emulsion for electronic cigarettes is a complex solution, which includes certain chemical elements. It is impossible to say with accuracy which company's product is better. However, beginners are advised to give preference to popular models that have numerous positive reviews. Also, it will not be superfluous to listen to the advice and recommendations of sellers who are familiar with most of the new products supplied to the market.
Active substance | Description |
Dyes | Give the composition a certain color or shade. However, their presence may contribute to the development of an allergic reaction. In the process of soaring, not only the evaporator is colored, but also cotton wool. They should be used with caution. |
Flavors | Depending on the dosage of this component, the liquid will have classic, dessert, alcoholic or fruity notes. Ethers are responsible for a similar effect. |
Synthetic nicotine | Its main function is to give the product a certain strength.The indicator varies from 0 to 36 mg / ml. |
Distilled water "AD" | Due to it, the composition acquires the necessary fluidity. It does not occur in every composition. |
Propylene Glycol "PG" | Responsible for the dissolution of other elements used. Aromatic enhancer. Thanks to him, the liquid becomes fluid. Special attention should be paid to this indicator, as it affects the strength and “hit in the throat”. It depends on him the quality of soaring. It is not added to the liquid only if the composition contains more than 80% glycerin. |
Glycerin "VG" | Makes the aftertaste mild. Promotes the formation of steam. A key ingredient in any composition. |
Rating of high-quality nicotine-free e-liquids

Royal Club Wall Street
For those who seek to quit smoking, it is this selection criterion that is considered fundamental. A product from an American manufacturer, characterized by a rich flavor and unusual branded packaging, on which you can find several newspaper logos. A light aftertaste with notes of vanilla will appeal to everyone who is just starting to join vapers. A convenient bottle with a silver pattern is equipped with a nicobooster. The pouring spout is ergonomically shaped. There are no storage requirements as the packaging is made of durable plastic. It should also be noted the presence of protection against children.
Can be purchased at a price of 650 rubles.
- reusable booster as a gift;
- protection from children;
- Ease of use;
- packaging ergonomics;
- package design.
- the taste is quite specific.
Vardex American Tobacco
The materials used made it possible to convey to the substance the notes of the aroma of real tobacco, which are absent there.A classic composition that will allow those who aspire to quit smoking. Unlike many other blends, this product has a classic flavor that is reminiscent of several common tobacco varieties. It is recommended to choose this option for those who plan to completely give up tobacco, but not its flavor. The bottle is equipped with a convenient spout, and is made of lightweight plastic, which allows you to carry it with you. The lid has child protection. Russian-made goods, however, American technologies are used.
The average price is 550 rubles.
- tight lid to prevent leakage
- spout for easy pouring;
- clear liquid (no dyes);
- acceptable cost;
- Pleasant, mild and non-obtrusive scent.
- a palpable blow to the throat.
Mad Fruits Green Chief

Not a single person can remain indifferent to the smell of a fresh green apple. It is based on a nicotine-free liquid, which is characterized by the presence of a slight sourness. This fragrance is not only invigorating, but also refreshing. The notes are sweet, but not intrusive. The release form is a bottle equipped with a convenient spout with a characteristic bend. Plastic was used for its manufacture, so the bottle looks neat. The weight of the bottle is small, but the construction is strong. The production process is established on the territory of our state.
Price - 600 rubles.
- unusual container design;
- protection from children;
- availability;
- acceptable cost;
- sourness turning into sweetness;
- green apple flavor.
- flavor consumption;
- sweetness that not everyone will like.
bad drip
Premium liquid for those who are tired of indulging in ordinary cigarettes.The product is rightfully included in the TOP of the best and most popular models of vape refills. The liquid has a rich and original flavor from the best American manufacturer. It should be noted the presence of a light nicotine vapor, which many people like so much. This type of gas station will appeal to those who seek unusual sensations. It is this option that is better to buy if a person has not yet decided whether to switch to vaping completely.
Price - 1300 rubles.
- Ease of use;
- strong packaging;
- a lot of steam;
- slight smell of nicotine;
- no chemical notes.
Rating of the best gas stations with a light concentration of nicotine

