Knitting is one of the most popular types of hobby not only among our grandmothers, but also among modern representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. And if earlier they knitted exclusively with their own hands with the help of special devices, today technological progress has made it possible to simplify and speed up the creative process of creating products from threads, offering special household appliances. Thanks to machines that knit themselves, any needlewoman can not only pursue her favorite hobby, but also easily create masterpieces that cannot be knitted by hand. This article describes the types and selection criteria for such devices, reviews their manufacturers and ranks the best knitting machines for 2025.
In the household appliances industry, there are several criteria by which it is customary to distinguish knitting machines, but their principle of operation is considered one of the fundamental ones. According to such a classifier, knitting devices can be:
The classification of knitting machines is carried out depending on the distance between the needles. High-end devices (seventh class) are represented by the smallest gaps between the needles, which allows them to produce products from thin and delicate yarn. Units of the third class work with thick and coarse thread. For use at home, the best option is a universal device of the fifth category. There are machines of 10, 11 and 12 classes, but this is already industrial equipment for large ateliers and industries.
Another classification is related to the number of fountains. Single-hole machines provide one needle bed, with the help of which the whole process takes place. Two-hole units operate on the basis of two needle beds, the functionality of which is aimed at expanding the performance of the product.
Given the huge range of models of knitting units, quite often users are faced with the question of which one is better to buy from them.First of all, it is worth remembering that the popularity of models of such machines is based on their quality characteristics and the reputation of the manufacturer. But at the same time, again, it is worth remembering that for a start it is important to understand for what purpose it will be used and how much you are willing to pay for it. Therefore, in order not to make mistakes when choosing a particular product, it is worth considering the following tips:
In any case, it is better to buy the equipment about which you know almost everything. Therefore, before the final choice, you should study in detail the description of the model you like and the reviews of real users, as well as watch detailed reviews and videos about the features of its installation and operation.All this will help not only to acquire the desired unit, but will also guide you in the question of how to recognize a fake.
Most often, such equipment is bought in order to generate income from the production of knitted products. But such devices are useful for home use. They speed up the production process, improve the quality and appearance of finished items. When choosing them, it is recommended to take into account not only the characteristics, but also the criterion of the technician, which company is better. The following is a ranking of the best brands that produce knitting machines:
You can buy knitting machines in any specialized store of household appliances, usually in the department - sewing equipment. You can also order the model you like online in an online store that sells various types of household goods or specializes in selling branded products.
In fifth place is the simplest manual knitting machine - KAKADU. It is represented by miniature dimensions (33 by 33 cm), low weight (1.75 kg) and an original bright design. In addition, it is quite simple to operate and as safe as possible, so it is suitable for both adult creativity and small needlewomen. The device works on a circular principle and includes a hook and knitting needles. In addition to the basic elements in the set, several skeins of colored yarn are supplied with it.
The Addi-Express Kingsize is a mini knitting device designed and manufactured in Germany. It works on 46 needles, and has compact dimensions (35 cm in diameter), which allows it to be used even in confined spaces. A manual machine involves the direct participation of a person using knitting needles or a hook, but at the same time it is equipped with a row counter (a small LCD screen powered by a single little finger battery) and is able to function with yarn of different thicknesses.The design is equipped with a built-in mechanical switch to the mode of a flat or round web.
Prym MAXI from the oldest manufacturer in Germany is a high-quality hand knitting machine with a round shape, on the upper surface of which there are 44 hooks. It also provides a handle that rotates all of its moving elements. The design of the device also takes into account a mechanism for thread tension and a plastic handle for fixing it during operation. In the production of straight fabrics, 40 hooks work, and in round knitting - all 44. The model has a high anti-noise effect, which allows it to be used even at night. The only drawback is the lack of the possibility of adding and decreasing loops, since the original purpose of Prym MAXI was knitting scarves and sleeves. But despite this, the model can perfectly cope with the manufacture of blankets, ponchos, sweaters and other similar products. Behind the scenes, the presented unit is called a knitting mill.
