
  1. Why does the body need zinc?
  2. What vitamins can be taken with
  3. What are vitamins
  4. How to choose effective vitamins
  5. Rating of quality dietary supplements

Rating of the best zinc vitamins for children and adults in 2025

Rating of the best zinc vitamins for children and adults in 2025

Zinc is an important element in the normal functioning of the body, especially for children. Often, the proportion of the element supplied with food is insufficient and an additional source is required. When choosing a suitable drug, you must familiarize yourself with its characteristics. This will help the ranking of the best vitamins with zinc for children and adults in 2025.

Why does the body need zinc?

The chemical element zinc is classified as a metal. For the first time the name of the substance occurs in the 16th century. It was mentioned by Paracelsus under the name "zincum", which supposedly comes from the German "zinke" (prong). Probably the Swiss scientist gave the name by the appearance of the metal, because. in nature, its formations resemble fragile needles.

The human body contains from 1.5 to 3 mg of this element. And for men, this figure is significantly higher than for women and children. A high level of the substance is determined in leukocytes and erythrocytes. Also, the element is an integral part of complex protein molecules. A large number of the element is contained in:

  • muscles;
  • pancreas and male gonads;
  • bone tissue;
  • liver;
  • skin;
  • eyeball.

This chemical element performs the following functions in the body:

  • promotes the transition of carbon dioxide into a form accessible to excretion by the lungs;
  • as part of enzymes, it participates in the polymerization of DNA, RNA, promotes the hydrolysis of proteins;
  • promotes the synthesis of somatotropin (growth hormone), insulin;
  • without it, cell growth is hindered;
  • promotes the metabolism of vitamins A, E;
  • necessary for the growth of hair, nails, skin regeneration;
  • affects the development of male hormones, the functions of the reproductive system;
  • supports immunity;
  • required for the normal functioning of taste and smell receptors.

Children are more likely than adults to experience a lack of this element, especially at preschool age. Medical tests will help determine the level of zinc in the body (hair, blood and serum tests are carried out). Symptoms of element deficiency act as indications for the use of vitamins. The following can be distinguished:

  • peeling of the skin, inflammation, poor healing of scratches and cuts, dermatitis;
  • anorexia;
  • diarrhea;
  • slow growth of hair and nails, hair loss;
  • weakness of the immune system, frequent colds, respiratory tract infections, pneumonia;
  • slowing down the growth of the child, the development of muscles and skeleton;
  • developmental delay or inhibition of cognitive functions;
  • weakening of vision;
  • anemia;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • violation of the development and functioning of the reproductive system;
  • selectivity in food intake, weight loss, poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, in order to determine the exact content of the element and set the dosage, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

natural springs

To maintain the required level of the substance in the body, foods that contain zinc should be included in the diet. At the same time, doctors note that the metal is better absorbed from animal than from plant foods. The most useful for people who are deficient in this element will be:

  • beef;
  • liver;
  • seafood;
  • nutritional yeast;
  • pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cedar seeds, sesame seeds, walnuts, peanuts, almonds;
  • cheese;
  • legumes;
  • mutton;
  • wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley groats;
  • poultry meat;
  • pork;
  • chocolate, honey

The norm of consumption of a substance per day for children is, according to MP, from 3 to 12 mg, determined by age.The table presents data on the daily need according to Russian doctors and the RAMS Research Center.

AgeConsumption standard, mg
0-12 months3-4
1-6 years old5-10
7-17 years old10-15

The physiological need in adults is about 12 mg / day (from 9 to 15 mg, determines gender, physical condition, age). The maximum amount is 25 mg / day.

List of contraindications for use

The ban on taking the drug with zinc is possible if there is a high sensitivity or allergy to the components of which it consists. In some cases, there may be side effects with an overabundance of the element:

  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • constant thirst;
  • weakness;
  • cough;
  • drowsiness;
  • chest pain;
  • anemia;
  • growth retardation (in children);
  • colic;
  • foreign taste in the mouth;
  • violation of renal activity;
  • jaundice.

What vitamins can be taken with

The following compatibility guidelines should be considered when taking supplements:

  • calcium, iron, folic acid, penicillamine reduce the absorption of the element with simultaneous use;
  • zinc reduces the absorption of magnesium, copper, tetracyclines;
  • vitamin B2 improves the absorption of the substance.

What are vitamins

Vitamins with substance content differ from each other. The selection of a group depends on the criterion underlying the classification. There are the following varieties:

Release form:

  • tablets (solid and effervescent);
  • capsules;
  • dragee;
  • lozenges for resorption;
  • chewing options.

