Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life. In order to enjoy new sensations all this time, to live in anticipation of happiness, and not to feel like a patient languishing in line at the doctor's office, it is important to choose the right antenatal clinic. We offer a rating of the best antenatal clinics in St. Petersburg for 2025.
The period of expectation of a child is a responsible one in a woman's life, attention should be paid to her health, the general condition of the fetus, the dynamics of development, and preparation for childbirth. It is important to undergo examinations throughout the entire period of pregnancy, to be under the professional supervision of a antenatal clinic specialist.
The management of pregnancy includes several important aspects that a medical institution is obliged to fulfill:
Consider what are the medical institutions with the management of pregnant women:
For the expectant mother, the health of the baby is most important, so when choosing a antenatal clinic, several factors must be taken into account.
The most important thing in the management of pregnancy is a competent obstetrician-gynecologist, who will be registered with the woman until childbirth. The life and health of the future mother and child depends on his professionalism, this imposes a great responsibility. When visiting a antenatal clinic, it is appropriate to ask about the experience of a doctor in the specialty, performance, and regalia. It is good if the doctor periodically improves his qualifications, conducts scientific or teaching activities. Personal qualities play an important role: during pregnancy, a large release of hormones occurs in a woman's body, she becomes more sensitive and vulnerable, a doctor with a tough character can harm her. Tact, delicacy, a subtle sense of humor, sincerity are the most valuable traits of a specialist's character.
Obstetrics and gynecology have grown significantly over the past decades in terms of technical equipment. Therefore, the conditions for receiving patients should be acceptable: high-quality equipment, necessary tools, equipment, diagnostic equipment from the best manufacturers. It is important to have all the necessary drugs, medical materials for emergency cases. High-quality repairs, beautiful design, cozy rooms are welcome.
Service in public institutions is free. If the choice fell on a private clinic, it is important to choose one that offers an adequate ratio of price and quality of services performed. You need to find out how much pregnancy management costs, what is included in the program. Too high a cost should alert as well as too inexpensive services. In the first case, the institution clearly practices price gouging, is engaged in pumping money from wealthy clients. In the latter, pitfalls are possible in the form of indifference or rudeness of the staff, the use of outdated equipment, the negligent attitude of doctors, and dishonest record keeping. The advantage of women's consultations are always promotions and discounts on expensive procedures, pregnancy management programs. In budgetary hospitals, in addition to services provided free of charge under compulsory medical insurance, paid services are possible, the list of which should be familiarized in advance.
In some cases, additional examinations, non-standard analyzes are required. The best hospitals provide:
Our own laboratory allows you to pass all the necessary tests in one place, and not wander around the city, which is problematic during pregnancy.
State and most private antenatal clinics offer paperwork of any type:
This criterion has two aspects:
The popularity of the antenatal clinic is determined by the convenient working hours for visiting. Many private clinics are open daily, without a lunch break, including weekends and holidays. Working patients are comfortable with doctor's appointments in the evening.
Patient reviews characterize any type of medical institution better than any advertisement: state-owned, funded from the federal or municipal budget, or private, operating on a paid basis. We should not forget that the official website usually provides a detailed advertisement of the institution, with background information, photos, health tips for pregnant women, instructions on how to make an appointment, how to get there, and location on the map. More reliable information can be obtained from independent, third-party sites.When studying reviews, it is important to keep statistics of positive and negative: the prevalence of the latter should be an alarming signal.
We offer a brief overview of the best, according to patients, public and private antenatal clinics in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, approved by the Department of Health, with a description of the characteristics, features of work, and contacts.
Address: Kronverkskaya st., 8
☎+7 (812) 232-1253
Working hours: Mon.-Fri. 08.00 - 20.00, Sat. 09.00 - 15.00, Sun. day off
This state medical institution is popular not only in the Petrogradsky district, but throughout the city. It provides free pregnancy monitoring with all related procedures:
All patients note interesting classes at the School of Motherhood, consultations with a psychologist. There is a day hospital. How to make an appointment:
Convenient location near the Gorkovskaya metro station and public transport stops, ample parking in the courtyard of the building make visits easy. Friendly polite staff, responsible competent doctors complement the overall positive impression of the hospital. Reception is conducted by experienced obstetricians and gynecologists of the first and highest category with more than 20 years of experience. In our own laboratory, the necessary analyzes are carried out, including new items:
For disabled people of all categories, comfortable conditions are provided here in any area:
There is an official website with a version for the visually impaired.
Address: st. Ordzhonikidze, 47
☎+7 (812) 727 — 3276
Working hours: Mon.-Fri. 08.00 - 20.00, Sat-Sun. day off
Women's consultation at maternity hospital No. 9 provides services within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, voluntary medical insurance, on a paid basis. Good equipment, the latest equipment, competent staff, cleanliness of the premises are the reasons for the numerous positive reviews from patients. Here are the questions for:
Quiet atmosphere, polite staff, soft couches and sofas in the corridors make your stay here pleasant. Doctors adequately respond to all women's questions, always thoroughly explain every little thing. Qualified nurses work in the treatment room, who take blood tests very carefully, accurately, without causing discomfort and pain.
