
  1. Private antenatal clinic or public institution?
  2. Criteria for choosing a clinic
  3. When not to put off going to the gynecologist
  4. The best antenatal clinics in Novosibirsk
  5. Summing up

Rating of the best antenatal clinics in Novosibirsk in 2025

Rating of the best antenatal clinics in Novosibirsk in 2025

A woman's health is not only a significant plus in her personal life, but also the foundation of a strong family hearth, the key to happy family relationships. Experienced doctors - gynecologists and mammologists can help to properly monitor women's health and maintain it until old age. In order to figure out where it is best to go in Novosibirsk, you can pay attention to the rating of the best antenatal clinics in the city in 2025. It was compiled not only on the basis of the professional diplomas provided, but also on the basis of numerous positive reviews from grateful clients.

According to the recommendations of doctors, women should undergo an examination at least annually. It includes a consultation with a mammologist and a gynecologist. This is very important, since even the most serious diseases in the female part at an early stage can proceed completely unnoticed.Timely diagnostics can save time and money, and, most importantly, the health of the beautiful half of humanity.

Private antenatal clinic or public institution?

Defenders of public clinics focus not only on the fact that the institution is free, but also on the fact that most specialists have extensive work experience and practical skills.

As for women who prefer to attend private antenatal clinics, they unanimously argue that the professional service in privately owned clinics is much better than in municipal institutions. This is due, first of all, to the high level of competition in the field of gynecological services.

But, the qualifications of specialists are not the only criterion determining the choice between a private or public medical institution. An additional role is played by the comfortable atmosphere of private antenatal clinics, the absence of queues and a friendly, purely human attitude towards patients.

Criteria for choosing a clinic

It is not easy to choose the most suitable antenatal clinic for yourself from a fairly large list of medical institutions. It is best to evaluate the clinic using several main criteria at once, the main of which are:

  • geographical position;
  • professionalism of employees;
  • comprehensive service;
  • range of surveys.

It is worth dwelling on each of these points in more detail.

Location of the clinic

So, with the crazy pace of modern life, it is not surprising that all women, without exception, will not like the waste of time moving through city traffic jams to the opposite end of the city.

Only a few can afford such an unaffordable luxury. The rest of the female population necessarily takes into account the geolocation of a particular antenatal clinic, first of all, choosing a polyclinic according to the following factors:

  • proximity to home or place of work;
  • quality convenience of transport interchange.

Employee Qualification

The next filtering stage is the professionalism of doctors. In order to receive the full range of medical gynecological services in one institution, it is necessary that the doctors working there not only have experience in the field and relevant diplomas and licenses, but also closely monitor all innovative changes in the medical field, constantly improving their professional level. qualifications. Only such specialists can provide visitors with a decent level of diagnostic measures corresponding to world standards and direct treatment of gynecological diseases (if any).

Range of services

Both theory and medical practice unanimously say that it is preferable for women to use the services of one specialist - a gynecologist. Once chosen, the doctor must observe women's health for many years. Given the fact that different periods of a woman's life are distinguished by the need for several, somewhat different complexes of obstetric and gynecological measures, not every clinic can boast of a full range of services for women of any age.

Only a few of the most modern clinics in Novosibirsk are ready to start monitoring the girl from infancy and continue it throughout her life. In institutions of such a plan, a pediatric gynecologist begins to monitor the condition of the girl's genitals, by and large, right from the moment of her birth and skillfully prepares her for the period of sexual development, thereby preventing the appearance of all kinds of disorders.

Further, taking into account the specific features of a young organism, a personal gynecologist helps a young woman decide on the choice of the most suitable method of contraception for her, while carefully monitoring women's health and thus preventing the onset of all kinds of inflammatory diseases or infections. If they are nevertheless diagnosed, who else but a doctor - a gynecologist who has been observing a woman for many years, will be able to cope with health disorders as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Ideally, after becoming pregnant, a woman should not go to another medical institution (meaning the maternity hospital). Doctors of multidisciplinary private antenatal clinics provide high-quality medical support to the expectant mother and take delivery.

Wide range of examinations

Considering the constant lack of time, few of the modern residents of Novosibirsk would like to go to another medical institution for specialized examinations when seeking advice from a specialist in one clinic. That is why, reputable private antenatal clinics have all the necessary medical equipment for:

  • Ultrasound - diagnostics;
  • instrumental studies (including colposcopy and biopsy);
  • methods of selection of individually tolerated contraception;
  • mammography;
  • cardiotocography;
  • electrocardiograms.