Electro Jam
Due to its functionality, the product is in demand among connoisseurs of dessert mixes. Suitable for all sweet tooth who cannot imagine their life without chocolate or ice cream. The volume of bottles is different, however, for starters, it is recommended to choose the 15 ml option. Each of the species is characterized by the presence of a pronounced natural sweetness. This option should be in the collection of every self-respecting vaper.
The price starts from 450 rubles.
- a huge amount of steam;
- soft notes of tobacco;
- Ease of use;
- flavor balance.
One Hit Wonder
An inexpensive option from a Californian manufacturer that will appeal to lovers of sweet notes. The indicator of nicotine contained in it is low, about 3 mg. At the same time, pleasant notes of fumes that do not have an aftertaste should be noted. They gained universal popularity largely due to the economical consumption of an incredibly fragrant substance. You can buy it in any store or order online. How much will the purchase cost? About 1000 rubles.
- convenient packaging;
- a product of a time-tested brand;
- unusual and incredibly tasty combinations;
- balanced aftertaste;
- low nicotine content.

Premium class product. A whole fruit series is provided for the choice of the consumer, consisting of a variety of flavors that will not leave indifferent any vaper. For those who are especially picky, there are subspecies that are characterized by the presence of a slight sourness. The composition includes propylene glycol and glycerin, due to which the steam is thick and intense. It should be noted that the manufacturer uses a patented synthetic alcohol - TFN. It is distinguished by its special purity, as it is devoid of stem residues and tobacco dust. The line is soft.
Approximate cost - 1500 rubles.
- can be used with high power devices;
- a wide range of;
- thick, rich and dense steam;
- pleasant and soft notes.
Nasty Juice Cush Man
This product has a pronounced taste of ripe mango fruit, with hints of mint. It cannot be attributed to the budget category, however, due to the low consumption, the liquid turns out to be very economical. The compatibility is amazing. It is difficult to replace it with anything, and switching to other fruit formulations is problematic. It should be noted that the content of nicotine in the product is minimal. Filling method - pipette. High-strength plastic is used for the manufacture of the bottle, which allows you to carry the composition with you. The lid is equipped with a child safety feature. Produced in Malaysia and exported to many countries.
Cost - 1200 rubles.
- ergonomics;
- ease of use;
- can be bought at any store in the city;
- compliance price-quality;
- thick and dense steam;
- unique aftertaste.
- sweet and even sugary aroma;
- filling method (pipette).
Joyetech Salt Menthol

A novelty from a global brand that has gained unprecedented popularity in record time. In many ways, this was achieved thanks to the classic mix of various components and chemical compounds that have no analogues on the market. The taste of menthol is especially distinguished, which is very invigorating. In the process of soaring, there is a slight tingling in the mucosal area. However, there is no feeling that you are chewing gum. A special spout is provided for pouring. The product has an acceptable cost due to the fact that the production of the product is established in China.
The price ranges from 500 to 1300 rubles.
- emission of thick smoke;
- ease of filling;
- acceptable cost;
- pronounced taste characteristics;
- rich and soft aroma;
- fresh menthol.
- mawkishness;
- containers of 10 ml.
Rating of the best gas stations for vaping with an average concentration of nicotine
A line from a well-known Malaysian brand, characterized by the presence of various fruit dressings. It should be noted the presence of a branded chill, which was achieved through mixes, at first glance, absolutely incompatible components. Feelings remain quite saturated. The liquid consumption is colossal, since a huge amount of steam is produced.
The price starts from 1100 rubles.
- acceptable cost;
- mild taste of nicotine;
- rich fruity taste;
- a lot of steam.
- chill, which is inherent in menthol-containing products.
Charlie's Chalk Dust

A premium collection with pronounced dessert notes. An American product that belongs to the category of high quality.A wide range of flavors and a rich aroma will appeal to all sweet tooth who seek to move away from the usual cigarettes.
Price - 900 rubles.
- acceptable cost;
- a great option for lovers of sweets;
- thick and saturated smoke;
- excellent aftertaste.
An excellent choice from a little-known American developer. Lovers of tropical notes with bright splashes can appreciate it. The developers worked long and hard on each fragrance, which turned out to be excellent. If necessary, you can give preference to species with light cold notes.
The price starts from 1200 rubles.
- slight aftertaste of nicotine;
- sweet notes;
- consumption;
- price.
- perhaps the predominance of sweetness over other smells.
Zenith Orion

