
  1. How to choose a box?
  2. Rating of the best ice fishing boxes for 2025
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best ice fishing boxes for 2025

Rating of the best ice fishing boxes for 2025

It's no secret that professional fishermen acquire a large number of devices for their hobby, on which comfort will depend. This is especially true for winter fishing, when you have to sit almost motionless in one place. During all this time, of course, you will want to drink hot tea or coffee and have a snack with a couple of sandwiches. The question is where to put all this so as not to carry extra things with you? The answer is simple - in a special box for winter fishing. In addition to food, you can store fishing accessories in the box. And below we will look at some of its features.

How to choose a box?

Let's look at a few options for a successful purchase

  • Capacity. For each, this parameter is individual, because each fisherman prefers to carry with him what is useful to him when fishing. It is necessary that the dimensions allow you to put fishing rods, other gear, a small supply of jig, a thermos, food there. And most importantly, that there is room for the caught fish, which still needs to be taken home with you.

As practice shows, 30 liters is the most optimal capacity. You need to understand that if the capacity is greater, then, accordingly, the weight of the box will be greater.

  • Strength. An important criterion for choosing a product. In addition to carrying everything you need, another function is assigned to the box - the function of a chair. And here it is worth considering the weight of the fisherman, if we are talking about a weight of 100+ kilograms, then, accordingly, the box must be made of high-strength material. Low temperature also makes itself felt when the material cracks under the pressure of frost.
  • The weight. Not very strong material gives a small weight, while durable, on the contrary, increases it. The most optimal indicator of this criterion is 3 kilograms. As a rule, heavier already worn will be extremely uncomfortable.

Now let's look at a few types.


  • Float.

With such fishing, a person sits the whole process. In this case, enough equipment is required, and therefore, the capacity of the box should be large. Using a float, the fisherman reaches for the fish at the moment when the fish are biting. In this regard, the box should not be high, otherwise the fisherman will simply fall from it without pulling out the catch. In addition, a box that is too high forces the person to sit over the hole in a more bent position, and for older men this is not very useful.

The most normal height in this case is from 30 to 40 centimeters.

  • For glitter.

Those who use a lure in fishing are called a lure maker. Such a fisherman for the entire process of catching fish periodically moves from one hole to another. In this regard, the box should be light, moreover, there are not many tackles for such fishing. With you you can put a thermos with tea, one or two fishing rods and, in fact, the spinners themselves. And after all, the catch of the day is also packed.

Speaking of comfort, here we are talking about a height of 50 centimeters. Some also add a belt to the design, which facilitates the operation of the suitcase.

And now let's move on to a review of the best specimens.

Rating of the best ice fishing boxes for 2025

Budget options

A-elita Sport

A copy of domestic production. It is a very budgetary and convenient organizer, in which both the catch and the necessary equipment fit well. But the main disadvantage is that you can’t take food for the whole day with you. You will have to put it in an additional package.

More suitable for those who are not going to spend the whole day on the pond, but only a couple of hours. But here are a few pluses - there are side pockets where fishing rods are placed. Due to this, the volume increases significantly.

The cost is only 800 rubles.

drawer A - elita Sport
  • Little cost;
  • Additional side compartments;
  • Easy to operate.
  • Fragile material;
  • Not suitable for long stays on the water.

Box "Growth"

Another very budget option of Russian production, but already made of steel. Note that this model is very popular among its consumers. Despite its cost, it is durable and weighs 1300 grams.

Inside, unfortunately, there are no several compartments for different fillings, here it is one and large. Those. you will have to carry only one thing - either fishing rods or caught fish. But for short fishing it is just right.

drawer height
  • Low price - 855 rubles;
  • Quality material;
  • Light weight of the product.
  • Just one section inside.

A-elita A-Box

This instance completes the sub-rating of inexpensive models. It is believed that this suitcase is a prototype of more expensive models due to its design. For 1500 rubles, the consumer receives reliability and optimal capacity.