A large amount of information necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological disorders can be obtained through a series of special tests. Successful antenatal clinics can provide their patients with tests for:

  • cytology;
  • biochemistry;
  • immunological status;
  • cytogenetics (the so-called chromosome passport);
  • molecular genetics - DNA diagnostics.

This is not a complete list of services that this or that antenatal clinic can provide to its patients. For more accurate and extended information, please contact the phone numbers listed on the websites of the clinics. And this should certainly be done as soon as the body gives the first signals of a violation of women's health.

When not to put off going to the gynecologist

In order to independently determine the need for an urgent visit to the antenatal clinic, a woman needs to carefully listen to her body and respond to the signals it gives. Depending on the situation or the developing disease, these may be pathologies of the following nature:

  1. The appearance of an incomprehensible and not previously observed discharge from the vagina.It can be white, "leakage" regardless of menstruation with or without smell.
  2. In the area of ​​the vagina and / or external genital organs, sensations of itching and / or discomfort appear.
  3. A rash appears on the external genitalia.
  4. Sharp or, on the contrary, constant pulling pains in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.
  5. Menstruation becomes more abundant and brings pain.
  6. The menstrual cycle is broken. Periods are irregular or there are long pauses between periods.
  7. Bleeding between menstrual cycles.
  8. Sexual intercourse is accompanied by unpleasant and even painful sensations.
  9. After sexual intercourse, discharge with blood appears.

You can not do without going to the antenatal clinic even if the partner has been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection or, with regular sexual intercourse, the woman fails to become pregnant (provided that a long period of time has passed).

The best antenatal clinics in Novosibirsk

It is not at all surprising that in a large administrative center populated by more than one and a half million citizens, which is Novosibirsk, an infrastructure has been developed that also provides for the presence of women's consultations. Both private and public medical institutions function in the city. The top five (according to the beautiful half of Novosibirsk) antenatal clinics include:

  • private clinic "Smitra";
  • gynecological department of the center "Nadine";
  • women's consultation No. 2 of the city perinatal center;
  • women's consultation No. 6 of the maternity hospital No. 6;
  • polyclinic of the family planning and reproduction center.

Clinic "Smitra"

In addition to other medical services that the physicians of the Smithra Private Clinic have been providing to their patients for many years, it also provides the opportunity to visit a antenatal clinic, which performs not only a comprehensive diagnosis of gynecological diseases, but also their treatment. In the clinic you can:

  • cure cystitis;
  • get tested for STDs;
  • have a medical abortion;
  • cure infertility;
  • introduce an intrauterine contraceptive with a validity period of up to 3 years;
  • perform intimate plastic surgery or plasmolifting;
  • to ensure the observation and / or maintenance of pregnancy;
  • do a colposcopy;
  • perform placental therapy.

To perform such a wide range of procedures allows the availability of modern equipment and the professionalism of highly qualified specialists.

  • a wide range of services;
  • medical professionalism;
  • convenient location of branches.
  • rather high cost of diagnostics and treatment

You can find out the cost of procedures and sign up for a preliminary consultation by calling ☎ +7 (383) 363-32-23. The clinic itself has three branches in Novosibirsk, you can choose the most suitable one for the transport interchange:

  • Geodetic, 2/1 (Studencheskaya metro station);
  • Koshurnikova, 29/4 (second floor of the Aksioma business center;
  • Communist, 48a (third floor of the business center "Fan").

Gynecological department of the center "Nadine"

The successful solution of women's problems in the field of reproductive medicine over the years has allowed the gynecological department at the Naedine Medical Center to deservedly take the leading place in the ranking of the best paid medical institutions in Novosibirsk.

The department accepts patients of any age with:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • fibroids, endometriosis and erosive changes in the cervix;
  • menstrual irregularities.

In each individual case, specialists perform diagnostics and prescribe treatment. Depending on the complexity of each specific situation, it can be performed either operatively or conservatively.

Doctors also offer individual infertility treatment programs that involve the presence of both partners and, if necessary, the preparation of spouses for IVF.

Thanks to innovative diagnostic equipment and new methods of treatment, specialists achieve amazing results.

  • numerous programs for the treatment of gynecological diseases;
  • innovative equipment;
  • highly qualified employees.
  • high cost of diagnosis and treatment;
  • queue for an appointment with some specialists.

You can make an appointment with doctors by calling ☎ 8 (383) 304-88-07. The center itself is located on B. Khmelnitsky 31.

Women's consultation number 2 of the city perinatal center

The medical institution under the leadership of Pozdnyakov Ivan Mikhailovich provides the female population of Novosibirsk with free medical services. Works on the basis of the compulsory insurance system. All other services that are not included in the corresponding program insurance contract are paid. You can get them by concluding a VHI agreement with a consultation.