A characteristic feature is the presence of an unusual aftertaste. It should be noted a pronounced raspberry aroma, rich and pouring, a special pipette is used. The bottle is plastic and childproof. Production is established in the United States of America.
Price - 1000 rubles.
- package design;
- ergonomics;
- smoke density;
- aroma with light citrus impurities;
- laboratory tested components;
- quality.
- market price;
- filling method.
Rating of the best e-liquids with above-average nicotine concentration
The Clown Laffy Salt
The composition includes salt nicotine, which is used to make various types of electronic cigarettes. There is an aroma of grapes and blueberries that many will like. The saline solution used allows the liquid to be poured into medium strength cigarettes. It should be noted that there is not only a fruity, but also a candy aroma.Filling method - pipette, which will allow you to carry the bottle with you. The container is glass, the dimensions are small, the weight is appropriate. Production is located in the USA. There is a child-resistant lid.
For 30 ml you will have to pay 1200 rubles.
- thick and saturated smoke;
- ease of use;
- protection from children;
- glass bottle;
- price;
- aftertaste.
- level of quality;
- the difficulty of buying in individual chain stores.
Nasty Juice

An unusual product from a well-known Malaysian manufacturer. It is characterized by the presence of a series of pronounced aromas. It would seem that no one is able to offer something new, however, a palette of fruity notes with a slight coolness is able to convince any vaper. One of the best options, according to experts.
The price ranges from 300 to 550 rubles.
- no throat hit;
- protection from children;
- taste balance;
- a lot of steam;
- diversity.
A product with traditional American ingredients that has been promoting its own products for too long. The demand for this brand's refills is high, as they have managed to achieve the impossible: the volume of bottles of premium e-liquid reaches 120 ml, while the cost is the same as for a standard volume. The taste is pleasant, the price is affordable. Sweet pastries and berry impurities stand out from the total mass.
The approximate cost is 1000 rubles.
- convenient dispenser;
- acceptable cost;
- unusual combination.
Rating of the best refills for vaping with a high concentration of nicotine

Crunch Coil Mishmash
One of the highest quality products on the market today. It is characterized by the presence of an unusual aftertaste that will be remembered for a long time.Tart with sour notes, the aroma will leave behind a calm aftertaste that is difficult to forget. Notes of grenadine are considered predominant, and dried fruits are in the background.
Price - 150 rubles.
- acceptable cost;
- fruit impurities;
- thick steam;
- saturation.
The demand for this product is due to the fact that the taste of this vape dressing is memorable, bright and rich. A special feature is that the composition of the premium liquid includes natural tobacco.
The price ranges from 500 to 900 rubles.
- protection from children;
- excellent taste of natural tobacco;
- there is an opportunity to purchase a bottle with a more intense taste, for lovers of strong aromas.
Bad Salt Bad Apple

The product is based on the use of saline liquid, which has a pronounced apple flavor. For filling, a special pipette is used. The bottle is glass but compact. Produced in the USA. Additionally, the container is equipped with a lid that children cannot open.
Approximate cost - 1900 rubles.
- protection from children;
- is on free sale;
- apple;
- rich and juicy aroma.
Crunch Coil Cavendish
One of the best products on the market today. The product has a light earthy aftertaste, fresh and pleasant. There is also a pronounced aroma of pipe tobacco, a sweetish Cavendish. A characteristic feature is the excellent transfer of taste. The first puff will be accompanied by a sweet aftertaste, which is based on natural tobacco. Over time, it will disappear, and nutty notes will replace it. In order for the dressing to acquire these qualities, the liquid is aged for some time in an oak barrel.Thanks to this, the composition acquires fullness and softness of taste.
Price - 300 rubles.
- an admixture of pipe tobacco;
- protection from children;
- convenient bottle;
- pipette filling method;
- consumption.
Rating of the best vape stations with the highest concentration of nicotine