Suitable for transporting gear and food, as well as being used as a chair. Sufficiently thick plastic walls are able to withstand all this.

The very first model of this manufacturer was considered in this sub-rating, and so, unlike it, this one is somewhat larger, namely, 2 kilograms 700 grams, which is already a large indicator for this type of product.

box A - elita A - Box
  • Acceptable price;
  • The internal volume is 30 liters;
  • Equipped with a special anti-slip pad.
  • Heavy.

Mid-Range Options

Salmo 2070

Stylish and roomy Polish-made organizer. There are many compartments here, they are located both on the lid and inside the case itself.With it, you can easily go fishing, where you plan to spend the whole day, because food and tackle will fit perfectly inside.

You can also sit on it. And for this, the seat is trimmed with a special material. Sitting will be comfortable and warm. As for maintaining the temperature inside, alas, this indicator is not the best. Plastic loses heat quickly. But this is the only negative, basically the model is not satisfactory.

crate Salmo 2070
  • Excellent quality for an affordable price of 2100 rubles;
  • A large number of compartments;
  • Thoughtful design.
  • Not detected.

Lucky John

Bright and roomy organizer from a manufacturer from Latvia. The lid closes with a large cap lock - a clip and this whole design looks quite reliable.

Inside there are several sections where everything you need is added. On the sides there are additional compartments, which adds volume. Comes with a strap for more comfortable carrying of the box.

The cost of goods is a little less than 2400 rubles.

box Lucky John
  • Ergonomic design;
  • Strong clasp;
  • Average price.
  • Plastic is not a very practical material.

Mikado ABM 317

We present to your attention a product of Polish production. Convenient and practical to use, the box will serve its owner for a long time. It can transport not only fishing accessories, but also auxiliary paraphernalia. The entire space is divided into several compartments. The bottom one provides storage for large-sized inventory, and the upper one for small-sized inventory. The lid closes with two locks - latches.

It can be used as a chair, but be careful, especially if it's very cold outside. The fact is that reinforced plastic in this case may simply not withstand such weather conditions and simply burst.

Price - 2,500 rubles.

box Mikado ABM 317
  • Reliable design, subject to proper operation;
  • Small inventory can be stored in eight small compartments;
  • Not heavy, weight is one and a half kilograms;
  • Is in high demand.
  • Many users note lid locks that are very susceptible to loads. It is worth pressing on them with more force than necessary and you will have to repair them or buy new ones.

Mikado UAC-1002

The same manufacturer as in the previous case, but the sample is already different. Let's get to know him better.

Here, as in most similar organizers of this price category, there is a large compartment and several small ones. Thus, fishing rods and some small accessories will fit. The case is resistant to impacts of various strengths, but since there is no heat-insulating layer of material inside, it will not work to keep food warm in it, all the heat will go away in the first hour of being in the cold.

Due to the existing secret basket, the main, large department is unloaded. Unlike previous samples, here we are dealing with strong locks on the lid, which is definitely a plus.

For the seat, this product can be used by those people whose weight does not exceed 110 kilograms. Under heavy weight, the plastic cracks.

The cost is 2539 rubles.

box Mikado UAC-1002
  • Easy to use;
  • Secret basket;
  • Affordable price.
  • Warm food is kept inside for a short time.

Salmo PL-1R

The manufacturing company is known among its circle of consumers. Therefore, the question of trust does not arise. It holds 19 liters and this weight is held and transported comfortably. The fastener on a cover is presented in the form of a tightening belt on a latch. There is another strap, but it is designed to be worn comfortably on the shoulder.

The weight limit is 100 kilograms. The price is very comfortable and amounts to 2613 rubles.

crate Salmo PL-1R
  • Food is kept warm for a long time;
  • Convenient belt - fastener;
  • Sturdy seat frame.
  • There are no additional compartments for things.

