
  1. Why get higher education?
  2. Best universities in Nizhny Novgorod
  3. What to look for when choosing an educational institution?

Ranking of the best universities in Nizhny Novgorod in 2025

Ranking of the best universities in Nizhny Novgorod in 2025

Studying at school in the last grades leads to reflection on the future specialty. Often the child is already determined in advance with the choice of profession. Many from childhood dream of becoming doctors, architects, lawyers, economists. Girls play with toys, pretending to be adult doctors, accountants. Boys are more drawn to technical work: to cost, repair, program. We will tell about in which universities of Nizhny Novgorod to get an education in the article. 

Why get higher education?

What does getting an education mean? Why do you need to go to university? Education is the process by which a person acquires knowledge. In the course of life, their application in practice develops into experience, a skill. It is a necessary part for life. Education is received in schools, colleges, colleges, technical schools, institutes, universities. The criteria for choosing an educational institution depend on many factors: family income and budget, academic performance, desire to get a profession, and much more.

Student life is fun, interesting, bright. All conditions are created for this within the walls of institutions. Participation in various competitions, olympiads develops team spirit. New acquaintances, further friendship allows you to be sociable in any situation.

Vocational education is received mainly in higher educational institutions. Many people continue to study, get a second degree. What to look for when choosing? This will help recommendations, advice. Choose a state type. Focus on the price for the period of study. The best establishments can offer inexpensive services.

The material in the article contains a list of the best universities in Nizhny Novgorod. How to choose an educational institution for a child? What are the higher institutions? To do this, pay attention to the review, advantages, disadvantages, reviews. A detailed description can be found online on the website. To study the passing scores for admission, the work schedule of the selection committee, the type of department.

The list of educational organizations contains the main contacts, including address, telephone.

Best universities in Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky

It is a pioneer among universities that appeared in Russia. It has a high rank among the best higher institutions. It is famous for the latest modern technological developments (the most powerful supercomputer in the world, the center with the core of a business incubator). It has the title of "National Research University".

Teachers are recognized scientists who received awards from the Head of the Russian Federation, the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Faculties of study at UNN:

  1. Chemistry;
  2. Radiophysics;
  3. Physics;
  4. Jurisprudence;
  5. Social sciencies;
  6. Physical culture and sports.

Additional education can be obtained in courses of other specializations. This includes IT technologies, mathematics, mechanics, international relations, philology and journalism, economics and entrepreneurship, biology, biomedicine, rehabilitation and human health. Undergo professional development and retraining. There are: Higher School of General and Applied Physics, Small Academy of Public Administration, postgraduate and doctoral studies.

The cultural life of students is varied and rich. The choir is famous for honorary awards and titles. The museum, located on the territory, tells about the life of the educational institution from the moment of its foundation to the present day. Particular attention is paid to the physical training of students. The gym is divided into small areas, there is the necessary equipment.

  • teaching staff of experienced doctors and candidates of sciences;
  • distance learning;
  • military specialties;
  • swimming pool;
  • shooting range;
  • medical diagnostic center;
  • laboratories for practical exercises.
  • building buildings are located around the city.


Nizhny Novgorod Region, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 23
☎+7 (831) 462-30-03

Higher School of Economics, branch in Nizhny Novgorod

“The National Research University Higher School of Economics is a branch of the Nizhny Novgorod Federal Autonomous State University.

Main directions:

  1. Scientific activity;
  2. Research work;
  3. Increase in academic activity.

Education takes place according to the Bologna system of education. After 4 years, the student receives a bachelor's degree, 5 years - a master's degree. The academic year is divided into modules of 9 or 12 weeks. Thanks to this, the educational process is most productive, all subjects are studied sequentially. The schedule of tests and exams allows students to carefully prepare for the delivery.

Knowledge is evaluated according to the accumulative system. Participation in seminars, tests, intermediate tests is taken into account. The student shows opportunities, shows abilities, which leads to more active participation in the learning process. Control slices serve as a test for the level of acquired knowledge. Key performance indicators affect material rewards.

HSE graduate speaks foreign languages. Particular attention is paid to this direction. In general, preference is given to English. Teaching is conducted in compliance with the norms and standards of the Council of Europe.

Among the activities of the institution are:

  • control;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence;
  • humanitarian areas (philology, sociology, political science).

