
  1. When and how to start planning
  2. What vitamins are needed?
  3. What are vitamin complexes for?
  4. Which complex to choose?
  5. The best vitamins for men
  6. Best vitamins for women
  7. Conclusion

Rating of the best vitamins when planning pregnancy for 2025

Rating of the best vitamins when planning pregnancy for 2025

The appearance of a new family member should be approached consciously. Therefore, it is better to start planning pregnancy in advance. With this right approach, the baby and mother will have good health, pregnancy and childbirth will not cause complications, and besides, planning will give you more confidence. And vitamins can help with this.

When and how to start planning

For many young couples, the concept of “pregnancy planning” causes fear and horror, and someone considers this process a waste of time. Both of them are wrong in this case. Planning a child will not affect the sexual life of partners in any way, and it will not take as much time as it seems. Most people believe that this process should take at least a year. But that would also be wrong. You can start in 3-4 months. This time will be enough to improve your health, strengthen your immune system, and tune in to the right wave.

Now let's talk about how to start preparing for the emergence of a new life. First you need to get rid of bad habits. And now we are talking not only about the future mother, the father of the baby, it is also desirable to get rid of everything harmful. Smoking and frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages will not bring anything positive to the health of the baby, and the nervous system can suffer the most in this case. But still, such a refusal will entail stress, which also will not have a positive impact. For this reason, doctors recommend quitting everything in advance.

After that, it is advisable to contact a family planner, women visit a gynecologist, and men a urologist. This is necessary to exclude sexual infections. Usually they do not make themselves felt, but are detected only when passing tests. But if this does not cause concern, it is still impossible to ignore this fact. After all, they will also affect the fetus during pregnancy. In addition, women will need to take tests for hormones, urine, and undergo fluorography. Since the body will soon begin in a different mode, it is advisable to know in advance about all its capabilities. Also, a man may need a spermogram.Usually, this is done when a couple has been unable to conceive for a long period, but to be sure of sperm activity, the doctor may order this test beforehand.

What vitamins are needed?

Do not think that you should start eating right and getting a dose of nutrients only with the onset of pregnancy and while breastfeeding. It is better to change your diet from the beginning of planning, in this case, the future baby will be born in a prepared body, which is enriched with vitamins and minerals. So he will develop correctly from the very beginning, which in the future will give him good health and proper development.

Now let's look at what it is necessary to enrich the body of future parents. First of all, vitamins of group B, vitamins A, C, D, folic acid, iron, magnesium, calcium are needed. But in some cases, after testing, other vitamins and minerals may be required.

B vitamins will be needed for the nervous system, improving the condition of the skin, they also help improve cell growth, normalize bowel function and strengthen the immune system. With a lack of components from this group, fatigue is observed, irritability, sleep will disappear and depression may occur. The source of B vitamins are cereals, meat, eggs, liver, walnuts. Also, these vitamins are found in many vegetables and fruits, such as cherries, mangoes, strawberries, beets and others.

Vitamin A, as we all know, is good for vision, and in addition, it has a positive effect on bone tissue and skin. The lack of this component causes liver disease, reduces visual acuity, and some eye diseases may also occur, in addition, skin rashes may occur.The most famous source of retinoids is carrots, besides this vitamin A can be found in melon, bell pepper, fish, dairy products.

We need vitamin D for strong bones, because it helps the correct absorption of calcium, it is also needed by the nervous system, with its help it is easy to strengthen the immune system. When the body lacks this vitamin, sleep problems begin, muscle pain appears. But if this is left unattended in children, then their skeleton will not be properly formed, there will be learning difficulties. And for an adult, such a shortage can bring obesity, osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus and even cancer. This component can be obtained both with the help of the sun and from food. The first option is quite affordable in the warm season, because then we have a minimum of clothes, and we spend a lot of time outside. And the second option involves including fatty fish, butter, egg yolk in the diet.

Folic acid is essential for the proper functioning and development of the circulatory and immune systems. In addition, this component is necessary for the development of new cells. Folic acid deficiency can cause anemia. A large amount of this component is found in green vegetables, citrus fruits, as well as in pastries, which are made from wholemeal flour.

Iron is necessary for the cells to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, in addition, with its help, metabolism improves, toxins are removed. With a lack of iron, a decline in strength is observed, well-being worsens. People who lack this component often get sick and have not very good skin. Meat, liver, raisins, nuts are natural sources of iron.

Magnesium is necessary for the body to avoid overwork, it is also important for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Do not forget what is required to maintain such important functions as memory or speech. And during pregnancy, it helps to cope with cramps. Its main source is legumes, chocolate, green vegetables, dried fruits.

