
  1. How to choose a university in Moscow
  2. Rating of the best universities in Moscow for 2025
Rating of the best universities in Moscow for 2025

Rating of the best universities in Moscow for 2025

Higher education is an indicator of success, self-sufficiency of a person, his desire to fully realize himself in the field of interest. You can get the coveted diploma and profession in any of the universities in Moscow, of which there are 266. Not all of them are equally popular. There are unremarkable institutions, even outsiders, but clear leaders stand out, education in which is most prestigious and is quoted at the international level.

We present the rating of the best, according to graduates, Moscow universities for 2025 with a description of the main advantages and existing shortcomings.

How to choose a university in Moscow

For an applicant who decides to enter a metropolitan university, it is advisable to single out three defining moments for himself:

  1. final goal;
  2. information about the university;
  3. Criterias of choice.

Final goal

Having decided to get a higher education, it is appropriate to choose a future profession. It is important that in the future work in the specialty brings not only material income, but moral satisfaction, pleasure, so that later you do not have to relearn. All universities in Russia are divided into technical and humanitarian. Depending on the received profession:

  • medical;
  • pedagogical;
  • legal;
  • military;
  • economic.

In some institutions, along with the classroom, distance learning is practiced, which you can also pay attention to before applying.

Information about the university

Thanks to the Internet, there is no shortage of information about a particular educational institution. Its sources are:

  • official sites;
  • social networks;
  • forums and review sites;
  • open days.

When studying information, there is one important point that should be taken into account: official websites, open days of universities give only a positive assessment of the institution, focusing on the merits of admission and education. Showing the institution from the good side, shortcomings are often hushed up, the real picture is embellished. Therefore, it is appropriate to study the reviews of graduates and students who directly studied at this university in order to understand the true state of affairs, to know about all the pitfalls hidden behind a beautiful advertising picture. This will help you avoid mistakes when choosing and enter the right institution.

Criterias of choice

The main criteria for choosing a university in Moscow:

  • form of education;
  • view;
  • type of;
  • difficulty of admission;
  • budget places;
  • the presence of a foreign partner university;
  • features of educational and extracurricular activities;
  • infrastructure.

Form of study. Education at the university can be full-time (daytime, evening) and part-time, usually lasting 4-6 years. Upon graduation, a state diploma should be issued. Main levels of higher education:

  • bachelor's degree (training of a specialist in a certain field of activity);
  • magistracy (specialist with the basics of theoretical aspects);
  • postgraduate studies (training of teachers, scientists, researchers).

If necessary, it is possible to obtain a second higher education.

View. Types of universities in Russia:

  1. the university is a multidisciplinary institution with curricula in various fields of knowledge;
  2. academy - an institution for the training of a wide range of specialists in one direction of activity (art, agriculture, finance, etc.);
  3. an institute is a one-profile educational institution that trains narrow specialists in one of the areas of professional activity (architects, teachers, builders, etc.).

Type of. Consider what types of universities are by form of ownership. There are two of them:

  • state;
  • private (commercial).

There are no particular differences between them. In state and commercial universities, budget places are provided, the curricula are the same, the professions acquired are the same. The main thing is that the institution has state accreditation, which is necessary for obtaining an official diploma, a deferment from military service for young men. On the Rosobrnadzor website, you can easily check any university for accreditation, efficiency, and a black list of institutions.

Difficulty of admission. Be sure to look at the passing scores upon admission. If the final USE scores are not high enough, in addition to the priority university, you should choose a fallback option in case of a shortage of points upon admission.

Budget places. This criterion is important for increasing the student's self-esteem, developing independence, and achieving professional success faster. Even with the financial possibility of obtaining higher education, it is appropriate to focus on a budget place, the transition to a budget with successful education.

The presence of a foreign partner university. A double diploma significantly expands the possibility of further employment both in our country and abroad. At individual faculties in many universities, a double degree program has been established.

