When keeping and growing birds, a complete balanced diet is of great importance. In the case of running a private household or caring for decorative songbirds, the menu is often compiled by the owner himself, who cannot always correctly calculate the amount of necessary additives. Due to the lack of important trace elements and imbalance in nutrition, even serious diseases can occur, leading to disastrous consequences. Bypassing such difficulties allows knowing how to choose the right composition, and the ability to correctly select vitamin premixes for your pets.
All useful substances are divided into fat- and water-soluble, and their absence negatively affects the tone, immunity and general health of the pet, since vitamins contribute to proper metabolism and improve digestion. However, the complex for birds should be significantly different from the general supplement for pets. For example; in order to receive full growth and development, winged pets must have in their diet all known trace elements, except for group C preparations. Because of this, the correct food for birds should consist of 60–70% grains and cereals containing most of the useful elements, and since such a diet must be strictly balanced, it is wrong to directly add vitamins to the feed. On the recommendation of experts, they should be given as part of ready-made supplements or special mixtures. They can be bought at any pet store that sells ready-made vitamin food for birds or, as they are also called, premixes. The advantages of such kits are in a clear balance of a simple feed composition with the addition of biologically active substances. For 2025, the following types are distinguished:
Since science is in constant development, more innovative developments in the field of feeding are not excluded.
By 2025, there is a large selection of premixes of both domestic and foreign production. In some cases, it is possible to establish the quality factor of a certain complex, taking into account the ingredients included in it and other indicators - which can be found by reading the composition on the package, or in the accompanying document confirming the quality of the product. A number of manufacturing companies use macronutrients in their feeds, with the addition of calcium or phosphorus.
Description of what should be included in a quality premix. | What does absence lead to? |
fat soluble | a lack of |
A D | Decline in productivity, stunting, rickets |
E | Impaired brain function |
K | Blood thinning |
water soluble | a lack of |
B vitamins and choline | Decreased egg production, paralysis, poor appetite and growth, rickets |
Pantothenic and folic acids | Violation of the skin |
Biotin | Dermatitis |
Niacin | inflammation |
Birds can get all vital vitamins along with natural products of plant or animal origin, however, the store also has special preparations and multivitamins. As a rule, they have a liquid form and require strict adherence to the dosage. However, despite the tragic consequences of a lack of vitamins, their overabundance is also a significant drawback. In particular, this can turn into:
In this connection, multivitamin preparations should be administered only after the veterinarian makes a diagnosis and establishes the exact dosage of such an additive.
Despite the general purpose of the mixtures, for each specific type of bird, top dressing should be different. For example, a number of cereals found on the shelves of a pet store in their primary, unprocessed state are not suitable for feeding small garden and forest birds. To avoid making a mistake when choosing, do not rush to buy:
Such food is more suitable for large inhabitants of the homestead, in extreme cases, pigeons. It is not necessary to feed the garden songbirds too intensively with oats, although it is the basis in the feed mixtures of ornamental individuals. For wild brethren, culture is only a small addition to the main source of nutrition. Experts advise using food enriched with vegetable fats:
In the summer, food with an abundance of protein is of great importance, in particular, they are welcomed during the molting season. Need top dressing and granivorous pets, this includes:
For insectivorous birds, it is recommended to add animal feed in the form of:
Since indoor birds lead a sedentary lifestyle, their consumption of high-energy feed is possible only during certain periods:
At these moments, nutritious feed helps to maintain the full functioning of organs and tissues.During the molting or breeding season, individuals require a high mineral content.
Elements | What will happen as a result of the lack |
Zinc, manganese | Bone problems, poor shell quality, rickets |
Magnesium | Decreased productivity, mortality |
Iron | a lack of |
Iodine | Anemia |
Cobalt | Goiter |
Minerals | Development problem, case |
As well as macronutrients, calcium and phosphorus.
The premix is introduced into the diet, mixed into the main composition throughout the entire period. According to experts, such maneuvers should be done at the time of morning feeding.
To achieve uniformity, it is preferable to knead in parts. For example; mix the same amount of premix with bran, and only then add the resulting mass to the main diet.
The additive should not just be added to a heated mixture, as some active elements can be destroyed by high temperatures because of this.
In the event that the daily diet of birds includes a sufficient amount of the above ingredients, then they do not need additional mineralization and fortification.
When ordering a nutritional composition online, first of all, it is worth considering such selection criteria as bird parameters, weight and what species the pet belongs to. So for small birds, mixtures designed for large representatives are absolutely not suitable, mainly for purely physiological reasons, since pets simply cannot consume large fruit slices or whole nuts at a time.