As we all know, the body needs calcium for healthy bones, nails and teeth. With its lack, the bones become brittle, it becomes possible to get a fracture even from a small injury, and the teeth deteriorate. But the worst thing is that calcium deficiency does not appear immediately, and when symptoms appear, it may be too late. To prevent this, the diet should always include fermented milk products, legumes and sesame seeds. Do not forget that this microelement will be well absorbed together with vitamin D.

What are vitamin complexes for?

It is probably not a secret for anyone that only with food, a person cannot satisfy the daily norm of a certain vitamin or microelement. Firstly, every year the soil depletes its capabilities, which affects the vitamin composition of fruits and vegetables. Secondly, many fresh vegetables and fruits that are purchased at the market or in the store are imported. In order to deliver them in the proper form, it is necessary to harvest the crop even before ripening, and this affects not only the taste, but also the content of vitamins.

Also, in order to fully cover the daily norm of useful components, you need to eat a large amount of vegetables and fruits. And besides, not all components are fully absorbed by orgasm. For these reasons, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes.All the necessary components will be here, and they will be absorbed by the body much better. And the effect of them will come much faster than from food.

Which complex to choose?

When you consciously approach conception, you should visit a doctor. At the consultation, based on the results of the analyzes of both partners, the specialist will advise one or another drug. There is no need to self-medicate at such a moment, because now we will talk not only about your health, but also the health of the unborn baby. An overabundance of vitamins can also have a negative effect. Moreover, with an overabundance, the consequences can be much worse than with a lack of a certain component. Therefore, it would be better to trust a specialist and follow his instructions.

Also, vitamin complexes can be presented in the form of dietary supplements (BAA) or in the form of a drug. In this case, preference is better than the second option. Since drugs are undergoing clinical trials, the effect of them comes faster.

The best vitamins for men


Preparation for conception should be not only in women, but also in men. The quality of sperm greatly affects the health of the unborn child. And this drug will help improve this indicator. With the help of "Spermstrong" you can significantly improve the quality of sperm and increase the reproductive function. When taking Spermstrong, the number of active spermatozoa increases.

This preparation contains vitamins C, E, B5, B6, selenium, zinc, as well as L-arginine and L-carnitine. With their help, fatigue is reduced, libido is increased, blood circulation in the genitals is improved. And also these components improve physical and mental performance.

One package of "Spermstrong" contains 30 capsules.The recommended course is 20 days, you should take 1 capsule 2 times a day. Then you need a break for 10 days and the resumption of the course.

The average cost is 930 rubles.

  • Increases libido;
  • Improves sperm activity;
  • Reduces fatigue;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Has no side effects.
  • Not detected.


This drug is suitable for men with reduced libido who have a small amount of active spermatozoa. A feature of this drug is the herbal composition. After all, the main active ingredient is the extract of Tribulus shooter. And this herb has long been used to treat male problems.

After taking this drug after a week or two, it is noted that men improve sexual function, which leads to an increase in the time of sexual intercourse and there is a greater likelihood of conceiving a child.

"Tribestan" is available in the form of tablets that have a film shell. One tablet contains 250 mg of the active substance. The package may contain 60 and 180 tablets. Take "Tribestan" should be a field of food 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment should be at least three months.

The average cost is 2000 rubles.

  • Natural composition;
  • Suitable for the treatment of infertility and impotence;
  • Increases the time of sexual intercourse.
  • High price.


If it is necessary to enhance fertility, then "Speroton" will be an excellent assistant to solve this problem. The main active ingredients here are zinc, L-carnitine and vitamin E, as well as folic acid and selenium. With such a complex, it is easy to solve problems with conception.Indeed, thanks to this composition, the quality of spermatozoa and their mobility improves, and the process of their maturation is stimulated. Thanks to selenium, sexual function will be improved, metabolism will be accelerated and harmful substances will be removed from the body. And zinc will have a positive effect on the male hormonal background.

Speroton is available as a powder in a sachet. One pack contains 30 sachets. The product has a pleasant orange taste. It is recommended to take "Speroton" 1 time per day during a meal. The course of treatment is 1 month.

The average cost is 1300 rubles.

  • Quick result;
  • Convenient reception;
  • A large number of positive reviews.
  • Not detected.


This drug is intended to maintain reproductive function in the male body. Its active ingredients are nettle root extract, L-arginine and L-carnitine, as well as silicon dioxide. Such a complex has a direct effect on the male reproductive system. With their help, muscle tissue is strengthened, immunity is increased, more energy appears.

"SpermaPlant" contains 20 sachets of 3.5 grams. Take 1 sachet per day. The course of treatment is 30 days, after which it is recommended to resume the course after 10 days.