This includes departments: management, economics, law, applied mathematics, business informatics, social sciences and humanities, the study of foreign languages.

The school has a Center where future applicants undergo pre-university training and retraining of personnel. There is a graduate school. Education is free on a full-time basis, there are budget places. The main part of teachers are candidates of sciences.

The library at the school contains unique publications. Educational material is presented in book and digital versions. Students get access to resources such as JSTOR, EBSCO, Integrum.

For male students, there is a military department at the school. Military training is held in the suburbs. Upon graduation, graduates receive the title of "Reserve Lieutenant".

Nonresident students are provided with a hostel with comfortable living conditions.

  • competent, experienced teaching staff;
  • special attention is paid to foreign languages;
  • double degree program.
  • a lot of competition for a budget place.


Nizhny Novgorod region. Nizhny Novgorod, st. Bolshaya Pecherskaya, 25/2
☎+7 (831) 416-97-77

Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University. ON THE. Dobrolyubova

The University is a federal state budgetary institution. Offers applicants to get the first and second higher education, master's degree. Students choose any form of education. Offered: full-time, part-time, part-time, remote.

Institution structure:

  1. Translation (journalism, linguistics, translation studies);
  2. English (pedagogy, advertising, public relations, tourism, philology);
  3. International relations, economics, management (management, economics, international relations);
  4. Romano-Germanic languages ​​(German, French).

Preparation: the specialist provides 5 years of study, bachelor's degree - 4 years, master's degree - 2 years.

Teaching staff: teachers with international experience in the field of education, with a high degree of qualification. Everyone speaks a foreign language.

Training classes create conditions for a full-fledged education, are decorated according to information technologies, modern design, equipped with furniture. Laboratories for group or self-study help to practice the acquired knowledge (computers, projectors, Internet access).

The library with reading rooms offers students to choose literature through electronic catalogs.

Conferences, round tables, festivals, symposia, forums are held within the walls of the institution. More than 50 cooperation agreements have been signed with foreign universities (Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland and others).

Graduates get employment opportunities abroad, the UN, UNESCO, regional and municipal authorities, the media, foreign economic companies, translation agencies.

  • the institution has a high popularity rating;
  • among teachers, mostly associate professors, candidates of sciences, professors;
  • foreign practices, internships;
  • state scholarship;
  • convenient location - close to administrative institutions, attractions, developed infrastructure;
  • teaching 12 foreign languages;
  • hostel availability.
  • not detected.


Nizhny Novgorod region. Nizhny Novgorod, st. Minina, 31 A
☎+7 (831) 436-15-75

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

NGASU creates all conditions for personal and professional growth of future specialists.The university offers educational services in the following faculties:

  1. Engineering and construction.
  2. General technical.
  3. Architecture and design.
  4. Ecological systems and structures.

Additional services in the field of education: International Institute of Business Technologies, Intersectoral Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel, Center for Pre-University Training and Education of Foreign Citizens, Master's Programs.

Favorable conditions for the development of students have been created. Competitions and olympiads are held. Interest clubs, KVN, student theater gather. Events dedicated to the celebration of calendar holidays (battle of faculties, freshman day, carnival, student projects fair), marathons (for a healthy lifestyle).

  • high requirements for students;
  • scientific and methodological developments;
  • the presence of a hostel, a library with electronic media.
  • not detected.


Nizhny Novgorod region. Nizhny Novgorod, st. Ilinskaya, d.65
+7 (831) 434-02-91

Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. Kozma Minina

One of the oldest educational institutions in the city.

Invites you to familiarize yourself with the EGE calculator function. You must select the subjects for which the exams will be taken.

The training program consists of departments:

  1. Humanities (pedagogical specialties);
  2. Art History, Design Science, Media Technology;
  3. Natural, mathematical, computer sciences (applied informatics, information systems and technologies);
  4. Psychology and pedagogy;
  5. Management and socio-technical services (technology of transport processes, tourism, management, economics, banking);
  6. Physical Culture and sport.

Highly qualified teachers, with a creative approach to the educational process, teach teamwork, reveal the creative abilities of students.

The university is located in several newly renovated buildings. The classrooms are spacious and technically equipped: computers, tablets for practical work, easels, tables for still lifes.

Particular attention is paid not only to education, but also to leisure activities. Joint trips, trips to the sea, to the mountains.