Features of educational and extracurricular activities. The university should not only be prestigious, but also interesting to study. It contributes to:

  • rich library;
  • technical equipment;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • responsive administration;
  • the possibility of expeditions, internships (including abroad).

For a student, not only study is important, but also a rich and exciting leisure, a positive atmosphere of student life:

  • sport sections;
  • KVN team;
  • funny skits;
  • studios and circles;
  • student organizations.

Infrastructure. The infrastructure of the university is especially relevant for nonresident students. It is important to know how much it costs to live in a student hostel, whether the conditions for living and studying are comfortable, how far the academic buildings are from the hostel. It is equally important to be sure that there is a good canteen where you can eat fully and inexpensively.

Rating of the best universities in Moscow for 2025

We present an overview of the most reputable metropolitan universities for 2025, leading the ratings, with contacts and detailed characteristics.

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow State University)

Address: Leninskiye Gory, 1
☎+7 (495)939-1000
Year of foundation: 1755

The oldest university in Russia is widely known as the largest center for training the best personnel for various fields of activity: more than 30 thousand students study 128 specialties at 39 departments. Included in the TOP-100 best universities in the world in terms of the quality of education. The strongest teaching staff includes a large number of corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academicians, doctors and candidates of sciences. The university has a very high passing score - 85 in each subject, it is not easy to enter here. According to the results of the Lomonosov Olympiad held for applicants, budget places are allocated to the best participants. The structure of the dormitories is made up of seven campuses with a developed infrastructure.The management takes care of carrying out repairs, improving the material and technical base, updating communications for a comfortable stay for students. Double graduation of graduates is carried out through partnership with a huge number of the strongest universities on all continents of the world.

The quality of knowledge gained also contributes to:

  • a rich scientific library named after M.V. Lomonosov;
  • Olympiads for schoolchildren, applicants, Universiades for students;
  • support programs for talented youth;
  • online educational program "University Without Borders".

Average cost of education: 319,653 rubles per year.

  • world-class quality education;
  • a huge selection of specialties;
  • double diploma;
  • internship and practice of students abroad;
  • educational online programs to increase the level of knowledge;
  • comfortable hostels;
  • developed infrastructure;
  • the strongest faculty.
  • high passing score;
  • high cost of education.

Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman (MSTU)

Address: 2nd Baumanskaya st., 5/1
☎+7 (499) 263-6391
Founded: 1830

The main technical university of the country for the training of engineering personnel in the field of instrumentation and mechanical engineering. About 20 thousand students in 52 specialties are trained at 19 departments. The university has eight scientific and educational complexes, each of which includes a faculty and a research institute. Professional training is carried out on the basis of the largest enterprises of the military-industrial complex located in the Moscow region and Kaluga. Since 1934, the university has accumulated unique experience in training students with hearing impairments.The Military Institute of the University trains officers for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The university conducts international cooperation with more than a hundred foreign universities, so graduates get the opportunity to double degree and work abroad.

For student leisure, a private sports complex was built with a 50-meter swimming pool, a climbing wall, football fields, volleyball courts, tennis courts and arenas. The Palace of Culture functions with a hall for 1200 seats. For non-resident students, 10 hostels are provided, conveniently located next to the scientific and educational buildings.

Average cost of education: 249,988 rubles per year.

  • high quality education;
  • the diploma is valid in 11 European countries;
  • own sports complex, Palace of Culture;
  • training of military officers;
  • double diploma;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • good technical equipment of scientific and educational complexes.
  • difficult to study.

National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE)

Address: Myasnitskaya st., 20
☎+7(495) 771-3232
Founded: 1992

A relatively young university (HSE) quickly gained popularity due to high-quality education, professional teachers, interesting student life, and in-demand specialties (they teach sociologists, managers, and economists). Currently, more than 17 thousand students study at the university, and their number is growing, despite the difficulty of admission: the passing score is 88 for each subject.