In the form of zinc:

  • sulfate;
  • chelate (picolinate, citrate, glycinate, acetate, gluconate);
  • oxide.

Oxide and sulfate are cheaper than other forms, but they are less absorbed and can affect the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. The best options for internal administration are considered to be the chelate type - picolinate, glycinate, acetate, citrate.

In composition:

  • monopreparations;
  • multivitamins.

How to choose effective vitamins

Assessing which drug is better to buy, you need to be guided by some recommendations. Selection criteria to consider:

  • age match;
  • the content of the active substance;
  • the composition of the drug, whether it includes additional vitamins and trace elements;
  • the absence of components to which a person has hypersensitivity;
  • the form of release and the number of pieces in the package, sufficiency for admission to the course;
  • advice (effectiveness and safety in the opinion of doctors and in the opinion of buyers);
  • the best manufacturers, you can choose from domestic and foreign, focus on those companies that have a long history, good reputation and whose products meet quality standards;
  • cost of funds.

A dietary supplement containing zinc is not a drug, so you can buy it not only in a pharmacy, but also order it online in an online store. Drugs classified as medical - pharmacy, are not sold at other points of sale.

Rating of quality dietary supplements

When choosing a vitamin complex, consumers tend to purchase the best preparations. The dietary supplement rating contains the most popular product models, their description and characteristics.

Vitamins are not addictive. How to take this or that drug, the instruction will tell, as well as the doctor's recommendation. The preservation of the properties of the product is facilitated by maintaining the set storage temperature.

For kids

The vitamins of this group should be attractive in appearance to the baby, have a pleasant taste, and also include a smaller proportion of the active element than adult preparations.

KAL, ActivMelt Zinc Elder

Manufacturer: Kal, USA.

Release form: monopreparation, nutritional supplement, lozenges.

Zinc content: 5 mg.

Quantity of pieces in packing: 90 pieces.

Ingredients: zinc oxide, elderberry extract, additional components.

How to take: 1 pc. per day dissolve in the mouth.

Age: not established.

Average price: 400-420 rubles.

KAL, ActivMelt Zinc Elder
  • dissolves very quickly;
  • contains natural flavor;
  • useful for immunity;
  • a large number of units in the package;
  • effective action;
  • affordable cost.
  • shipping from the USA is required;
  • the proportion of the active substance is insufficient for adolescents;
  • contains sorbitol.

Baby bear formula Immunity

Producer: Evalar, Russia.

Type: gummies for chewing, dietary supplements, multivitamins.

The content of the active ingredient: 5 mg.

Number of pieces per pack: 30 or 60.

Ingredients: zinc citrate, ascorbic acid, tocopherol acetate, extract of fruits and leaves of sea buckthorn, wild rose, additional components.

How to take: 1 lozenge 1-2 times a day (according to age), for 1-2 months.

Age: from 3 years.

Average price: 350-400 rubles.

Baby bear formula Immunity
  • interesting shape for children;
  • can be given to babies
  • components are correctly selected, do not interfere with the assimilation of each other;
  • only natural ingredients;
  • a type of chemical that is easily absorbed and does not harm the stomach;
  • contains natural ingredients;
  • supports the immune system.
  • the average content of the active element;
  • Not everyone likes the taste.

Blueberry Forte with Vitamins and Zinc

Producer: Evalar, Russia.

Release type: non-drug supplement, tablets, multicomplex.

Element content: 7.5 mg / 2 units.

Number of units per pack: 100.

Ingredients: zinc lactate, ascorbic acid, rutin, blueberry extract, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, auxiliary elements.

How to take: 1-2 pcs. 2 times a day (depending on age), for 2-4 months.

Age: over 3 years old.

Cost: 180-270 rubles.

Blueberry Forte with vitamins and zinc for children
  • affordable price;
  • a complex of vitamins;
  • small tablet size;
  • convenient view for assimilation;
  • can be taken by young children and adolescents;
  • Rare side effects, safe.
  • long course;
  • according to parents, they do not always help;
  • not everyone likes the taste;
  • kids do not like to swallow this option.

Source of Life, Animal Parade, Kid Zinc lozenges

Manufacturer: Nature's Plus, USA.

Variety: lozenges for chewing, multivitamins.

Element content: 8mg.

Number of pieces per pack: 90.

Ingredients: chelated zinc (aspartate and monomethionine), echinacea extract, olive leaf, red elm bark, ginger root, auxiliary components.