Address: Kamennoostrovsky pr., 44B
☎+7 (812) 346-1964
Working hours: Mon.-Fri. 08.00 - 20.00, Sat-Sun. day off
Women's clinic, which is a subdivision of polyclinic No. 32, serves a section of the Petrogradsky district with a population of about 60,000 people.There is a full range of outpatient consultations, observation of pregnant women, treatment of infertility. Information provided by physicians:
Diagnostic tests are being carried out:
Paid services include:
Reception is conducted by experienced obstetrician-gynecologists, psychologists, a lawyer. Possible specializations:
The building has been renovated to a high standard, new equipment and furniture have been brought in. At the entrance, clients are given free shoe covers, the corridors and offices are clean. There are many visitors, but the staff is polite and friendly with everyone, despite the heavy workload.
Address: Mendeleevskaya line, 3
☎+7 (812) 679 — 5551
Working hours: Mon.-Fri. 08.00 - 20.00, Sat. 09.00 - 16.00, Sun. day off
A state budget institution where you can register and be observed during pregnancy, undergo treatment for any type of female and male infertility, surgical, conservative treatment of diseases of the female genital area. Reception is conducted by highly qualified doctors with many years of experience, professors, candidates, doctors of medical sciences. Many conduct research work in the field of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive medicine.
Women's consultation institute provides free medical care:
Here, pregnant women with pathologies are successfully treated:
For decades, doctors have been eliminating the consequences of a Rh conflict during pregnancy by administering an anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin, based on the Rh status of the child's blood; intrauterine blood transfusion from mother to fetus. The institution is equipped for visiting the disabled, there is free parking, wide corridors with cozy benches for waiting. Technical equipment with the latest medical technology ensures the successful resolution of any health problem of pregnant women.
Address: Sredny pr. Vasilievsky island, 88
☎+7 (812) 210 — 1763
Working hours: Mon.-Fri. 08.00 - 20.00, Sat. 09.00 - 18.00, Sun. day off
Cost: 44,000 - 120,000 rubles
One of the best private clinics in St. Petersburg offers qualified assistance in pregnancy, infertility, menopausal syndrome, gynecological diseases, disorders of the female genital area. People passionate about their profession, doctors of the highest category, candidates and doctors of medical sciences, who are constantly improving their knowledge, work here.We use modern equipment, the latest technology, the most effective and safe drugs. All examinations of the patient are carried out according to an individual schedule, without queues. Diagnostic studies are carried out on high-precision European-made devices, guaranteeing a complete picture of the condition of the fetus. The experience and professionalism of doctors allow to bring any difficult pregnancy to a successful conclusion:
If necessary, you can undergo treatment in a day or round-the-clock hospital under the supervision of the attending physician. Entrusting her health and the life of her unborn child to the specialists of this institution, the expectant mother can be calm in timely qualified assistance.
Address: Primorsky pr., 137/1
☎+7(812) 443-8395
Working hours: mon.-sat. 09.00 - 20.00, Sun. 09.00 – 17.00
Cost: 16,100 - 28,500 rubles per trimester
A popular private clinic in St. Petersburg provides high-quality outpatient and consulting services for monitoring pregnant women:
Each patient is guaranteed an individual approach, competent medical care, preparation for childbirth.
The clinic offers additional studies:
Examinations are carried out on modern high-precision equipment. The results allow timely detection of the slightest deviations from the norm. The sampling of analyzes is carried out at any time in the treatment room, the results are prepared as soon as possible.
Address: Komendantsky pr, 17/1
☎+7 (812) 602-3577
Working hours: daily 09.00 - 21.00
Cost: 32,000 - 58,000 per trimester
The clinic with a certificate of European quality, equipped with the latest Italian equipment, offers a full range of services for registration, pregnancy monitoring in trimesters. Patients note the convenience of the official site. Here you can not only find the necessary information, study the price list, but also:
Laboratory diagnostics includes all types of research:
Women are provided with a high level of service, quality medical care at reasonable prices.
Address: Furshtatskaya st., 36A
☎+7 (812) 458-7676
Working hours: daily 08.00 – 21.00
Cost: 46,200 - 177,500 rubles
In one of the best private antenatal clinics in St. Petersburg in the very heart of the city, an individual program is selected for each woman. In case of an unfavorable course of pregnancy, the necessary measures are taken in a hospital setting. As a preparation for childbirth, regular classes are held at the Academy "Two Plus". The staff of the institution is staffed by doctors of all specialties required for the successful management of pregnancy. At the request of the patient, prenatal management with a personal doctor is possible. Reception is appointed by prior personal arrangement by phone or by appointment on the website. There is an autoinformer with a reminder function about the appointment time on the eve of the visit. Each patient is given an electronic key to enter the room. In winter, it is advisable to have a change of shoes, shoe covers are not issued. In case of a cold, you can call a therapist at home. It is also practiced that a laboratory assistant visits the house for taking tests, transferring biomaterials for analysis to the clinic administrator directly from the car if there is no time to park.
Which antenatal clinic is better to choose, each woman decides for herself.The above rating of the most popular in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region will help you decide where to go in 2025 in order to avoid mistakes when choosing. Women's consultation is designed to provide the expectant mother with competent counseling, a calm pregnancy, as a result of which a healthy happy baby will be born.