A rich student life is provided not only by career opportunities and scientific projects, olympiads and research.These are 150 organizations for the diverse and exciting life of students, among them:

  • student sports club;
  • club EVS;
  • tourist club;
  • theatre;
  • cinema club;
  • choir;
  • orchestra;
  • KVN;
  • role club;
  • student government;
  • science fights.

The university library is located in several educational buildings, has 700 thousand units.

Average cost of education: 374,327 rubles per year.

  • quality education;
  • interesting extracurricular life;
  • comfortable hostels;
  • demanded specialties;
  • double degree.
  • difficult to get on the budget;
  • high cost of education.

Financial University under the Government of Russia

Address: Leningradsky pr-t, 51/1
☎+7 (499)943-9855
Year of foundation: 1919

In 2025, the university is celebrating its centenary. Over a century of history, a path has been traveled from a financial institution to a diversified scientific and educational complex. It trains more than 20 thousand students in 22 specialties. There are several training programs:

  • secondary general education (lyceum at the university);
  • secondary vocational education (Moscow College of Finance, College of Informatics and Programming);
  • bachelor's degree (13 areas of study);
  • magistracy (14 areas of training);
  • postgraduate studies;
  • second degree;
  • additional education (72 professional retraining programs).

The teaching staff is distinguished by a high professional level: more than 1,000 of them have an academic degree, 319 have the academic title of associate professor or professor. Over the past few years, the university has created new faculties for the training of programmers, information technology and jurisprudence, which contributes to increasing the popularity of the university.There is a rich library and information complex with more than 860 thousand printed items, 380 PC items, a collection of electronic resources with a total volume of 445 million documents. An electronic library has been put into operation, access to which is carried out locally and remotely. Students and graduate students successfully participate in the annual scientific events in Moscow, the Moscow region, Russia and abroad. The University organizes and conducts numerous all-Russian events for young people:

  • congresses;
  • olympiads;
  • forums;
  • festivals;
  • educational campaigns.

Within the framework of international cooperation with partner universities, participation in scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars abroad is carried out.

A discount from 15% to 35% is provided for tuition fees if one of the following conditions is met:

  • results of entrance examinations;
  • results of participation in competitions and olympiads of the university;
  • results of studying at the university.

All those in need of housing are provided with a place in one of the hostels of different types:

  • block;
  • room;
  • apartment.

Average cost of education: 244,339 rubles per year.

  • high level of students' preparation;
  • assistance to graduates in employment;
  • a large selection of educational programs;
  • demanded specialties;
  • discounts on tuition fees;
  • complex of comfortable hostels.
  • high competition for admission.

National Research Nuclear University (NRNU MEPhI)

Address: Kashirskoe shosse, 31
☎+7 (499)324-8766
Founded: 1942

A university that is the dream of anyone who wants to become an engineer-physicist. The only university with its own nuclear reactor, modern equipped facilities for practical activities of students.Trains personnel for the nuclear industry of wide specialization. Graduates easily find jobs in their specialty thanks to the cooperation of the institution with the largest enterprises in the field of nuclear physics. In senior years, students go on internships to Germany and the USA. The university has branches in closed military cities. According to the results of the "Junior" competition, gifted students without entrance examinations are enrolled in the first year of the university. The competition in the university is quite high, it is difficult to enter. In recent years, the department of theology began to work on the basis of the university to train clergy.

Average cost of education: 107,659 rubles per year.

  • strong teaching staff;
  • good practice;
  • own nuclear reactor;
  • double diploma;
  • the possibility of internships abroad;
  • no problems with employment.
  • difficulty of admission;
  • rundown hostels.

