
  1. What is a gynecological examination
  2. What does a gynecologist do?
  3. What tests does a gynecologist do?
  4. The best antenatal clinics in Yekaterinburg
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best antenatal clinics in Yekaterinburg for 2025

Rating of the best antenatal clinics in Yekaterinburg for 2025

The gynecological examination is probably the most intimate of all examinations performed by doctors. Women are often, quite understandably, afraid of this examination and much depends on the quality of the medical services provided. Let's talk about the best women's consultations in the city of Yekaterinburg.

What is a gynecological examination

The main purpose of the examination is to visit the gynecologist in the antenatal clinic. The inspection consists of several stages:

  • the doctor is talking to the patient;
  • then examines;
  • appoints the necessary examinations or treatment.

During the examination, special equipment is often used:

  • ultrasound scanners, which, in fact, are one of the main elements of gynecological surgical equipment.

Important! Systematic visits to the gynecologist are aimed at monitoring the health of the female reproductive organs.

Thanks to regular gynecological examinations, pathologies can be detected even at the stage when they can be quickly cured. Patients of childbearing age are advised to visit a gynecologist every 6-12 months in the absence of any worrisome diseases.

In the case of older women, that is, over 60 years old, you can visit the gynecologist a little less often.

Probably, every woman will agree that visits to the gynecologist are not the most pleasant. That is why many bypass the offices of specialists. Why?

Some women are afraid of embarrassing research, others are reluctant to talk to a stranger about sex, contraception, and genital infections. Such fears and concerns are fully justified. The need to show the doctor the intimate parts of the body, and to this is added the fear of painful examination. As it turns out, it's not just teenagers who have problems making appointments, but older women as well, even those with multiple births behind them!

What to ask and what to pay special attention to when visiting a antenatal clinic?

  • Examination of the mammary glands. During each visit to the gynecological office, the doctor must examine the patient's mammary glands. This happens in a standing position and lying down. The doctor should carefully examine the chest. If he sees something disturbing, he should send for a more thorough examination. If the doctor for some reason did not offer this examination, then you can ask him about it yourself.
  • Birth control pills. It is necessary to frankly answer every question of a gynecologist if you want the doctor to prescribe a type of contraception. Contraception is hormones, and if used incorrectly, they can negatively affect the female body.
  • Is bleeding normal? Bleeding can be a symptom of many diseases, from easily treatable conditions (such as endometritis) to very serious ones, such as cervical cancer. If you notice any bleeding after intercourse, you should pay attention to the color of the blood (bright red means that this is a newly formed wound, and dark red can simply be the remnant of menstrual blood). Be sure to tell your doctor about this at your next visit.
  • Selecting the right specialist. Fear of panic from visiting the gynecologist's office will help overcome the choice of the right specialist. Obviously, women who are very afraid to go to the doctor will find it easier to undress next to a woman. Knowing that a woman is dealing with a member of the same sex significantly reduces stress during a visit to the gynecologist. It seems that a woman will understand better, and the sight of female genital organs will not make any impression on her. However, among many women there is an opinion that men are more delicate and show more interest in the patient.

A good specialist is the key to success in the struggle to overcome certain barriers.

What does a gynecologist do?

A gynecologist is a doctor at a antenatal clinic or a medical institution that helps women with various diseases of the genital organs. This specialization is closely related to midwifery, which specializes in the care of pregnant women both during childbirth and the postpartum period.

A gynecologist is a specialist in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system. This doctor takes care of the health of a woman, regardless of her age, deals with children, adolescents and adults.

When should you see a gynecologist?

An appointment with a gynecologist at the antenatal clinic should be scheduled when:

  • disturbing pain in the lower abdomen;
  • a woman has painful or heavy periods;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • concerned about vaginal discharge, itching or burning;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • problems with pregnancy;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • side effects of hormonal contraception,
  • pregnancy.

The doctor should listen to the problem, prescribe the necessary tests or examinations, help choose the right and reliable method of contraception, and answer other questions of interest.

What tests does a gynecologist do?

The main examination conducted by a gynecologist is a gynecological examination performed on a gynecological chair in the antenatal clinic. Before conducting tests, the gynecologist should have a conversation with the patient, clarifying the data on the last menstrual period, as well as the contraceptive used.

Visits to the gynecologist should have a permanent place in every woman's calendar, which should be examined at least once a year. During the visit, the doctor may perform an ultrasound of the vagina, an ultrasound of the abdomen (during pregnancy), as well as prenatal tests: amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling.