The Japanese quality of one of the best manufacturers of sewing equipment Silver is presented in the Reed LK150 manual type model. The unit provides a reliable and durable rectangular design that guarantees a long service life. The machine is equipped with 150 needles, often placed at a distance of 6 mm, which allows you to make fabrics up to 95 cm wide. With good performance, it is characterized by ease of operation, so it will be a good helper even for a beginner needlewoman. The manufacturer's recommendations indicate the purpose of the device for knitting cashmere and mohair products, but experience shows that it does an excellent job with other types of yarn.
For several years now, the first place in the ranking of the best hand-knitting assistants has undoubtedly been occupied by the Russian-made model (GAMMA) - Ivushka.Devices of this brand were produced back in the USSR, the year of release of the very first of them is 1988. First of all, the machine is very durable, the case material is enameled metal. It is easy to master it, and you can perform on it simple, uncomplicated canvases with a front surface, and elastic bands, and even complex openwork patterns. The universal device does not require an electrical connection and works with various types of yarn. The model is represented by two rows of hooks, each of which has 33 pieces, in turn, the slats are connected by screw fasteners using springs. "Ivushka" has compact dimensions (length 30 cm) and low weight (1 kg), allows you to work simultaneously with threads of two colors and adjust the length of the loops.
Reed SK155 is a punch card knitting device from a popular and reliable manufacturer, assembled in a French factory using modern technologies. Represents a single-loop lightweight design designed for daily use in everyday life. A class 3 device involves the use of thick threads, from which beautiful and high-quality things are obtained. Reed SK155 is equipped with 110 needles with a distance of 9 mm and is capable of knitting a pattern with a repeat of 12 loops.The functionality of the model includes adjusting the parameters of the fabric, and the automatic switch built into the design allows you to adjust the required knitting density. The unit includes an ergonomic and comfortable carriage that allows you to work simultaneously with two threads of different colors and thicknesses, while it receives commands to create a pattern in automatic mode. The Silver Reed LK-150 package provides almost all the parts necessary for its smooth operation: weights, deckers, row counter and a set of spare needles.
According to buyers, in the top 5 best mechanical "knitters" without a doubt, one more Silver model can be attributed - Reed SK 280. It represents the most popular modification of the fifth class, characterized by complete versatility - working with almost any yarn. The maximum productivity of the machine is provided by 200 needles with a distance of 4.5 mm. It is distinguished by an extensive set of weaving, including jacquard, delicate openwork, elastic and original terry technique.The Reed SK 280 comes with one fountain, but it is possible to purchase a second additional device marked SRP60N, which allows you to make more intricate and original patterns. Just like the LK-150, the SK 280 comes with everything you need: from a carriage to punched cards with interesting patterns.
The Knitmaster SK360 is a compact, mechanically controlled knitting machine from Japan with a guarantee of quality and reliability. The model is equipped with a durable and wear-resistant needle bar for 160 units with a distance of 4.5 mm, made of plastic with increased rigidity and belongs to the fourth category of machines. It is able to perceive threads of medium thickness and is characterized by a pattern repeat of 18 points. An outstanding feature of the device is the absence of a metal rail for pressing the threads and replacing it with special stainless steel elements. Also, its original characteristic is the built-in punchlace for the production of light openwork fabrics. Users note that the presented certified products are a universal device for knitting any single-line products without connecting the power supply.
Brother KH-868/KR850 is another high-quality mechanical model with an impeccable reputation, supplied to the market by a well-known manufacturer of various sewing equipment from Japan. The device with a punched card is designed for experienced knitters, as it is equipped with two fountains and an extensive range of functions. Each of the knitting strips is represented by 200 needles with a gap of 4.5 mm and is able to work with threads characterized by parameters: 300 meters per 100 grams. The versatility of the yarn used allows the device to produce warm sweaters, unique models of dresses, and socks of various thicknesses. From the basic features of the device: a set of 20 punched cards, eight weaves on one fonture and a combination of textures when using both strips.