How to take: 1 lozenge per day.

Age: no restrictions.

Average price: 950 rubles.

Source of Life, Animal Parade, Kid Zinc lozenges
  • suitable for toddlers;
  • execution in the form of an animal lozenge attracts children;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • easily digestible type;
  • contains natural products;
  • no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives;
  • delicious.
  • high price and shipping costs;
  • for teenagers, the dose will not be sufficient, but the manufacturer produces a suitable option - Nature's Plus, Zinc with a dosage of 10 mg.

Zinc + Vitamin C

Producer: Evalar, Russia.

Release form: dietary supplement, tablets, multivitamins.

Component content: 12 mg.

Number of pieces per pack: 50.

Ingredients: zinc lactate, ascorbic acid, excipients.

How to take: 1 pc. per day, the duration of the course is from 1 month.

Age: over 14 years old.

Average price: 110-160 rubles.

Zinc + Vitamin C
  • effective action;
  • safe;
  • budget pills;
  • favorable view for assimilation;
  • help not only to fill the deficiency of the element, but also to protect against colds;
  • there are no conflicting components in the composition.
  • can only be given to teenagers, not suitable for babies;
  • course admission is required, does not work immediately;
  • the release form is not liked by children.

Gummy King Echinacea, Vitamin C, Zinc

Manufacturer: Gummy King, USA.

Release form: dietary supplements, multivitamins, chewable lozenges in the form of fruits.

Zn content: 2.5 mg.

Number of pieces per pack: 60.

Ingredients: zinc citrate, ascorbic acid, sodium, echinacea, auxiliary components.

How to take: 2 pieces per day, course - 10 days.

Age: not limited.

Average price: 300-360 rubles.

Gummy King Echinacea, Vitamin C, Zinc
  • favorable type for assimilation;
  • the appearance in the form of gummies attracts children;
  • on pectin, does not contain gelatin;
  • gluten free;
  • supports immunity;
  • there are no conflicting components in the assimilation;
  • packaging is sufficient for several courses;
  • average price category.
  • you can not take more than 10 days in a row because of the echinacea in the composition;
  • low content of Zn for adolescents;
  • shipping from the USA is required;
  • Not all kids like the taste.


Producer: WORWAG Pharma, Germany.

Variety: soluble, dietary supplement, monopreparation.

Zn content: 10 mg.

Number of pieces per pack: 20.

Composition: zinc sulfate, auxiliary components.

How to take: dissolve a tablet in a glass of water, the course is 1 month. For children under adolescence, the dose should be reduced according to age.

Cost: 520-580 rubles.

  • a good dose of the substance, which will be enough for a teenager;
  • effective;
  • children like the soluble version, it is convenient to take;
  • contains flavor and sweetener;
  • side effects are rarely noted.
  • high price;
  • you need to complete the entire course to get the effect;
  • not suitable for babies, you need to reduce the dose;
  • packaging is not enough for the course (except for babies).

doppelherz kinder multivitamin

Producer: Amapharm, Germany.

Type: lozenges for chewing, multivitamins, dietary supplements.

Zn content: 1.75 mg/lozenge.

Number of pieces per pack: 60.

Ingredients: zinc sulfate, choline, ascorbic acid, nicotinamide, biotin, vitamins A, D3, B6, B12, iodine, folic acid.

How to take: 1 lozenge 1-2 times a day (depending on age), for 1 month.

Age: from 4 years.

Price: 500-750 rubles.

doppelherz kinder multivitamin
  • no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives;
  • well-selected components of the multivitamin complex;
  • side effects, allergies rarely occur;
  • packaging is sufficient for a full course;
  • children like the taste, as well as the ability to chew lozenges;
  • operate effectively.
  • small content of Zn;
  • high price.

Complivit asset

Manufacturer: Pharmstandard-UfaVITA, Russia.

Type: multivitamin tablets.

Element content: 5mg.

Number of pieces per pack: 60.

Ingredients: zinc sulfate, vitamins A, E, D2, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, P, folic acid, nicotinamide, rutin, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, fluorine, manganese, iodine, selenium.

How to take: 1 unit per day for 1 month.

Age: over 7 years old.

Price: 250-280 rubles.

Complivit asset
  • contains a complex of vitamins and microelements;
  • enough for the entire course;
  • inexpensive;
  • side effects are rare;
  • parent reviews note good performance.
  • some elements weaken the absorption of each other;
  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • the Zn content is not very high;
  • Not all children like the taste and size of tablets.