During a gynecological visit, the gynecologist may prescribe:

  • blood tests;
  • cytological examination;
  • vaginal smear;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • mammography;
  • computed tomography;
  • urography;
  • cystoscopy;
  • urodynamic examination;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

A gynecologist treats many diseases. The most common are:

  • vaginal infections;
  • cervical erosion;
  • polyps and fibroids on the uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • infertility;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS);
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • backward flexion or reverse pelvic tilt.

Important! Every woman of childbearing age should visit her gynecologist every year. Menopausal women may do this less often, especially if they are over 60 years old. All girls who start menstruating should visit their mother for the first time with a gynecologist.

Annual gynecological examination reveals the so-called silent killers: breast cancer and cervical cancer. Regularly conducted cytological and chest examinations make it possible to identify possible early forms of these neoplastic diseases. Some people are afraid of seeing a gynecologist. However, this fear is not justified, because every woman must take care of her health. Examinations performed in a gynecological office can be embarrassing, but rarely, if ever, can be painful.

Remember that you must choose your gynecologist. He should be someone you can trust and talk about intimate problems.

You can listen to the advice of friends, maybe they will be able to recommend a doctor and an antenatal clinic with a wide range of medical services. It is important to pay attention to the hygiene conditions in the antenatal clinic itself, as well as to the staff and equipment.

The best antenatal clinics in Yekaterinburg

"Angio Line"

A medical center with not only pleasant and friendly staff. All employees of the center are highly qualified specialists with academic degrees and categories. The institution began its work in 2019. In such a short period of time, he has a number of positive reviews from his patients.

Doctors not only conduct the necessary examination of patients, but also prescribe modern, effective therapy.

Located at:

Yekaterinburg, st. Bolshakova, 95.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 20.00.

Saturday - from 8.00 to 17.00 hours.

Day off - Sunday.


☎ +7 (343) 287-00-29 (multichannel).

  • high level of qualification of doctors and staff;
  • individual approach to each patient;
  • admission is by appointment;
  • branches of the center operate in the districts of the city;
  • at the request of the patient, doctors will conduct not only an appointment, but also taking tests, ultrasound and other gynecological manipulations;
  • the presence of its own inpatient department;
  • modern diagnostic equipment;
  • good repair;
  • the possibility of providing patients with surgical methods of treatment;
  • carrying out specialized receptions of patients by the following specialists: gynecologist-endocrinologist, gynecologist-surgeon, specialist in cervical pathologies;
  • in the center, a pediatric and adolescent gynecologist receives;
  • own clinical laboratory service;
  • convenient schedule;
  • reception of doctors on duty;
  • convenient site;
  • affordable prices for diagnostic types of examinations.
  • not detected.

MBU "Central City Clinical Hospital No. 24"

Specialists of a medical institution conduct an examination and examination of various female diseases (cyst, inflammation, infertility). They specialize in family planning and reproduction issues.

Located at:

Yekaterinburg, st. Agronomicheskaya 10 (Chkalovsky district).

Official site

☎ (343) 297-87-77

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 08.00 to 20.00 hours, Saturday - from 9.00 to 15.00 hours.

Day off - Sunday.

  • convenient working hours;
  • you can make an appointment online;
  • a wide range of treatment of gynecological diseases;
  • high professionalism of doctors;
  • attentive service staff;
  • consultations on infertility, family planning and reproduction;
  • reception of narrow specialists;
  • conducting various surveys;
  • Ultrasound, physiotherapy;
  • work of the doctor on duty;
  • monitoring and support of pregnant women.
  • there may be queues.

Women's consultation No. 2 MBU "Central City Clinical Hospital No. 6"

In the institution, doctors provide consultations to patients free of charge to residents of the Leninsky district of the city. Patients who apply from other districts of Yekaterinburg receive specialized assistance in the same way, but on a paid basis.

Here you can get different types of medical services: treatment and diagnosis of gynecological diseases, ultrasound and consultations.

Located at:

Yekaterinburg, st. Amundsen, 58.

☎ 389-26-04

☎ +7 (343) 267-79-00 reception.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 8:00 - 20:00.

Saturday: 9:00-15:00

Sunday is a day off.

Official site:

☎ unified city registry: 204-76-76

Registration via the Internet:


  • highly qualified medical personnel;
  • providing advice on contraception and prevention of gynecological diseases;
  • observation of pregnant women;
  • dispensary observation of patients;
  • insertion and removal of the IUD;
  • abortion;
  • duty doctors.
  • there are complaints about individual doctors.