According to numerous positive reviews, the Creative KM245P1 & KM245P2 model from Veritas is ranked first in punched card knitting devices. It is made in Germany and in terms of its productivity significantly exceeds its counterparts. The unit is equipped with 400 needles with a gap of 4.5 mm and is adapted to several modes of weaving yarn, while the choice of technology directly depends on the number of needle beds and needles used during knitting. With the presented double-loop device, an experienced needlewoman can easily produce original products in openwork and false-openwork, jacquard, hosiery and slip knitting techniques. Also in its potential is a wide range of varieties of elastic bands, a variant of single and dense weaving and a circular knitting mode. Thanks to the rapport of 24 loops, the model allows the punch card system to program a large number of original patterns. A class 5 universal machine is ready to produce high-quality and professional-looking products, it is only important to take into account a number of nuances for its use, which can be found in the instructions included with the kit.
PC 2342 from the famous American manufacturer Singer is a high-quality electronic knitting machine, assembled using modern technologies. The dvukhfonturny unit of the fifth universal category is equipped with the push-button switch of modes of giving of needles. The control unit of the machine is presented in the form of a computer operating on the basis of Windows 9x with a program from ZinMos in Russian. Singer PC 2342 is the latest modification of the brand's knitting machines, released in the 2000s. Each fortune of the unit is made up of 180 needles, the distance between which is 5 mm. The kit also includes combs for 180, 150 and 50 loops and a large list of additional elements necessary for the smooth operation of the knitting machine (weights, spare needles, deckers, jacquard foot, transfer carriage, etc.). According to feedback from real users, computer-controlled knitting equipment Singer PC 2342 creates beautiful things with original weaving. With proper care, a solid assembly guarantees a long service life for the machine.
SEIKI SSG 122 SN 5 is an electronic flat knitting model of the fifth category from the Japanese company SHIMA.A universal device that allows you to make single seamless things from soft threads of various thicknesses, as well as knitwear from coarse yarn. The integrity of the products or their minimum sewing processing is ensured by the WHOLEGARMENT technology embedded in the machine. The main feature of the machine can be called an innovative system of functions, thanks to which raw materials are saved, the knitting process proceeds quickly, and high-quality clothes appear at the final stage. Knitting accuracy and thread tension are controlled by the built-in Pulldown technology.
KH 930/KR 850 is an easy to install and use quality guaranteed model from the Japanese brand BROTHER. The unit provides a durable and wear-resistant design and features close to professional equipment. Included with the machine is an openwork core, thanks to which an original picture or pattern is created on the product. KH 930/KR 850 is equipped with a built-in intarsia and if you purchase a template in addition, you can significantly simplify the process of creating a pattern. A significant feature of the machine is the presence of a memory that stores the drawings developed by the user. The model is characterized by high power and allows you to knit several products per day.
KH 930/KR 850 is another high-quality model from the Japanese company BROTHER, which deserves an honorable place in the ranking of the best knitting machines. It makes clothes and other products with professional design and quality. At the same time, step-by-step instructions are provided for it, according to which it is quite easy to set up and operate. The machine operates almost silently, provides a wide range of built-in technologies that create high comfort when working with it. The KH 930/KR 850 is equipped with a computer attachment, a template device and an LCD display that allows you to adjust the pattern parameters. Unlike the model on the previous line, it has a wider memory of up to 750 patterns (244 thousand loops). The repeat of the device consists of 200 needles, the distance between which is 4.5 mm. The unit belongs to the fifth class and is universal for the home.
On the first line in the rating of high-quality and reliable computer-controlled knitting machines can be attributed to the popular two-line model Reed SK 840 / SRP60N from the world famous brand Silver. The characteristics of the technique are represented by 500 steel monoblock needles with a step distance of 4.5 mm. She is able to support rapports designed for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 200 needles, which allows her to create patterns of any complexity. The only caveat is the need for additional software purchases. But, in turn, thanks to him, any user will be able to independently generate any patterns and thereby make products according to the images they like. The SK 840/SRP60N also includes an additional U-carriage for making openwork.
Which model of knitting equipment to choose for the home depends on the personal preferences of each needlewoman. The cost of hand-held devices is the lowest (the average price starts from 2000 rubles), but their performance is quite limited. If there is a desire or need for knitting colored fabrics, then it is better to choose double-sided devices. In any case, before buying, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of the unit and, just as important, study the reviews of real users about it.