Producer: Teva Operations, Poland.

Issue: tablets, medicinal monopreparation.

Substance content: 124 mg of zinc sulfate or 45 mg of zinc ion in 1 tablet.

Number of units per pack: 25 or 150.

Composition: zinc sulfate, auxiliary components.


  • diseases accompanied by a lack of a substance;
  • pustular acne;
  • therapy of poorly healing skin lesions;
  • treatment with corticosteroids;
  • acrodermatitis;
  • alopecia malignant and alopecia.

How to take: 1 pc. 1-3 times a day, the dosage is selected according to the disease.

Age: from 4 years.

Average price: 260-300 rubles; 950-1 100 rub.

  • high proportion of Zn, suitable for medicinal purposes;
  • can be given to children;
  • affordable price.
  • reviews include references to the manifestation of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, pain, indigestion;
  • the dose is significant, not suitable for a slight deficiency of the substance;
  • the tablet variety is not always liked by children.

For adults

Such products should include more Zn than vitamins for babies. Most often there is a tablet type of drugs, but there may be soluble forms.It should be borne in mind that not the entire dose indicated by the manufacturer is absorbed by the body, so often it is more than 100% of the daily intake. Of the funds that are described in the rating for children, persons over 18 years of age can use:

  • Zincite;
  • Zinc + vitamin C from Evalar;
  • Zincteral;
  • Blueberry forte with vitamins and zinc.

You can also use other useful vitamin supplements.

Zinc Picolinate, Now Foods

Producer: Now Foods, USA.

Type: capsules, dietary supplement, single product.

Proportion of the element: 50 mg.

Number of pieces per pack: 60 or 120.

Ingredients: zinc picolinate, auxiliary elements.

How to take: 1 capsule daily.

Price: 460-860 rubles.

Zinc Picolinate, Now Foods
  • the type of substance is easily digestible;
  • no artificial ingredients;
  • many capsules in the package;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • low price for such a number of units;
  • effective remedy.
  • should not be taken by pregnant women;
  • shipping from the USA is required.

Zinc Picolinate Solgar

Manufacturer: Solgar, USA.

Release form: monovitamins, tablets.

Zn content: 22 mg.

Number of pieces per pack: 100.

Ingredients: zinc picolinate, additional inactive elements.

How to take: 1 pc. per day.

Price: 540-950 rubles.

Zinc Picolinate Solgar
  • no artificial colors, preservatives, flavors, sugar, salt, gluten;
  • convenient for element suction;
  • hypoallergenic.
  • difficult to find for sale in Russia, shipping from the USA may be required;
  • high price.

Zinc, 21st Century

Manufacturer: 21st Century, USA.

Release option: multivitamins, tablets.

Zn level: 50 mg.

Number of pieces per pack: 110.

Ingredients: zinc chelate, calcium carbonate, excipients.

How to take: 1 pc. in a day.

Price: 140-270 rubles.

Zinc, 21st Century
  • budgetary;
  • good element level and stomach-sparing variety;
  • no gluten, sugar, artificial flavors, preservatives.
  • hard to find for sale in Russia.

Zinc Picolinate, Thorne Research

Producer: Thorne Research, USA.

Execution option: capsules, monopreparation.

How much element: 15 mg.

Number of pieces per pack: 60 or 180.

Ingredients: zinc picolinate and additional elements.

How to take: 1 capsule 1-2 times a day.

Price: 700-1,700 rubles. (60 pieces) and 2,200-4,900 rubles. (180 pcs.).

Zinc Picolinate, Thorne Research
  • effective remedy;
  • easily digested by the stomach;
  • hypoallergenic.
  • expensive price;
  • not always on sale in Russia.

Doppelherz Active vitamin C and zinc

Producer: Amapharm, Germany.

Presentation: tablets for dissolution, multivitamin supplement.

Share of the component: 5 mg.

Number of pieces in a package: 15.

Ingredients: zinc sulfate, ascorbic acid, additional components.

How to take: 1 unit per 200 ml of liquid. Dissolve and take inside. Course - 1 month.

Price: 240-260 rubles.

Doppelherz Active vitamin C and zinc
  • convenient form for use;
  • pleasant taste and smell;
  • effective remedy.
  • low content of the active ingredient;
  • packaging is not enough for the course;
  • a laxative effect is possible.

Vitamin dietary supplements will help fill the deficiency of zinc in the body. You can choose the right remedy from the list presented for adults or children.

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