Expensive samples

A-elita Sputnik Silver

Russian production has recently begun to please its consumer in the fishing accessories market. In its category, it is considered a very inexpensive copy, but with excellent technical characteristics:

  • Firstly, high-impact plastic was used in the manufacture. Such a box is not afraid to drop or accidentally hit with a heavy object. The structure will remain intact and unharmed.
  • Secondly, the heat is retained inside for a long time. This means that you can go fishing for the whole day and not be left hungry.
  • Thirdly, the good depth of the main section is 37 centimeters. There you can put additional boxes with bait and spinners.

All this is supported by a small weight of 2.5 kilograms.

And now let's get acquainted with a number of restrictions:

  1. Not a very secure lock on the lid. As practice shows, it is he who breaks down in this model first of all. With frequent opening and closing, they fail.
  2. The lid itself does not inspire confidence as a seat.

The price is a little less than 3500 rubles.

drawer A - elita Sputnik Silver
  • The temperature is kept inside for a long time;
  • The coin compartment is removable;
  • Made from durable plastic;
  • Light weight.
  • The lid requires special attention when used.

Rapala RIB

This copy is made of foam and reinforced plastic. What is worth noting is the available margin of safety for a large person, up to 150 kilograms, and this is not a bad result. The same high figure applies to the capacity of the load - up to 40 kg.

Inside the large compartment is divided into three parts. Convenient for placing food, basic tools and other accessories. A thermos with hot tea or other drink will remain so for a long time due to the heat-retaining design.

The lid is fixed here firmly, you can not worry about it. The price is about 4,500 rubles.

box Rapala RIB
  • Despite the ability to withstand heavy loads, the weight of the organizer is only 1 kilogram and 900 grams;
  • Dividing the interior into several smaller parts;
  • There is a heat insulating coating.
  • Not detected.

Mikado UAF-002

This is a Polish model, with four compartments inside. The body itself is made of aluminum, the seams of which are riveted, and this is additional strength. At the bottom there are special devices for creating an anti-slip effect. On the people, when the box is at a certain slope, it will not roll.

Let's talk about the cons. Metal hinges cause certain inconveniences, which periodically break, i.e. their moving parts fail and sometimes spoil the outerwear of the fisherman. There are difficulties in transporting when fully loaded. And all this because of the rigid structure.

box Mikado UAF-002[
  • Reliable and durable design;
  • Inside has four storage compartments;
  • Comfortable seat.
  • Often broken loops that ruin clothes.

The cost is 4600 rubles.


This sub-rating and the entire rating as a whole is completed by this Russian-made ice fishing box.

There are 3 compartments: one 16 liters and the other two - three liters each. The whole structure is trimmed with sheathing, very resistant to damage of various nature. In addition, it provides heat retention inside. Those who have already become the happy owner of this product note its long service life and the preservation of its original appearance throughout the entire period of use. There are two handles - carrying, so the box is convenient to carry as a backpack. But you can also wear it as a belt, the manufacturer took this moment into account.

drawer H – 3 LUX
  • Durable and practical sheathing material;
  • Food stays warm for a long time;
  • Several compartments with different occupancy;
  • Convenient carrying handles;
  • There are side pockets.
  • Not detected.


Summing up, we note that each presented product is focused on a specific consumer. Someone likes to sit for hours near the hole and wait for the catch with concentration, and someone can wander from one place to another for half an hour and go home, catching just one fish. Therefore, a person does not need to spend a large amount of money on an expensive box, if he will use it from strength a couple of times during the winter. Another thing is when fishing is a professional hobby.

Here are a few final points to consider before purchasing a particular model:

  1. the presence of several departments, where all the necessary accessories of a fisherman would be placed;
  2. the availability of a place where it will be possible to put the caught fish and bring it home;
  3. the presence of a pocket for fishing rods;
  4. for the lid to function as a chair and support the weight of the person using it.
  5. convenient handles to make it convenient to carry the box from place to place, taking into account the full load.
  6. the density and tightness of the case, there should not be situations with the flow of food or other liquid when the organizer is overturned.
  7. the presence of anti-slip pads.

We hope the article was useful to many.

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