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

Address: Vernadsky Avenue, 76
☎+7 (495)229-4049
Founded: 1944

The oldest university in the country, which trains specialists of international level, and since 1994 - the state and municipal administration. The first and only Russian university that has received international accreditation for all educational programs at all three levels of study. Since 2017, the university has been authorized to independently create dissertation councils and award academic degrees. The teaching staff consists of more than a thousand people, 900 of which have scientific titles, 20 are corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Economists, political scientists, sociologists, managers, diplomats graduate from the walls of the university.The institution provides a large number of budget places, but due to the very high passing score (about 90 for each subject), not every applicant manages to enter the budget. Nonresident students are provided with accommodation in one of the dormitories located next to the educational buildings, with modern renovation and good infrastructure.

Average cost of education: 501,217 rubles per year.

  • modern scientific center;
  • high quality education;
  • there is no age limit for admission;
  • sports center, swimming pool;
  • comfortable hostels;
  • the strongest faculty.
  • high passing score;
  • huge cost of education.

First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov (First Moscow State Medical University)

Address: Trubetskaya st., 8/2
☎+7 (495) 609-1400
Founded: 1758

The oldest medical university in the country, which trains specialists in all fields of medicine and pharmacy. Within the walls of the university, about 20,000 students study in 54 specialties, of which three thousand are foreigners. On the basis of the university there are seven research institutes, more than thirty laboratories, a multidisciplinary medical center with three thousand beds.

The extracurricular student life is interesting. The university has:

  • stadium "Burevestnik";
  • recreation center in Tuapse;
  • student KVN;
  • circles, interest clubs;
  • student cultural center;
  • creative studios.

Every year a festival of talents is held at the best Moscow concert venues, the contest "Miss - First Med".

The university is the base for all medical universities in the country, has a huge library, which is part of the structure of the Russian Federal Library.It is the largest scientific and medical information center in Europe, which has an electronic version. Teachers constantly publish scientific works, practical developments and methods of modern integrated approaches to providing medical care to people. The theory of biomedicine and clinical psychology is being widely developed. Distance learning has been successfully carried out for a long time: Internet portals, video conferences, broadcasts, online courses and lectures.

Average cost of education: 240,462 rubles per year.

  • high quality education;
  • valuable scientific work of teachers;
  • training of physicians in all areas of medicine;
  • good technical equipment;
  • has its own medical center for practice;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • interesting student life;
  • good repair in educational buildings and hostels.
  • few budget places.

Russian State University of Oil and Gas I.M. Gubkina (RSU)

Address: Leninsky Prospekt, 65/1
☎+7 (499) 507-8888
Founded: 1930

One of the best universities in the country trains specialists for the oil and gas industry. For impeccable educational work, he systematically receives all kinds of awards, orders, government letters of thanks, including from the governments of other countries. It is included in the top three universities in terms of successful graduate employment, in the TOP-500 of the best universities in the world and in the top 100 Russian universities. The goal of the university is to produce such specialists who will ensure the high competitiveness of domestic oil and gas technologies.

The campus of the university with a well-developed infrastructure includes five blocks of comfortable block-type dormitories with a good repair and a sports complex.The campus also has a cinema hall, a student theater studio, 4 shops, a nightclub, a gym, a computer center, and a bicycle storage room. The road to the educational buildings takes no more than half an hour. For recreation and practical training of students, several bases are equipped:

  • training and production center "Zaluchye";
  • geophysical base "Tuchkovo";
  • educational and health center "Pearl";
  • health-improving and sports camp "Gubkinets";
  • base of educational geological survey practice in Petrovsky.

Average cost of education: 236,500 rubles per year.

  • high level of knowledge;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • much attention is paid to the full-fledged practice of students;
  • campus with wide infrastructure;
  • good repair in buildings and dormitories.
  • few budget places.

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)

Address: Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, Institutsky per., 9
☎+7 (495) 408-4554
Founded: 1951

The University complex of Phystech occupies a huge area, therefore it was built in the city of Moscow region. It is a whole scientific city, including:

  • biopharmaceutical cluster;
  • radio engineering building;
  • main;
  • laboratory;
  • new;
  • classroom;
  • Corpus of Applied Mathematics;
  • sports buildings;
  • canteens;
  • ten dormitories of corridor and apartment types.