The average cost is 800 rubles.

  • Good composition;
  • Increases the activity of spermatozoa;
  • Improves immunity.
  • To achieve the effect, you should take 2-3 courses.

Fertil Plus

This drug from a German manufacturer is designed to improve the quality of sperm in men, as well as increase fertility. It contains vitamins B, E, C, folic acid, selenium, fish oil and zinc.This composition improves the mobility and density of spermatozoa, improves the production of hormones, strengthens blood vessels. With the help of "Fertil plus" you will prepare your body as much as possible for the conception of a healthy child.

One package of "Fertil plus" contains 30 sachets, where there are tablets and a capsule. The content should be taken throughout the day with meals. The full course of treatment should be three months.

The average cost is 5000 rubles.

Fertil Plus
  • Optimal composition;
  • Increases fertility;
  • Improves sperm quality.
  • High price;
  • Long course of taking the drug.

Best vitamins for women


This complex is suitable for taking during the first trimester of pregnancy and in preparation for conception. Femibion ​​contains vitamins of group B, as well as C, PP, E, folic acid, iodine. Thanks to this composition, this tool will be an excellent assistant in preparing for pregnancy. The minerals and vitamins included in the composition will help compensate for their deficiency in the body in a short time.

One package contains 30 tablets. One tablet should be taken with meals. Start the course from the first day of preparation for conception and continue until the 12th week of pregnancy.

The average cost is 600 rubles.

  • Contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • Suitable for admission from the first day of pregnancy planning;
  • Affordable cost;
  • Positive feedback from buyers.
  • Not found.


This complex contains useful components from A to Zn. Such a rich composition will easily help to fill the lack of vitamins and minerals in preparation for the conception of a child.It is also suitable for use throughout the entire period of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. With it, excellent health will be not only for the expectant mother, but also for the baby.

The package "Fortevit" contains 30 tablets. In preparation for conception, take 1 or 2 tablets with meals. During pregnancy and lactation, 2 tablets.

The average cost is 250 rubles.

  • Compound;
  • Quickly replenishes the lack of nutrients in the body;
  • Low cost;
  • Russian manufacturer.
  • Hard to find for sale.

Orthomol Natal+

This German drug is intended for women as a means of helping to conceive a child. With its help, you can not only quickly prepare the body for conception, but also ensure the normal development of the fetus. This preparation contains bifidobacteria, vitamins C, D3, K1, B1, B2, B6, as well as minerals, folic acid and biotin. Such a complex in a short time will fill the mineral and vitamin deficiency in the body, improve the metabolic process and improve health.

One pack lasts one month. Take 5 tablets and 2 capsules per day. They can be divided into several meals, and prebiotic capsules should be taken in the evening after dinner or before bed.

The average cost is 5200 rubles.

Orthomol Natal+
  • Contains a large amount of vitamins and 9 minerals;
  • Good effect on metabolic processes;
  • Promotes the birth of a healthy child;
  • Increases the likelihood of conception.
  • The drug is taken several times a day;
  • High price.

Elevit Pronatal

This drug is intended for use during pregnancy planning, as well as during the entire pregnancy and during breastfeeding. It contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients that are necessary to maintain the health of the expectant mother and baby. This drug is most often recommended by specialists for admission in any of the indicated periods due to the optimal vitamin and mineral composition of Elevit Pronatal.

"Elevit Pronatal" is available in 30 and 100 tablets. Take 1 tablet daily with food. During the reception, minor problems with the gastrointestinal tract or allergic reactions may occur.

The average cost is 750 rubles.

Elevit Pronatal
  • Contains a large amount of vitamins;
  • Compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • A large number of positive reviews.
  • Does not contain iodine;
  • Low calcium content.

Akvion from A to Zn

In this complex you will find 12 vitamins, 11 minerals, as well as choline and beta-carotene. Due to the convenient dosing of the drug, it can be taken both in preparation for conception, and during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The expectant mother will easily replenish the body with the missing nutrients, which will lead to the appearance of a healthy and strong child.

One package "Akvion from A to Zn" contains 30 tablets. During preparation for conception, it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets per day, and during pregnancy and lactation, 2 tablets.

The average cost is 200 rubles.

Akvion from A to Zn
  • Optimal composition;
  • Suitable for taking from pregnancy planning to completion of breastfeeding;
  • Affordable price.
  • Not detected.


Preparing for the conception of a child is an important period in the life of future parents. Proper planning guarantees excellent health for both the future baby and the mother. Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes will be a great helper at this time. Such drugs will not only improve health conditions, but also speed up the time of conception. But still, it is better not to choose a certain remedy on your own, but to consult a doctor.

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