The vitamin complex from the MIRAGRO company is a significant help for the owner of a small farmstead, the mixture is absolutely natural and safe. The company has long been known for its premixes for various types of livestock, their products fully comply with the necessary requirements, the company monitors the quality of the material used at each stage of creation, not only actively cooperating with leading research institutes, but also introducing its own developments in bioadditives for animals.
volume | 300g |
for whom | for large birds |
release form | various |
country | Russia |
average price | From 87 ₽ |
A distinctive feature of this supplement is its special natural composition, with special amino acids, enzymes, sodium and seven microelements and eleven vitamins at once. The results of the consumption of such a mixture can be observed after a week of use.
volume | 1500g |
for whom | for poultry |
release form | homogeneous brownish powder mass |
country | RF |
average price | 397 ₽ |
This amino acid premix is specially formulated for laying hens and contains all the enzymes they need. It contains all the required vitamins and minerals that promote health and increase egg production. The mixture is gradually introduced into the main diet of the bird, thoroughly mixing it with wheat flour, bran or grain.
volume | 150g |
for whom | for big birds |
release form | granules/powder |
country | RF |
average price | 80 ₽ |
This manufacturer has long been known for its wide range of different dietary supplements for birds of different types and sizes. Their offer - the composition of additional nutrition - contains a number of necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements, which are important for a full-fledged diet of decorative birds.The constant use of the supplement prevents the occurrence of undesirable consequences from an unbalanced diet. Providing a beneficial effect on external data, skin and reducing the intensity of molting.
volume | 120g |
for whom | budgerigars, songbirds |
release form | granules |
country | Russia |
average price | 157 ₽ |
Exotic and songbirds require special care, including in terms of nutrition. This supplement is for:
Includes as many as 9 types of seeds, as well as granules enriched with honey, with biscuit, vegetables and tropical fruits. The features of the feed include the presence of perilla - a plant with the function of stimulating fertility, as well as extending the life cycle of a pet. The composition takes into account and strictly balances those vitamins and minerals that birds receive in their natural habitat.
volume | 400g |
for whom | for small birds |
release form | grains/granules |
country | Italy |
average price | 166 ₽ |
For almost 70 years, the company has delighted beginners and more experienced owners with its high-quality premixes and popular models of pet products.Being a successful importer for the most famous pet shops. Their novelties of the Mineral Stones series are a complete source of natural minerals and vitamins for birds during the period of molting or dormancy.
volume | in a set of 6 pieces |
for whom | for small and not so birds |
release form | pebbles |
country | Belgium |
average price | 742 ₽ |
The company is known for its pet food and supplements. Their latest development is a vitamin- and nutrient-packed cracker that provides all the vital minerals with protein. This decision has a fruitful effect on the behavior of the bird, in particular, improving its plumage. Since the pet must regularly get himself a delicacy, almost like in the natural environment. This is a great way to add nutrients to your pet's diet. To create a delicacy, unique technologies of 3-stage baking were used.
volume | 60g |
for whom | budgerigars |
release form | 2 nutrient sticks |
country | Germany |
average price | 170 ₽ |
The company specializes in the creation of premium feed and bioadditives. All products of this brand are presented in their own online store. Premix LOLOLINE IODINE PEARLS is an excellent feed supplement for parrots. This mixture is distinguished by the presence of a complex with seaweed enriched with iodine, which is so necessary for birds to maintain the thyroid gland and prevent the development of hypothyroidism. It is necessary to make an additive in a teaspoon of the mixture twice a week.
volume | 20 g each |
for whom | for wavy parrots |
release form | granules |
country | Poland |
average price | 43 ₽ |
An unusual solution from a well-known Italian premium brand - 2in1 filler and mineral supplement. This premix is poured directly onto the tray of the cage, taking on the functionality of a hygienic substrate. But this type of supplement also contains a large amount of minerals, it can be added directly to the feeder. The introduction of small pebbles into the pet's diet tones up its muscle activity and the degree of digestibility of the feed.
volume | 5 kg |
for whom | all kinds of birds |
release form | mineral supplements |
country | Italy |
average price | 395 ₽ |
NutriBird A21 is a complete hand-feed mix for new hatchlings and rearing chicks. The quality of all elements is confirmed by a number of scientific studies and is an excellent solution for the proper growth and development of birds. The amount of substances is determined taking into account the age of the chick, and due to the fact that the basis for the nutrient mixture is wheat, and not finely ground corn flour, the composition is ideal for feeding young animals of any grain birds - from canaries, finches, pigeons and all types of parrots.
volume | 3000g |
for whom | for chicks |
release form | powder |
country | Belgium |
average price | 4197 ₽ |
Another company specializing in the creation of pet food. Their latest development, a premix for birds with essential minerals, is designed to maximize the digestibility of the resulting feed. It also increases the effectiveness of the prevention of various diseases of birds leading a sedentary lifestyle:
volume | 70g |
for whom | for different birds |
release form | grains/granules |
country | Russia |
average price | From 40 ₽ |
As a result of this review, the benefits of various vitamin supplements for pet birds and not only become obvious. However, the price of the premix has a significant impact on the popularity of models. By 2025, thanks to the development of technology, more and more high-quality and balanced products are found on the market, and the best manufacturers have even acquired their own online stores, which makes purchasing the optimal premix much easier. Despite this, many ingredients should be introduced into the diet only as directed by a veterinarian. Also, often people prefer budget, loose or granular options, and the reviews of the buyers themselves, published on the pages of the Internet portal or on special forums on poultry farming, help determine which premix company is better. As you can see, there are many options, but the decision itself, which one is better to buy in order to feed your pet, is up to you.