  • among the teachers are candidates of sciences, doctors;
  • high scholarship;
  • at the university there is a Center for Foreign Languages ​​(English, German, French, Spanish, Italian);
  • with budget places in the amount of almost 1000;
  • the presence of a dining room, a buffet.
  • The library is located in the main building.


Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Ulyanova, d.1
☎+7 (831) 436-18-74

Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Applicants wishing to receive legal, economic specialties, enter to study at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The Academy is located in a picturesque part of the city, in the forest belt of the Shchelkovsky farm.

Within the walls of the institution, the education of the patriotic spirit among students takes place. Particular attention is paid to traditions, ceremonies: taking the oath on the parade ground, conferring titles, presenting diplomas, certificates, awards. The staff of the academy takes part in the events of the city.

The structure of the academy includes departments and faculties. Main departments:

  1. Administrative law and process;
  2. Administrative management of internal organs;
  3. Civil law and process;
  4. The activities of the Department of Internal Affairs in special conditions;
  5. Foreign language and culture of speech;
  6. Constitutional and international law;
  7. Forensics;
  8. Criminology;
  9. Mathematics, Informatics, Information Technology;
  10. fire training;
  11. Operational-search work of the Department of Internal Affairs;
  12. preliminary investigation;
  13. Specialization and powers of employees of public order protection units;
  14. Professional activities of employees of economic security units;
  15. Psychology and Pedagogy;
  16. Forensic bookkeeping and accounting;
  17. Theories and history of state and law;
  18. Criminal process;
  19. management;
  20. Physical training;
  21. Philosophy;
  22. Finance, tax, loans;
  23. Economy and economic security.

Faculties: correspondence department, retraining and advanced training, training of the operational staff of economic security and anti-corruption units, training of specialists in the investigation of economic crimes, professional training.

For cadets, a bed in a hostel is offered. There are all conditions for a comfortable stay.

  • the best institution for training in the field of jurisprudence;
  • professional educators;
  • modern educational program;
  • a high scholarship based on the results of passing exams.
  • lack of information about the passing score;
  • admission rules provide for the mandatory surrender of physical fitness standards.


Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Ankudinovskoe highway, 3
☎+7 (831) 421-73-46

Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy

The Academy is a state budget institution. The history of creation goes back to the beginning of the 20th century. At that time it was called "Higher Agricultural Courses". Conducted training in the field of agronomy. Gradually, the courses were transformed into a faculty, on the basis of which the University was created. In the late 1990s, it was given the status of the Academy.

Among the teachers were well-known scientists: A.I.Bachin, B.P.Serebryakov, V.V.Ordynsky, V.P.Nogtev.

The structure of the academy includes faculties:

  1. Agronomy;
  2. zooengineering;
  3. Engineering;
  4. Economic;
  5. Soil science, agrochemistry, agroecology;
  6. Veterinary;
  7. Forestry;
  8. processing technologies.

Main directions: bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, master's degree, postgraduate study.

  • professional education in the field of agronomy and agriculture;
  • EGE calculator;
  • training courses;
  • campus with buildings and hostel.
  • some auditoriums require renovation.


Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 97
☎+7 (831) 462-78-17

What to look for when choosing an educational institution?

Before deciding on admission to a university, it is necessary to consider all the pros and cons.

The positive points are the following factors. Firstly, to work in the specialty, certain knowledge will be required. A surgeon cannot operate without knowing where the organs are located in the human body. Admission to medical institutions requires special knowledge in subjects, long-term training. A journalist will not be able to write a high-quality and capacious article if there are no word skills.

The next factor is that a person becomes educated, he is respected. In the future, it clearly affects the reputation, employment, position in society.

Training and further practice help to gain experience. Developing in this direction, people reveal their own talents.

Among the negative aspects are:

  • in the future, some of the subjects studied in the course will not be useful;
  • 5 years readiness for moral difficulties. Exams are stressful.

The most common mistakes when choosing an educational institution are as follows: Often children's dreams in real life are not so bright. In order not to waste time in vain and get a really necessary profession in demand, approach rationally and carefully to the selection.

After all, the training program for programmers is significantly different, for example, from obtaining a humanitarian specialty. Is this really what you want to do in the future? Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Every person has a right to this. Follow your heart. It will tell you what to choose for yourself. Let learning be one of the happiest periods in your life.

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