CDC "Maternal and child health care"

This center of the city of Yekaterinburg receives residents not only of the city, but also of the region in directions, according to the program. Observation and treatment is also carried out for everyone under the VMI insurance policy, as well as on the basis of individual contracts for paid medical services. The center employs 52 highly qualified specialists and friendly, attentive staff.

Located at:

Yekaterinburg, st. Flotskaya, 52, Kirovsky district.

☎ (343) 287-57-13

  • attentive administrator;
  • providing assistance to pregnant women;
  • detection in the early stages of pregnancy of deviations or disturbances in the development of the fetus;
  • advice on family planning and reproduction;
  • assistance to families with infertility;
  • providing medical and diagnostic consultations on various issues;
  • conducting genetic examinations;
  • sampling and analysis of puncture from the umbilical cord;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • modern equipment;
  • consultations of an andrologist;
  • provision of medical services on a paid and free basis.
  • long lines.

Women's consultation Northern lane 2

The medical institution provides free medical care to residents of the Verkh-Isetsky district of the city of Yekaterinburg. There are 9 qualified doctors, junior medical and service personnel. Residents from other areas of the city are served on a paid basis.

Located at:

Yekaterinburg, per. Northern, 2.

☎ (343) 389-86-45

☎ (reception): 8(343)389-07-00

☎ 8(343)389-88-80 – call center (doctor appointments, background information).

☎ 8(343)389-03-03 – doctor's house call (single phone number for all polyclinics).

  • electronic pre-registration;
  • convenient information site;
  • friendly front desk staff
  • providing a wide range of medical services to patients;
  • implementation of reception by an obstetrician, gynecologist-endocrinologist, doctor - mammologist;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • conducting laboratory research;
  • dispensary observation of pregnant women;
  • providing advice on the choice of contraceptive methods;
  • answers from specialists in pregnancy planning;
  • treatment of infertility, ovarian endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, amenorrhea and ovarian dysfunction;
  • termination of pregnancy in the early stages.
  • queues;
  • lack of repair.

Women's consultation on the Bykov Brothers

Refers to the city hospital No. 3 of the city of Yekaterinburg. He is engaged in servicing patients under the compulsory medical insurance program from the Zheleznodorozhny district, and also accepts everyone on a contractual paid basis.

Located at:

Yekaterinburg, st. Brothers Bykov, 16.

☎ (343) 272-27-71

  • good repair;
  • pre-registration;
  • provision of services for the treatment of a wide range of women's diseases;
  • providing advice on the choice of contraception;
  • ultrasound;
  • advice on family planning and reproduction;
  • assistance to families with infertility;
  • carrying out mini-abortions;
  • medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages;
  • dispensary observation of pregnant women;
  • laboratory research;
  • provision of medical services on a paid and free basis;
  • district doctors often change;
  • long lines;
  • incompetence of individual specialists, according to patients' reviews.

Research Institute for the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy

The main direction of the medical institution is the provision of perinatal care. The history of the center began in the distant 1877. It was then that the first maternity hospital was created in the Ural city.

Located at:

Yekaterinburg, l. Repina, d. 1 Verkh-Isetsky district.

☎ (343) 371-08-78

  • management and support of women during pregnancy;
  • preparation for childbirth and their conduct;
  • qualified care for newborns;
  • individual approach to each patient;
  • friendly medical and service staff;
  • research, development and implementation of new discoveries in the field of gynecology;
  • carrying out functional and X-ray examinations;
  • diagnostics;
  • conducting biochemical and clinical studies;
  • advisory assistance on perinatology, recurrent miscarriage, infertile marriage, immunoconflict pregnancy, general and pediatric gynecology, gynecological and general endocrinology, andrology, neurology, pediatrics, therapy, psychotherapy, pregravid preparation, preparation for IVF, antiphospholipid and menopausal syndromes;
  • the clinic has modern equipment;
  • qualified doctors;
  • there are pregnancy pathology departments, an obstetric department, three departments for newborns, a clinical diagnostic department for children, a department of assistive technologies, a department for blood transfusion and gravitational surgery.
  • repair is required;
  • lack of showers and toilets in each room.


Women's health is very fragile. It is in the female sex that many changes occur in the body during life. Doctors and scientists are constantly looking for ways to preserve the health of women. Find time to visit antenatal clinics, undergo annual medical examinations with specialists, be healthy and loved!

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