Founded by Soviet Nobel laureates in physics, and today the university holds the mark in the training of qualified personnel through interdisciplinary education, it is included in the popular rankings of the best technical universities in the world. Here specialists are trained in the field of:

  • applied and fundamental physics;
  • biology;
  • mathematics;
  • informatics;
  • chemistry;
  • computer technologies.

From the moment of admission, freshmen are involved in active research work under the guidance of outstanding scientists and teachers. The teaching staff is unique: for 7,000 students there are 80 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There is a system of double diplomas through cooperation with partner universities in other countries.

Unique inventions were made in the laboratories of the university:

  • wireless seismic hydrocarbon search system;
  • bionic hand prosthesis control system;
  • graphene biosensors.

Average cost of education: 250,000 rubles per year.

  • high level of education;
  • international internships;
  • system of interdisciplinary education;
  • strong faculty;
  • progressive education programs;
  • convenient infrastructure (town);
  • opportunities for self-development;
  • involvement of students in real scientific activity.
  • very difficult to learn.

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

Address: Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, 2
☎+7 (383)218-0909
Founded: 1977

The best training of leading personnel for business and government structures is carried out at this university, which is called the "forge of ministers". In educational programs, new educational technologies are being introduced to optimize and effectively the learning process of students. A lot of research work is being carried out in the socio-economic and humanitarian spheres. The system of individualization of education is being successfully promoted, allowing the student to form a curriculum from a set of proposed modules.Good technical equipment of classrooms, fresh renovation in dormitories complete the list of advantages of this university.

Average cost of education: 299,765 rubles per year.

  • strong teaching staff;
  • individualization of education;
  • comfortable hostels;
  • double diploma;
  • good equipment;
  • friendly staff.
  • few budget places;
  • high cost of education.

Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov (PRUE)

Address: Stremyanny per., 36
☎+7 (800) 200-0836
Founded: 1907

The leading economic university in Russia, which occupies the first lines of the ratings, has more than a century of history and teaches students in 90 educational programs. The university has 29 branches in Moscow and beyond, successfully cooperates with the best economic universities in Europe. Senior students undergo internships abroad. The most demanded are the faculties of state and municipal administration, hotel business, business informatics. The institution has several modern hostels, gyms, and its own swimming pool.

Average cost of education: 264,015 rubles per year.

  • good level of education;
  • double diploma;
  • overseas internship;
  • use of modern educational technologies;
  • strong teaching staff;
  • in-demand professions;
  • good technical equipment.
  • few budget places.

National Research Technological University (NITU MISiS)

Address: Leninsky Prospekt, 4
☎+7 (495)638-4678
Founded: 1930

A recognized leader in technological education, a real research center for the training of specialists in engineering specialties in the field of metallurgy:

  • non-ferrous and precious metals;
  • materials of electronic engineering;
  • Information Technology;
  • thermophysics and ecology;
  • economy.

The university publishes articles, makes scientific discoveries, sells licenses in the field of nanotechnology, energy saving, and the latest biomaterials.

The university has a convenient location in the city center, adjacent to Gorky Park, within walking distance from Red Square. Non-residents are provided with several comfortable hostel buildings with spacious rooms equipped for living and studying. The rich extracurricular activities of students are facilitated by:

  • student television;
  • sport sections;
  • musical groups;
  • KVN team;
  • design department.

The institution provides graduates with a double diploma from foreign partner universities - universities in the USA, Canada, France and other countries.

Average cost of education: 216,114 rubles per year.

  • quality education;
  • 30 own world-class laboratories;
  • convenient location;
  • comfortable campus dormitories;
  • double diploma;
  • exciting student life;
  • assistance in finding employment;
  • budget places for excellent students;
  • in-depth study of the English language;
  • internship and practice in large companies.
  • some departments are in need of repair;
  • lack of new equipment.

In which university it is better to enter, everyone decides for himself, the presented rating only gives a guideline when choosing.

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