As for the services provided by the antenatal clinic, here you can:

  • diagnose and cure some gynecological diseases;
  • conduct conservative therapy of the organs of the female reproductive system;
  • insert or remove an intrauterine device;
  • make a biopsy and drug application;
  • process postoperative sutures.

To carry out diagnostic measures in the functional diagnostics room, a modern ultrasound diagnostic apparatus with an additional Doppler function is used.

Pregnant women can register at the antenatal clinic No. 2 of the city perinatal center at any time, regardless of the duration of the ongoing pregnancy. At the same time, a full-fledged examination is provided for them, taking into account the characteristics of each particular trimester.

If necessary, the consultation offers an examination of highly specialized specialists:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • dentist
  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • specialist in ultrasound diagnostics.
  • a large list of services provided free of charge;
  • professional highly qualified specialists;
  • excellent transport interchange (it is easy to get to the consultation by tram, buses or fixed-route taxis from anywhere in Novosibirsk).
  • few free examinations;
  • the need to conclude additional contracts;
  • regular lines.

You can make an appointment with a gynecologist by calling ☎ (383) 265-87-05. The women's consultation itself is located in Novosibirsk on the street. Lazareva, 35.

Women's consultation No. 6 of the maternity hospital No. 6

Women's consultation at the maternity hospital under the direction of N.I. Bolvanenko, is a municipal institution, the functioning of which takes place under the compulsory medical insurance program. The main part of the consultation patients gets here according to the territorial principle (the institution belongs to the Kirovsky district of Novosibirsk).

Nevertheless, by signing a special contract for the management of pregnancy with a certain (directly chosen by the patient) doctor, a resident of any urban microdistrict can become registered in the antenatal clinic of maternity hospital No. 6.
The quality of the services provided by the institution is ensured by the presence of a professional clinical and diagnostic laboratory and modern diagnostic equipment:

  • ultrasound diagnostic apparatus equipped with a color doppler;
  • heart monitors.

Qualified specialists - gynecologists provide services for:

  • providing advice;
  • performing diagnostic procedures and manipulations;
  • surgical intervention;
  • conservative treatment of gynecological diseases.

In a small operating antenatal clinic, you can install or remove an intrauterine device or perform the following operations:

  • take a biopsy;
  • make a mini-abortion;
  • perform polypectomy and diagnostic curettage;
  • perform a minimally invasive operation.

Also, the specialists of the antenatal clinic No. 6 of the maternity hospital No. 6 perform high-quality treatment of diseases and injuries of the cervix.

  • free treatment;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • good transport interchange.
  • queues for registration and reception of specialists.

The Novosibirsk consultation is located at st. Vertkovskaya, 19/2. You can get an appointment by appointment by calling ☎ (383) 314-60-54.

Family Planning and Reproduction Center Polyclinic

In 2011, under the leadership of Oparina M.P. the polyclinic was transferred to an innovative system of electronic appointments with specialists. This immediately reduced the queues in the corridors of the center and contributed to the influx of new patients.

In addition to the services included in the contract of compulsory health insurance, women's consultation provides a number of additional manipulations performed on a paid basis. Visitors can create a list of the procedures they need, based on the recommendations of specialists and their own preferences.
The main services provided by the polyclinic at the family planning and reproduction center include:

  • treatment of male and female infertility;
  • modern methods of contraception;
  • family planning methods;
  • solving problems of heredity and / or genetic pathologies, taking into account the conflict of Rhesus of the child and mother.

In addition, quite often women come to this polyclinic with the following problems:

  • miscarriage;
  • infertility (regardless of the etiology of origin);
  • complications during pregnancy.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that on the day of treatment, both ultrasound and folliculometry procedures are performed in the clinic for free. Further, being observed by a personal obstetrician - gynecologist, each woman receives the outpatient treatment she needs on a planned basis.

  • free treatment;
  • convenient transportation.
  • a small list of free services;
  • permanent lines.

Located on st. Kievskaya 14. Pre-registration is carried out by phone ☎ (383) 341-96-14.

Summing up

Having chosen the optimally suitable private or public antenatal clinic, it is very important not to put off going to a specialist indefinitely. It is equally important not to self-medicate, as this can be fraught with very many negative consequences. Some of them, unfortunately, can lead to a significant deterioration in women's health, and sometimes even death.

The very first alarming symptoms that appear should cause an immediate visit to the antenatal clinic. Do not forget that if the disease is detected in a timely manner, the chances of a quick and at the same time effective treatment increase several times.And, on the contrary, if the disease is in an advanced stage or has already completely passed into a chronic form, it will be much more difficult to cope with it even for the most experienced specialists.

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