Halo Captain Jack
An excellent choice for those who appreciate pure tobacco flavor. Belongs to the category of premium products at a ridiculous price. Production is established in the United States of America. The mixture undergoes a series of laboratory tests, and the production process itself is checked at each stage. The basis includes only proven components. The composition has notes of a natural tobacco product with the addition of notes of rum and light sweetness.
Price for 10 ml. - 50 rubles.
- bright notes even with a small concentration of dressing;
- one gets the impression that a person smokes an old wooden pipe;
- pipette filling method;
- price.
- lack of protection from children;
- consumption.
Halo Southern Classic
The demand for the product is due to the fact that the aftertaste of the dressing resembles elite tobacco varieties. As additional notes, Madagascar vanilla, cloves, citrus fruits and honey are noted.
Price - 200 rubles.
- quality;
- aroma of natural tobacco;
- harmony;
- protection from children;
- thick and rich steam.
Jam Monster

The American product is rightfully in demand among domestic vapers. A high-quality product goes through all stages of processing, and also has the appropriate quality certificates.Monster Jam guarantees the rich taste of a favorite children's treat - jam, which is associated with American breakfasts. Not the strongest dressing, so for active smokers it will not be a full-fledged replacement for tobacco.
Price - 300 rubles.
- a dispenser is used for refueling;
- strong steam;
- price;
- saturation with an admixture of burnt toast.
XEO Virginia Honey
A characteristic feature is the presence of a pleasant honey aroma, which appears after the first puff. An excellent choice for those who miss the notes of real tobacco. It can be used in any type of cartridge system, whose power rating should not exceed 20 watts. On powerful devices, the manufacturer does not recommend using refueling. The plastic bottle is equipped with a convenient spout. The packaging is convenient to store and transport throughout the day. Equipped with child protection. The production process is established in Germany.
For 10 ml you will have to pay 600 rubles.
- for vapes of low power;
- protection from children;
- economical consumption;
- good alternative to tobacco product;
- optimal strength;
- saturation.
Why You Should Quit Vaping
No tobacco product is completely safe, no matter what the manufacturer says. There are many reasons to give up electronic or any other cigarette. The main disadvantages of vaping are as follows:
- Perceptible harm to the health of the smoker (soaring) and others. It’s just impossible to smoke “steam”, and the components contained in the composition do not belong to the category of harmless.
- It happens that devices overheat and explode.This can happen not only during the charging of the unit, but also at the moment of tightening. As a result, the smoker's face will be disfigured, and it will be impossible to fix it.
- An allergic reaction may occur. Individual components can cause rashes, irritation and other specific body reactions. Often referred to as propylene glycol.
- Damage at the cellular level. Separate elements penetrate into the pulmonary alveoli, stopping them, which causes the death of matter.
- There is no legal control over the products. Advertising, promotions and the import of products into the territory of our country are not tracked. The quality of the goods is not checked, as well as its real composition.
- The exact dosage of nicotine is unknown. In addition, "tobacco" and fruit dressings are often purchased separately, after which they are mixed in random order.
- The risk of not quitting conventional cigarettes. In an attempt to move away from the usual tobacco products, a person does not achieve what he wants and starts smoking electronic and regular cigarettes.
- Second hand smoke. People nearby will also inhale "the entire periodic table." Regardless of what is indicated on the package, nicotine, or its analogues, is still contained in the product.
- You don't quit smoking. You can smoke them temporarily or permanently, but vaping will not help you completely give up the addiction.
- Huge spending. During 2014, products for electronic cigarettes were purchased in the world in the amount of more than 3.5 billion dollars.
According to manufacturers, such devices are less harmful than conventional cigarettes. However, medicine does not agree with this statement.There is no completely safe unit in the world that would be used for smoking. In the process of evaporation, numerous toxins and carcinogens enter directly into the lungs, causing irritation and damage to the mucosa. The first mention of electronic cigarettes appeared in 2000. Three years later, the demand for such products appeared in Russia.
Relatively recently, there was a need for legal regulation of issues related to the use of vapes. Therefore, they will soon be included in the category of full-fledged tobacco products. There are a huge number of gas stations for them, because at the moment their production is not monitored in any way. Almost every brand provides the opportunity to buy the same gas station with different nicotine content (strength). In addition, the compositions can be mixed in any order, which will achieve a unique aroma.